José Cordeiro, Joaquim Filipe
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Volume 1: DISI
@proceedings{ICEIS-DISI-2008, address = "Barcelona, Spain", editor = "José Cordeiro and Joaquim Filipe", isbn = "978-989-8111-36-4", title = "{Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Volume 1: DISI}", year = 2008, }
Contents (57 items)
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-DroopFGGLPSSSSZ #query #xpath
- Embedding Xpath Queries into SPARQL Queries (MD, MF, JG, SG, VL, JP, FS, MS, FS, HS, SZ), pp. 5–14.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-Norrie #information management
- The Link between Paper and Information Systems (MCN), pp. 5–12.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-Baeza-Yates #distributed #towards
- Towards A Distributed Search Engine (RABY), p. 13.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-Cardoso #network
- Service Engineering for Future Business Value Networks (JC), pp. 15–20.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-CeravoloDLCG #automation #framework #integration #named
- ODDI — A Framework for Semi-automatic Data Integration (PC, ED, ML, ZC, AG), pp. 15–24.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-Favre
- From Stone Age to Information Age: (Software) Languages through the Ages (JMF), p. 21.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-CallegariRRB #development #effectiveness #process
- An Integrated Model for Managerial and Productive Activities in Software Development (DAC, MCR, MBR, RMB), pp. 25–32.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-Gulla #industrial
- Interoperability in the Petroleum Industry (JAG), pp. 33–40.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-Eessaar #framework #metric #quality #towards
- Towards a Semiotic Quality Framework of Software Measures (EE), pp. 41–48.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-BraunerGCB #adaptation #database #web #web service
- Adaptative Matching of Database Web Services Export Schemas (DFB, AG, MAC, KKB), pp. 49–56.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-PapatheocharousA #modelling #predict
- Size and Effort-Based Computational Models for Software Cost Prediction (EP, ASA), pp. 57–64.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-VidalLAC #approach #maintenance #sql #xml
- A Mapping-Driven Approach for SQL/XML View Maintenance (VMPV, FCL, VdSA, MAC), pp. 65–73.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-PapastefanatosVSAPV #automation #database #evolution
- Language Extensions for the Automation of Database Schema Evolution (GP, PV, AS, KA, FP, YV), pp. 74–81.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-LamolleZM #concept #framework #xml
- Conceptual Framework for XML Schema Mapping (ML, AZ, LM), pp. 85–90.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-Savnik #algebra #data flow #implementation #query #web
- Implementation of Algebra for Querying Web Data Sources (IS), pp. 91–96.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-PetersTW #enterprise #network #research #resource management #roadmap
- Network Externalities for Enterprise Resource Planning Software — A Research Roadmap (GP, FT, RW), pp. 97–104.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-HuangG #api #documentation #protocol #xml
- A Locking Protocol for DOM API on XML Documents (YFH, MLG), p. 105–?.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-PanLT #implementation #integration #xml
- An Implementation of XML Data Integration (WP, JL, JT), pp. 111–116.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-MoraGRPBGCR #metric #qvt #using
- Software Measurement by Using QVT Transformations in an MDA Context (BM, FG, FR, MP, AB, AG, JÁC, IR), pp. 117–124.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-SharifimehrS #modelling
- Dynamic Semi-Markovian Workload Modeling (NS, SS), pp. 125–130.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-BohmWHL #generative #integration #modelling #optimisation #process
- Model-Driven Generation and Optimization of Complex Integration Processes (MB, UW, DH, WL), pp. 131–136.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-BohmWHL08a #integration #process
- Message Indexing for Document-Oriented Integration Processes (MB, UW, DH, WL), pp. 137–142.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-EqueyKVM #empirical #enterprise #implementation
- Empirical Study of ERP Systems Implementation Costs in Swiss SMEs (CE, RJK, SV, NM), pp. 143–148.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-GroppeL #query #satisfiability #xpath
- Discovering Veiled Unsatisfiable Xpath Queries (JG, VL), pp. 149–158.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-MendezPM #testing
- Improving Software Test Strategy with a Method to Specify Test Cases (MSTC) (EMM, MAP, LEM), pp. 159–164.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-StoitsevSFM #architecture #composition #process
- Architecture for End User-Driven Composition of Underspecified, Human-Centric Business Processes (TS, SS, FF, MM), pp. 165–172.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-Chen #evaluation #query #xml
- Tree Embedding and XML Query Evaluation (YC), pp. 173–178.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-BarchettiBMS #delivery #framework #multi
- A Framework to Support Interoperability and Multi-Channel Delivery Among Heterogeneous Systems: TRAME Project (UB, AB, LM, SSS), pp. 179–189.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-WiesnerMM #design #integration #process #semantics
- Semantic Data Integration for Process Engineering Design Data (AW, JM, WM), pp. 190–195.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-SousaL #approach #enterprise
- ERP Impact on Number of Employees and Personnel Costs in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises — A Panel Data Approach (JES, VBL), pp. 196–202.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-TrienekensG #case study #enterprise
