Travelled to:
1 × Spain
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
T.Papantoni-Kazakos D.Makrakis P.Papantoni-Kazakos
Talks about:
multimedia (1) implement (1) algorithm (1) stochast (1) sequenti (1) protocol (1) traffic (1) process (1) perform (1) paramet (1)
Person: Anthony Burrell
DBLP: Burrell:Anthony
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- ICPR-v2-2000-BurrellP #algorithm #detection #learning #online #parametricity #probability #process
- Sequential Algorithms for Detecting Changes in Acting Stochastic Processes and On-Line Learning of their Operational Parameters (AB, TPK), pp. 2656–2659.
- HPDC-1994-BurrellMP #analysis #capacity #implementation #multi #network #performance #protocol
- Performance Analysis of a New Implementation Efficient Capacity Allocation Protocol for Multimedia Traffic in ATM Networks (AB, DM, PPK), pp. 51–60.