Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Germany
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
Z.Chen B.Xu Y.Zhou C.Ji Y.Zou C.Fang X.Zhang Y.Miao S.Li S.Chen Y.Feng S.Yan C.Zhang Y.Duan J.Qian Z.Yang
Talks about:
cluster (5) test (5) techniqu (2) regress (2) select (2) improv (2) dynam (2) coincident (1) criterion (1) supervis (1)
Person: Zhihong Zhao
DBLP: Zhao:Zhihong
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- SEKE-2013-ZouFCZZ #hybrid #test coverage #testing
- A Hybrid Coverage Criterion for DynamicWeb Testing (YZ, CF, ZC, XZ, ZZ), pp. 210–213.
- SEKE-2012-MiaoCLZZ #clustering #correctness #fault #identification #locality #testing
- Identifying Coincidental Correctness for Fault Localization by Clustering Test Cases (YM, ZC, SL, ZZ, YZ), pp. 267–272.
- ICST-2011-ChenCZXF #clustering #testing #using
- Using semi-supervised clustering to improve regression test selection techniques (SC, ZC, ZZ, BX, YF), pp. 1–10.
- ICST-2010-YanCZZZ #clustering #execution
- A Dynamic Test Cluster Sampling Strategy by Leveraging Execution Spectra Information (SY, ZC, ZZ, CZ, YZ), pp. 147–154.
- SEKE-2010-DuanCZQY #clustering #slicing #testing
- Improving Cluster Selection Techniques of Regression Testing by Slice Filtering (YD, ZC, ZZ, JQ, ZY), pp. 253–258.
- SEKE-2009-JiCXZ #analysis #clustering #novel
- A Novel Method of Mutation Clustering Based on Domain Analysis (CJ, ZC, BX, ZZ), pp. 422–425.