Tag #nondeterminism
874 papers:
CSL-2020-Buss0K #branch #complexity #proving #source code- Proof Complexity of Systems of (Non-Deterministic) Decision Trees and Branching Programs (SB, AD0, AK), p. 17.
ICPC-2019-WenNBL #consistency #empirical #scalability- A large-scale empirical study on code-comment inconsistencies (FW, CN0, GB, ML), pp. 53–64.
MSR-2019-MarkovtsevLMSB #algorithm #consistency #named- STYLE-ANALYZER: fixing code style inconsistencies with interpretable unsupervised algorithms (VM, WL, HM, KS, EB), pp. 468–478.
- IFM-2019-CamilliGMS #named #testing #tool support #web
- HYPpOTesT: Hypothesis Testing Toolkit for Uncertain Service-Based Web Applications (MC, AG, RM, PS), pp. 495–503.
SEFM-2019-PrasetyaK #analysis- Test Model Coverage Analysis Under Uncertainty (ISWBP, RK), pp. 222–239.
CHI-PLAY-2019-KumariDF #motivation- The Role of Uncertainty in Moment-to-Moment Player Motivation: A Grounded Theory (SK, SD, JF), pp. 351–363.
CoG-2019-SalemMG #evolution- Beating uncertainty in racing bot evolution through enhanced exploration and pole position selection (MS, AMM, JJMG), pp. 1–8.
ICML-2019-FrancP #learning #on the #predict- On discriminative learning of prediction uncertainty (VF, DP), pp. 1963–1971.
ICML-2019-HendrycksLM #robust #using- Using Pre-Training Can Improve Model Robustness and Uncertainty (DH, KL, MM), pp. 2712–2721.
ICML-2019-PerraultPV #performance- Exploiting structure of uncertainty for efficient matroid semi-bandits (PP, VP, MV), pp. 5123–5132.
ICML-2019-PurohitGR - Hiring Under Uncertainty (MP, SG, MR), pp. 5181–5189.
ICML-2019-RaghuBSOKMK #predict- Direct Uncertainty Prediction for Medical Second Opinions (MR, KB, RS, ZO, RDK, SM, JMK), pp. 5281–5290.
KDD-2019-WangLYLLZ0 #approach #machine learning #quantifier- Deep Uncertainty Quantification: A Machine Learning Approach for Weather Forecasting (BW, JL0, ZY0, HL, TL, YZ0, GZ0), pp. 2087–2095.
ECOOP-2019-LopezSMBS #debugging #idea #multi #source code- Multiverse Debugging: Non-Deterministic Debugging for Non-Deterministic Programs (Brave New Idea Paper) (CTL, RGS, SM, EGB, CS), p. 30.
OOPSLA-2019-WangZS #contract #debugging #detection- Detecting nondeterministic payment bugs in Ethereum smart contracts (SW, CZ, ZS), p. 29.
PLDI-2019-Wang0GCQS #cost analysis #probability #source code- Cost analysis of nondeterministic probabilistic programs (PW, HF0, AKG, KC, XQ, WS), pp. 204–220.
ASE-2019-SondhiP #consistency #named #semantics #specification #string- SEGATE: Unveiling Semantic Inconsistencies between Code and Specification of String Inputs (DS, RP), pp. 200–212.
ESEC-FSE-2019-MenghiNGB #automation #behaviour #generative #modelling #online #testing- Generating automated and online test oracles for Simulink models with continuous and uncertain behaviors (CM, SN, KG, LCB), pp. 27–38.
- ICSE-2019-GhorbaniGM #architecture #consistency #detection #java
- Detection and repair of architectural inconsistencies in Java (NG, JG, SM), pp. 560–571.
GPCE-2019-KramerW #c #parallel #programming- Parallel nondeterministic programming as a language extension to C (short paper) (LK, EVW), pp. 20–26.
SLE-2019-KhelladiKE #consistency #detection- Detecting and exploring side effects when repairing model inconsistencies (DEK, RK, AE), pp. 113–126.
CASE-2019-Arukgoda0D #representation- Representation of Uncertain Occupancy Maps with High Level Feature Vectors (JA, RR, GD), pp. 1035–1041.
CASE-2019-BhattKMSSG #concurrent #design- Concurrent Design of Tool-Paths and Impedance Controllers for Performing Area Coverage Operations in Manufacturing Applications under Uncertainty (PMB, AMK, RKM, AVS, BCS, SKG), pp. 1151–1156.
CASE-2019-KebriaKJN #adaptation #fuzzy #robust- Adaptive Type-2 Fuzzy Control Scheme for Robust Teleoperation under Time-Varying Delay and Uncertainties (PMK, AK, SMJJ, SN), pp. 1631–1636.
CASE-2019-KebriaKJN19a #fuzzy #network- Type-2 Fuzzy Neural Network Synchronization of Teleoperation Systems with Delay and Uncertainties (PMK, AK, SMJJ, SN), pp. 1625–1630.
CASE-2019-MathesenYPF #adaptation #cyber-physical #optimisation #probability #quantifier #robust- Falsification of Cyber-Physical Systems with Robustness Uncertainty Quantification Through Stochastic optimization with Adaptive Restart (LM, SY, GP, GF), pp. 991–997.
CASE-2019-ZhaoXWLYG #coordination- Optimal Coordination of EVs and HVAC Systems with Uncertain Renewable Supply (HZ, ZX, JW, KL, LY, XG), pp. 733–738.
ESOP-2019-FruminGK #automation #c #reasoning- Semi-automated Reasoning About Non-determinism in C Expressions (DF, LG, RK), pp. 60–87.
FASE-2019-ChechikSVKR #assurance- Software Assurance in an Uncertain World (MC, RS, TV, SK, MR), pp. 3–21.
ICST-2019-Sondhi #consistency #documentation #implementation #testing- Testing for Implicit Inconsistencies in Documentation and Implementation (DS), pp. 483–485.
ICTSS-2019-YevtushenkoKK #adaptation #complexity #sequence- Evaluating the Complexity of Deriving Adaptive Homing, Synchronizing and Distinguishing Sequences for Nondeterministic FSMs (NY, VVK, NK), pp. 86–103.
VMCAI-2019-FuC #probability #source code #termination- Termination of Nondeterministic Probabilistic Programs (HF0, KC), pp. 468–490.
DLT-2018-KoNP #integer #polynomial #problem #reachability- Reachability Problems in Nondeterministic Polynomial Maps on the Integers (SKK, RN, IP), pp. 465–477.
FM-2018-0001BFLMR #automaton #energy #robust #synthesis #using- Optimal and Robust Controller Synthesis - Using Energy Timed Automata with Uncertainty (GB0, PB, UF, KGL, NM, PAR), pp. 203–221.
FM-2018-MenghiGPT #ltl #multi- Multi-robot LTL Planning Under Uncertainty (CM, SG0, PP, JT), pp. 399–417.
CIKM-2018-RajpalP #consistency #optimisation #sorting- Holistic Crowd-Powered Sorting via AID: Optimizing for Accuracies, Inconsistencies, and Difficulties (SR, AGP), pp. 1607–1610.
ICML-2018-DepewegHDU #composition #learning #performance- Decomposition of Uncertainty in Bayesian Deep Learning for Efficient and Risk-sensitive Learning (SD, JMHL, FDV, SU), pp. 1192–1201.
ICML-2018-KuleshovFE #learning #using- Accurate Uncertainties for Deep Learning Using Calibrated Regression (VK, NF, SE), pp. 2801–2809.
ICML-2018-MussmannL #fault #on the #performance- On the Relationship between Data Efficiency and Error for Uncertainty Sampling (SM, PL), pp. 3671–3679.
ICML-2018-ODonoghueOMM #equation- The Uncertainty Bellman Equation and Exploration (BO, IO, RM, VM), pp. 3836–3845.
ICML-2018-OttAGR - Analyzing Uncertainty in Neural Machine Translation (MO, MA, DG, MR), pp. 3953–3962.
ICML-2018-TeyeAS #estimation #network #normalisation- Bayesian Uncertainty Estimation for Batch Normalized Deep Networks (MT, HA, KS0), pp. 4914–4923.
KDD-2018-VandalKDGNG #learning- Quantifying Uncertainty in Discrete-Continuous and Skewed Data with Bayesian Deep Learning (TV, EK, JGD, SG, RRN, ARG), pp. 2377–2386.
ECMFA-2018-BertoaMBBTV #data type #metric #ocl #uml- Expressing Measurement Uncertainty in OCL/UML Datatypes (MFB, NM, GB, LB, JT, AV), pp. 46–62.
PADL-2018-AnandCN #automation #consistency #detection #logic #using- An Automated Detection of Inconsistencies in SBVR-based Business Rules Using Many-sorted Logic (KA, PKC, RN), pp. 80–96.
POPL-2018-0001ST #higher-order #refinement #source code #type system #verification- Relatively complete refinement type system for verification of higher-order non-deterministic programs (HU0, YS, TT), p. 29.
PPDP-2018-NishidaI #contract- Nondeterministic Manifest Contracts (YN0, AI), p. 13.
ESEC-FSE-2018-KateOZEX #consistency #detection #named #physics #probability- Phys: probabilistic physical unit assignment and inconsistency detection (SK, JPO, XZ, SGE, ZX), pp. 563–573.
ESEC-FSE-2018-LlerenaBBSR #behaviour #modelling #probability #verification- Verifying the long-run behavior of probabilistic system models in the presence of uncertainty (YRSL, MB, MB, GS, DSR), pp. 587–597.
ASPLOS-2018-DeianaSDHC #parallel- Unconventional Parallelization of Nondeterministic Applications (EAD, VSA, PAD, NH, SC), pp. 432–447.
CASE-2018-BandyszakDTW #cyber-physical #documentation #modelling- Model-based Documentation of Context Uncertainty for Cyber-Physical Systems (TB, MD, BT, TW), pp. 1087–1092.
CASE-2018-CavoneDEMS #design #multi- A Game-theoretical Design Technique for Multi-stage Supply Chains under Uncertainty (GC, MD, NE, DM, CS), pp. 528–533.
CASE-2018-KebriaKNNH #adaptation #network- Neural Network Adaptive Control of Teleoperation Systems with Uncertainties and Time-Varying Delay (PMK, AK, SN, ZN, SJH), pp. 252–257.
CASE-2018-KumblaMG #collaboration- Enabling Fixtureless Assemblies in Human-Robot Collaborative Workcells by Reducing Uncertainty in the Part Pose Estimate (NBK, JAM, SKG), pp. 1336–1342.
CASE-2018-ZhangLFG #optimisation- Chiller Plant Operation Optimization with Input and Model Uncertainties (DZ, PBL, JF, SG), pp. 8–13.
CASE-2018-ZouLV #consistency #development #modelling- Resolving Inconsistencies Optimally in the Model-Based Development of Production Systems (MZ, BL, BVH), pp. 1064–1070.
CSL-2018-GowersL #game studies #semantics- A Fully Abstract Game Semantics for Countable Nondeterminism (WJG, JDL), p. 18.
CSL-2018-LopezS #algebra #probability- Basic Operational Preorders for Algebraic Effects in General, and for Combined Probability and Nondeterminism in Particular (AL, AS), p. 17.
ICST-2018-JiLCPZ0YL #behaviour #network #search-based #testing- Uncovering Unknown System Behaviors in Uncertain Networks with Model and Search-Based Testing (RJ, ZL, SC, MP, TZ0, SA0, TY0, XL), pp. 204–214.
ECSA-2017-TrubianiM #analysis #architecture #collaboration #modelling #reduction- Continuous Rearchitecting of QoS Models: Collaborative Analysis for Uncertainty Reduction (CT, RM), pp. 40–48.
JCDL-2017-DarchS #library #open source- Uncertainty about the Long-Term: Digital Libraries, Astronomy Data, and Open Source Software (PTD, AES), pp. 257–260.
ICSME-2017-GuoWXL #adaptation #consistency #detection #named #scheduling- GEAS: Generic Adaptive Scheduling for High-Efficiency Context Inconsistency Detection (BG, HW, CX0, JL0), pp. 137–147.
CIAA-2017-Bordihn0 #automaton #finite #on the- On the Number of Active States in Deterministic and Nondeterministic Finite Automata (HB, MH0), pp. 40–51.
CIAA-2017-HospodarJM #complexity- Nondeterministic Complexity of Operations on Free and Convex Languages (MH, GJ, PM), pp. 138–150.
SEFM-2017-CamilliGSB #development #quantifier #towards- Towards Inverse Uncertainty Quantification in Software Development (Short Paper) (MC, AG, PS, CB), pp. 375–381.
CIKM-2017-HuCHFL #graph #on the- On Embedding Uncertain Graphs (JH, RC, ZH0, YF, SL), pp. 157–166.
ECIR-2017-RekabsazLH #similarity #word- Exploration of a Threshold for Similarity Based on Uncertainty in Word Embedding (NR, ML, AH), pp. 396–409.
ICML-2017-ChangCCCSD #clustering #multi- Multiple Clustering Views from Multiple Uncertain Experts (YC, JC, MHC, PJC, EKS, JGD), pp. 674–683.
ICML-2017-ChaudhryXG #assessment- Uncertainty Assessment and False Discovery Rate Control in High-Dimensional Granger Causal Inference (AC, PX0, QG), pp. 684–693.
ICML-2017-PanYTB #predict #process- Prediction under Uncertainty in Sparse Spectrum Gaussian Processes with Applications to Filtering and Control (YP, XY, EAT, BB), pp. 2760–2768.
KDD-2017-How #learning #theory and practice- Planning and Learning under Uncertainty: Theory and Practice (JPH), p. 19.
ICMT-2017-TrollmannA #concurrent #graph grammar- Decision Points for Non-determinism in Concurrent Model Synchronization with Triple Graph Grammars (FT, SA), pp. 35–50.
MoDELS-2017-FamelisC - Managing Design-Time Uncertainty (MF, MC), p. 179.
MoDELS-2017-FamelisRCSC #design #product line #reasoning #variability- Software Product Lines with Design Choices: Reasoning about Variability and Design Uncertainty (MF, JR, KC, RS, MC), pp. 93–100.
PADL-2017-AntoyH #functional #logic programming #source code- Eliminating Irrelevant Non-determinism in Functional Logic Programs (SA, MH), pp. 1–18.
POPL-2017-JaferyD - Sums of uncertainty: refinements go gradual (KAJ, JD), pp. 804–817.
ASE-2017-FazziniO #automation #consistency #detection #mobile #platform- Automated cross-platform inconsistency detection for mobile apps (MF, AO), pp. 308–318.
ASE-2017-OcarizaP0 #consistency #detection #web- Detecting unknown inconsistencies in web applications (FSOJ, KP, AM0), pp. 566–577.
ASE-2017-Wang #debugging #javascript- Characterizing and taming non-deterministic bugs in JavaScript applications (JW), pp. 1006–1009.
ESEC-FSE-2017-Wang #adaptation #re-engineering #search-based #self #using- Using search-based software engineering to handle the changes with uncertainties for self-adaptive systems (LW), pp. 1014–1017.
- ICSE-2017-AdamsenMKSTS #fault
- Repairing event race errors by controlling nondeterminism (CQA, AM, RK, MS, FT, KS), pp. 289–299.
CASE-2017-LongTJ #multi #optimisation- Multi-scale event-based optimization for matching uncertain wind supply with EV charging demand (TL, JXT, QSJ), pp. 847–852.
CASE-2017-YangLZWG #assessment #capacity #integration- Transmission capacity margin assessment in power systems with uncertain wind integration (YY, XL, QZ, JW, XG), pp. 1386–1391.
CASE-2017-ZouV #approach #automation #consistency #design #development- Feature-based systematic approach development for inconsistency resolution in automated production system design (MZ, BVH), pp. 687–694.
ESOP-2017-KopS #complexity #higher-order #power of #programming #using- The Power of Non-determinism in Higher-Order Implicit Complexity - Characterising Complexity Classes Using Non-deterministic Cons-Free Programming (CK, JGS), pp. 668–695.
CADE-2017-0001SUP #consistency #detection #first-order #knowledge base #scalability- Detecting Inconsistencies in Large First-Order Knowledge Bases (SS0, GS, JU, AP), pp. 310–325.
CAV-2017-AlbarghouthiDD #source code- Repairing Decision-Making Programs Under Uncertainty (AA, LD, SD), pp. 181–200.
CAV-2017-TouzeauMMR #analysis #performance- Ascertaining Uncertainty for Efficient Exact Cache Analysis (VT, CM, DM, JR), pp. 22–40.
ECSA-2016-SchenkhuizenWJC #approach #consistency- Consistent Inconsistency Management: A Concern-Driven Approach (JS, JMEMvdW, SJ, LC), pp. 201–209.
CIAA-2016-HospodarJM #complexity- Nondeterministic Complexity of Operations on Closed and Ideal Languages (MH, GJ, PM), pp. 125–137.
CIAA-2016-WeidemanMBW #ambiguity #automaton #backtracking #behaviour #regular expression #using- Analyzing Matching Time Behavior of Backtracking Regular Expression Matchers by Using Ambiguity of NFA (NW, BvdM, MB, BWW), pp. 322–334.
FSCD-2016-ArieliA #consistency #logic #reasoning- Minimal Paradefinite Logics for Reasoning with Incompleteness and Inconsistency (OA, AA), p. 15.
DiGRA-FDG-2016-ToSKH #design #game studies- Integrating Curiosity and Uncertainty in Game Design (AT, SA, GFK, JH).
CIKM-2016-KohlerL - Qualitative Cleaning of Uncertain Data (HK, SL), pp. 2269–2274.
CIKM-2016-LinkP #database #design #relational- Relational Database Schema Design for Uncertain Data (SL, HP), pp. 1211–1220.
ICML-2016-GalG #approximate #learning #representation- Dropout as a Bayesian Approximation: Representing Model Uncertainty in Deep Learning (YG, ZG), pp. 1050–1059.
ICPR-2016-LoogY #consistency #empirical #learning- An empirical investigation into the inconsistency of sequential active learning (ML, YY), pp. 210–215.
ICPR-2016-YangL #learning #using- Active learning using uncertainty information (YY, ML), pp. 2646–2651.
