Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Italy
1 × South Africa
Collaborated with:
M.Bernhart T.Grechenig W.Kleinert A.Mauczka M.Fiedler
Talks about:
increment (2) reengin (2) system (2) year (2) support (1) softwar (1) ehealth (1) databas (1) airport (1) revers (1)
Person: Stefan Strobl
DBLP: Strobl:Stefan
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- ICSM-2012-BernhartMFSG #incremental #migration #re-engineering
- Incremental reengineering and migration of a 40 year old airport operations system (MB, AM, MF, SS, TG), pp. 503–510.
- PLEASE-2010-StroblBG #case study #evolution #experience #incremental
- An experience report on the incremental adoption and evolution of an SPL in eHealth (SS, MB, TG), pp. 16–23.
- ICSM-2009-StroblBGK #database #legacy #re-engineering #reverse engineering
- Digging deep: Software reengineering supported by database reverse engineering of a system with 30+ years of legacy (SS, MB, TG, WK), pp. 407–410.