Stem autoepistem$ (all stems)
13 papers:
SAT-2013-Beyersdorff #complexity #logic #proving #theorem proving- The Complexity of Theorem Proving in Autoepistemic Logic (OB), pp. 365–376.
LATA-2012-MeierSTV #complexity #logic #on the- On the Parameterized Complexity of Default Logic and Autoepistemic Logic (AM, JS, MT, HV), pp. 389–400.
KR-2008-BruijnET #logic #ontology- Embedding Approaches to Combining Rules and Ontologies into Autoepistemic Logic (JdB, TE, HT), pp. 485–495.
KR-2000-DeneckerMT #logic #semantics- Uniform semantic treatment of default and autoepistemic logic (MD, VWM, MT), pp. 74–84.
KR-1994-Jiang #logic #multi #on the #perspective- On Multiagent Autoepistemic Logic : An Extrospective View (YJ), pp. 317–328.
KR-1994-Niemela #reasoning- A Decision Method for Nonmomotonic Reasoning Based on Autoepistemic Reasoning (IN), pp. 473–484.
KR-1992-Boutilier- Normative, Subjunctive, and Autoepistemic Defaults: Adopting the Ramsey Test (CB), pp. 685–696.
JICSLP-1992-Bonatti #framework #logic #logic programming #semantics #source code- Autoepistemic Logics as a Unifying Framework for the Semantics of Logic Programs (PAB), pp. 417–430.
CSL-1990-Rauszer #modelling- Expansions and Models of Autoepistemic Theories (CR), pp. 340–353.
CSL-1990-Stark #fixpoint #logic #on the- On the Existence of Fixpoints in Moore’s Autoepistemic Logic and the Non-Monotonic Logic of McDermott and Doyle (RFS), pp. 354–365.
KR-1989-Lifschitz #logic- Between Circumscription and Autoepistemic Logic (VL), pp. 235–244.
KR-1989-MarekT #logic- Relating Autoepistemic and Default Logics (VWM, MT), pp. 276–288.
CADE-1988-Niemela #logic- Decision Procedure for Autoepistemic Logic (IN), pp. 675–684.