BX-2016-DiskinEPC #bidirectional #formal method #model transformation- Incorporating Uncertainty into Bidirectional Model Transformations and their Delta-Lens Formalization (ZD, RE, AP, KC), pp. 15–31.
ECMFA-2016-ZhangSAYON #comprehension #concept #cyber-physical- Understanding Uncertainty in Cyber-Physical Systems: A Conceptual Model (MZ, BS, SA, TY, OO, RN), pp. 247–264.
POPL-2016-GrathwohlHRST #compilation #named #streaming #transducer- Kleenex: compiling nondeterministic transducers to deterministic streaming transducers (NBBG, FH, UTR, KAS, SPT), pp. 284–297.
POPL-2016-McKinley #programming- Programming the world of uncertain things (keynote) (KSM), pp. 1–2.
ASE-2016-DemuthRE #consistency #detection #developer #multi #performance- Efficient detection of inconsistencies in a multi-developer engineering environment (AD, MRE, AE), pp. 590–601.
SLE-2016-MayerhoferWV #modelling- Adding uncertainty and units to quantity types in software models (TM, MW, AV), pp. 118–131.
ASPLOS-2016-Leesatapornwongsa #concurrent #debugging #distributed #named #taxonomy- TaxDC: A Taxonomy of Non-Deterministic Concurrency Bugs in Datacenter Distributed Systems (TL, JFL, SL, HSG), pp. 517–530.
ASPLOS-2016-McKinley #programming- Programming Uncertain jhings (KSM), pp. 1–2.
CASE-2016-FeldmannWKV #approach #automation #consistency- A comprehensive approach for managing inter-model inconsistencies in automated production systems engineering (SF, MW, KK, BVH), pp. 1120–1127.
CSL-2016-Berger #concurrent #source code- Extracting Non-Deterministic Concurrent Programs (UB0), p. 21.
ICST-2016-ShiGLM #detection #implementation #specification- Detecting Assumptions on Deterministic Implementations of Non-deterministic Specifications (AS, AG, OL, DM), pp. 80–90.
ICTSS-2016-HieronsMN #distributed #testing- Controllability Through Nondeterminism in Distributed Testing (RMH, MGM, MN0), pp. 89–105.
ICTSS-2016-PatelH #correctness #problem- Resolving the Equivalent Mutant Problem in the Presence of Non-determinism and Coincidental Correctness (KP, RMH), pp. 123–138.
ICTSS-2016-YevtushenkoEE #adaptation #implementation #on the fly #sequence #specification #testing- On-the-Fly Construction of Adaptive Checking Sequences for Testing Deterministic Implementations of Nondeterministic Specifications (NY, KEF, AE), pp. 139–152.
VMCAI-2016-HashemiH0 #bound #probability #reachability- Reward-Bounded Reachability Probability for Uncertain Weighted MDPs (VH, HH, LS0), pp. 351–371.
ECSA-2015-TrubianiGE #analysis #architecture #modelling #performance #traceability- Exploiting Traceability Uncertainty Between Software Architectural Models and Performance Analysis Results (CT, AG, AE), pp. 305–321.
SIGMOD-2015-ChenGLJCZ #metric #query- Indexing Metric Uncertain Data for Range Queries (LC, YG, XL, CSJ, GC, BZ), pp. 951–965.
SIGMOD-2015-PengD #array #database- Supporting Data Uncertainty in Array Databases (LP, YD), pp. 545–560.
SIGMOD-2015-ZhengZLYSZ #approach #graph #how #rdf #similarity- How to Build Templates for RDF Question/Answering: An Uncertain Graph Similarity Join Approach (WZ, LZ, XL, JXY, SS, DZ), pp. 1809–1824.
VLDB-2015-KhanC #graph #modelling #on the #query- On Uncertain Graphs Modeling and Queries (AK, LC), pp. 2042–2053.
VLDB-2015-SchubertKEZSZ #clustering #framework- A Framework for Clustering Uncertain Data (ES, AK, TE, AZ, KAS, AZ), pp. 1976–1987.
MSR-2015-WuMKGI #consistency #detection #open source #scalability- A Method to Detect License Inconsistencies in Large-Scale Open Source Projects (YW, YM, TK, DMG, KI), pp. 324–333.
CIAA-2015-Giaquinta #automaton- Run-Length Encoded Nondeterministic KMP and Suffix Automata (EG), pp. 102–113.
CIAA-2015-GruberHJ #automaton #finite- More on Deterministic and Nondeterministic Finite Cover Automata — Extended Abstract (HG, MH, SJ), pp. 114–126.
CIAA-2015-KushikY #automaton #finite #sequence #state machine- Describing Homing and Distinguishing Sequences for Nondeterministic Finite State Machines via Synchronizing Automata (NK, NY), pp. 188–198.
ICALP-v2-2015-KuperbergS #automaton #on the- On Determinisation of Good-for-Games Automata (DK, MS), pp. 299–310.
TLCA-2015-EscardoX #consistency- The Inconsistency of a Brouwerian Continuity Principle with the Curry-Howard Interpretation (MHE, CX), pp. 153–164.
CIG-2015-SilvaF #interactive- Personality traits in plots with nondeterministic planning for interactive storytelling (FAGdS, BF), pp. 83–90.
CHI-2015-JungSGS #behaviour #experience- Displayed Uncertainty Improves Driving Experience and Behavior: The Case of Range Anxiety in an Electric Car (MFJ, DS, TMG, MS), pp. 2201–2210.
HIMI-IKC-2015-NakashimaMHOWP - Kick Extraction for Reducing Uncertainty in RoboCup Logs (TN, SM, JH, OO, PW, MP), pp. 622–633.
HIMI-IKD-2015-OliveiraBFC #framework #visualisation- Uncertainty Visualization Framework for Improving Situational Awareness in Emergency Management Systems (NFO, LCB, LCF, MRdC), pp. 86–96.
ICEIS-v2-2015-CostaMAO #automation #consistency #detection #named- Fixture — A Tool for Automatic Inconsistencies Detection in Context-aware SPL (PAdSC, FGM, RMdCA, TO), pp. 114–125.
CIKM-2015-KhanGWB #graph #reliability- Top-k Reliable Edge Colors in Uncertain Graphs (AK, FG, TW, FB), pp. 1851–1854.
CIKM-2015-LiuZXLL #probability #set- Finding Probabilistic k-Skyline Sets on Uncertain Data (JL, HZ, LX0, HL, JL), pp. 1511–1520.
CIKM-2015-ZhangLWS #personalisation #recommendation- Personalized Trip Recommendation with POI Availability and Uncertain Traveling Time (CZ, HL, KW0, JS), pp. 911–920.
CIKM-2015-ZhanZZWL - Range Search on Uncertain Trajectories (LZ, YZ0, WZ0, XW0, XL0), pp. 921–930.
ICML-2015-BlundellCKW #network- Weight Uncertainty in Neural Network (CB, JC, KK, DW), pp. 1613–1622.
ICML-2015-GalT #approximate #process #representation- Improving the Gaussian Process Sparse Spectrum Approximation by Representing Uncertainty in Frequency Inputs (YG, RT), pp. 655–664.
ECMFA-J-2012-PuissantSM15 #automation #consistency #using- Resolving model inconsistencies using automated regression planning (JPP, RVDS, TM), pp. 461–481.
ESEC-FSE-2015-BehrangCO #consistency- Users beware: preference inconsistencies ahead (FB, MBC, AO), pp. 295–306.
ESEC-FSE-2015-MorenoCGS #adaptation #approach #model checking #probability #self- Proactive self-adaptation under uncertainty: a probabilistic model checking approach (GAM, JC, DG, BRS), pp. 1–12.
ICSE-v1-2015-OcarizaP0 #consistency #detection #javascript #mvc- Detecting Inconsistencies in JavaScript MVC Applications (FSOJ, KP, AM), pp. 325–335.
ICSE-v1-2015-PradelSS #analysis #consistency #javascript #named- TypeDevil: Dynamic Type Inconsistency Analysis for JavaScript (MP, PS, KS), pp. 314–324.
ICSE-v2-2015-FamelisBSSC #ide #named- MU-MMINT: An IDE for Model Uncertainty (MF, NBD, ADS, RS, MC), pp. 697–700.
ICSE-v2-2015-ParkHKLC #case study #testing- Systematic Testing of Reactive Software with Non-Deterministic Events: A Case Study on LG Electric Oven (YP, SH, MK, DL, JC), pp. 29–38.
SLE-2015-EramoPR #bidirectional #model transformation- Managing uncertainty in bidirectional model transformations (RE, AP, GR), pp. 49–58.
CASE-2015-FeldmannHKWKQLK #case study #comparison #consistency #design #using- A comparison of inconsistency management approaches using a mechatronic manufacturing system design case study (SF, SJIH, KK, TW, DK, AQ, UL, HK, CJJP, BVH), pp. 158–165.
CASE-2015-LaskeyMMPPBKAG #2d #modelling #multi- Multi-armed bandit models for 2D grasp planning with uncertainty (ML, JM, ZM, FTP, SP, JPvdB, DK, PA, KG), pp. 572–579.
CASE-2015-LuSJSX #approach #multi #programming- A chance constrained programming approach for multi-product multi-stage integrated production planning under internal and external uncertainties (SL, HS, CJ, HS, LX), pp. 880–885.
CASE-2015-VuW #design #fuzzy- Observer design for a discrete-time T-S fuzzy system with uncertainties (VPV, WJW), pp. 1262–1267.
DATE-2015-0001KVSMA #adaptation #embedded #energy #scalability- Workload uncertainty characterization and adaptive frequency scaling for energy minimization of embedded systems (AD, AK, BV, RAS, GVM, BMAH), pp. 43–48.
FoSSaCS-2015-Mamouras #hoare #logic #synthesis- Synthesis of Strategies and the Hoare Logic of Angelic Nondeterminism (KM), pp. 25–40.
ICLP-2015-Wang #consistency #probability #programming #set- Handling Probability and Inconsistency in Answer Set Programming (YW), pp. 319–329.
ICST-2015-AliY #behaviour #cyber-physical #evolution #modelling #named #testing- U-Test: Evolving, Modelling and Testing Realistic Uncertain Behaviours of Cyber-Physical Systems (SA, TY), pp. 1–2.
ICTSS-2015-KushikY #adaptation #finite #heuristic #sequence #state machine- Heuristics for Deriving Adaptive Homing and Distinguishing Sequences for Nondeterministic Finite State Machines (NK, HY), pp. 243–248.
LICS-2015-TsukadaO #game studies #semantics- Nondeterminism in Game Semantics via Sheaves (TT, CHLO), pp. 220–231.
QoSA-2014-EtxeberriaTCS #hardware #parametricity- Performance-based selection of software and hardware features under parameter uncertainty (LE, CT, VC, GS), pp. 23–32.
QoSA-2014-Perez-PalacinM #modelling #performance- Dealing with uncertainties in the performance modelling of software systems (DPP, RM), pp. 33–42.
WICSA-2014-DamRE #architecture #consistency #modelling- Inconsistency Resolution in Merging Versions of Architectural Models (HKD, AR, AE), pp. 153–162.
PODS-2014-FaginKRV #consistency #information management- Cleaning inconsistencies in information extraction via prioritized repairs (RF, BK, FR, SV), pp. 164–175.
SIGMOD-2014-EmrichFKNRZ #framework- An extendable framework for managing uncertain spatio-temporal data (TE, MF, HPK, JN, MR, AZ), pp. 1087–1090.
SIGMOD-2014-ParchasGPB #graph- The pursuit of a good possible world: extracting representative instances of uncertain graphs (PP, FG, DP, FB), pp. 967–978.
SIGMOD-2014-PatilS #similarity #string- Similarity joins for uncertain strings (MP, RS), pp. 1471–1482.
SIGMOD-2014-XuKM #framework #multi #performance #summary- Efficient summarization framework for multi-attribute uncertain data (JX, DVK, SM), pp. 421–432.
VLDB-2014-Gal #named #tutorial- Tutorial: Uncertain Entity Resolution (AG), pp. 1711–1712.
VLDB-2014-GoncalvesP #named- Υ-DB: Managing scientific hypotheses as uncertain data (BG, FP), pp. 959–962.
VLDB-2014-WuWHN #execution #predict #query- Uncertainty Aware Query Execution Time Prediction (WW, XW, HH, JFN), pp. 1857–1868.
VLDB-2015-DallachiesaPI14 #nearest neighbour- Top-k Nearest Neighbor Search In Uncertain Data Series (MD, TP, IFI), pp. 13–24.
AFL-2014-Campeanu #automaton #finite- Simplifying Nondeterministic Finite Cover Automata (CC), pp. 162–173.
CIAA-2014-KoH - Left is Better than Right for Reducing Nondeterminism of NFAs (SKK, YSH), pp. 238–251.
DLT-2014-OkhotinS #automaton- Input-Driven Pushdown Automata with Limited Nondeterminism — (AO, KS), pp. 84–102.
RTA-TLCA-2014-BizjakBM #type system- A Model of Countable Nondeterminism in Guarded Type Theory (AB, LB, MM), pp. 108–123.
CHI-PLAY-2014-SaveryG #consistency #game studies- Reducing the negative effects of inconsistencies in networked games (CS, TCNG), pp. 237–246.
CHI-2014-HaddadMJ #design #interface #towards- Interface design for older adults with varying cultural attitudes toward uncertainty (SH, JM, CJ), pp. 1913–1922.
CHI-2014-WeirPRVK #mobile- Uncertain text entry on mobile devices (DW, HP, SR, KV, POK), pp. 2307–2316.
DHM-2014-GaoH #approach #fault #research- Research on the Continuous Descent Approach (CDA) Operational Error of Pilot Base on Cloud Model and Uncertainty Theory (YG, YH), pp. 91–100.
DUXU-TMT-2014-FilippiB #analysis #aspect-oriented #functional #human-computer #interactive- In-Depth Analysis of Non-deterministic Aspects of Human-Machine Interaction and Update of Dedicated Functional Mock-Ups (SF, DB), pp. 185–196.
CIKM-2014-JonesTMSS #comprehension #consistency #evaluation #matter- Size and Source Matter: Understanding Inconsistencies in Test Collection-Based Evaluation (TJ, AT, SM, FS, MS), pp. 1843–1846.
CIKM-2014-TongZC0 #graph #performance #probability #scalability- Efficient Probabilistic Supergraph Search Over Large Uncertain Graphs (YT, XZ, CCC, LC), pp. 809–818.
CIKM-2014-YuanW0 #graph #query #scalability- Pattern Match Query in a Large Uncertain Graph (YY, GW, LC), pp. 519–528.
CIKM-2014-ZhangP #graph #scalability- Scalable Vaccine Distribution in Large Graphs given Uncertain Data (YZ, BAP), pp. 1719–1728.
ICML-c2-2014-ChenLX #clustering #graph- Weighted Graph Clustering with Non-Uniform Uncertainties (YC, SHL, HX), pp. 1566–1574.
ICML-c2-2014-WenYG #learning #robust- Robust Learning under Uncertain Test Distributions: Relating Covariate Shift to Model Misspecification (JW, CNY, RG), pp. 631–639.
ICPR-2014-Hess-FloresRJ #analysis #multi- Uncertainty, Baseline, and Noise Analysis for L1 Error-Based Multi-view Triangulation (MHF, SR, KIJ), pp. 4074–4079.
KDD-2014-BonchiGKV #composition #graph- Core decomposition of uncertain graphs (FB, FG, AK, YV), pp. 1316–1325.
KDD-2014-GhalwashRO - Utilizing temporal patterns for estimating uncertainty in interpretable early decision making (MFG, VR, ZO), pp. 402–411.
KDD-2014-ZufleESMZR #clustering- Representative clustering of uncertain data (AZ, TE, KAS, NM, AZ, MR), pp. 243–252.
KMIS-2014-ZochollA #modelling #ontology #parametricity #representation- Ontology-based Representation of Time Dependent Uncertainty Information for Parametric Product Data Models (MZ, RA), pp. 400–404.
KR-2014-BenferhatT #network #reasoning- Reasoning with Uncertain Inputs in Possibilistic Networks (SB, KT).
KR-2014-Potyka #consistency #linear #logic #probability #source code- Linear Programs for Measuring Inconsistency in Probabilistic Logics (NP).
SIGIR-2014-JayasingheWSDC #retrieval- Evaluating non-deterministic retrieval systems (GKJ, WW, MS, LSD, JSC), pp. 911–914.
AMT-2014-EramoMPR #bidirectional #towards- Towards Analysing Non-Determinism in Bidirectional Transformations (RE, RM, AP, GR), pp. 76–85.
POPL-2014-Krebbers #axiom #c #semantics #sequence- An operational and axiomatic semantics for non-determinism and sequence points in C (RK), pp. 101–112.
QAPL-2014-MiculanP #aspect-oriented #process- GSOS for non-deterministic processes with quantitative aspects (MM, MP), pp. 17–33.
RE-2014-HorkoffSCS - Supporting early decision-making in the presence of uncertainty (JH, RS, MC, ADS), pp. 33–42.
RE-2014-TranM #approach #evolution #feature model- An Approach for Decision Support on the Uncertainty in Feature Model Evolution (LMST, FM), pp. 93–102.
ASE-2014-BurgDMDGH #consistency #process- Tracing software build processes to uncover license compliance inconsistencies (SvdB, ED, SM, JD, DMG, AH), pp. 731–742.
ASE-2014-HigoK #consistency #named #source code- MPAnalyzer: a tool for finding unintended inconsistencies in program source code (YH, SK), pp. 843–846.
ASE-2014-LuckowPDFV #approximate #execution #probability #source code #symbolic computation- Exact and approximate probabilistic symbolic execution for nondeterministic programs (KSL, CSP, MBD, AF, WV), pp. 575–586.
ASE-2014-YangXLCML #adaptation #self #verification- Verifying self-adaptive applications suffering uncertainty (WY, CX, YL, CC, XM, JL), pp. 199–210.
FSE-2014-ElbaumR #testing- Known unknowns: testing in the presence of uncertainty (SGE, DSR), pp. 833–836.
