Travelled to:
1 × Belgium
1 × Canada
1 × Germany
1 × Italy
1 × Sweden
1 × Switzerland
Collaborated with:
Z.Chen X.Wu J.Liu J.A.Jones C.Fang B.Xu H.Wang X.Xia D.Lo X.Wang H.Yang C.Wang Q.Shi S.Chen Z.Zhao
Talks about:
multi (4) test (4) behavior (2) softwar (2) priorit (2) report (2) object (2) learn (2) label (2) use (2)
Person: Yang Feng
DBLP: Feng:Yang
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- ESEC-FSE-2015-FengCJFX #crowdsourcing #testing
- Test report prioritization to assist crowdsourced testing (YF, ZC, JAJ, CF, BX), pp. 225–236.
- CSMR-WCRE-2014-XiaFLCW #behaviour #learning #multi #towards
- Towards more accurate multi-label software behavior learning (XX, YF, DL, ZC, XW), pp. 134–143.
- ICPR-2014-FengWWL #adaptation #multi #recognition
- Multi-group Adaptation for Event Recognition from Videos (YF, XW, HW, JL), pp. 3915–3920.
- ICPR-2014-LiuWF #modelling
- Modeling the Relationship of Action, Object, and Scene (JL, XW, YF), pp. 2005–2010.
- SEKE-2014-YangWSFC #analysis #debugging #fault
- Bug Inducing Analysis to Prevent Fault Prone Bug Fixes (HY, CW, QS, YF, ZC), pp. 620–625.
- ICSE-2012-FengC #behaviour #learning #multi
- Multi-label software behavior learning (YF, ZC), pp. 1305–1308.
- ICST-2011-ChenCZXF #clustering #testing #using
- Using semi-supervised clustering to improve regression test selection techniques (SC, ZC, ZZ, BX, YF), pp. 1–10.
- ASE-2016-FengJCF #comprehension #image #multi #using
- Multi-objective test report prioritization using image understanding (YF, JAJ, ZC, CF), pp. 202–213.