Collaborated with:
J.Levine G.Hayes Russell Wotherspoon Lewis McMillan Alastair Andrew
Talks about:
evolut (2) tank (2) evo (2) evolutionari (1) behaviour (1) subsumpt (1) strategi (1) principl (1) artifici (1) network (1)
Person: Thomas Thompson
DBLP: Thompson:Thomas
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- CIG-2007-ThompsonLH #development #game studies #named
- EvoTanks: Co-Evolutionary Development of Game-Playing Agents (TT, JL, GH), pp. 328–333.
- CIG-2008-ThompsonL #behaviour #network
- Scaling-up behaviours in EvoTanks: Applying subsumption principles to artificial neural networks (TT, JL), pp. 159–166.
- CIG-2008-ThompsonLW #co-evolution #evolution
- Evolution of counter-strategies: Application of co-evolution to Texas Hold'em Poker (TT, JL, RW), pp. 16–22.
- CIG-2008-ThompsonMLA #evaluation
- An evaluation of the benefits of look-ahead in Pac-Man (TT, LM, JL, AA), pp. 310–315.