FSE-2014-Gui00ND #agile #analysis #named #reliability #tool support- RaPiD: a toolkit for reliability analysis of non-deterministic systems (LG, JS, YL, TKN, JSD), pp. 727–730.
FSE-2014-Llerena #verification- Dealing with uncertainty in verification of nondeterministic systems (YRSL), pp. 787–790.
ICSE-2014-LetierSB #architecture #requirements- Uncertainty, risk, and information value in software requirements and architecture (EL, DS, ETB), pp. 883–894.
ASPLOS-2014-BornholtMM #first-order #named- Uncertain: a first-order type for uncertain data (JB, TM, KSM), pp. 51–66.
CASE-2014-HaoLGC #effectiveness #flexibility #markov #network #problem #scheduling- An effective Markov network based EDA for flexible job shop scheduling problems under uncertainty (XCH, LL, MG, CFC), pp. 131–136.
CASE-2014-HuangJXGX #energy #probability #scheduling- EV charging load scheduling following uncertain renewable energy supply by stochastic matching (QH, QSJ, LX, XG, XX), pp. 137–142.
CASE-2014-LiuK #communication #parametricity- Passivity-based teleoperation system for robots with parametric uncertainty and communication delay (YCL, MHK), pp. 271–276.
CASE-2014-SivaramakumarJ - Production planning with uncertain demands and real options (GRS, SJ), pp. 671–676.
PDP-2014-Schick #linear #parallel #parametricity- A Parallel Multilevel Spectral Galerkin Solver for Linear Systems with Uncertain Parameters (MS), pp. 352–359.
ESOP-2014-BocchiMT - Resolving Non-determinism in Choreographies (LB, HCM, ET), pp. 493–512.
FASE-2014-Stevens #bidirectional #consistency- Bidirectionally Tolerating Inconsistency: Partial Transformations (PS), pp. 32–46.
ISSTA-2014-ChoudharyPO14a #consistency #detection #named #testing #web- X-PERT: a web application testing tool for cross-browser inconsistency detection (SRC, MRP, AO), pp. 417–420.
QoSA-2013-TrubianiMCAG #analysis #architecture #modelling #performance- Model-based performance analysis of software architectures under uncertainty (CT, IM, VC, AA, LG), pp. 69–78.
DocEng-2013-BaAS #collaboration #documentation #editing #version control- Uncertain version control in open collaborative editing of tree-structured documents (MLB, TA, PS), pp. 27–36.
PODS-2013-AgarwalAHPYZ #nearest neighbour- Nearest neighbor searching under uncertainty II (PKA, BA, SHP, JMP, KY, WZ), pp. 115–126.
VLDB-2013-TranDSL - Supporting User-Defined Functions on Uncertain Data (TTLT, YD, CAS, AL), pp. 469–480.
VLDB-2013-ZhangCJC #crowdsourcing- Reducing Uncertainty of Schema Matching via Crowdsourcing (CJZ, LC, HVJ, CCC), pp. 757–768.
VLDB-2014-NiedermayerZERM0K13 #nearest neighbour #probability #query- Probabilistic Nearest Neighbor Queries on Uncertain Moving Object Trajectories (JN, AZ, TE, MR, NM, LC, HPK), pp. 205–216.
DLT-J-2012-HromkovicKKS13 #automaton #logic #representation- Determinism vs. Nondeterminism for Two-Way Automata: Representing the Meaning of States by Logical Formulæ (JH, RK, RK, RS), pp. 955–978.
CIAA-2013-KushikY #finite #on the #sequence #state machine- On the Length of Homing Sequences for Nondeterministic Finite State Machines (NK, NY), pp. 220–231.
ICALP-v2-2013-BokerKKS - Nondeterminism in the Presence of a Diverse or Unknown Future (UB, DK, OK, MS), pp. 89–100.
ICALP-v2-2013-Widmayer - To Be Uncertain Is Uncomfortable, But to Be Certain Is Ridiculous (PW), p. 36.
LATA-2013-BalaJ #automaton- Limited Non-determinism Hierarchy of Counter Automata (SB, DJ), pp. 92–103.
TLCA-2013-AschieriZ #normalisation- Non-determinism, Non-termination and the Strong Normalization of System T (FA, MZ), pp. 31–47.
AIIDE-2013-AbelhaGCAFFSP #generative #interactive- A Nondeterministic Temporal Planning Model for Generating Narratives with Continuous Change in Interactive Storytelling (PA, VMG, AEMC, ETA, ALF, BF, FAGdS, CTP).
AIIDE-2013-ComanM #automation #generative #using- Automated Generation of Diverse NPC-Controlling FSMs Using Nondeterministic Planning Techniques (AC, HMA).
HCI-IMT-2013-WangGHL #collaboration #communication #elicitation #speech #using- A Knowledge Elicitation Study for Collaborative Dialogue Strategies Used to Handle Uncertainties in Speech Communication While Using GIS (HW, AG, DH, RL), pp. 135–144.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-KimitaKWTS #evaluation- Service Evaluation Method for Managing Uncertainty (KK, YK, KW, TT, YS), pp. 569–578.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-ShiTS #consistency #online #recommendation- Timing and Basis of Online Product Recommendation: The Preference Inconsistency Paradox (AS, CHT, CLS), pp. 531–539.
CIKM-2013-Lian0 #database #probability #query- Causality and responsibility: probabilistic queries revisited in uncertain databases (XL, LC), pp. 349–358.
ECIR-2013-MarkovAC - Reducing the Uncertainty in Resource Selection (IM, LA, FC), pp. 507–519.
ECIR-2013-MetrikovPA #consistency #optimisation- Optimizing nDCG Gains by Minimizing Effect of Label Inconsistency (PM, VP, JAA), pp. 760–763.
KDD-2013-BakshyE #evaluation #online- Uncertainty in online experiments with dependent data: an evaluation of bootstrap methods (EB, DE), pp. 1303–1311.
KEOD-2013-NogueiraG #multi #programming #set- Supply Chain Tracing of Multiple Products under Uncertainty and Incomplete Information — An Application of Answer Set Programming (MLN, NPG), pp. 399–406.
MLDM-2013-CarvalhoR #overview #perspective- Discovering Frequent Itemsets on Uncertain Data: A Systematic Review (JVdC, DDR), pp. 390–404.
SIGIR-2013-AbdulahhadCB #probability #question- Is uncertain logical-matching equivalent to conditional probability? (KA, JPC, CB), pp. 825–828.
MoDELS-2013-FamelisSSC #modelling- Transformation of Models Containing Uncertainty (MF, RS, ADS, MC), pp. 673–689.
OOPSLA-2013-TrippKS #parallel- Turning nondeterminism into parallelism (OT, EK, MS), pp. 589–604.
PLDI-2013-CookK #reasoning #source code- Reasoning about nondeterminism in programs (BC, EK), pp. 219–230.
POPL-2013-BonchiP #automaton #bisimulation #congruence #equivalence- Checking NFA equivalence with bisimulations up to congruence (FB, DP), pp. 457–468.
QAPL-2013-BernardoNL #behaviour #probability #process- The Spectrum of Strong Behavioral Equivalences for Nondeterministic and Probabilistic Processes (MB, RDN, ML), pp. 81–96.
ASE-2013-RayKPR #consistency #detection #semantics- Detecting and characterizing semantic inconsistencies in ported code (BR, MK, SP, NR), pp. 367–377.
ICSE-2013-EsfahaniMR #architecture #named- GuideArch: guiding the exploration of architectural solution space under uncertainty (NE, SM, KR), pp. 43–52.
ICSE-2013-FemmerGLM #case study #consistency #detection- Detecting inconsistencies in wrappers: a case study (HF, DG, ML, DM), pp. 1022–1031.
ICSE-2013-GhezziPST #adaptation #modelling #non-functional- Managing non-functional uncertainty via model-driven adaptivity (CG, LSP, PS, GT), pp. 33–42.
ASPLOS-2013-HuntBCG #distributed #named- DDOS: taming nondeterminism in distributed systems (NH, TB, LC, SDG), pp. 499–508.
ASPLOS-2013-SungKA #hardware #named #performance- DeNovoND: efficient hardware support for disciplined non-determinism (HS, RK, SVA), pp. 13–26.
CASE-2013-ChaouiS #adaptation #parametricity- Adaptive friction compensation of flexible-joint manipulators with parametric uncertainties (HC, PS), pp. 300–305.
CASE-2013-SoviziK #matrix #parallel #random #using- Uncertainty characterization in serial and parallel manipulators using random matrix theory (JS, VNK), pp. 312–317.
CASE-2013-SunLJY #energy #optimisation- Event-based optimization with non-stationary uncertainties to save energy costs of HVAC systems in buildings (BS, PBL, QSJ, BY), pp. 436–441.
DAC-2013-LuoCH #design- Design of cyberphysical digital microfluidic biochips under completion-time uncertainties in fluidic operations (YL, KC, TYH), p. 7.
DAC-2013-YousofshahiOLH #capacity #identification- Gene modification identification under flux capacity uncertainty (MY, MO, KL, SH), p. 5.
FASE-2013-SalayGC #co-evolution- Change Propagation due to Uncertainty Change (RS, JG, MC), pp. 21–36.
TACAS-2013-KempfBM #probability #scheduling- As Soon as Probable: Optimal Scheduling under Stochastic Uncertainty (JFK, MB, OM), pp. 385–400.
CAV-2013-PuggelliLSS #polynomial #verification- Polynomial-Time Verification of PCTL Properties of MDPs with Convex Uncertainties (AP, WL, ALSV, SAS), pp. 527–542.
CSL-2013-Kikuchi #normalisation #proving #λ-calculus- Proving Strong Normalisation via Non-deterministic Translations into Klop’s Extended λ-Calculus (KK), pp. 395–414.
CSL-2013-Oitavem #recursion- From determinism, non-determinism and alternation to recursion schemes for P, NP and Pspace (IO), pp. 24–27.
ICTSS-2013-KushikEY #adaptation #finite #state machine- Adaptive Homing and Distinguishing Experiments for Nondeterministic Finite State Machines (NK, KEF, NY), pp. 33–48.
WICSA-ECSA-2012-GhabiE #architecture #modelling #traceability- Exploiting Traceability Uncertainty between Architectural Models and Code (AG, AE), pp. 171–180.
PODS-2012-AgarwalESZ #nearest neighbour- Nearest-neighbor searching under uncertainty (PKA, AE, SS, WZ), pp. 225–236.
VLDB-2012-BoldiBGT #graph #injection #obfuscation- Injecting Uncertainty in Graphs for Identity Obfuscation (PB, FB, AG, TT), pp. 1376–1387.
VLDB-2012-DallachiesaNMP #similarity- Uncertain Time-Series Similarity: Return to the Basics (MD, BN, KM, TP), pp. 1662–1673.
VLDB-2012-GulloT #clustering- Uncertain Centroid based Partitional Clustering of Uncertain Data (FG, AT), pp. 610–621.
VLDB-2012-TongCCY #database #mining- Mining Frequent Itemsets over Uncertain Databases (YT, LC, YC, PSY), pp. 1650–1661.
ICSM-2012-HigoK #consistency #detection #how- How often do unintended inconsistencies happen? Deriving modification patterns and detecting overlooked code fragments (YH, SK), pp. 222–231.
CIAA-2012-ReidenbachS #automaton #bound- Automata with Modulo Counters and Nondeterministic Counter Bounds (DR, MLS), pp. 361–368.
DLT-2012-HromkovicKKS #automaton #logic #representation- Determinism vs. Nondeterminism for Two-Way Automata — Representing the Meaning of States by Logical Formulæ (JH, RK, RK, RS), pp. 24–39.
DLT-2012-KapoutsisL #automaton #finite #theorem- Analogs of Fagin’s Theorem for Small Nondeterministic Finite Automata (CAK, NL), pp. 202–213.
DLT-2012-LavadoPS #automaton #context-free grammar- Converting Nondeterministic Automata and Context-Free Grammars into Parikh Equivalent Deterministic Automata (GJL, GP, SS), pp. 284–295.
CIKM-2012-EmrichKMRZ - Indexing uncertain spatio-temporal data (TE, HPK, NM, MR, AZ), pp. 395–404.
CIKM-2012-EmrichKNRSZ #graph #monte carlo #probability #query- Exploration of monte-carlo based probabilistic query processing in uncertain graphs (TE, HPK, JN, MR, AS, AZ), pp. 2728–2730.
CIKM-2012-KozawaAK #database #gpu #mining #probability- GPU acceleration of probabilistic frequent itemset mining from uncertain databases (YK, TA, HK), pp. 892–901.
CIKM-2012-OrangS #approach #correlation #probability #query- A probabilistic approach to correlation queries in uncertain time series data (MO, NS), pp. 2229–2233.
CIKM-2012-ZhanZZL - Finding top k most influential spatial facilities over uncertain objects (LZ, YZ, WZ, XL), pp. 922–931.
ICML-2012-KumarPK #learning #modelling- Modeling Latent Variable Uncertainty for Loss-based Learning (MPK, BP, DK), p. 29.
ICML-2012-MannorMX #robust- Lightning Does Not Strike Twice: Robust MDPs with Coupled Uncertainty (SM, OM, HX), p. 62.
KDD-2012-Li12b #algorithm #graph #mining- Algorithms for mining uncertain graph data (JL), p. 813.
KDD-2012-OlteanuS #clustering #correlation #energy #named #network #predict- DAGger: clustering correlated uncertain data (to predict asset failure in energy networks) (DO, SJvS), pp. 1504–1507.
KDD-2012-TongCY #mining #named- UFIMT: an uncertain frequent itemset mining toolbox (YT, LC, PSY), pp. 1508–1511.
KDD-2012-WauthierJJ #clustering #reduction- Active spectral clustering via iterative uncertainty reduction (FLW, NJ, MIJ), pp. 1339–1347.
KDD-2012-WeiZP - Constructing popular routes from uncertain trajectories (LYW, YZ, WCP), pp. 195–203.
ECMFA-2012-PuissantSM #consistency #design #named- Badger: A Regression Planner to Resolve Design Model Inconsistencies (JPP, RVDS, TM), pp. 146–161.
MoDELS-2012-FariasGL #aspect-oriented #consistency #detection #empirical- Evaluating the Impact of Aspects on Inconsistency Detection Effort: A Controlled Experiment (KF, AG, CJPdL), pp. 219–234.
MoDELS-2012-RamirezCBS #runtime- Relaxing Claims: Coping with Uncertainty While Evaluating Assumptions at Run Time (AJR, BHCC, NB, PS), pp. 53–69.
SPLC-2012-NohrerBE #comparison #consistency- A comparison of strategies for tolerating inconsistencies during decision-making (AN, AB, AE), pp. 11–20.
OOPSLA-2012-BaoZZ #program analysis- White box sampling in uncertain data processing enabled by program analysis (TB, YZ, XZ), pp. 897–914.
PEPM-2012-JainZS - Translating flowcharts to non-deterministic languages (SKJ, CZ, BS), pp. 155–162.
PLDI-2012-CarbinKMR #approximate #proving #source code- Proving acceptability properties of relaxed nondeterministic approximate programs (MC, DK, SM, MCR), pp. 169–180.
RE-2012-AroraSR #feature model #interactive- Resolving uncertainty in automotive feature interactions (SA, PS, SR), pp. 21–30.
RE-2012-SalayCH #modelling #requirements- Managing requirements uncertainty with partial models (RS, MC, JH), pp. 1–10.
RE-2012-YangRGWN #automation #detection #natural language #requirements- Speculative requirements: Automatic detection of uncertainty in natural language requirements (HY, ANDR, VG, AW, BN), pp. 11–20.
ASE-2012-RederE #consistency #design #modelling- Computing repair trees for resolving inconsistencies in design models (AR, AE), pp. 220–229.
FSE-2012-EsfahaniRM #architecture- Dealing with uncertainty in early software architecture (NE, KR, SM), p. 21.
ICSE-2012-FamelisSC #modelling #reasoning #towards- Partial models: Towards modeling and reasoning with uncertainty (MF, RS, MC), pp. 573–583.
CASE-2012-TangL #overview #perspective- Uncertainty management in remanufacturing: A review (YT, CL), pp. 52–57.
CASE-2012-TangLY #using- Tracking control of a compliant XY nano-positioner under plant uncertainty using a transfigured loop-shaping H∞ controller (HT, YL, QY), pp. 103–108.
DAC-2012-SunGR #design #robust- A new uncertainty budgeting based method for robust analog/mixed-signal design (JS, PG, JMWR), pp. 529–535.
PPoPP-2012-BurnimENS #correctness #named #parallel #specification- NDetermin: inferring nondeterministic sequential specifications for parallelism correctness (JB, TE, GCN, KS), pp. 329–330.
PPoPP-2012-ZuYXWTPD #automaton #implementation #memory management #performance #regular expression- GPU-based NFA implementation for memory efficient high speed regular expression matching (YZ, MY, ZX, LW, XT, KP, QD), pp. 129–140.
FoSSaCS-2012-BernardoNL #probability #process #testing- Revisiting Trace and Testing Equivalences for Nondeterministic and Probabilistic Processes (MB, RDN, ML), pp. 195–209.
STOC-2012-Ajtai #testing- Determinism versus nondeterminism with arithmetic tests and computation: extended abstract (MA), pp. 249–268.
TACAS-2012-LengalSV #automaton #library #named #performance- VATA: A Library for Efficient Manipulation of Non-deterministic Tree Automata (OL, JS, TV), pp. 79–94.
CAV-2012-PaulaHN #debugging #named- nuTAB-BackSpace: Rewriting to Normalize Non-determinism in Post-silicon Debug Traces (FMdP, AJH, AN), pp. 513–531.
ICLP-2012-Hanus #analysis #lazy evaluation- Improving Lazy Non-Deterministic Computations by Demand Analysis (MH), pp. 130–143.
ICST-2012-PetrenkoSY #finite #generative #sequence #state machine- Generating Checking Sequences for Nondeterministic Finite State Machines (AP, AdSS, NY), pp. 310–319.
ICST-2012-TanMTL #consistency #detection #testing- @tComment: Testing Javadoc Comments to Detect Comment-Code Inconsistencies (SHT, DM, LT, GTL), pp. 260–269.
