20 papers:
ICPR-2014-BorgiLEA #named #performance #recognition- ShearFace: Efficient Extraction of Anisotropic Features for Face Recognition (MAB, DL, ME, CBA), pp. 1806–1811.
ICPR-2014-FilipVH #effectiveness- Effective Acquisition of Dense Anisotropic BRDF (JF, RV, MH), pp. 2047–2052.
ICPR-2014-WuK #geometry #image #invariant #retrieval #scalability- Image Retrieval Based on Anisotropic Scaling and Shearing Invariant Geometric Coherence (XW, KK), pp. 3951–3956.
KDD-2013-YangWFZWY #algorithm #multi #performance #problem- An efficient ADMM algorithm for multidimensional anisotropic total variation regularization problems (SY, JW, WF, XZ, PW, JY), pp. 641–649.
ICPR-2010-BecattiniMC #injection- Anisotropic Contour Completion for Cell Microinjection Targeting (GB, LSM, DGC), pp. 2262–2265.
ICPR-2010-ChaoTLC #detection #fault- A Generalized Anisotropic Diffusion for Defect Detection in Low-Contrast Surfaces (SMC, DMT, WCL, WYC), pp. 4408–4411.
ICPR-2010-GrazziniDS #image #multi #using- Multichannel Image Regularisation Using Anisotropic Geodesic Filtering (JG, SED, PS), pp. 2664–2667.
ICPR-2010-HanerG #visual notation- Combining Foreground / Background Feature Points and Anisotropic Mean Shift For Enhanced Visual Object Tracking (SH, IYHG), pp. 3488–3491.
ICPR-2008-PengXXD #recognition #using- Face recognition using anisotropic dual-tree complex wavelet packets (YP, XX, WX, QD), pp. 1–4.
ICDAR-2007-DriraLE #approach #documentation #image #segmentation- A Coupled Mean Shift-Anisotropic Diffusion Approach for Document Image Segmentation and Restoration (FD, FL, HE), pp. 814–818.
ICPR-v1-2006-ChaoTTJ #detection #fault #using- Defect detection in low-contrast glass substrates using anisotropic diffusion (SMC, DMT, YHT, YRJ), pp. 654–657.
SIGIR-2003-JiZ #independence #programming #segmentation #using- Domain-independent text segmentation using anisotropic diffusion and dynamic programming (XJ, HZ), pp. 322–329.
ICPR-v3-2002-TerebesLBB- Mixed Anisotropic Diffusion (RT, OL, PB, MB), pp. 760–763.
ICDAR-2001-WangL #documentation- Dual-Binarization and Anisotropic Diffusion of Chinese Characters in Calligraphy Documents (SZW, HJL), pp. 271–275.
ICPR-v3-2000-RoullotHBNM #3d #image #re-engineering- Regularized Reconstruction of 3D High-Resolution Magnetic Resonance Images from Acquisitions of Anisotropically Degraded Resolutions (ER, AH, IB, MN, ÉM), pp. 3350–3353.
ICALP-1999-LanthierMS- Shortest Anisotropic Paths on Terrains (ML, AM, JRS), pp. 524–533.
ICPR-1998-Szira #image #performance #preprocessor- Anisotropic diffusion as a preprocessing step for efficient image compression (TS, IK, BPT), pp. 1565–1567.
ICPR-1996-BoccignoneP #image- Anisotropic enhancement of mammographic images (GB, AP), pp. 408–412.
ICPR-1996-FischlS #adaptation #approximate #image- Learned adaptive nonlinear filtering for anisotropic diffusion approximation in image processing (BF, ELS), pp. 276–280.
ICPR-1996-SziranyiC #network #segmentation- Picture segmentation with introducing an anisotropic preliminary step to an MRF model with cellular neural networks (TS, LC), pp. 366–370.