4 papers:
- OOPSLA-1994-KarpovichGF #approach #file system #object-oriented #performance
- Extensible File Systems (ELFS): An Object-Oriented Approach to High Performance File I/O (JFK, ASG, JCF), pp. 191–204.
- CADE-1994-Pfenning #deduction #metalanguage #named
- Elf: A Meta-Language for Deductive Systems (System Descrition) (FP), pp. 811–815.
- DAC-1989-SetliffR #automation #named #physics #synthesis
- ELF: A Tool for Automatic Synthesis of Custom Physical CAD Software (DES, RAR), pp. 543–548.
- LICS-1989-Pfenning #logic #metaprogramming #named
- Elf: A Language for Logic Definition and Verified Metaprogramming (FP), pp. 313–322.