ISSTA-2012-AlkhalafCFBOK #analysis #consistency #difference #named #string #validation- ViewPoints: differential string analysis for discovering client- and server-side input validation inconsistencies (MA, SRC, MF, TB, AO, CK), pp. 56–66.
ISSTA-2012-TombF #analysis #consistency #detection #reachability- Detecting inconsistencies via universal reachability analysis (AT, CF), pp. 287–297.
LICS-2012-McIverMM #information management #probability- A Kantorovich-Monadic Powerdomain for Information Hiding, with Probability and Nondeterminism (AM, LM, CM), pp. 461–470.
ECSA-2011-Axelsson #architecture #embedded #how #on the- On How to Deal with Uncertainty When Architecting Embedded Software and Systems (JA), pp. 199–202.
QoSA-ISARCS-2011-MeedeniyaMAG #architecture #evaluation #reliability- Architecture-based reliability evaluation under uncertainty (IM, IM, AA, LG), pp. 85–94.
SIGMOD-2011-FinkHOR #named #query #web- SPROUT2: a squared query engine for uncertain web data (RF, AH, DO, SR), pp. 1299–1302.
SIGMOD-2011-KennedyLLSN #enterprise #fuzzy #parametricity- Fuzzy prophet: parameter exploration in uncertain enterprise scenarios (OK, SL, CL, SS, SN), pp. 1303–1306.
SIGMOD-2011-KennedyN #enterprise #named #optimisation #performance- Jigsaw: efficient optimization over uncertain enterprise data (OK, SN), pp. 829–840.
SIGMOD-2011-SolimanIMT #metric #ranking #semantics- Ranking with uncertain scoring functions: semantics and sensitivity measures (MAS, IFI, DM, MT), pp. 805–816.
SIGMOD-2011-YangWCK #constraints #query- Querying uncertain data with aggregate constraints (MY, HW, HC, WSK), pp. 817–828.
VLDB-2011-BerneckerEKRZZ #nearest neighbour #performance #probability #query- Efficient Probabilistic Reverse Nearest Neighbor Query Processing on Uncertain Data (TB, TE, HPK, MR, SZ, AZ), pp. 669–680.
VLDB-2011-GeL #approximate #string- Approximate Substring Matching over Uncertain Strings (TG, ZL), pp. 772–782.
VLDB-2011-JinLDW #constraints #graph #reachability- Distance-Constraint Reachability Computation in Uncertain Graphs (RJ, LL, BD, HW), pp. 551–562.
VLDB-2011-PengDL #optimisation #probability #query- Optimizing Probabilistic Query Processing on Continuous Uncertain Data (LP, YD, AL), pp. 1169–1180.
VLDB-2011-WangYYZP #database #on the #ranking- On Pruning for Top-K Ranking in Uncertain Databases (CW, LYY, JHY, ORZ, JP), pp. 598–609.
VLDB-2011-YuanWWC #graph #performance #scalability- Efficient Subgraph Search over Large Uncertain Graphs (YY, GW, HW, LC), pp. 876–886.
AFL-2011-MedunaVZ #on the- On Nondeterminism in Programmed Grammars (AM, LV, PZ), pp. 315–327.
CIAA-2011-CastiglioneRS #algorithm #automaton- Nondeterministic Moore Automata and Brzozowski’s Algorithm (GC, AR, MS), pp. 88–99.
CIAA-2011-HolzerKM #complexity- Nondeterministic State Complexity of Star-Free Languages (MH, MK, KM), pp. 178–189.
CIAA-2011-KushikEY #adaptation #finite #state machine- Preset and Adaptive Homing Experiments for Nondeterministic Finite State Machines (NK, KEF, NY), pp. 215–224.
ICALP-v2-2011-AlurD #streaming #string #transducer- Nondeterministic Streaming String Transducers (RA, JVD), pp. 1–20.
ICALP-v2-2011-Kapoutsis - Nondeterminism Is Essential in Small 2FAs with Few Reversals (CAK), pp. 198–209.
ICEIS-J-2011-WangN11a #mining #named- UF-Evolve: Uncertain Frequent Pattern Mining (SW, VTYN), pp. 98–116.
ICEIS-v1-2011-WangN #mining #named- UF-Evolve — Uncertain Frequent Pattern Mining (SW, VTYN), pp. 74–84.
CIKM-2011-Gal #power of- Uncertain schema matching: the power of not knowing (AG), pp. 2615–2616.
CIKM-2011-MeiserDT #interactive #knowledge base #rdf #reasoning- Interactive reasoning in uncertain RDF knowledge bases (TM, MD, MT), pp. 2557–2560.
CIKM-2011-MohtaramiALT #predict #sentiment- Predicting the uncertainty of sentiment adjectives in indirect answers (MM, HA, ML, CLT), pp. 2485–2488.
KDD-2011-JinLA #graph #reliability- Discovering highly reliable subgraphs in uncertain graphs (RJ, LL, CCA), pp. 992–1000.
KMIS-2011-CostantinoDFS #analysis #evaluation #using- A Model using Data Envelopment Analysis for the Cross Evaluation of Suppliers under Uncertainty (NC, MD, MF, FS), pp. 152–157.
SEKE-2011-Amasaki #case study #consistency #estimation #linear #performance- A Study on Performance Inconsistency between Estimation by Analogy and Linear Regression (SA), pp. 485–488.
SEKE-2011-DoranTFG #analysis #architecture #parametricity #reliability- Architecture-based Reliability Analysis With Uncertain Parameters (DD, MT, LF, SSG), pp. 629–634.
SEKE-2011-GaoHYS - Data Uncertainty Model for Mashup (XG, WH, WY, SZ), pp. 503–508.
BX-2011-Boronat #consistency #detection #maude #modelling #specification #using- Inconsistency detection and resolution in heterogenous model-based specifications using Maude (AB), p. 53.
ECMFA-2011-NoirDESB #case study #consistency #detection #experience #representation- Operation Based Model Representation: Experiences on Inconsistency Detection (JLN, OD, DE, MAAdS, XB), pp. 85–96.
ECMFA-2011-StraetenPM #consistency- Assessing the Kodkod Model Finder for Resolving Model Inconsistencies (RVDS, JPP, TM), pp. 69–84.
SPLC-2011-NolanACP #product line #requirements- Requirements Uncertainty in a Software Product Line (AJN, SA, PCC, AP), pp. 223–231.
PLDI-2011-BurnimENS #correctness #named #parallel #runtime #specification- NDSeq: runtime checking for nondeterministic sequential specifications of parallel correctness (JB, TE, GCN, KS), pp. 401–414.
POPL-2011-BocchinoHHAAWS #parallel- Safe nondeterminism in a deterministic-by-default parallel language (RLBJ, SH, NH, SVA, VSA, AW, TS), pp. 535–548.
RE-2011-NolanACP #development #requirements- Managing requirements uncertainty in engine control systems development (AJN, SA, PCC, AP), pp. 259–264.
RE-2011-WelshSB #runtime- Run-time resolution of uncertainty (KW, PS, NB), pp. 355–356.
ASE-2011-Esfahani #adaptation #framework #self- A framework for managing uncertainty in self-adaptive software systems (NE), pp. 646–650.
ASE-2011-RamirezJCK #adaptation #automation #behaviour #how- Automatically exploring how uncertainty impacts behavior of dynamically adaptive systems (AJR, ACJ, BHCC, DBK), pp. 568–571.
ESEC-FSE-2011-AutiliCRIPT #named #ubiquitous- EAGLE: engineering software in the ubiquitous globe by leveraging uncErtainty (MA, VC, DDR, PI, PP, MT), pp. 488–491.
ESEC-FSE-2011-EsfahaniKM #adaptation #self- Taming uncertainty in self-adaptive software (NE, EK, SM), pp. 234–244.
ICSE-2011-NohrerRE #consistency #effectiveness- Positive effects of utilizing relationships between inconsistencies for more effective inconsistency resolution (AN, AR, AE), pp. 864–867.
ICSE-2011-Reder #consistency #development #framework #modelling- Inconsistency management framework for model-based development (AR), pp. 1098–1101.
ICSE-2011-SumnerBZP #analysis #performance- Coalescing executions for fast uncertainty analysis (WNS, TB, XZ, SP), pp. 581–590.
SAC-2011-KadriE #mining #sequence #web- Mining uncertain web log sequences with access history probabilities (OK, CIE), pp. 1059–1060.
SAC-2011-LeungJ #data type #mining #using- Frequent itemset mining of uncertain data streams using the damped window model (CKSL, FJ), pp. 950–955.
SAC-2011-LeungS #equivalence #mining- Equivalence class transformation based mining of frequent itemsets from uncertain data (CKSL, LS), pp. 983–984.
CASE-2011-Gonzalez-CastoloL #analysis #fuzzy- State uncertainty analysis of Fuzzy Timed DES (JCGC, ELM), pp. 600–606.
CASE-2011-MohajeraniMF #composition #synthesis- Nondeterminism avoidance in compositional synthesis of discrete event systems (SM, RM, MF), pp. 19–24.
DATE-2011-NigamTZBM #pseudo #representation- Pseudo circuit model for representing uncertainty in waveforms (AN, QT, AZ, MB, NvdM), pp. 1521–1524.
STOC-2011-FawziHS #performance- From low-distortion norm embeddings to explicit uncertainty relations and efficient information locking (OF, PH, PS), pp. 773–782.
STOC-2011-FeigeT #design- Mechanism design with uncertain inputs: (to err is human, to forgive divine) (UF, MT), pp. 549–558.
TACAS-2011-BertrandJSK #automaton #testing- Off-Line Test Selection with Test Purposes for Non-deterministic Timed Automata (NB, TJ, AS, MK), pp. 96–111.
CSL-2011-Schwencke #recursion- A Category Theoretic View of Nondeterministic Recursive Program Schemes (DS), pp. 496–511.
CSL-2011-SchwinghammerB #reasoning #relational- Step-Indexed Relational Reasoning for Countable Nondeterminism (JS, LB), pp. 512–524.
ICLP-J-2011-RiguzziS #reasoning- The PITA system: Tabling and answer subsumption for reasoning under uncertainty (FR, TS), pp. 433–449.
ICTSS-2011-PetrenkoY #adaptation #implementation #testing- Adaptive Testing of Deterministic Implementations Specified by Nondeterministic FSMs (AP, NY), pp. 162–178.
PODS-2010-Wijsen #database #first-order #on the #query- On the first-order expressibility of computing certain answers to conjunctive queries over uncertain databases (JW), pp. 179–190.
SIGMOD-2010-MagnaniM #named- US-SQL: managing uncertain schemata (MM, DM), pp. 1195–1198.
SIGMOD-2010-QiJSP #optimisation #query- Threshold query optimization for uncertain data (YQ, RJ, SS, SP), pp. 315–326.
SIGMOD-2010-TranPLDL #algorithm #data type #named- PODS: a new model and processing algorithms for uncertain data streams (TTLT, LP, BL, YD, AL), pp. 159–170.
VLDB-2010-GeZ #array #modelling #multi- A*-tree: A Structure for Storage and Modeling of Uncertain Multidimensional Arrays (TG, SBZ), pp. 964–974.
VLDB-2010-KimuraMZ #database #named- UPI: A Primary Index for Uncertain Databases (HK, SM, SBZ), pp. 630–637.
VLDB-2010-PotamiasBGK #graph #nearest neighbour- k-Nearest Neighbors in Uncertain Graphs (MP, FB, AG, GK), pp. 997–1008.
VLDB-2010-RenzCK #database #mining #similarity- Similarity Search and Mining in Uncertain Databases (MR, RC, HPK, AZ, TB), pp. 1653–1654.
VLDB-2010-SolimanIS - Building Ranked Mashups of Unstructured Sources with Uncertain Information (MAS, IFI, MS), pp. 826–837.
VLDB-2010-TranMDPL #data type- Conditioning and Aggregating Uncertain Data Streams: Going Beyond Expectations (TTLT, AM, YD, LP, AL), pp. 1302–1313.
VLDB-2011-LianC #correlation #framework- A Generic Framework for Handling Uncertain Data with Local Correlations (XL, LC), pp. 12–21.
AFL-J-2008-KaminskiZ10 #automaton- Finite-Memory Automata with Non-Deterministic Reassignment (MK, DZ), pp. 741–760.
DLT-J-2008-Ada10 #communication #complexity #on the #regular expression- On the Non-Deterministic Communication Complexity of Regular Languages (AA), pp. 479–493.
CIAA-2010-CimattiMRT #automaton #regular expression- From Sequential Extended Regular Expressions to NFA with Symbolic Labels (AC, SM, MR, ST), pp. 87–94.
ICALP-v1-2010-BojanczykP #automaton #evaluation #performance #using- Efficient Evaluation of Nondeterministic Automata Using Factorization Forests (MB, PP), pp. 515–526.
IFM-2010-Dimovski #composition #equivalence #source code #termination- A Compositional Method for Deciding Equivalence and Termination of Nondeterministic Programs (AD), pp. 121–135.
CHI-2010-RogersWSM #named- FingerCloud: uncertainty and autonomy handover incapacitive sensing (SR, JW, CDS, RMS), pp. 577–580.
CAiSE-2010-SilvaMBB #automation #consistency #design #modelling #towards- Towards Automated Inconsistency Handling in Design Models (MAAdS, AM, XB, RB), pp. 348–362.
CIKM-2010-KhachatryanB #multi- Quantifying uncertainty in multi-dimensional cardinality estimations (AK, KB), pp. 1317–1320.
CIKM-2010-KhalefaML #query- Skyline query processing for uncertain data (MEK, MFM, JJL), pp. 1293–1296.
CIKM-2010-LuWG #multi #semantics- Multi-information fusion for uncertain semantic representations of videos (BL, GW, XG), pp. 1609–1612.
CIKM-2010-ZhaoAY #composition #on the #set- On wavelet decomposition of uncertain time series data sets (YZ, CCA, PSY), pp. 129–138.
ICML-2010-BhadraBBB #kernel #matrix #robust- Robust Formulations for Handling Uncertainty in Kernel Matrices (SB, SB, CB, ABT), pp. 71–78.
ICPR-2010-PiroonratanaWUALC #identification #morphism #ranking #symmetry #using- Identification of Ancestry Informative Markers from Chromosome-Wide Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Using Symmetrical Uncertainty Ranking (TP, WW, TU, AA, CL, NC), pp. 2448–2451.
ICPR-2010-Sur #robust- Robust Matching in an Uncertain World (FS), pp. 2350–2353.
ICPR-2010-WuW #estimation #evaluation- A Comprehensive Evaluation on Non-deterministic Motion Estimation (CW, QW), pp. 2333–2336.
KDD-2010-GaoW #mining- Direct mining of discriminative patterns for classifying uncertain data (CG, JW), pp. 861–870.
KDD-2010-SarangiM #named #similarity- DUST: a generalized notion of similarity between uncertain time series (SRS, KM), pp. 383–392.
KDD-2010-SunCCC #mining #probability- Mining uncertain data with probabilistic guarantees (LS, RC, DWC, JC), pp. 273–282.
KDD-2010-ZouGL #database #graph #probability #semantics- Discovering frequent subgraphs over uncertain graph databases under probabilistic semantics (ZZ, HG, JL), pp. 633–642.
KR-2010-EiterFSW #consistency #multi- Finding Explanations of Inconsistency in Multi-Context Systems (TE, MF, PS, AW).
KR-2010-GebserGISSTV #biology #consistency #network #predict #programming #scalability #set- Repair and Prediction (under Inconsistency) in Large Biological Networks with Answer Set Programming (MG, CG, MI, TS, AS, ST, PV).
KR-2010-LutzS #logic #probability- Probabilistic Description Logics for Subjective Uncertainty (CL, LS).
KR-2010-XiaoLMQ #consistency #metric #multi #satisfiability #semantics- Computing Inconsistency Measurements under Multi-Valued Semantics by Partial Max-SAT Solvers (GX, ZL, YM, GQ).
RecSys-2010-DeryKRS #recommendation- Iterative voting under uncertainty for group recommender systems (LND, MK, LR, BS), pp. 265–268.
ECMFA-2010-Lopez-HerrejonE #consistency #detection #modelling #multi #variability- Detecting Inconsistencies in Multi-View Models with Variability (RELH, AE), pp. 217–232.
OOPSLA-2010-GabelYYGS #consistency #detection #scalability #source code- Scalable and systematic detection of buggy inconsistencies in source code (MG, JY, YY, MG, ZS), pp. 175–190.
PEPM-2010-RiescoR #programming- Programming with singular and plural non-deterministic functions (AR, JRH), pp. 83–92.
POPL-2010-BodikCGKTBR #programming- Programming with angelic nondeterminism (RB, SC, JG, DK, NT, SB, CR), pp. 339–352.
RE-2010-JuretaBEM #consistency #generative #modelling #named #requirements #towards- Techne: Towards a New Generation of Requirements Modeling Languages with Goals, Preferences, and Inconsistency Handling (IJ, AB, NAE, JM), pp. 115–124.
RE-2010-KamalrudinHG #approach #automation #consistency #named #requirements #visual notation- MaramaAI: Automated and Visual Approach for Inconsistency Checking of Requirements (MK, JGH, JCG), pp. 393–394.
REFSQ-2010-WelshS #adaptation #comprehension- Understanding the Scope of Uncertainty in Dynamically Adaptive Systems (KW, PS), pp. 2–16.
ASE-2010-AroonvatanapornSB #assessment #estimation- Reducing estimation uncertainty with continuous assessment: tracking the “cone of uncertainty” (PA, CS, BWB), pp. 337–340.
SAC-2010-EspositoFd #validation- Recovering uncertain mappings through structural validation and aggregation with the MoTo system (FE, NF, Cd), pp. 1428–1432.
SAC-2010-LeungHB #constraints #mining- Mining uncertain data for frequent itemsets that satisfy aggregate constraints (CKSL, BH, DAB), pp. 1034–1038.
SAC-2010-QinXL #classification- A Bayesian classifier for uncertain data (BQ, YX, FL), pp. 1010–1014.
