4 papers:
ICPC-2012-FeigenspanBR #question- Is the derivation of a model easier to understand than the model itself? (JF, DSB, TLR), pp. 47–52.
MSR-2010-MaalejH #development #question- Can development work describe itself? (WM, HJH), pp. 191–200.
SIGIR-2006-TeevanAJP #query- History repeats itself: repeat queries in Yahoo’s logs (JT, EA, RJ, MASP), pp. 703–704.
OOPSLA-1997-IngallsKMWK #smalltalk- Back to the Future: The Story of Squeak — A Usable Smalltalk Written in Itself (DI, TK, JM, SW, ACK), pp. 318–326.