71 papers:
PODS-2015-AlvianoP- Default Negation for Non-Guarded Existential Rules (MA, AP), pp. 79–90.
CC-2015-NgCY #code generation #protocol- Protocols by Default — Safe MPI Code Generation Based on Session Types (NN, JGdFC, NY), pp. 212–232.
PLDI-2014-StorkNSMFMA #approach #named #programming language- Æminium: a permission based concurrent-by-default programming language approach (SS, KN, JS, MM, AF, PM, JA), p. 4.
KR-2014-Zhou #first-order #logic #revisited- First-Order Default Logic Revisited (YZ).
DAC-2013-KahngKL #reduction- Smart non-default routing for clock power reduction (ABK, SK, HL), p. 7.
LATA-2012-MeierSTV #complexity #logic #on the- On the Parameterized Complexity of Default Logic and Autoepistemic Logic (AM, JS, MT, HV), pp. 389–400.
POPL-2011-BocchinoHHAAWS #nondeterminism #parallel- Safe nondeterminism in a deterministic-by-default parallel language (RLBJ, SH, NH, SVA, VSA, AW, TS), pp. 535–548.
ICLP-2011-FodorK #logic #transaction- Transaction Logic with Defaults and Argumentation Theories (PF, MK), pp. 162–174.
KR-2010-BaumannBSTZ #calculus- State Defaults and Ramifications in the Unifying Action Calculus (RB, GB, HS, MT, VZ).
SAC-2010-RytzO #design #object-oriented #polymorphism #scala- Named and default arguments for polymorphic object-oriented languages: a discussion on the design implemented in the Scala language (LR, MO), pp. 2090–2095.
SAT-2010-BeyersdorffMMTV #complexity #logic #proving- Proof Complexity of Propositional Default Logic (OB, AM, SM, MT, HV), pp. 30–43.
SPLC-2009-SavolainenBKM #product line- Default values for improved product line management (JS, JB, JK, TM), pp. 51–60.
ICLP-2009-WanGKFL #logic programming- Logic Programming with Defaults and Argumentation Theories (HW, BNG, MK, PF, SL), pp. 432–448.
SAT-2009-BeyersdorffMTV #complexity #logic #reasoning- The Complexity of Reasoning for Fragments of Default Logic (OB, AM, MT, HV), pp. 51–64.
KR-2008-Bochman- Default Theory of Defeasible Entailment (AB), pp. 466–475.
KR-2008-Halpern08a- Defaults and Normality in Causal Structures (JYH), pp. 198–208.
KR-2008-LianW #reduction- Computing Default Extensions by Reductions on OR (EHL, AW), pp. 496–506.
IJCAR-2008-BeierleKK #automation #implementation #reasoning- A High-Level Implementation of a System for Automated Reasoning with Default Rules (System Description) (CB, GKI, NK), pp. 147–153.
ECOOP-2007-ChalinJ #java- Non-null References by Default in Java: Alleviating the Nullity Annotation Burden (PC, PRJ), pp. 227–247.
KR-2006-Saint-CyrP #fuzzy #modelling #nondeterminism #persistent #reasoning- Possibilistic Handling of Uncertain Default Rules with Applications to Persistence Modeling and Fuzzy Default Reasoning (FDdSC, HP), pp. 440–451.
KR-2004-BenferhatBN #analysis #reasoning- An Experimental Analysis of Possibilistic Default Reasoning (SB, JFB, RDSN), pp. 130–140.
ICLP-2003-LoyerS #logic programming #nondeterminism #source code- Default Knowledge in Logic Programs with Uncertainty (YL, US), pp. 466–480.
KR-2002-Kern-Isberner #approach #reasoning- A Structural Approach to Default Reasoning (GKI), pp. 147–157.
ICFP-2001-ZengerO #algebra #data type- Extensible Algebraic Datatypes with Defaults (MZ, MO), pp. 241–252.
KR-2000-DeneckerMT #logic #semantics- Uniform semantic treatment of default and autoepistemic logic (MD, VWM, MT), pp. 74–84.
KR-2000-EiterL #complexity #knowledge base #reasoning- Complexity Results for Default Reasoning from Conditional Knowledge Bases (TE, TL), pp. 62–73.
KR-2000-Thomason #framework- Desires and Defaults: A Framework for Planning with Inferred Goals (RHT), pp. 702–713.
CL-2000-DungS #reasoning- Default Reasoning with Specificity (PMD, TCS), pp. 792–806.
LICS-1999-HalpernF #bibliography #metric #perspective #reasoning- Plausibility Measures and Default Reasoning: An Overview (JYH, NF), pp. 130–135.
KR-1998-Weydert #canonical #how #knowledge base #ranking- SYSTEM JZ — How to Build a Canonical Ranking Model of a Default Knowledge Base (EW), pp. 190–201.
KR-1998-WilliamsA- A Strategy for Revising Default Theory Extensions (MAW, GA), pp. 24–35.
LICS-1997-ZhangR #complexity #reasoning- Complexity of Power Default Reasoning (GQZ, WCR), pp. 328–339.
KR-1996-CholewinskiMT #reasoning- Default Reasoning System DeReS (PC, VWM, MT), pp. 518–528.
KR-1996-VogelT #constraints #inheritance #reasoning- Psychological Constraints on Plausible Default Inheritance Reasoning (CV, JT), pp. 608–619.