CASE-2010-AllenT #consistency #detection #fault #industrial- Event-based fault detection of manufacturing cell: Data inconsistencies between academic assumptions and industry practice (LVA, DMT), pp. 426–432.
CASE-2010-ChaouiS #adaptation #fuzzy #logic- Adaptive fuzzy logic motion and posture control of inverted pendulums with unstructured uncertainties (HC, PS), pp. 638–643.
DATE-2010-ChouYCDK #case study #design #scalability- Finding reset nondeterminism in RTL designs — scalable X-analysis methodology and case study (HZC, HY, KHC, DD, SYK), pp. 1494–1499.
DATE-2010-GhosalZNB #design #parametricity #robust- Computing robustness of FlexRay schedules to uncertainties in design parameters (AG, HZ, MDN, YBH), pp. 550–555.
DATE-2010-JungP #network #optimisation #power management- Optimizing the power delivery network in dynamically voltage scaled systems with uncertain power mode transition times (HJ, MP), pp. 351–356.
ICST-2010-PorresR #contract #protocol #uml- From Nondeterministic UML Protocol Statemachines to Class Contracts (IP, IR), pp. 107–116.
PODS-2009-AgarwalCTY - Indexing uncertain data (PKA, SWC, YT, KY), pp. 137–146.
PODS-2009-AtallahQ - Computing all skyline probabilities for uncertain data (MJA, YQ), pp. 279–287.
PODS-2009-GuhaM #clustering- Exceeding expectations and clustering uncertain data (SG, KM), pp. 269–278.
SIGMOD-2009-BabuGM #learning #scalability- Large-scale uncertainty management systems: learning and exploiting your data (SB, SG, KM), pp. 995–998.
SIGMOD-2009-BexGMN #regular expression #xml- Simplifying XML schema: effortless handling of nondeterministic regular expressions (GJB, WG, WM, FN), pp. 731–744.
SIGMOD-2009-GeZM #query- Top-k queries on uncertain data: on score distribution and typical answers (TG, SBZ, SM), pp. 375–388.
SIGMOD-2009-MichelakisKHV #information management #rule-based- Uncertainty management in rule-based information extraction systems (EM, RK, PJH, SV), pp. 101–114.
SIGMOD-2009-XuBEHS #clustering #enterprise- E = MC3: managing uncertain enterprise data in a cluster-computing environment (FX, KSB, VE, PJH, EJS), pp. 441–454.
VLDB-2009-ZhangCJOZ #effectiveness #predict #query- Effectively Indexing Uncertain Moving Objects for Predictive Queries (MZ, SC, CSJ, BCO, ZZ), pp. 1198–1209.
CIAA-J-2008-HolzerK09 #automaton #complexity #finite- Nondeterministic Finite Automata — Recent Results on the Descriptional and Computational Complexity (MH, MK), pp. 563–580.
LATA-2009-BeyersdorffKM #complexity #proving- Nondeterministic Instance Complexity and Proof Systems with Advice (OB, JK, SM), pp. 164–175.
FM-2009-ChenS #probability- Unifying Probability with Nondeterminism (YC, JWS), pp. 467–482.
ICFP-2009-FischerKS #functional #lazy evaluation #programming- Purely functional lazy non-deterministic programming (SF, OK, CcS), pp. 11–22.
CIG-2009-DeLoozeV #fuzzy- Fuzzy Q-learning in a nondeterministic environment: developing an intelligent Ms. Pac-Man agent (LLD, WRV), pp. 162–169.
DHM-2009-ZhengHLZLQ #feedback #fuzzy #logic- Fuzzy Logic in Exploring Data Effects: A Way to Unveil Uncertainty in EEG Feedback (FZ, BH, LL, TZ, YL, YQ), pp. 754–763.
CAiSE-2009-BlancMMM #consistency #detection #incremental- Incremental Detection of Model Inconsistencies Based on Model Operations (XB, AM, IM, TM), pp. 32–46.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2009-Rojas-MoraG #fuzzy #set- The Signing of a Professional Athlete — Reducing Uncertainty with a Weighted Mean Hemimetric for Phi — Fuzzy Subsets (JRM, JGL), pp. 158–163.
ICEIS-ISAS-2009-HidalgoGT #consistency #data type #detection #performance- Efficient Data Structures for Local Inconsistency Detection in Firewall ACL Updates (SPH, RMG, FTdlR), pp. 176–181.
ICEIS-ISAS-2009-Kumlander #framework- Uncertainties Management Framework — Foundational Principles (DK), pp. 103–108.
ICEIS-J-2009-Al-NoryBN #composition #framework- A Service Composition Framework for Decision Making under Uncertainty (MTAN, AB, HN), pp. 363–375.
ICEIS-J-2009-LampertiZ #monitoring- Monotonic Monitoring of Discrete-Event Systems with Uncertain Temporal Observations (GL, MZ), pp. 348–362.
CIKM-2009-LianC #data type #performance- Efficient join processing on uncertain data streams (XL, LC), pp. 857–866.
CIKM-2009-ZouLGZ #graph #mining- Frequent subgraph pattern mining on uncertain graph data (ZZ, JL, HG, SZ), pp. 583–592.
ICML-2009-SindhwaniML #design- Uncertainty sampling and transductive experimental design for active dual supervision (VS, PM, RDL), pp. 953–960.
KDD-2009-AggarwalLWW #mining- Frequent pattern mining with uncertain data (CCA, YL, JW, JW), pp. 29–38.
KDD-2009-BerneckerKRVZ #database #mining #probability- Probabilistic frequent itemset mining in uncertain databases (TB, HPK, MR, FV, AZ), pp. 119–128.
KDIR-2009-Fathi #information management #modelling- Modelling Uncertainties in Advanced Knowledge Management (MF), pp. 7–8.
KEOD-2009-Fathi #information management #modelling- Modelling Uncertainties in Advanced Knowledge Management (MF), pp. 7–8.
KMIS-2009-Fathi #information management #modelling- Modelling Uncertainties in Advanced Knowledge Management (MF), pp. 7–8.
SEKE-2009-HendersonH #architecture #collaboration #consistency #development- Collaborative Development of System Architecture — a Tool for Coping with Inconsistency (PH, MJH), pp. 520–525.
SEKE-2009-McElroyR #approach- A Layered Approach for Planning Releases under Uncertain Capacities (JM, GR), pp. 649–654.
SEKE-2009-Zhang #consistency #development- Taming Inconsistency in Value-based Software Development (DZ), pp. 450–455.
SIGIR-2009-Aly #modelling #retrieval #semantics #video- Modeling uncertainty in video retrieval: a retrieval model for uncertain semantic representations of videos (RA), p. 846.
SIGIR-2009-ZhuWCT #information retrieval #modelling #risk management- Risky business: modeling and exploiting uncertainty in information retrieval (JZ, JW, IJC, MJT), pp. 99–106.
MoDELS-2009-ChengSBW #adaptation #approach #modelling #requirements- A Goal-Based Modeling Approach to Develop Requirements of an Adaptive System with Environmental Uncertainty (BHCC, PS, NB, JW), pp. 468–483.
MoDELS-2009-ChengSBW #adaptation #approach #modelling #requirements- A Goal-Based Modeling Approach to Develop Requirements of an Adaptive System with Environmental Uncertainty (BHCC, PS, NB, JW), pp. 468–483.
PEPM-2009-Lopez-FraguasRS #flexibility #framework #programming- A flexible framework for programming with non-deterministic functions (FJLF, JRH, JSH), pp. 91–100.
QAPL-2009-Bernardo #logic #markov #probability #process #testing- Uniform Logical Characterizations of Testing Equivalences for Nondeterministic, Probabilistic and Markovian Processes (MB), pp. 3–23.
RE-2009-WhittleSBCB #adaptation #named #self #specification- RELAX: Incorporating Uncertainty into the Specification of Self-Adaptive Systems (JW, PS, NB, BHCC, JMB), pp. 79–88.
REFSQ-2009-PerrouinBBT #consistency #detection #modelling #perspective #requirements- Composing Models for Detecting Inconsistencies: A Requirements Engineering Perspective (GP, EB, BB, YLT), pp. 89–103.
ASE-2009-Kamalrudin #automation #consistency #requirements #tool support- Automated Software Tool Support for Checking the Inconsistency of Requirements (MK), pp. 693–697.
ASE-2009-RoseKPP #automation #consistency #metamodelling- Enhanced Automation for Managing Model and Metamodel Inconsistency (LMR, DSK, RFP, FACP), pp. 545–549.
ESEC-FSE-2009-XiongHZSTM #automation #consistency- Supporting automatic model inconsistency fixing (YX, ZH, HZ, HS, MT, HM), pp. 315–324.
SAC-2009-ChengS #modelling #quality- Uncertainty apportionment for air quality forecast models (HC, AS), pp. 956–960.
SAC-2009-ChoudhuriG #embedded #named- FlashBox: a system for logging non-deterministic events in deployed embedded systems (SC, TG), pp. 1676–1682.
SAC-2009-TimotheouL #communication- Autonomous networked robots for the establishment of wireless communication in uncertain emergency response scenarios (ST, GL), pp. 1171–1175.
CASE-2009-AllenGT #logic #verification- Closed-loop determinism for non-deterministic environments: Verification for IEC 61499 logic controllers (LVA, KMG, DMT), pp. 1–6.
CASE-2009-KarnikTS #capacity #modelling #robust- Robust models for manufacturing capacity planning under demand uncertainty (AK, CST, AS), pp. 310–315.
CASE-2009-LeeB #architecture #composition #petri net- A modular petri net based architecture to model manufacturing systems exhibiting resource and timing uncertainties (HL, AB), pp. 525–530.
CASE-2009-XuK - Discrete event control under nondeterministic partial observation (SX, RK), pp. 127–132.
DATE-2009-SafizadehTATB #using- Using randomization to cope with circuit uncertainty (HS, MT, EKA, GT, KB), pp. 815–820.
FASE-2009-RajamaniJPR #mobile #network #query- Inquiry and Introspection for Non-deterministic Queries in Mobile Networks (VR, CJ, JP, GCR), pp. 401–416.
FoSSaCS-2009-NeuhausserSK #markov #process- Delayed Nondeterminism in Continuous-Time Markov Decision Processes (MRN, MS, JPK), pp. 364–379.
FoSSaCS-2009-Schewe #automaton #bound- Tighter Bounds for the Determinisation of Büchi Automata (SS), pp. 167–181.
CSL-2009-Laird - Nondeterminism and Observable Sequentiality (JL), pp. 379–393.
MBT-2009-SchumannSH #graph #testing #using- Computing Optimal Tests for Non-deterministic Systems Using DNNF Graphs (AS, MS, JH), pp. 87–99.
TestCom-FATES-2009-ZeissG #consistency #testing- Analyzing Response Inconsistencies in Test Suites (BZ, JG), pp. 195–210.
VMCAI-2009-MightM #abstract interpretation- A PosterioriSoundness for Non-deterministic Abstract Interpretations (MM, PM), pp. 260–274.
PODS-2008-CormodeM #algorithm #approximate #clustering- Approximation algorithms for clustering uncertain data (GC, AM), pp. 191–200.
SIGMOD-2008-HuaPZL #approach #probability #query #ranking- Ranking queries on uncertain data: a probabilistic threshold approach (MH, JP, WZ, XL), pp. 673–686.
SIGMOD-2008-JampaniXWPJH #approach #monte carlo #named- MCDB: a monte carlo approach to managing uncertain data (RJ, FX, MW, LLP, CMJ, PJH), pp. 687–700.
SIGMOD-2008-LianC #database- Monochromatic and bichromatic reverse skyline search over uncertain databases (XL, LC), pp. 213–226.
SIGMOD-2008-PeiHTL #probability #query #summary #tutorial- Query answering techniques on uncertain and probabilistic data: tutorial summary (JP, MH, YT, XL), pp. 1357–1364.
SIGMOD-2008-SinghMMPHS - Orion 2.0: native support for uncertain data (SS, CM, SM, SP, SEH, RS), pp. 1239–1242.
SIGMOD-2008-TatemuraCLPCA #named #query #web #web service- UQBE: uncertain query by example for web service mashup (JT, SC, FL, OP, KSC, DA), pp. 1275–1280.
VLDB-2008-BeskalesSI #database #nearest neighbour #performance- Efficient search for the top-k probable nearest neighbors in uncertain databases (GB, MAS, IFI), pp. 326–339.
VLDB-2008-ChengCX #quality- Cleaning uncertain data with quality guarantees (RC, JC, XX), pp. 722–735.
VLDB-2008-DeutchM08a #modelling #query- Querying web-based applications under models of uncertainty (DD, TM), pp. 1659–1665.
VLDB-2008-JinYCYL #query- Sliding-window top-k queries on uncertain streams (CJ, KY, LC, JXY, XL), pp. 301–312.
VLDB-2008-RastogiSW #data access- Access control over uncertain data (VR, DS, EW), pp. 821–832.
VLDB-2008-WangMGH #modelling #named #probability #repository #scalability #visual notation- BayesStore: managing large, uncertain data repositories with probabilistic graphical models (DZW, EM, MNG, JMH), pp. 340–351.
DLT-J-2007-JirasekJS08 #automaton #finite- Deterministic blow-UPS of Minimal Nondeterministic Finite Automata over a Fixed Alphabet (JJ, GJ, AS), pp. 617–631.
AFL-2008-KaminskiZ #automaton- Extending finite-memory automata with non-deterministic reassignment (MK, DZ), pp. 195–207.
CIAA-2008-BouajjaniHHTV #automaton #finite #testing- Antichain-Based Universality and Inclusion Testing over Nondeterministic Finite Tree Automata (AB, PH, LH, TT, TV), pp. 57–67.
CIAA-2008-GarciaPAR #automaton #finite #learning #regular expression #using- Learning Regular Languages Using Nondeterministic Finite Automata (PG, MVdP, GIA, JR), pp. 92–101.
CIAA-2008-GlabbeekP #algorithm- Five Determinisation Algorithms (RJvG, BP), pp. 161–170.
CIAA-2008-HolzerK #complexity #finite- Nondeterministic Finite Automata-Recent Results on the Descriptional and Computational Complexity (MH, MK), pp. 1–16.
DLT-2008-Ada #communication #complexity #on the #regular expression- On the Non-deterministic Communication Complexity of Regular Languages (AA), pp. 96–107.
DLT-2008-HromkovicS #automaton #bound #on the #proving- On the Hardness of Determining Small NFA’s and of Proving Lower Bounds on Their Sizes (JH, GS), pp. 34–55.
ICALP-A-2008-Yin #complexity #proving- Cell-Probe Proofs and Nondeterministic Cell-Probe Complexity (YY), pp. 72–83.
ICALP-B-2008-BjorklundM #automaton- The Tractability Frontier for NFA Minimization (HB, WM), pp. 27–38.
ICALP-B-2008-ColcombetL #automaton- The Non-deterministic Mostowski Hierarchy and Distance-Parity Automata (TC, CL), pp. 398–409.
RTA-2008-Schmidt-SchaussM #call-by #finite #simulation #λ-calculus- A Finite Simulation Method in a Non-deterministic Call-by-Need λ-Calculus with Letrec, Constructors, and Case (MSS, EM), pp. 321–335.
ICGT-2008-BaldanCEK #composition #petri net #process- Open Petri Nets: Non-deterministic Processes and Compositionality (PB, AC, HE, BK), pp. 257–273.
ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-FahadQN #consistency #fault #ontology- Ontological Errors — Inconsistency, Incompleteness and Redundancy (MF, MAQ, MWN), pp. 253–285.
ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-Kumlander #development- Bridging Uncertainties Gaps in Software Development Projects (DK), pp. 240–245.
ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-SchmitzAFA #implementation #order- Defining the Implementation Order of Software Projects in Uncertain Environments (EAS, AJA, MCF, CMdA), pp. 23–29.
ICPR-2008-GamboaF #classification #testing- Uncertainty based classification fusion — a soft-biometrics test case (HG, ALNF), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-RyooA #fuzzy #process #using- Human activities: Handling uncertainties using fuzzy time intervals (MSR, JKA), pp. 1–5.
ICPR-2008-SukumarBPKA #locality #multi #using- Uncertainty minimization in multi-sensor localization systems using model selection theory (SRS, HB, DLP, AK, MAA), pp. 1–4.
KR-2008-HunterK #consistency #set- Measuring Inconsistency through Minimal Inconsistent Sets (AH, SK), pp. 358–366.
KR-2008-MartinezPPSS #consistency #policy- Inconsistency Management Policies (MVM, FP, AP, GIS, VSS), pp. 367–377.
KR-2008-PiniRVW - Dealing with Incomplete Agents’ Preferences and an Uncertain Agenda in Group Decision Making via Sequential Majority Voting (MSP, FR, KBV, TW), pp. 571–578.
MoDELS-2008-GoldsbyC #adaptation #automation #behaviour #generative #modelling- Automatically Generating Behavioral Models of Adaptive Systems to Address Uncertainty (HG, BHCC), pp. 568–583.
MoDELS-2008-GoldsbyC #adaptation #automation #behaviour #generative #modelling- Automatically Generating Behavioral Models of Adaptive Systems to Address Uncertainty (HG, BHCC), pp. 568–583.
PPDP-2008-DeckerM #consistency- Classifying integrity checking methods with regard to inconsistency tolerance (HD, DM), pp. 195–204.
ASE-2008-EgyedLF #consistency #design #generative #modelling #uml- Generating and Evaluating Choices for Fixing Inconsistencies in UML Design Models (AE, EL, AF), pp. 99–108.
ICSE-2008-BlancMMM #consistency #detection- Detecting model inconsistency through operation-based model construction (XB, IM, AM, TM), pp. 511–520.
ICSE-2008-LuCT #consistency #pervasive #testing- Testing pervasive software in the presence of context inconsistency resolution services (HL, WKC, THT), pp. 61–70.
SAC-2008-BatistaDF #grid #scheduling- Scheduling grid tasks under uncertain demands (DMB, ACD, NLSdF), pp. 2041–2045.
SAC-2008-BordognaPPP #query- Evaluating uncertain location-based spatial queries (GB, MP, GP, GP), pp. 1095–1100.
