Travelled to:
1 × Austria
2 × Canada
2 × Spain
3 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
G.Cicirelli T.D'Orazio G.Attolico M.Leo N.Mosca A.Branca E.Stella F.Renna G.Carlomagno N.Ancona M.Tafuri I.Gnoni P.Spagnolo
Talks about:
recognit (3) detect (3) imag (3) recomposit (2) fragment (2) virtual (2) complex (2) fresco (2) time (2) uncertainti (1)
Person: Arcangelo Distante
DBLP: Distante:Arcangelo
Contributed to:
Wrote 10 papers:
- ICEIS-AIDSS-2008-LeoDMD #approach #image #recognition
- SIFT Approach for Ball Recognition in Soccer Images (ML, TD, NM, AD), pp. 207–212.
- ICPR-v2-2004-RennaCMAD
- Color Correction for the Virtual Recomposition of Fragmented Frescos (FR, GC, NM, GA, AD), pp. 907–910.
- ICPR-v3-2004-DOrazioLCD #algorithm #detection #image #realtime
- An Algorithm for Real Time Eye Detection in Face Images (TD, ML, GC, AD), pp. 278–281.
- ICPR-v4-2004-LeoDGSD #monitoring #process #recognition
- Complex Human Activity Recognition for Monitoring Wide Outdoor Environments (ML, TD, IG, PS, AD), pp. 913–916.
- ICPR-v4-2004-RennaCMAD04a
- Virtual Recomposition of Frescos: Separating Fragments from the Background (FR, GC, NM, GA, AD), pp. 819–822.
- ICPR-v1-2002-BrancaAD #segmentation
- Cast Shadow Removing in Foreground Segmentation (AB, GA, AD), pp. 214–217.
- ICPR-v2-2002-AnconaCSD #complexity #detection #image #parametricity #runtime
- Object Detection in Images: Run-Time Complexity and Parameter Selection of Support Vector Machines (NA, GC, ES, AD), pp. 426–429.
- ICPR-v4-2000-CicirelliDD #recognition #visual notation
- Visual State Recognition for a Target-Reaching Task (GC, TD, AD), pp. 4854–4857.
- ICPR-1996-BrancaTAD #composition #detection
- Directionality detection in compositional textures (AB, MT, GA, AD), pp. 830–834.
- ICPR-1996-StellaCD #mobile #nondeterminism #self
- Self-location of a mobile robot with uncertainty by cooperation of a heading sensor and a CCD TV camera (ES, GC, AD), pp. 303–307.