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Collaborated with:
Jorge Muñoz Germán Gutiérrez Raúl Arrabales Moreno Agapito Ledezma Georgios N. Yannakakis Fiona Mulvey Dan Witzner Hansen
Talks about:
control (3) toward (2) torc (2) like (2) game (2) championship (1) conscious (1) platform (1) behavior (1) charact (1)

Person: Araceli Sanchis

DBLP DBLP: Sanchis:Araceli

Contributed to:

CIG 20092009
CIG 20102010
CIG 20112011

Wrote 4 papers:

CIG-2009-MorenoLS #behaviour #game studies #towards
Towards conscious-like behavior in computer game characters (RAM, AL, AS), pp. 217–224.
Controller for TORCS created by imitation (JM, GG, AS), pp. 271–278.
A human-like TORCS controller for the Simulated Car Racing Championship (JM, GG, AS), pp. 473–480.
CIG-2011-MunozYMHGS #framework #game studies #platform #towards
Towards gaze-controlled platform games (JM, GNY, FM, DWH, GG, AS), pp. 47–54.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.