Travelled to:
1 × Georgia
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
O.Bergman S.Whittaker S.Tucker M.Sanderson R.Nachmias
Talks about:
file (2) present (1) catchup (1) travel (1) person (1) effect (1) applic (1) navig (1) depth (1) time (1)
Person: Anand Ramamoorthy
DBLP: Ramamoorthy:Anand
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- CHI-2012-BergmanWSNR #how #navigation
- How do we find personal files?: the effect of OS, presentation & depth on file navigation (OB, SW, MS, RN, AR), pp. 2977–2980.
- CSCW-2010-TuckerBRW #named
- Catchup: a useful application of time-travel in meetings (ST, OB, AR, SW), pp. 99–102.