Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Germany
Collaborated with:
I.Sander A.Hemani
Talks about:
predict (2) perform (2) energi (2) processor (1) overhead (1) content (1) system (1) effect (1) multi (1) time (1)
Person: Sandro Penolazzi
DBLP: Penolazzi:Sandro
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- DATE-2011-PenolazziSH #energy #multi #performance #predict
- Predicting bus contention effects on energy and performance in multi-processor SoCs (SP, IS, AH), pp. 1196–1199.
- DATE-2010-PenolazziSH #energy #operating system #performance #predict #realtime
- Predicting energy and performance overhead of Real-Time Operating Systems (SP, IS, AH), pp. 15–20.