5 papers:
WCRE-2011-RamonCM #reverse engineering- Reverse Engineering of Event Handlers of RAD-Based Applications (ÓSR, JSC, JGM), pp. 293–302.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-Demigha #ontology #requirements #standard- An Ontology Supporting the Daily Practice Requirements of Radiologists-Senologists with the Standard BI-Rads (SD), pp. 243–249.
IWPC-2002-PentaGA #traceability- Traceability Recovery in RAD Software Systems (MDP, SG, GA), pp. 207–216.
KDD-2002-Eliassi-RadCA- Tina Eliassi-Rad, Terence Critchlow, Ghaleb Abdulla (TER, TC, GA), pp. 488–494.
KDD-2000-Senator #case study #detection #information management #scalability- Ongoing management and application of discovered knowledge in a large regulatory organization: a case study of the use and impact of NASD Regulation’s Advanced Detection System (RADS) (TES), pp. 44–53.