LOPSTR-1996-DungKT #proving #reasoning #synthesis- Synthesis of Proof Procedures for Default Reasoning (PMD, RAK, FT), pp. 313–324.
CADE-1996-SchaubBN #named #prolog #proving #reasoning #theorem proving- XRay: A Prolog Technology Theorem Prover for Default Reasoning: A System Description (TS, SB, PN), pp. 293–297.
POPL-1995-SaraswatJG #concurrent #constraints #programming- Default Timed Concurrent Constraint Programming (VAS, RJ, VG), pp. 272–285.
LICS-1995-MarekNR #complexity #logic #reasoning- Complexity of Normal Default Logic and Related Modes of Nonmonotonic Reasoning (VWM, AN, JBR), pp. 178–185.
KR-1994-Bochman #on the- On the Relation Between Default and Modal Consequence Relations (AB), pp. 63–74.
KR-1994-CadoliEG #logic #query- Default Logic as a Query Language (MC, TE, GG), pp. 99–108.
KR-1994-DelgrandeS #approach #reasoning- A General Approach to Specificity in Default Reasoning (JPD, TS), pp. 146–157.
ICLP-1994-Moreno-Navarro- Default Rules: An Extension of Constructive Negation for Narrowing-based Languages (JJMN), pp. 535–549.
LICS-1994-Ben-DavidB #logic #reasoning- a modal logic for subjective default reasoning (SBD, RBE), pp. 477–486.
RE-1993-Ryan #specification- Defaults in specifications (MR), pp. 142–149.
ILPS-1993-BarbackL #proving- A Proof Procedure for Default Theories with Extensions (MDB, JL), p. 651.
ILPS-1993-YouY #logic programming #source code- Contradiction Resolving for Extended Logic Programs and Default Theories (JHY, LYY), p. 640.
KR-1992-BaaderH #information management #representation- Embedding Defaults into Terminological Knowledge Representation Formalisms (FB, BH), pp. 306–317.
KR-1992-BenferhatDP #logic #representation- Representing Default Rules in Possibilistic Logic (SB, DD, HP), pp. 673–684.
KR-1992-Boutilier- Normative, Subjunctive, and Autoepistemic Defaults: Adopting the Ramsey Test (CB), pp. 685–696.
KR-1992-Konolige #reasoning #using- Using Default and Causal Reasoning in Diagnosis (KK), pp. 509–520.
KR-1992-QuantzR #logic #semantics- A Preference Semantics for Defaults in Terminological Logics (JQ, VR), pp. 294–305.
KR-1992-Ryan #representation- Representing Defaults as Sentences with Reduced Priority (MR), pp. 649–660.
IWPTS-1992-WittemanWB #behaviour #nondeterminism- Non-Deterministic and Default Behaviour (MFW, RCvW, SRB), pp. 275–288.
KR-1991-DelgrandeJ #logic #revisited- Default Logic Revisited (JPD, WKJ), pp. 118–127.
KR-1991-GelfondPLT- Disjective Defaults (MG, HP, VL, MT), pp. 230–237.
KR-1991-Nebel #reasoning- Belief Revision and Default Reasoning: Syntax-Based Approaches (BN), pp. 417–428.
KR-1991-Schaub #perspective #semantics- Assertional Default Theories: A Semantical View (TS), pp. 496–506.
ICLP-1991-CasanovaHG- Explaining SLDNF Resolution with Non-Normal Defaults (MAC, ASH, RAdTG), pp. 18–31.
ICLP-1991-Inoue #logic programming #source code- Extended Logic Programs with Default Assumptions (KI), pp. 490–504.
LICS-1991-Ryan- Defaults and Revision in Structured Theories (MR), pp. 362–373.
CADE-1990-Schwind #decidability #logic #proving #set #theorem proving- A Tableau-Based Theorem Prover for a Decidable Subset of Default Logic (CS), pp. 528–542.
KR-1989-DoyleW- Impediments to Universal Preference-Based Default Theories (JD, MPW), pp. 94–102.
KR-1989-Geffner #reasoning- Default Reasoning, Minimality and Coherence (HG), pp. 137–148.
KR-1989-KautzS #logic #problem- Hard Problems for Simple Default Logics (HAK, BS), pp. 189–197.
KR-1989-KotonC #exception #information management #reasoning #representation- Knowledge Representation in a Case-Based Reasoning System: Defaults and Exceptions (PK, MPC), pp. 203–211.
KR-1989-MarekT #logic- Relating Autoepistemic and Default Logics (VWM, MT), pp. 276–288.
KR-1989-Neufeld- Defaults and Probabilities; Extensions and Coherence (EN), pp. 312–323.
KR-1989-Poole #reasoning #what- What the Lottery Paradox Tells Us About Default Reasoning (DP), pp. 333–340.
NACLP-1989-MarekT #logic programming #semantics #source code- Stable Semantics for Logic Programs and Default Theories (VWM, MT), pp. 243–256.
LICS-1987-BidoitF #logic programming- Minimalism subsumes Default Logic and Circumscription in Stratified Logic Programming (NB, CF), pp. 89–97.
POPL-1977-Soisalon-Soininen #lr #parsing #reduction- Elimination of Single Productions from LR Parsers in Conjunction with the Use of Default Reductions (ESS), pp. 183–193.