Phil Greenwood, Thiago T. Bartolomei, Eduardo Figueiredo, Marcos Dósea, Alessandro F. Garcia, Nélio Cacho, Cláudio Sant'Anna, Sérgio Soares, Paulo Borba, Uirá Kulesza, Awais Rashid
On the Impact of Aspectual Decompositions on Design Stability: An Empirical Study
ECOOP, 2007.
author = "Phil Greenwood and Thiago T. Bartolomei and Eduardo Figueiredo and Marcos Dósea and Alessandro F. Garcia and Nélio Cacho and Cláudio Sant'Anna and Sérgio Soares and Paulo Borba and Uirá Kulesza and Awais Rashid",
booktitle = "{Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming}",
doi = "10.1007/978-3-540-73589-2_9",
editor = "Erik Ernst",
isbn = "978-3-540-73588-5",
pages = "176--200",
publisher = "{Springer International Publishing}",
series = "{Lecture Notes in Computer Science}",
title = "{On the Impact of Aspectual Decompositions on Design Stability: An Empirical Study}",
volume = 4609,
year = 2007,