22 papers:
ICEIS-EIS-2007-AddinquyT #enterprise #requirements #specification #using- Reducing Requirements to EIS Specifications GAP Using RM-ODP Enterprise Viewpoint (CA, BT), pp. 31–38.
SIGIR-2007-QiuLBCK #ambiguity #metadata #query #using- Quantify query ambiguity using ODP metadata (GQ, KL, JB, CC, ZK), pp. 697–698.
EDOC-2005-RomeroV #modelling #uml- Modeling the ODP Computational Viewpoint with UML 2.0 (JRR, AV), pp. 169–180.
SIGIR-2005-ChiritaNPK #metadata #personalisation #using- Using ODP metadata to personalize search (PAC, WN, RP, CK), pp. 178–185.
EDOC-2004-RomeroV #formal method #maude #specification- Formalizing ODP Computational Viewpoint Specifications in Maude (JRR, AV), pp. 212–223.
ICEIS-v3-2003-NaumenkoW #modelling- Two Approaches in System Modeling and Their Illustrations with MDA and RM-ODP (AN, AW), pp. 398–402.
EDOC-2001-TanakaNKN #enterprise #information management- Applying ODP Enterprise Viewpoint Language to Hospital Information System (AT, YN, YK, KN), pp. 188–192.
EDOC-2001-WegmannN #concept #modelling #ontology #using- Conceptual Modeling of Complex Systems Using an RM-ODP Based Ontology (AW, AN), pp. 200–211.
TOOLS-USA-2001-Abom- Frame-Working with RM-ODP (LA), p. 392.
EDOC-2000-BlancGD #framework #specification- The Specifications Exchange Service of an RM-ODP Framework (XB, MPG, JLD), p. 86–?.
TOOLS-USA-2000-Kilov #specification- Business Specifications and RD-ODP [Abstract] (HK), pp. 409–410.
TOOLS-USA-2000-Kilov00a #specification- Business Specifications and RD-ODP (HK), pp. 411–420.
EDOC-1999-AagedalM #enterprise #perspective #uml- ODP enterprise language: UML perspective (JØA, ZM), pp. 60–71.
EDOC-1999-BlancGD #concept #enterprise #uml #using- Using the UML language to express the ODP enterprise concepts (XB, MPG, RLD), pp. 50–59.
EDOC-1999-LangerN #enterprise #specification- An ODP enterprise specification of customer service management for connectivity services (ML, MN), pp. 94–103.
EDOC-1999-Linington #community #enterprise #policy #uml #using- Options for expressing ODP enterprise communities and their policies by using UML (PFL), pp. 72–82.
EDOC-1999-OldevikA #architecture #enterprise- ODP-modelling of virtual enterprises with supporting engineering architecture (JO, JØA), pp. 172–182.
EDOC-1999-SteenD #enterprise #formal method #policy- Formalising ODP enterprise policies (MWAS, JD), pp. 84–93.
EDOC-1998-LiningtonMR #community #enterprise #policy- Policies in communities: extending the ODP enterprise viewpoint (PFL, ZM, KR), pp. 14–24.
EDOC-1997-AagedalB #uml- ODP-Based QoS-Support in UML (JØA, AJB), pp. 310–321.
EDOC-1997-VolmanJSWM #enterprise #modelling #process- Tele-Education Process Modelling Supported by The ODP Enterprise Viewpoint Language (CV, VJ, MvS, IW, EM), pp. 2–12.
FME-1993-FischerPV- Different FDT’s Confronted with Different ODP-Viewpoints of the Trader (JF, AP, AV), pp. 332–350.