Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Germany
1 × Italy
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
I.Crnkovic T.Leveque J.Carlson P.Pettersson A.Cicchetti F.Ciccozzi P.Stepan J.Håkansson Gabriel Campeanu S.Mubeen G.Sapienza T.Seceleanu A.Vulgarakis T.Bures A.Pettersson D.Nyström T.Nolte E.Borde J.Feljan L.Lednicki J.Maras A.Petricic
Talks about:
compon (9) system (6) embed (6) properti (4) function (4) model (4) extra (4) base (4) distribut (2) environ (2)
♂ Person: Séverine Sentilles
DBLP: Sentilles:S=eacute=verine
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 9 papers:
- CBSE-2011-CicchettiCLS #component #embedded #evolution
- Evolution management of extra-functional properties in component-based embedded systems (AC, FC, TL, SS), pp. 93–102.
- CBSE-2011-LevequeS #component #modelling
- Refining extra-functional property values in hierarchical component models (TL, SS), pp. 83–92.
- WICSA-2011-BordeCFLLMPS #component #development #distributed #embedded #named #realtime
- PRIDE — An Environment for Component-Based Development of Distributed Real-Time Embedded Systems (EB, JC, JF, LL, TL, JM, AP, SS), pp. 351–354.
- CBSE-2009-SentillesSCC #component #integration #modelling
- Integration of Extra-Functional Properties in Component Models (SS, PS, JC, IC), pp. 173–190.
- ICSE-2009-SentillesPNNPC #analysis #component #design #embedded #implementation #named
- Save-IDE — A tool for design, analysis and implementation of component-based embedded systems (SS, AP, DN, TN, PP, IC), pp. 607–610.
- ASE-2008-SentillesPCH #component #development #embedded #ide #named #predict
- Save-IDE: An Integrated Development Environment for Building Predictable Component-Based Embedded Systems (SS, PP, IC, JH), pp. 493–494.
- CBSE-2008-SentillesVBCC #component #distributed #embedded
- A Component Model for Control-Intensive Distributed Embedded Systems (SS, AV, TB, JC, IC), pp. 310–317.
- CBSE-2016-CampeanuCSM #component
- Extending the Rubus Component Model with GPU-Aware Components (GC, JC, SS, SM), pp. 59–68.
- CBSE-2016-SapienzaSCS #clustering #embedded
- Extra-Functional Properties Composability for Embedded Systems Partitioning (GS, SS, IC, TS), pp. 69–78.