Travelled to:
1 × India
1 × Taiwan
Collaborated with:
S.Kamarthi S.Sultornsanee K.P.Chavan Y.Bagul
Talks about:
protocol (1) current (1) centric (1) authent (1) system (1) surfac (1) server (1) health (1) assess (1) rough (1)
Person: Abe Zeid
DBLP: Zeid:Abe
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- CASE-2014-KamarthiSZ #estimation
- In-situ work piece surface roughness estimation in turning (SK, SS, AZ), pp. 328–332.
- CASE-2009-ChavanZK #authentication #protocol
- A server centric authentication protocol for a RFID system (KPC, AZ, SK), pp. 227–232.
- CASE-2009-KamarthiZB #health
- Assessement of current health of hard disk drives (SK, AZ, YB), pp. 246–249.