SAC-2008-SchmitzAA #implementation #order- A method for defining the implementation order of software projects under uncertainty (EAS, AJA, CMdA), pp. 844–845.
CASE-2008-AdamekSS #hybrid #probability- Stochastic optimal control for hybrid systems with uncertain discrete dynamics (FA, MS, OS), pp. 23–28.
CASE-2008-HouZWCT #adaptation #approach #fuzzy #using- Adaptive dynamic surface control of a class of uncertain nonlinear systems in pure-feedback form using fuzzy backstepping approach (ZGH, AMZ, FXW, LC, MT), pp. 821–826.
CASE-2008-KimMHJL #image #robust- Image-based robust control of robot manipulators with image Jacobian and dynamics uncertainties (CSK, EJM, SMH, MSJ, KWL), pp. 732–737.
CASE-2008-KumarTSS #fuzzy #modelling- A fuzzy system for modeling the structure-activity relationships in presence of uncertainties (MK, KT, NS, RS), pp. 1025–1030.
CASE-2008-PatilS #adaptation- Adapting product and supply chain systems under severe uncertainty (LP, KS), pp. 285–290.
DATE-2008-JungP #power management- Resilient Dynamic Power Management under Uncertainty (HJ, MP), pp. 224–229.
DATE-2008-MalaniMQW #adaptation #multi #realtime #scalability #scheduling- Adaptive Scheduling and Voltage Scaling for Multiprocessor Real-time Applications with Non-deterministic Workload (PM, PM, QQ, QW), pp. 652–657.
TACAS-2008-AndresR #probability- Conditional Probabilities over Probabilistic and Nondeterministic Systems (MEA, PvR), pp. 157–172.
ICLP-2008-CasasCH #implementation #independence #strict- A High-Level Implementation of Non-deterministic, Unrestricted, Independent And-Parallelism (AC, MC, MVH), pp. 651–666.
ICLP-2008-GebserSTUV #biology #consistency #detection #network #programming #scalability #set- Detecting Inconsistencies in Large Biological Networks with Answer Set Programming (MG, TS, ST, BU, PV), pp. 130–144.
ICLP-2008-PerezR #concurrent #constraints #programming- Non-determinism and Probabilities in Timed Concurrent Constraint Programming (JAP, CR), pp. 677–681.
ICST-2008-Garousi #distributed #modelling #realtime #testing #uml- Traffic-aware Stress Testing of Distributed Real-Time Systems Based on UML Models in the Presence of Time Uncertainty (VG), pp. 92–101.
ICST-2008-KolovosPP #consistency #detection #modelling- Detecting and Repairing Inconsistencies across Heterogeneous Models (DSK, RFP, FP), pp. 356–364.
ICST-2008-LeiWL #concurrent #consistency #diagrams #java #process #source code #testing #uml- UML Activity Diagram Based Testing of Java Concurrent Programs for Data Race and Inconsistency (BL, LW, XL), pp. 200–209.
LICS-2008-Murawski #game studies #reachability #semantics #source code- Reachability Games and Game Semantics: Comparing Nondeterministic Programs (ASM), pp. 353–363.
ECDL-2007-Clausen #automation #library- Opening Schrödingers Library: Semi-automatic QA Reduces Uncertainty in Object Transformation (LRC), pp. 186–197.
ECDL-2007-HessR #documentation #network- A Model of Uncertainty for Near-Duplicates in Document Reference Networks (CH, MdR), pp. 449–453.
SIGMOD-2007-QiCS #consistency #data flow #named #query- FICSR: feedback-based inconsistency resolution and query processing on misaligned data sources (YQ, KSC, MLS), pp. 151–162.
SIGMOD-2007-SolimanIC #database #evaluation #named #performance #query- URank: formulation and efficient evaluation of top-k queries in uncertain databases (MAS, IFI, KCCC), pp. 1082–1084.
VLDB-2007-DongHY #integration- Data Integration with Uncertainty (XLD, AYH, CY), pp. 687–698.
VLDB-2007-PeiJLY #probability- Probabilistic Skylines on Uncertain Data (JP, BJ, XL, YY), pp. 15–26.
ITiCSE-2007-Ben-Ari #concurrent #education- Teaching concurrency and nondeterminism with spin (MBA), pp. 363–364.
CIAA-2007-KutribMW #automaton- Regulated Nondeterminism in Pushdown Automata (MK, AM, LW), pp. 85–96.
CIAA-2007-MrazPO #context-free grammar- A Measure for the Degree of Nondeterminism of Context-Free Languages (FM, MP, FO), pp. 192–202.
DLT-2007-AnselmoGM #2d- From Determinism to Non-determinism in Recognizable Two-Dimensional Languages (MA, DG, MM), pp. 36–47.
DLT-2007-GruberH #complexity #exclamation- Inapproximability of Nondeterministic State and Transition Complexity Assuming P=!NP (HG, MH), pp. 205–216.
DLT-2007-JirasekJS #automaton #finite- Deterministic Blow-Ups of Minimal Nondeterministic Finite Automata over a Fixed Alphabet (JJ, GJ, AS), pp. 254–265.
DLT-2007-Salomaa #automaton #complexity #finite- Descriptional Complexity of Nondeterministic Finite Automata (KS), pp. 31–35.
ICALP-2007-BeameDPW #communication #complexity #multi- Separating Deterministic from Nondeterministic NOF Multiparty Communication Complexity (PB, MD, TP, PW), pp. 134–145.
ICALP-2007-KatrielKU #probability #problem- Commitment Under Uncertainty: Two-Stage Stochastic Matching Problems (IK, CKM, EU), pp. 171–182.
LATA-2007-ChoudharySB - Universality for Nondeterministic Logspace (VC, AKS, SB), pp. 103–114.
LATA-2007-GruberH #automaton #complexity #finite- Computational Complexity of NFA Minimization for Finite and Unary Languages (HG, MH), pp. 261–272.
LATA-2007-Kresz #automaton- Nondeterministic soliton automata with a single external vertex (MK), pp. 319–330.
LATA-2007-MesserschmidtO #automaton #on the- On Determinism Versus Non-Determinism for Restarting Automata (HM, FO), pp. 413–424.
DHM-2007-OhS #behaviour #comprehension- Understanding RUTH: Creating Believable Behaviors for a Virtual Human Under Uncertainty (IO, MS), pp. 443–452.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-ChanL #rule-based- Rule Based Stability Criteria for Coalition Formation Under Uncertainty (CKC, HfL), pp. 171–177.
CIKM-2007-ReS - Management of data with uncertainties (CR, DS), pp. 3–8.
ICML-2007-DelageM #markov #optimisation #performance #process- Percentile optimization in uncertain Markov decision processes with application to efficient exploration (ED, SM), pp. 225–232.
RecSys-2007-GadanhoL - Addressing uncertainty in implicit preferences (SCG, NL), pp. 97–104.
SIGIR-2007-Collins-ThompsonC #estimation #feedback #pseudo #using- Estimation and use of uncertainty in pseudo-relevance feedback (KCT, JC), pp. 303–310.
SIGIR-2007-YakiciBRC #evaluation #information retrieval #modelling- Modelling epistemic uncertainty in ir evaluation (MY, MB, IR, FC), pp. 769–770.
MoDELS-2007-KusterR #consistency #evaluation- Improving Inconsistency Resolution with Side-Effect Evaluation and Costs (JMK, KR), pp. 136–150.
MoDELS-2007-KusterR #consistency #evaluation- Improving Inconsistency Resolution with Side-Effect Evaluation and Costs (JMK, KR), pp. 136–150.
PLDI-2007-DilligDA #consistency #detection #fault #semantics #using- Static error detection using semantic inconsistency inference (ID, TD, AA), pp. 435–445.
ASE-2007-VainRKE #synthesis- Synthesis of test purpose directed reactive planning tester for nondeterministic systems (JV, KR, AK, JPE), pp. 363–372.
ESEC-FSE-2007-XuCCY #automation #consistency #on the #pervasive- On impact-oriented automatic resolution of pervasive context inconsistency (CX, SCC, WKC, CY), pp. 569–572.
ICSE-2007-Egyed #consistency #design #modelling #uml- Fixing Inconsistencies in UML Design Models (AE), pp. 292–301.
CASE-2007-GengJ #capacity- Capacity Planning for Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication with Uncertain Demand and Capacity (NG, ZJ), pp. 100–105.
CASE-2007-KumarTSS #fuzzy #modelling- Fuzzy Handling of Uncertainties in Modeling the Inhibition of Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3 by Paullones (MK, KT, NS, RS), pp. 237–242.
DAC-2007-RoyMC - Effects of Coupling Capacitance and Inductance on Delay Uncertainty and Clock Skew (AR, NHM, MHC), pp. 184–187.
DAC-2007-XianLL #energy #execution #multi #realtime #scheduling- Energy-Aware Scheduling for Real-Time Multiprocessor Systems with Uncertain Task Execution Time (CX, YHL, ZL), pp. 664–669.
DAC-2007-YuDFL #analysis #framework #process #statistics- A Framework for Accounting for Process Model Uncertainty in Statistical Static Timing Analysis (GY, WD, ZF, PL), pp. 829–834.
DATE-2007-JungP #power management- Dynamic power management under uncertain information (HJ, MP), pp. 1060–1065.
STOC-2007-Indyk - Uncertainty principles, extractors, and explicit embeddings of l2 into l1 (PI), pp. 615–620.
MBT-2007-BorodayPG #model checking #question #testing- Can a Model Checker Generate Tests for Non-Deterministic Systems? (SB, AP, RG), pp. 3–19.
TestCom-FATES-2007-ShabaldinaEY #finite #state machine #testing- Testing Nondeterministic Finite State Machines with Respect to the Separability Relation (NS, KEF, NY), pp. 305–318.
VLDB-2006-AgrawalBSHNSW #named- Trio: A System for Data, Uncertainty, and Lineage (PA, OB, ADS, CH, SUN, TS, JW), pp. 1151–1154.
VLDB-2006-BenjellounSHW #database #named- ULDBs: Databases with Uncertainty and Lineage (OB, ADS, AYH, JW), pp. 953–964.
CSEET-2006-Budgen #why- Why should they believe us? Determinism, non-determinism and evidence (DB), p. 4.
CIAA-2006-Hyyro #approximate #automaton #string- Tighter Packed Bit-Parallel NFA for Approximate String Matching (HH), pp. 287–289.
DLT-2006-GruberH #bound #complexity- Finding Lower Bounds for Nondeterministic State Complexity Is Hard (HG, MH), pp. 363–374.
DLT-2006-KutribM #automaton- Context-Dependent Nondeterminism for Pushdown Automata (MK, AM), pp. 133–144.
CAiSE-2006-FlescaGMT #documentation- Wrapping PDF Documents Exploiting Uncertain Knowledge (SF, SG, EM, AT), pp. 175–189.
EDOC-2006-GorpAJ #2d #consistency #contract #framework #platform #towards #traceability #visual notation- Towards 2D Traceability in a Platform for Contract Aware Visual Transformations with Tolerated Inconsistencies (PVG, FA, DJ), pp. 185–198.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2006-Hanna #execution- Coalition Formation with Uncertain Task Execution (HH), pp. 164–169.
CIKM-2006-ChengSPSVX #performance- Efficient join processing over uncertain data (RC, SS, SP, RS, JSV, YX), pp. 738–747.
ICML-2006-DaiYTK #adaptation #classification- Locally adaptive classification piloted by uncertainty (JD, SY, XT, JTK), pp. 225–232.
ICPR-v1-2006-Brandt #robust- Robust Factorisation with Uncertainty Ana (SSB), pp. 39–42.
ICPR-v1-2006-GebkenTPS #estimation #image- Perspective Pose Estimation from Uncertain Omnidirectional Image Data (CG, AT, CP, GS), pp. 793–796.
ICPR-v2-2006-YuW06b #mining- Mining Uncertain Data in Low-dimensional Subspace (ZY, HSW), pp. 748–751.
KR-2006-HunterK #consistency- Shapley Inconsistency Values (AH, SK), pp. 249–259.
KR-2006-Saint-CyrP #fuzzy #modelling #persistent #reasoning- Possibilistic Handling of Uncertain Default Rules with Applications to Persistence Modeling and Fuzzy Default Reasoning (FDdSC, HP), pp. 440–451.
KR-2006-SardinaGLL #on the #strict- On the Limits of Planning over Belief States under Strict Uncertainty (SS, GDG, YL, HJL), pp. 463–471.
KR-2006-ZamanskyA #first-order #logic #semantics- Non-Deterministic Semantics for First-Order Paraconsistent Logics (AZ, AA), pp. 431–439.
SEKE-2006-HuangC06a #rule-based- A New Method of Value-Adding Treatment Inference for Rule-based Uncertainty Knowledge (CJH, MYC), pp. 51–56.
SEKE-2006-McDaidGKPCT #agile #release planning- Managing Uncertainty in Agile Release Planning (KM, DG, FK, PP, GC, PST), pp. 138–143.
SIGIR-2006-JinFM #analysis #consistency #feedback #performance- Quantative analysis of the impact of judging inconsistency on the performance of relevance feedback (XJ, JCF, JM), pp. 655–656.
MoDELS-2006-MensSD #analysis #consistency #dependence #detection #using- Detecting and Resolving Model Inconsistencies Using Transformation Dependency Analysis (TM, RVDS, MD), pp. 200–214.
MoDELS-2006-MensSD #analysis #consistency #dependence #detection #using- Detecting and Resolving Model Inconsistencies Using Transformation Dependency Analysis (TM, RVDS, MD), pp. 200–214.
QAPL-2006-WolfBM06a #probability #semantics- Trace Semantics for Stochastic Systems with Nondeterminism (VW, CB, MEMC), pp. 187–204.
SAC-2006-StraetenD #consistency #refactoring #rule-based- Model refactorings through rule-based inconsistency resolution (RVDS, MD), pp. 1210–1217.
SAC-2006-Yu - A spatiotemporal uncertainty model of degree 1.5 for continuously changing data objects (BY), pp. 1150–1155.
CASE-2006-DingYZA #clustering #evaluation #multi #optimisation #performance #process #tool support- Performance Evaluation and Schedule Optimization of Multi-Cluster Tools with Process Times Uncertainty (SD, JY, MTZ, RAT), pp. 112–117.
DAC-2006-SinghMPO #runtime- Gain-based technology mapping for minimum runtime leakage under input vector uncertainty (AKS, MM, RP, MO), pp. 522–527.
DAC-2006-WangKO #parametricity #probability #statistics- Statistical timing based on incomplete probabilistic descriptions of parameter uncertainty (WSW, VK, MO), pp. 161–166.
DATE-2006-ReddyWM #architecture- Analyzing timing uncertainty in mesh-based clock architectures (SMR, GRW, RM), pp. 1097–1102.
HPDC-2006-ZhangJHMS #grid- Replicating Nondeterministic Services on Grid Environments (XZ, FJ, MAH, KM, RDS), pp. 105–116.
OSDI-2006-KremenekTBNE #specification- From Uncertainty to Belief: Inferring the Specification Within (TK, PT, GB, AYN, DRE), pp. 161–176.
FoSSaCS-2006-Laird #abstraction- Bidomains and Full Abstraction for Countable Nondeterminism (JL), pp. 352–366.
TACAS-2006-SenVA #markov #model checking- Model-Checking Markov Chains in the Presence of Uncertainties (KS, MV, GA), pp. 394–410.
LICS-2006-Piterman #automaton- From Nondeterministic Buchi and Streett Automata to Deterministic Parity Automata (NP), pp. 255–264.
TestCom-2006-Ipate #bound #finite #sequence #state machine #testing- Bounded Sequence Testing from Non-deterministic Finite State Machines (FI), pp. 55–70.
DocEng-2005-Bulterman #documentation- Engineering information in documents: leaving room for uncertainty (DCAB), p. 94.
VLDB-2005-BurdickDJRV - OLAP Over Uncertain and Imprecise Data (DB, PD, TSJ, RR, SV), pp. 970–981.
VLDB-2005-TaoCXNKP #multi #probability- Indexing Multi-Dimensional Uncertain Data with Arbitrary Probability Density Functions (YT, RC, XX, WKN, BK, SP), pp. 922–933.
CIAA-2005-AbdullaDKN #automaton #scalability- Minimization of Non-deterministic Automata with Large Alphabets (PAA, JD, LK, MN), pp. 31–42.
KDD-2005-KriegelP #clustering- Density-based clustering of uncertain data (HPK, MP), pp. 672–677.
SPLC-2005-Wesselius #architecture #modelling- Modeling Architectural Value: Cash Flow, Time and Uncertainty (JHW), pp. 89–95.
ESEC-FSE-2005-XuC #consistency #detection #middleware- Inconsistency detection and resolution for context-aware middleware support (CX, SCC), pp. 336–345.
ICSE-2005-EbertM #requirements- Requirements Uncertainty: Influencing Factors and Concrete Improvements (CE, JDM), pp. 553–560.
SAC-2005-LiuSC #distributed #low cost #query- Cost-efficient processing of MIN/MAX queries over distributed sensors with uncertainty (ZL, KCS, JC), pp. 634–641.
DAC-2005-XuHLNBP #design #named #optimisation #robust- OPERA: optimization with ellipsoidal uncertainty for robust analog IC design (YX, KLH, XL, IN, SPB, LTP), pp. 632–637.
HPDC-2005-LuJ05a #consistency #detection #distributed #framework #grid #performance- A framework for efficient inconsistency detection in a grid and Internet-scale distributed environment (YL, HJ), pp. 318–319.
FoSSaCS-2005-CattaniSKN #probability- Stochastic Transition Systems for Continuous State Spaces and Non-determinism (SC, RS, MZK, GN), pp. 125–139.
TACAS-2005-KupfermanV #automaton #infinity #word- Complementation Constructions for Nondeterministic Automata on Infinite Words (OK, MYV), pp. 206–221.
FATES-2005-PetrenkoY #automaton #consistency #testing- Conformance Tests as Checking Experiments for Partial Nondeterministic FSM (AP, NY), pp. 118–133.
ICLP-2005-BrasselH #analysis #functional #logic programming #source code- Nondeterminism Analysis of Functional Logic Programs (BB, MH), pp. 265–279.