- Measuring Critical Success Factors in ERP Projects — Results from a Case Study in a SME (JJMT, PvG), pp. 203–209.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-MangisengiH #framework #towards
- Towards a Closed-Loop Business Intelligence Framework (OM, NTH), pp. 210–217.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-ItaborahyOS #project management
- Value-Based Software Project Management — A Business Perspective on Software Projects (AI, KMdO, RRdS), pp. 218–225.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-Timbrell #enterprise #lifecycle
- Intra-Organisational ERP Lifecycle Knowledge Issues (GT), pp. 226–231.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-SchulteHSES #collaboration #flexibility #framework #generative #research #towards
- Towards the Next Generation of Service-Oriented Flexible Collaborative Systems — A Basic Framework Applied to Medical Research (JS, TH, KS, JE, ES), pp. 232–239.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-NebelingRS #content management #migration #repository #standard
- Migration between Content Management Systems — Exploiting the JSR-170 Content Repository Standard (MN, GR, LS), pp. 240–245.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-LiuQLZWD #distributed #specification #visual notation
- A Visual Specification Tool for Event-Condition-Action Rules Supporting Web-Based Distributed System (WL, YQ, XL, KZ, HW, GD), pp. 246–251.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-NymanFM #smarttech
- Gathering Product Data from Smart Products (JN, KF, VM), pp. 252–257.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-AsselK #collaboration #data transformation #integration
- Data Management and Integration within Collaborative Working Environments (MA, AK), pp. 258–263.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-VoS #component #framework
- A Framework for Protecting EJB Applications from Malicious Components (HV, MS), pp. 264–269.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-Walsh #architecture #component
- Configuration Fragments as the DNA of System and Change Properties — Architectural Change of Component-based and Service-oriented Systems (DW), pp. 270–275.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-Gorea #architecture #concept #data mining #mining #modelling #named #web
- DeVisa — Concepts and Architecture of a Data Mining Models Scoring and Management Web System (DG), pp. 276–281.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-BarryS #case study #commit #enterprise #experience #multi #scalability
- Hesitancy in Committing to Large-Scale Enterprise Systems Solutions — Experiences at a Multi-national Corporation (CB, WS), pp. 282–289.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-BrahmiaB #approach #database #multi #version control #xml
- An Approach for Schema Versioning in Multi-Temporal XML Databases (ZB, RB), pp. 290–297.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-MouzakitisSLP #approach #integration
- A Methodological Approach for Measuring B2B Integration Readiness of SMEs (SM, AMS, FL, JEP), pp. 298–303.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-PennesiHRWS #what #why
- WWW++ — Adding Why to What, When and Where (PP, MH, CR, CYW, SS), pp. 304–309.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-SaccolNEG #approach #ontology #semantics
- An Ontology-Based Approach for Semantic Interoperability in P2P Systems (DdBS, RPN, NE, RdMG), pp. 310–316.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-SalemGB #concept #modelling #multi #specification #verification
- Multi-Dimensional Modeling — Formal Specification and Verification of the Hierarchy Concept (AS, FG, HBA), pp. 317–322.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-CurinoMTZ #benchmark #evolution #information management #metric #towards #web #wiki
- Schema Evolution in Wikipedia — Toward a Web Information System Benchmark (CC, HJM, LT, CZ), pp. 323–332.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-CarstensenSH #enterprise #modelling #towards
- Towards A Methodology for Modelling Interoperability between Collaborating Enterprises (AC, KS, LH), pp. 333–338.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-GascuenaG #case study #modelling #multi #representation
- A Study of the Spatial Representation in Multidimensional Models (CMG, RG), pp. 339–348.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-SilveiraPM #enterprise #information management #integration #towards
- Towards a Method for Enterprise Information Systems Integration (RS, JP, EM), pp. 349–354.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-SellamiBAR #challenge #scalability
- Study of Challenges and Techniques in Large Scale Matching (SS, ANB, YA, RR), pp. 355–361.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-KaranikolasSNY #concept #database #enterprise #information management
- Conceptual Universal Database Language (CUDL) and Enterprise Medical Information Systems (NK, CS, MN, EJY), pp. 362–367.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-HarderBM #database #transaction #xml
- Transactional Support in Native XML Databases (TH, SB, CM), pp. 368–373.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-BedlaS #java #multi
- A Store of Java Objects on a Multicomputer (MB, KS), pp. 374–379.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-MuldnerML #data access #dataset #policy #xml
- Succinct Access Control Policies for Published XML Datasets (TM, JKM, GL), pp. 380–385.
9 ×#enterprise
8 ×#integration
8 ×#xml
7 ×#framework
7 ×#modelling
7 ×#towards
6 ×#multi
5 ×#approach
5 ×#database
5 ×#process
8 ×#integration
8 ×#xml
7 ×#framework
7 ×#modelling
7 ×#towards
6 ×#multi
5 ×#approach
5 ×#database
5 ×#process