Travelled to:
1 × China
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
C.Faloutsos J.Sun N.Durak A.Pinar C.Seshadhri P.A.Chew B.W.Bader A.Abdelali
Talks about:
graph (2) use (2) triangl (1) retriev (1) parafac (1) network (1) languag (1) tensor (1) stream (1) matrix (1)
Person: Tamara G. Kolda
DBLP: Kolda:Tamara_G=
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- CIKM-2012-DurakPKS #graph #modelling #network
- Degree relations of triangles in real-world networks and graph models (ND, AP, TGK, CS), pp. 1712–1716.
- KDD-2007-ChewBKA #information retrieval #using
- Cross-language information retrieval using PARAFAC2 (PAC, BWB, TGK, AA), pp. 143–152.
- SIGMOD-2007-FaloutsosKS #graph #matrix #mining #scalability #tool support #using
- Mining large graphs and streams using matrix and tensor tools (CF, TGK, JS), p. 1174.