Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × South Korea
1 × Sweden
2 × Portugal
2 × USA
3 × Spain
Collaborated with:
M.A.Casanova F.C.Lemos V.M.Pequeno B.F.Lóscio M.Winslett R.Berardi C.Costa L.E.T.Neto J.M.Monteiro V.d.S.Araujo Â.M.A.Pinheiro J.A.F.d.Macêdo E.R.Sacramento N.Arruda M.Roberval L.A.P.P.Leme G.R.Lopes C.Renso
Talks about:
view (5) mainten (3) xml (3) map (3) approach (2) mediat (2) integr (2) updat (2) data (2) use (2)
Person: Vânia Maria Ponte Vidal
DBLP: Vidal:V=acirc=nia_Maria_Ponte
Contributed to:
Wrote 10 papers:
- CAiSE-2015-VidalCARLLR #incremental #linked data #maintenance #open data #specification
- Specification and Incremental Maintenance of Linked Data Mashup Views (VMPV, MAC, NA, MR, LAPPL, GRL, CR), pp. 214–229.
- ICEIS-v2-2015-BerardiVC #named
- R2BA — Rationalizing R2RML Mapping by Assertion (RB, VMPV, MAC), pp. 5–14.
- SAC-2014-VidalCNM #approach #automation #generative
- A semi-automatic approach for generating customized R2RML mappings (VMPV, MAC, LETN, JMM), pp. 316–322.
- ICEIS-v2-2013-CasanovaPMSV #ontology
- Ontologies as Theories (MAC, ÂMAP, JAFdM, ERS, VMPV), pp. 317–322.
- ICEIS-DISI-2010-LemosCV #query #relational #sql #using #xml
- Using SQL/XML for Efficiently Translating Queries over XML View of Relational Data (FCL, CC, VMPV), pp. 269–274.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-VidalLAC #approach #maintenance #sql #xml
- A Mapping-Driven Approach for SQL/XML View Maintenance (VMPV, FCL, VdSA, MAC), pp. 65–73.
- ICEIS-2002-PequenoV #self #using
- Using Full Match Classes for Self-Maintenance of Mediated Views (VMP, VMPV), pp. 148–154.
- ICEIS-1999-VidalL #database #multi
- Updating Multiple Databases Through Mediators (VMPV, BFL), pp. 163–170.
- CIKM-1994-VidalW #integration #semantics
- Preserving Update Semantics in Schema Integration (VMPV, MW), pp. 263–271.
- PODS-1983-CasanovaV #integration #towards
- Towards a Sound View Integration Methodology (MAC, VMPV), pp. 36–47.