10 papers:
HPDC-2013-CostaDOR #3d #clustering #named #network #stack- CamCubeOS: a key-based network stack for 3D torus cluster topologies (PC, AD, GO, AITR), pp. 73–84.
ICPR-2012-LeeCP #estimation #using- Articulated hand configuration and rotation estimation using extended torus manifold embedding (CSL, SYC, SWP), pp. 441–444.
CHI-2011-HuotCD #named- TorusDesktop: pointing via the backdoor is sometimes shorter (SH, OC, PD), pp. 829–838.
ICPR-v3-2006-LeeE06a #using- Simultaneous Inference of View and Body Pose using Torus Manifolds (CSL, AME), pp. 489–494.
DLT-2004-GruskaTP #array #communication #problem- Optimal Time and Communication Solutions of Firing Squad Synchronization Problems on Square Arrays, Toruses and Rings (JG, SLT, MP), pp. 200–211.
SAC-2002-ShahrabiOM #communication #network- Communication delay in wormhole-routed torus networks (AS, MOK, LMM), pp. 825–829.
SAC-2001-MinFO #adaptation #analysis #network- Analysis of adaptive wormhole-routed torus networks with IPP input traffic (GM, JDF, MOK), pp. 494–498.
HPCA-1999-YangW #network #performance- Efficient All-to-All Broadcast in All-Port Mesh and Torus Networks (YY, JW), pp. 290–299.
SAC-1998-NezuL #incremental #network- Incremental construction of torus networks (NN, HL), pp. 80–84.
DLT-1995-KariN- Colored Gauss and Tangent Codes on the Torus (JK, VN), pp. 54–63.