Travelled to:
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
B.C.Ooi W.Lu S.Chen D.Qiu L.Barbosa X.L.Dong D.Srivastava K.Chakrabarti S.Chaudhuri B.Ding L.Novik G.Chen H.V.Jagadish B.M.Tudor X.Liu M.Lu S.Wu M.Zhang
Talks about:
process (2) system (2) crowdsourc (1) distribut (1) discoveri (1) recoveri (1) neighbor (1) product (1) nearest (1) extract (1)
Person: Yanyan Shen
DBLP: Shen:Yanyan
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- VLDB-2015-QiuBDSS #named #scalability #specification #web
- DEXTER: Large-Scale Discovery and Extraction of Product Specifications on the Web (DQ, LB, XLD, YS, DS), pp. 2194–2205.
- VLDB-2015-ShenCJLOT14 #distributed #graph #performance
- Fast Failure Recovery in Distributed Graph Processing Systems (YS, GC, HVJ, WL, BCO, BMT), pp. 437–448.
- SIGMOD-2014-ShenCCDN #query #tuple
- Discovering queries based on example tuples (YS, KC, SC, BD, LN), pp. 493–504.
- VLDB-2012-LiuLOSWZ #crowdsourcing #data analysis #named
- CDAS: A Crowdsourcing Data Analytics System (XL, ML, BCO, YS, SW, MZ), pp. 1040–1051.
- VLDB-2012-LuSCO #nearest neighbour #performance #pipes and filters #using
- Efficient Processing of k Nearest Neighbor Joins using MapReduce (WL, YS, SC, BCO), pp. 1016–1027.