TestCom-2005-MillerCLH #network #protocol #testing- Coping with Nondeterminism in Network Protocol Testing (REM, DC, DL, RH), pp. 129–145.
JCDL-2004-FanLXW #classification #concept #semantics #set #video- Semantic video classification and feature subset selection under context and concept uncertainty (JF, HL, JX, LW), pp. 192–201.
VLDB-2004-ChengXPSV #performance #probability #query- Efficient Indexing Methods for Probabilistic Threshold Queries over Uncertain Data (RC, YX, SP, RS, JSV), pp. 876–887.
CIAA-2004-CampeanuP #automaton #bound- Tight Bounds for NFA to DFCA Transformations for Binary Alphabets (CC, AP), pp. 306–307.
CIAA-2004-Polak #automaton #using- Minimalizations of NFA Using the Universal Automaton (LP), pp. 325–326.
ICALP-2004-FlumGW #bound #parametricity- Bounded Fixed-Parameter Tractability and log2n Nondeterministic Bits (JF, MG, MW), pp. 555–567.
ICEIS-v2-2004-Turowska #analysis- Application of Uncertain Variables to Stability Analysis and Stabilization for ATM ABR Congestion Control Systems (MT), pp. 523–526.
ICEIS-v3-2004-ToffolonD #consistency #development- Human-Centered Systems Development and Use Inconsistencies (CT, SD), pp. 34–41.
ICPR-v4-2004-YuanL #dependence- Fragile Watermarking Scheme Exploiting Non-Deterministic Block-Wise Dependency (YY, CTL), pp. 849–852.
PADL-2004-Fall #declarative- Supporting Decisions in Complex, Uncertain Domains with Declarative Languages (AF), pp. 16–22.
FSE-2004-Egyed #analysis- Resolving uncertainties during trace analysis (AE), pp. 3–12.
ICSE-2004-GortonH #architecture #case study #experience- Architecting in the Face of Uncertainty: An Experience Report (IG, JH), pp. 543–551.
SAC-2004-PaulussenZHBPL #scheduling- Patient scheduling under uncertainty (TOP, AZ, AH, LB, AP, WL), pp. 309–310.
DAC-2004-WangHL #linear #parametricity- A linear fractional transform (LFT) based model for interconnect parametric uncertainty (JMW, OH, JL), pp. 375–380.
DATE-v1-2004-HeathBH #named- Synchro-Tokens: Eliminating Nondeterminism to Enable Chip-Level Test of Globally-Asynchronous Locally-Synchronous SoC?s (MWH, WPB, IGH), pp. 410–415.
STOC-2004-HealyVV #using- Using nondeterminism to amplify hardness (AH, SPV, EV), pp. 192–201.
LICS-2004-AlfaroGJ #abstraction #game studies #precise- Three-Valued Abstractions of Games: Uncertainty, but with Precision (LdA, PG, RJ), pp. 170–179.
ECDL-2003-NottelmannF #logic #probability- Combining DAML+OIL, XSLT, and Probabilistic Logics for Uncertain Schema Mappings in MIND (HN, NF), pp. 194–206.
DLT-2003-ChamparnaudC #algorithm #automaton #reduction- NFA Reduction Algorithms by Means of Regular Inequalities (JMC, FC), pp. 194–205.
DLT-2003-HolzerK03a #automaton- Flip-Pushdown Automata: Nondeterminism Is Better than Determinism (MH, MK), pp. 361–372.
ICALP-2003-HromkovicS03a #automaton #finite- Nondeterminism versus Determinism for Two-Way Finite Automata: Generalizations of Sipser’s Separation (JH, GS), pp. 439–451.
TLCA-2003-Maurel #logic- Nondeterministic Light Logics and NP-Time (FM), pp. 241–255.
IFL-2003-SeguraP #analysis #correctness- Correctness of Non-determinism Analyses in a Parallel-Functional Language (CS, RP), pp. 69–85.
ECIR-2003-NottelmannF #information retrieval #probability- From Uncertain Inference to Probability of Relevance for Advanced IR Applications (HN, NF), pp. 235–250.
SEKE-2003-Ngo-TheR #requirements- Requirements Negotiation under Incompleteness and Uncertainty (ANT, GR), pp. 586–593.
SEKE-2003-SouzaORGR #consistency #detection #modelling #re-engineering #using- Using Critiquing Systems for Inconsistency Detection in Software Engineering Models (CRBdS, HLRO, CRPdR, KMG, DFR), pp. 196–203.
ASE-2003-SabetzadehE #analysis #approach #consistency #graph- Analysis of Inconsistency in Graph-Based Viewpoints: A Category-Theoretic Approach (MS, SME), pp. 12–21.
SAC-2003-MillerFSC #modelling #visualisation- Modeling and Visualizing Uncertainty in a Global Water Balance Model (JRM, JJF, TAS, DCC), pp. 972–978.
DATE-2003-HuangCW - Global Wire Bus Configuration with Minimum Delay Uncertainty (LDH, HMC, DFW), pp. 10050–10055.
DATE-2003-VelenisPF #network #performance- Reduced Delay Uncertainty in High Performance Clock Distribution Networks (DV, MCP, EGF), pp. 10068–10075.
TACAS-2003-AbdeddaimAM #on the #scheduling- On Optimal Scheduling under Uncertainty (YA, EA, OM), pp. 240–253.
FATES-2003-KhoumsiJM #generative #realtime #testing- Test Cases Generation for Nondeterministic Real-Time Systems (AK, TJ, HM), pp. 131–146.
ICLP-2003-LoyerS #logic programming #source code- Default Knowledge in Logic Programs with Uncertainty (YL, US), pp. 466–480.
CIAA-J-2000-Bruggemann-KleinW02 #automaton- The Regularity of Two-Way Nondeterministic Tree Automata Languages (ABK, DW), pp. 67–81.
CIAA-J-2000-Champarnaud02 #automaton #evaluation #regular expression- Evaluation of Three Implicit Structures to Implement Nondeterministic Automata From Regular Expressions (JMC), pp. 99–113.
CIAA-2002-Holub #automaton #programming #simulation- Dynamic Programming — NFA Simulation (JH), pp. 295–300.
CIAA-2002-HolzerK #automaton #complexity #finite- State Complexity of Basic Operations on Nondeterministic Finite Automata (MH, MK), pp. 148–157.
DLT-2002-Adorna #on the- On the Separation between k-Party and (k-1)-Party Nondeterministic Message Complexities (HNA), pp. 152–161.
DLT-2002-HolzerK #complexity- Unary Language Operations and Their Nondeterministic State Complexity (MH, MK), pp. 162–172.
ICALP-2002-Dalmau #constraints #problem- Constraint Satisfaction Problems in Non-deterministic Logarithmic Space (VD), pp. 414–425.
ICALP-2002-HearnD #constraints #logic #reduction- The Nondeterministic Constraint Logic Model of Computation: Reductions and Applications (RAH, EDD), pp. 401–413.
FLOPS-2002-LoyerS #logic programming #semantics #source code- The Well-Founded Semantics in Normal Logic Programs with Uncertainty (YL, US), pp. 152–166.
ICEIS-2002-TrajcevskiWCLZR - Managing Uncertain Trajectories of Moving Objects with Domino (GT, OW, HC, HL, FZ, NR), pp. 218–225.
CIKM-2002-YuXSTK #collaboration #consistency #in memory- Removing redundancy and inconsistency in memory-based collaborative filtering (KY, XX, AS, VT, HPK), pp. 52–59.
ICML-2002-SchapireSMLC #estimation #modelling #using- Modeling Auction Price Uncertainty Using Boosting-based Conditional Density Estimation (RES, PS, DAM, MLL, JAC), pp. 546–553.
KR-2002-LangM #consistency- Resolving Inconsistencies by Variable Forgetting (JL, PM), pp. 239–250.
SEKE-2002-CanforaT #evaluation #re-engineering #tool support- The importance of dealing with uncertainty in the evaluation of software engineering methods and tools (GC, LT), pp. 691–698.
PADL-2002-GallagherP #abstract interpretation #analysis #automaton #finite #logic programming #source code- Abstract Interpretation over Non-deterministic Finite Tree Automata for Set-Based Analysis of Logic Programs (JPG, GP), pp. 243–261.
CSL-2002-Nipkow #bound #hoare #logic #recursion- Hoare Logics for Recursive Procedures and Unbounded Nondeterminism (TN), pp. 103–119.
ICLP-2002-LoyerS #database #deduction- Non-uniform Hypothesis in Deductive Databases with Uncertainty (YL, US), pp. 473–474.
JCDL-2001-GeislerMG #library #recommendation- Developing recommendation services for a digital library with uncertain and changing data (GG, DM, SG), pp. 199–200.
PODS-2001-KhannaT #on the- On Computing Functions with Uncertainty (SK, WCT).
CIAA-2001-Holub #automaton #parallel #simulation- Bit Parallelism — NFA Simulation (JH), pp. 149–160.
DLT-2001-CaludeC #automaton #named #quantum- Automata: From Uncertainty to Quantum (CC, EC), pp. 1–14.
TLCA-2001-Laird - A Deconstruction of Non-deterministic Classical Cut Elimination (JL), pp. 268–282.
IFL-2001-PenaS01a #analysis- A Polynomial-Cost Non-determinism Analysis (RP, CS), pp. 121–137.
ICEIS-v1-2001-Lujan-MoraM #consistency- Reducing Inconsistency in Data Warehouses (SLM, EM), pp. 199–206.
LOPSTR-2001-PotikasRG #datalog #source code- A Transformation Technique for Datalog Programs Based on Non-deterministic Constructs (PP, PR, MG), pp. 25–45.
ICSE-2001-Balzer01a #consistency #revisited- “Tolerating Inconsistency” Revisited (RB), p. 665.
TACAS-2001-Finkbeiner - Language Containment Checking with Nondeterministic BDDs (BF), pp. 24–38.
VLDB-2000-CowleyP #constraints- Temporal Integrity Constraints with Indeterminacy (WC, DP), pp. 441–450.
CIAA-2000-Bruggemann-KleinW #automaton- Regularly Extended Two-Way Nondeterministic Tree Automata (ABK, DW), pp. 57–66.
CIAA-2000-Champarnaud #automaton #regular expression- Implicit Structures to Implement NFA’s from Regular Expressions (JMC), pp. 80–93.
ICALP-2000-HromkovicKKSS #automaton #finite #metric- Measures of Nondeterminism in Finite Automata (JH, JK, HK, GS, SS), pp. 199–210.
WLC-2000-BuchholzKK #array #communication- Iterative Arrays With Limited Nondeterministic Communication Cell (TB, AK, MK), pp. 73–87.
IFL-2000-PenaS #analysis- Non-determinism Analysis in a Parallel-Functional Language (RP, CS), pp. 1–18.
ICEIS-2000-LiY #comprehension #enterprise #information management #re-engineering #reasoning- Code Understanding Through Context-Oriented Uncertainty Reasoning for Enterprise Information System Reengineering (YL, HY), pp. 163–170.
ICEIS-2000-VarvalhoANKCBR #concurrent #validation- Concurrent Validation in the Treatment of Uncertainty in a Expert System (LFdC, FMdA, SMN, CK, HJTdC, CTB, FR), pp. 102–107.
CIKM-2000-SadriB #database #equivalence #on the #query- On Equivalence of Queries in Uncertain Databases (FS, MFB), pp. 264–271.
KR-2000-AmorBDGP #framework #independence- Independence in qualitative uncertainty frameworks (NBA, SB, DD, HG, HP), pp. 235–246.
KR-2000-Giunchiglia #concurrent #constraints #satisfiability- Planning as Satisfiability with Expressive Action Languages: Concurrency, Constraints and Nondeterminism (EG), pp. 657–666.
PPDP-2000-HanusS #functional #logic programming #source code #type system- Type-based nondeterminism checking in functional logic programs (MH, FS), pp. 202–213.
SAC-2000-Vazirgiannis - Uncertainty Handling in Spatial Relationships (MV), pp. 494–500.
STOC-2000-FederMPOW - Computing the median with uncertainty (TF, RM, RP, CO, JW), pp. 602–607.
DLT-1999-CaludeC #automaton #behaviour #bisimulation- Bisimulations and behaviour of nondeterministic automata (CC, EC), pp. 60–70.
DLT-1999-JirickaK #automaton #finite- Deterministic forgetting planar automata are more powerful than non-deterministic finite-state planar automata (PJ, JK), pp. 71–80.
TOOLS-ASIA-1999-HansenT #architecture #domain model #interactive- The “Domain Model Concealer” and “Application Moderator” Patterns: Addressing Architectural Uncertainty in Interactive Systems (KMH, MT), pp. 177–190.
RE-1999-GoedickeMT #consistency #development #distributed #graph transformation #towards- ViewPoint-Oriented Software Development by Distributed Graph Transformation: Towards a Basis for Living with Inconsistencies (MG, TM, GT), pp. 92–99.
FoSSaCS-1999-DantsinV #algorithm #polynomial #set #unification- A Nondeterministic Polynomial-Time Unification Algorithm for Bags, Sets and Trees (ED, AV), pp. 180–196.
STOC-1999-Ajtai #linear- Determinism versus Non-Determinism for Linear Time RAMs (MA), pp. 632–641.
ICLP-1999-PedreschiR #bound #logic programming #source code- Bounded Nondeterminism of Logic Programs (DP, SR), pp. 350–364.
IWTCS-1999-YevtushenkoCA #embedded #finite #state machine #testing- Test Suite Minimization for Embedded Nondeterministic Finite State Machines (NY, ARC, RA), pp. 237–250.
LICS-1999-HarmerM #finite #game studies #semantics- A Fully Abstract Game Semantics for Finite Nondeterminism (RH, GM), pp. 422–430.
LICS-1999-MalacariaH #game studies #program analysis #security- Non-Deterministic Games and Program Analysis: An Application to Security (PM, CH), pp. 443–452.
ICSM-1998-FiutemA #case study #consistency #identification #object-oriented- Identifying Design-Code Inconsistencies in Object-Oriented Software: A Case Study (RF, GA), p. 94–?.
ICALP-1998-JuknaZ #bound #branch #on the #source code- On Branching Programs With Bounded Uncertainty (SJ, SZ), pp. 259–270.
WIA-1998-HolubM #approximate #automaton #finite #implementation #pattern matching- Implementation of Nondeterministic Finite Automata for Approximate Pattern Matching (JH, BM), pp. 92–99.
ICFP-1998-Ennals #finite #reasoning- Controlled Temporal Non-Determinism for Reasoning with a Machine of Finite Speed (RE), p. 339.
ICFP-1998-KutznerS #call-by #λ-calculus- A Non-Deterministic Call-by-Need λ Calculus (AK, MSS), pp. 324–335.
ICPR-1998-BakerS #representation- Representation of uncertainty in spatial target tracking (TB, MJAS), pp. 1339–1342.
ICPR-1998-CallariSF #approach #estimation- Uncertainty in pose estimation: a Bayesian approach (FGC, GS, FPF), pp. 972–976.
KDD-1998-McCleanSS #database #information management- Aggregation of Imprecise and Uncertain Information for Knowledge Discovery in Databases (SIM, BWS, MS), pp. 269–273.
KR-1998-BenferhatDLPSS #approach #consistency #knowledge base- A General Approach for Inconsistency Handling and Merging Information in Prioritized Knowledge Bases (SB, DD, JL, HP, AS, PS), pp. 466–477.
ICRE-1998-RussoNK #case study #consistency #requirements #specification- Restructuring Requirements Specifications For Managing Inconsistency And Change: A Case Study (AR, BN, JK), p. 51–?.
ASE-1998-GoedickeMP #architecture #consistency #design #detection #evaluation #on the #performance- On Detecting and Handling Inconsistencies in Integrating Software Architecture Design and Performance Evaluation (MG, TM, CP), pp. 188–191.
CSL-1998-GiannottiMNP #database #effectiveness #logic #on the #semantics- On the Effective Semantics of Nondeterministic, Nonmonotonic, Temporal Logic Databases (FG, GM, MN, DP), pp. 58–72.
IWTCS-1998-Boroday #finite #state machine #testing- Distinguishing Tests for Nondeterministic Finite State Machines (SB), pp. 101–108.
LICS-1998-EmersonN #infinity #model checking #on the- On Model Checking for Non-Deterministic Infinite-State Systems (EAE, KSN), pp. 70–80.
ICSM-1997-ZivR #maintenance #modelling #testing- Constructing Bayesian-network models of software testing and maintenance uncertainties (HZ, DJR), p. 100–?.
DLT-1997-IwamaT #automaton #bound- Tight Bounds on the Number of States of DFA’s That Are Equivalent to n-state NFA’s (KI, KT), pp. 147–154.
DLT-1997-Moshkov #complexity #recognition #regular expression #word- Complexity of Deterministic and Nondeterministic Decision Trees for Regular Language Word Recognition (MM), pp. 343–349.
ICALP-1997-Ablayev #branch #order #source code- Randomization and Nondeterminism Are Comparable for Ordered Read-Once Branching Programs (FMA), pp. 195–202.
ICALP-1997-BeigelF #bound #performance #recursion- Molecular Computing, Bounded Nondeterminism, and Efficient Recursion (RB, BF), pp. 816–826.
FME-1997-LanoBFL #specification- Specification of Required Non-determinism (KL, JB, JLF, AL), pp. 298–317.
HCI-SEC-1997-ItogaKL #approach #database #object-oriented #retrieval- All Object-Oriented Uncertainty Retrieval Approach for Graphics Databases (SYI, XK, YL), pp. 683–686.
EDOC-1997-HerringMK #case study #distributed #enterprise #experience #modelling- Selecting Distributed Object Technologies in the Presence of Uncertainty: an Experience Report on C4I enterprise modelling (CH, ZM, SMK), p. 245–?.
SIGIR-1997-Lalmas #documentation #modelling- Dempster-Shafer’s Theory of Evidence Applied to Structured Documents: Modelling Uncertainty (ML), pp. 110–118.
ALP-1997-Antoy #functional #logic- Optimal Non-deterministic Functional Logic Computations (SA), pp. 16–30.
