Evan Montpellier, Garrett Laroy Johnson, Omar Al Faleh, Joshua Gigantino, Assegid Kidane, Nikolaos Chandolias, Connor Rawls, Todd Ingalls, Sha Xin Wei
Suturing Space: Tabletop Portals for Collaboration
HCI, 2015.
author = "Evan Montpellier and Garrett Laroy Johnson and Omar Al Faleh and Joshua Gigantino and Assegid Kidane and Nikolaos Chandolias and Connor Rawls and Todd Ingalls and Sha Xin Wei",
booktitle = "{Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Part II: Interaction Technologies}",
doi = "10.1007/978-3-319-20916-6_44",
isbn = "978-3-319-20915-9",
pages = "472--484",
publisher = "{Springer International Publishing}",
series = "{Lecture Notes in Computer Science}",
title = "{Suturing Space: Tabletop Portals for Collaboration}",
volume = 9170,
year = 2015,