14 papers:
FSE-2014-AllamanisS #mining #source code- Mining idioms from source code (MA, CAS), pp. 472–483.
PEPM-2013-DevrieseSCP #domain-specific language #recursion- Fixing idioms: a recursion primitive for applicative DSLs (DD, IS, DC, FP), pp. 97–106.
CSMR-2011-AndradeRGSRB #flexibility #implementation- Assessing Idioms for Implementing Features with Flexible Binding Times (RA, MR, VG, LS, HR, PB), pp. 231–240.
ICPC-2010-SuttonHM #c++ #identification #library- Identification of Idiom Usage in C++ Generic Libraries (AS, RH, JIM), pp. 160–169.
HPDC-2008-HeSWF #approximate #automation #performance #recognition #test coverage- Code coverage, performance approximation and automatic recognition of idioms in scientific applications (JH, AS, RFVdW, MAF), pp. 223–224.
ESEC-FSE-2007-ShonleGL #composition #design #framework #maintenance #refactoring- Beyond refactoring: a framework for modular maintenance of crosscutting design idioms (MS, WGG, SL), pp. 175–184.
ICGT-2006-Jackson #logic #modelling- Idioms of Logical Modelling (DJ), p. 14.
ICSE-2006-BruntinkDT #exception #fault- Discovering faults in idiom-based exception handling (MB, AvD, TT), pp. 242–251.
ASPLOS-2006-KawahitoKMIN #framework #recognition- A new idiom recognition framework for exploiting hardware-assist instructions (MK, HK, TM, HI, TN), pp. 382–393.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2001-Langer #java #programming- Java Programming Idioms (AL), pp. 197–198.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1997-Coplien #c++ #programming- Advanced C++ Programming Styles and Idioms (JC), p. 352.
POPL-1991-PinterP #optimisation #parallel #using- Program Optimization and Parallelization Using Idioms (SSP, RYP), pp. 79–92.
ISLP-1991-GuptaCYH #independence #named- IDIOM: Integrating Dependent And-, Independent And-, and Or-parallelism (GG, VSC, RY, MVH), pp. 152–166.
POPL-1981-Lowney #array- Carrier Arrays: An Idiom-Preserving Extension to APL (PGL), pp. 1–13.