7 papers:
DUXU-DD-2015-WuC #effectiveness- Products with Biomimetic Shapes Convey Emotions More Effectively (TYW, HKC), pp. 559–566.
HIMI-HSM-2013-NakamuraN- Tactile Vibration of Personal Digital Assistants for Conveying Feelings (AN, MN), pp. 400–410.
CHI-2009-VoidaG09a #named- WikiFolders: augmenting the display of folders to better convey the meaning of files (SV, SG), pp. 1679–1682.
OCSC-2007-NeviarouskayaPI #communication #online #recognition- Recognition of Affect Conveyed by Text Messaging in Online Communication (AN, HP, MI), pp. 141–150.
CHI-2004-BittonAK #named- RAW: conveying minimally-mediated impressions of everyday life with an audio-photographic tool (JB, SA, MK), pp. 495–502.
ICEIS-v5-2004-Gouveia #using- Using Visuals to Convey Information (LBG), pp. 216–220.
CHI-2003-VertegaalWSC #named #using #video- GAZE-2: conveying eye contact in group video conferencing using eye-controlled camera direction (RV, IW, CS, CC), pp. 521–528.