Travelled to:
1 × Korea
Collaborated with:
J.Öltjen C.Hansen D.Meike Daniel Beckmann Jens Kotlarski D.Gritzner Elias Knöchelmann J.Greenyer Kai Eggers Svenja Tappe
Talks about:
energi (3) effici (3) system (2) robot (2) trajectori (1) differenti (1) parallel (1) industri (1) approach (1) synthes (1)
Person: Tobias Ortmaier
DBLP: Ortmaier:Tobias
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- CASE-2012-HansenOMO #approach #energy #generative #industrial
- Enhanced approach for energy-efficient trajectory generation of industrial robots (CH, JÖ, DM, TO), pp. 1–7.
- CASE-2016-OltjenBKO #difference #parallel #performance
- Efficient computation of system-specific motion commands for serial and parallel robots based on differential flatness (JÖ, DB, JK, TO), pp. 328–334.
- CASE-2018-GritznerKGETO #energy #specification
- Specifying and Synthesizing Energy-Efficient Production System Controllers that Exploit Braking Energy Recuperation (DG, EK, JG, KE, ST, TO), pp. 408–413.