Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Italy
2 × Canada
2 × China
9 × USA
Collaborated with:
J.S.Deogun C.T.Yu H.Sever P.Bollmann S.K.M.Wong Z.Wu J.N.Bhuyan M.Y.L.Ip K.Birchard W.Meng K.Ramachandran B.Shah S.K.Bhatia Y.Zhang G.S.Jung H.Shi K.Liu Y.Lu H.He H.Zhao W.Ziarko P.C.N.Wong S.Chu J.Chen C.H.Chu C.Du K.S.C J.Qiu
Talks about:
retriev (6) cluster (5) search (4) model (4) engin (4) user (4) base (4) metasearch (3) system (3) orient (3)
Person: Vijay V. Raghavan
DBLP: Raghavan:Vijay_V=
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 20 papers:
- HIMI-MTT-2007-ChuCWCR #interface
- A Treemap-Based Result Interface for Search Engine Users (SC, JC, ZW, CHHC, VVR), pp. 401–410.
- SIGMOD-2007-LiuMQYRWLHZ #development #evaluation #named #scalability
- AllInOneNews: development and evaluation of a large-scale news metasearch engine (KLL, WM, JQ, CTY, VVR, ZW, YL, HH, HZ), pp. 1017–1028.
- SIGMOD-2007-LuWZMLRY #generative #named
- MySearchView: a customized metasearch engine generator (YL, ZW, HZ, WM, KLL, VVR, CTY), pp. 1113–1115.
- ICEIS-v1-2005-RamachandranSR #data access
- Dynamic Pre-fetching of Views Based on User-Access Patterns in an OLAP System (KR, BS, VVR), pp. 60–67.
- SIGIR-2003-WuRDCMHY #named
- SE-LEGO: creating metasearch engines on demand (ZW, VVR, CD, KSC, WM, HH, CTY), p. 464.
- KDD-1995-DeogunRS #approximate #set
- Exploiting Upper Approximation in the Rough Set Methodology (JSD, VVR, HS), pp. 69–74.
- SIGIR-1995-RaghavanS #on the #query #reuse #using
- On the Reuse of Past Optimal Queries (VVR, HS), pp. 344–350.
- ML-1991-BhatiaDR #information management #query
- Query Formulation Through Knowledge Acquisition (SKB, JSD, VVR), pp. 250–254.
- ML-1991-BhuyanR #adaptation #clustering #information retrieval #probability
- A Probabilistic Retrieval Scheme for Cluster-based Adaptive Information Retrieval (JNB, VVR), pp. 240–244.
- SIGIR-1991-ZhangRD #modelling #object-oriented
- An Object-Oriented Modelling of the History of Optimal Retrievals (YZ, VVR, JSD), pp. 241–250.
- SIGIR-1989-RaghavanBJ #evaluation #precise #problem #retrieval #using
- Retrieval System Evaluation Using Recall and Precision: Problems and Answers (VVR, PB, GSJ), pp. 59–68.
- SIGIR-1988-BollmannR #analysis
- A Utility-Theoretic Analysis of Expected Search Length (PB, VVR), pp. 245–256.
- SIGIR-1987-RaghavanD #clustering
- Optimal Determination of User-Oriented Clusters (VVR, JSD), pp. 140–146.
- SIGIR-1986-DeogunR #clustering #documentation #framework #information retrieval #learning
- User-Oriented Document Clustering: A Framework for Learning in Information Retrieval (JSD, VVR), pp. 157–163.
- SIGIR-1986-WongZRW #on the #query
- On Extending the Vector Space Model for Boolean Query Processing (SKMW, WZ, VVR, PCNW), pp. 175–185.
- SIGIR-1984-WongR #information retrieval
- Vector Space Model of Information Retrieval — A Reevaluation (SKMW, VVR), pp. 167–185.
- SIGIR-1983-RaghavanSY #evaluation #using
- Evaluation of The 2-Poisson Model as a Basis for Using Term Frequency Data in Searching (VVR, HPS, CTY), pp. 88–100.
- SIGIR-1982-RaghavanI #case study #clustering #comparative
- Techniques for Measuring the Stability of Clustering: A Comparative Study (VVR, MYLI), pp. 209–237.
- SIGIR-1979-RaghavanB #clustering #effectiveness #process
- A Clustering Strategy Based on a Formalism of the Reproductive Process in Natural Systems (VVR, KB), pp. 10–22.
- SIGIR-1978-YuR
- Experiments on the Determination of the Reltionships Between Terms (CTY, VVR), p. 150.