POPL-1997-PettorossiPR #logic programming #source code- Reducing Nondeterminism while Specializing Logic Programs (AP, MP, SR), pp. 414–427.
SOSP-1997-Steere #latency #set- Exploiting the Non-Determinism and Asynchrony of Set Iterators to Reduce Aggregate File I/O Latency (DCS), pp. 252–263.
CSL-1997-Olive #linear #logic- A Conjunctive Logical Characterization of Nondeterministic Linear Time (FO), pp. 360–372.
ICALP-1996-Wiedermann - Speeding-up Single-Tape Nondeterministic Computations by Single Alternation, with Separation Results (JW), pp. 381–392.
WIA-1996-GarzonE #automaton #concurrent #implementation- Dynamical Implementation of Nondeterministic Automata and Concurrent Systems (MHG, EE), pp. 35–49.
WIA-1996-SalomaaY #automaton #finite- NFA to DFA Transformation for Finite Languages (KS, SY), pp. 149–158.
FME-1996-BoerH #communication #process- Local Nondeterminism in Asynchronously Communicating Processes (FSdB, MvH), pp. 367–384.
RTA-1996-Vittek #compilation #term rewriting- A Compiler for Nondeterministic Term Rewriting Systems (MV), pp. 154–167.
AKDDM-1996-SmythFBP #image #modelling- Modeling Subjective Uncertainty in Image Annotation (PS, UMF, MCB, PP), pp. 517–539.
CIKM-1996-TangH #workflow- Handling Uncertainties in Workflow Applications (JT, SYH), pp. 269–276.
ICPR-1996-CallariF #ambiguity #recognition #using- Active recognition: using uncertainty to reduce ambiguity (FGC, FPF), pp. 925–929.
ICPR-1996-HoriuchiYY #robust- Robust relaxation method for structural matching under uncertainty (TH, KY, HY), pp. 176–180.
ICPR-1996-Lemaire #recognition #using- Use of a priori descriptions in a high-level language and management of the uncertainty in a scene recognition system (JL), pp. 560–564.
ICPR-1996-Shimshoni #3d #image #performance #recognition- A fast method for estimating the uncertainty in the location of image points in 3D recognition (IS), pp. 590–594.
ICPR-1996-StellaCD #mobile #self- Self-location of a mobile robot with uncertainty by cooperation of a heading sensor and a CCD TV camera (ES, GC, AD), pp. 303–307.
PLDI-1996-RussinovichC #concurrent #memory management- Replay For Concurrent Non-Deterministic Shared Memory Applications (MR, BC), pp. 258–266.
SAC-1996-SucciBR #component #identification #specification #taxonomy- A taxonomy for identifying a software component for uncertain and partial specifications (GS, FB, MR), pp. 570–579.
DAC-1996-KhatriNKMBS #automaton- Engineering Change in a Non-Deterministic FSM Setting (SPK, AN, SCK, KLM, RKB, ALSV), pp. 451–456.
ESOP-1996-MaraninchiH #composition #semantics- Compositional Semantics of Non-Deterministic Synchronous Languages (FM, NH), pp. 235–249.
STOC-1996-AwerbuchAFL #how- Making Commitments in the Face of Uncertainty: How to Pick a Winner Almost Every Time (BA, YA, AF, FTL), pp. 519–530.
STOC-1996-HromkovicS #communication- Nondeterministic Communication with a Limited Number of Advice Bits (JH, GS), pp. 551–560.
DLT-1995-SalomaaY #context-free grammar- Nondeterminism Degrees for Context-Free Languages (KS, SY), pp. 154–165.
CIKM-1995-AlagarSS #relational #semantics- Semantics of an Extended Relational Model for Managing Uncertain Information (VSA, FS, JNS), pp. 234–240.
CIKM-1995-LukasiewiczKKG #approach #constraints #database #object-oriented #taxonomy- Taxonomic and Uncertain Integrity Constraints in Object-Oriented Databases — the TOP Approach (TL, WK, GK, UG), pp. 241–249.
RE-1995-EasterbrookN #consistency #evolution #specification- Managing inconsistencies in an evolving specification (SME, BN), pp. 48–55.
STOC-1995-AlurCY #probability #testing- Distinguishing tests for nondeterministic and probabilistic machines (RA, CC, MY), pp. 363–372.
TAPSOFT-1995-WalickiM #modelling- Generated Models and the omega-Rule: The Nondeterministic Case (MW, SM), pp. 424–438.
ICML-1994-LewisC #learning- Heterogenous Uncertainty Sampling for Supervised Learning (DDL, JC), pp. 148–156.
KDD-1994-SmythBFP #database #image #information management #scalability- Knowledge Discovery in Large Image Databases: Dealing with Uncertainties in Ground Truth (PS, MCB, UMF, PP), pp. 109–120.
KR-1994-BarndenHIS #implementation #reasoning- An Integrated Implementation of Simulative, Uncertain and Metaphorical Reasoning about Mental States (JAB, SH, EI, GCS), pp. 27–38.
KR-1994-DuboisP94a #information management #reasoning #representation #standard- Non-Standard Theories of Uncertainty in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (DD, HP), pp. 634–645.
KR-1994-GoldmanB #representation- Representing Uncertainty in Simple Planners (RPG, MSB), pp. 238–245.
KR-1994-TanP #evaluation #specification- Specification and Evaluation of Preferences Under Uncertainty (SWT, JP), pp. 530–539.
SAC-1994-LeeL #concurrent #constraints #incremental #logic programming #named #query #towards- IQ: towards incremental query processing in non-deterministic concurrent constraint logic programming (JHML, HfL), pp. 405–409.
EDAC-1994-Damiani #finite #state machine- Nondeterministic finite-state machines and sequential don’t cares (MD), pp. 192–198.
EDAC-1994-WatanabeB #automaton #pseudo- State Minimization of Pseudo Non-Deterministic FSM’s (YW, RKB), pp. 184–191.
STOC-1994-CondonHPW #automaton #finite #on the #power of #probability- On the power of finite automata with both nondeterministic and probabilistic states (AC, LH, SP, AW), pp. 676–685.
DLT-1993-BordihnD - A Note on the Degree of Nondeterminism (HB, JD), pp. 70–80.
DLT-1993-HromkovicRS - Deterministic Versus Nondeterministic Space in Terms of Synchronized Alternating Machines (JH, BR, AS), pp. 314–325.
DLT-1993-KrithivasanM #array #modelling #probability- Nondeterministic, Probabilistic and Alternating Computations on Cellular Array Models (KK, MM), pp. 342–354.
ICALP-1993-Yamamoto #bound #trade-off #turing machine- Reversal-Space Trade-offs For Simultaneous Resource-Bounded Nondeterministic Turing Machines (HY), pp. 203–214.
TLCA-1993-Sieber #call-by- Call-by-Value and Nondeterminism (KS), pp. 376–390.
FPCA-1993-Liu #evaluation #functional #lazy evaluation #logic #towards- Towards Lazy Evaluation, Sharing and Non-determinism in Resolution Based Functional Logic Languages (FL), pp. 201–209.
PLDI-1993-KernsE #latency #memory management #scheduling- Balanced Scheduling: Instruction Scheduling When Memory Latency is Uncertain (DRK, SJE), pp. 278–289.
Best-of-PLDI-1993-KernsE93a #latency #memory management #scheduling- Balanced scheduling: instruction scheduling when memory latency is uncertain (with retrospective) (DRK, SJE), pp. 515–527.
ESEC-1993-FinkelsteinGHKN #consistency #multi #specification- Inconsistency Handling in Multi-Perspective Specifications (AF, DMG, AH, JK, BN), pp. 84–99.
STOC-1993-KarchmerW - Characterizing non-deterministic circuit size (MK, AW), pp. 532–540.
CSL-1993-Gomolko #consistency #logic #prolog- Negation as Inconsistency in PROLOG via Intuitionistic Logic (AG), pp. 128–138.
IWPTS-1993-GhrigaF #adaptation #communication #protocol #testing- Adaptive Testing of Non-Deterministic Communication Protocols (MG, PGF), pp. 347–362.
IWPTS-1993-PetrenkoYLD #consistency #protocol #state machine #testing- Nondeterministic State Machines in Protocol Conformance Testing (AP, NY, AL, AD), pp. 363–378.
PODS-1992-WongA #bound #concurrent #consistency #database- Tolerating Bounded Inconsistency for Increasing Concurrency in Database Systems (MHW, DA), pp. 236–245.
VLDB-1992-Lee #database #relational- An Extended Relational Database Model for Uncertain and Imprecise Information (SKL), pp. 211–220.
KR-1992-PinkasL #consistency #reasoning #taxonomy- Reasoning from Inconsistency: A Taxonomy of Principles for Resolving Conflict (GP, RPL), pp. 709–719.
ML-1992-Christiansen #learning #predict- Learning to Predict in Uncertain Continuous Tasks (ADC), pp. 72–81.
SEKE-1992-Chen #information management- Uncertain Temporal Knowledge Management (ZC), pp. 94–100.
SEKE-1992-HaoTJ #consistency #modelling #process #prototype- Prototyping an Inconsistency Checking Tool for Software Process Models (JKH, FT, JJ), pp. 227–234.
PLILP-1992-AlpuenteFM #analysis #consistency #equation #incremental #logic programming- Analyses of Inconsistency for Incremental Equational Logic Programming (MA, MF, FM), pp. 443–457.
STOC-1992-BeameL #communication #complexity #random- Randomized versus Nondeterministic Communication Complexity (PB, JL), pp. 188–199.
CADE-1992-VershininR #logic- One More Logic with Uncertainty and Resolution Principle for it (KV, IR), pp. 663–667.
IWPTS-1992-GhedamsiDB #fault #finite #state machine #testing- Diagnostic Tests for Single Transition Faults in Non-Deterministic Finite State Machines (AG, RD, GvB), pp. 105–116.
IWPTS-1992-Kloosterman #finite #state machine- Test Derivation from Non-Deterministic Finite State Machines (HK), pp. 297–308.
IWPTS-1992-TripathyN #adaptation #finite #generative #modelling #testing- Generation of Adaptive Test Cases from Nondeterministic Finite State Models (PT, KN), pp. 309–320.
IWPTS-1992-WittemanWB #behaviour- Non-Deterministic and Default Behaviour (MFW, RCvW, SRB), pp. 275–288.
LICS-1992-GraedelM #logic #transitive- Deterministic vs. Nondeterministic Transitive Closure Logic (EG, GLM), pp. 58–63.
PODS-1991-Garcia-MolinaS #queue- Non-Deterministic Queue Operations (HGM, KS), pp. 53–62.
SIGMOD-1991-GuntzerKT #database #deduction #reasoning- New Directions For Uncertainty Reasoning In Deductive Databases (UG, WK, HT), pp. 178–187.
SIGMOD-1991-Sheng #database #deduction- A Non-deterministic Deductive Database Language (YHS), pp. 188–197.
ICALP-1991-JiangR #automaton #problem- Minimal NFA Problems Are Hard (TJ, BR), pp. 629–640.
KR-1991-PequenoB #consistency #logic- The Logic of Epistemic Inconsistency (THCP, AB), pp. 453–460.
SIGIR-1991-Cooper #consistency #information retrieval #probability- Inconsistencies and Misnomers in Probabilistic IR (WSC), pp. 57–61.
LOPSTR-1991-Antoy #evaluation #lazy evaluation #logic programming- Non-Determinism and Lazy Evaluation in Logic Programming (SA), pp. 318–331.
LOPSTR-1991-Noel - A Method for the Determinisation of Propositional Temporal Formulae (PN), pp. 276–296.
ICSE-1991-Balzer #consistency- Tolerating Inconsistency (RB), pp. 158–165.
CCPSD-1991-DietrichL #functional #lazy evaluation- Exploiting Non-Determinism through Laziness in Guarded Functional Languages (RD, HCRL), pp. 201–216.
STOC-1991-AttiyaDLS #bound- Bounds on the Time to Reach Agreement in the Presence of Timing Uncertainty (HA, CD, NAL, LJS), pp. 359–369.
IWPTS-1991-FujiwaraB #fault #state machine #testing- Testing Non-Deterministic State Machines with Fault Coverage (SF, GvB), pp. 267–280.
PODS-1990-AbiteboulSV - Non-Deterministic Languages to Express Deterministic Transformations (SA, ES, VV), pp. 218–229.
PODS-1990-SaccaZ #logic programming #modelling #source code- Stable Models and Non-Determinism in Logic Programs with Negation (DS, CZ), pp. 205–217.
ICALP-1990-Geffert - Nondeterministic Computations in Sublogarithmic Space and Space Constructibility (VG), pp. 111–124.
ML-1990-Hirsh #bound #consistency #learning- Learning from Data with Bounded Inconsistency (HH), pp. 32–39.
POPL-1990-Gunter #correctness #source code- Relating Total and Partial Correctness Interpretations of Non-Deterministic Programs (CAG), pp. 306–319.
RTA-1989-Narain #lazy evaluation #optimisation- Optimization by Non-Deterministic, Lazy Rewriting (SN), pp. 326–342.
FPCA-1989-RufW #functional #logic #programming #unification- Nondeterminism and Unification in LogScheme: Integrating Logic and Functional Programming (ER, DW), pp. 327–339.
ML-1989-ScottM #case study #experience #learning- Uncertainty Based Selection of Learning Experiences (PDS, SM), pp. 358–361.
LICS-1989-KiferL #consistency #logic #named #reasoning- RI: A Logic for Reasoning with Inconsistency (MK, ELL), pp. 253–262.
ICALP-1988-PanangadenS #power of- Computations, Residuals, and the Power of Indeterminacy (PP, EWS), pp. 439–454.
ICALP-1988-Watanabe #complexity #on the- On ≤ᴾ₁₋tt-Sparseness and Nondeterministic Complexity Classes (OW0), pp. 697–709.
ALP-1988-Hussmann #algebra #specification #term rewriting- Nondeterministic Algebraic Specifications and Nonconfluent Term Rewriting (HH), pp. 31–40.
STOC-1988-GurevichS #linear #sublinear- Nondeterministic Linear-Time Tasks May Require Substantially Nonlinear Deterministic Time in the Case of Sublinear Work Space (YG, SS), pp. 281–289.
CSL-1988-Dahlhaus #polynomial- Completeness with Respect to Interpretations in Deterministic and Nondeterministic Polynomial Time (ED), pp. 52–62.
CSL-1988-Gradel #complexity #modelling- Size of Models versus Length of Computations: On Inseparability by Nondeterministic Time Complexity Classes (EG), pp. 118–137.
JICSCP-1988-TrehanW88 #commit #logic #parallel #parsing- A Parallel Chart Parser for the Committed Choice Non-Deterministic Logic Languages (RT, PFW), pp. 212–232.
SIGMOD-1987-AlyO #database #deduction #logic #modelling #query- Non-deterministic Modelling of Logical Queries in Deductive Databases (HA, ZMÖ), pp. 60–72.
ICALP-1987-ShyamasundarNP #network #semantics- Semantics for Nondeterministic Asynchronous Broadcast Networks (RKS, KTN, TP), pp. 72–83.
SIGIR-1987-Zadehi #information retrieval- Uncertainties in Information Retrieval (LAZ), p. 109.
CSL-1987-Spreen #on the #polynomial- On Functions Computable in Nondeterministic Polynomial Time: Some Characterizations (DS), pp. 289–303.
ICLP-1987-Conery87 #execution #implementation- Implementing Backward Execution in Non-Deterministic AND-Parallel Systems (JSC), pp. 633–653.
ICALP-1986-Lange #reduction- Decompositions of Nondeterministic Reductions (KJL), pp. 206–214.
ESOP-1986-Kaplan #algebra #proving- Rewriting with a Nondeterministic Choice Operator: From Algebra to Proofs (SK), pp. 351–374.
ESOP-1986-Kok #semantics- Denotational Semantics of Nets with Nondeterminism (JNK), pp. 237–249.
STOC-1986-GalilKS #graph #on the #simulation #turing machine- On Nontrivial Separators for k-Page Graphs and Simulations by Nondeterministic One-Tape Turing Machines (ZG, RK, ES), pp. 39–49.
LICS-1986-Plaisted #recursion #semantics #source code #using- The Denotional Semantics of Nondeterministic Recursive Programs using Coherent Relations (DAP), pp. 163–174.
SLP-1986-Crammond86 #execution- An Execution Model for Committed-Choice Non-Deterministic Languages (JAC), pp. 148–158.
ICALP-1985-Hortala-GonzalezR #hoare #logic #source code #standard #theorem- Hoare’s Logic for Nondeterministic Regular Programs: A Nonstandard Completeness Theorem (MTHG, MRA), pp. 270–280.
DAC-1985-Smith #architecture #design- A data architecture for an uncertain design and manufacturing environment (TRS), pp. 312–318.
STOC-1985-HalpernMM #precise- Optimal Precision in the Presence of Uncertainty (JYH, NM, AAM), pp. 346–355.
STOC-1984-Maass #bound #polynomial #turing machine- Quadratic Lower Bounds for Deterministic and Nondeterministic One-Tape Turing Machines (WM), pp. 401–408.
STOC-1983-Kannan83a #power of- Alternation and the Power of Nondeterminism (RK), pp. 344–346.
ICALP-1982-BermanHT #logic #on the #power of- On the Power of Nondeterminism in Dynamic Logic (PB, JYH, JT), pp. 48–60.
ICALP-1982-Plotkin - A Powerdomain for Countable Non-Determinism (GDP), pp. 418–428.
LFP-1982-Clinger #call-by #lazy evaluation- Nondeterministic Call by Need is Neither Lazy Nor by Name (WDC), pp. 226–234.
LFP-1982-CohenM #algebra #source code #towards- Toward an Algebra of Nondeterministic Programs (ATC, TJM), pp. 235–242.
STOC-1982-DurisG - Two Tapes are Better than One for Nondeterministic Machines (PD, ZG), pp. 1–7.
STOC-1982-ManberT #probability- Probabilistic, Nondeterministic, and Alternating Decision Trees (UM, MT), pp. 234–244.
ICALP-1981-AptP - A Cook’s Tour of Countable Nondeterminism (KRA, GDP), pp. 479–494.
ICALP-1981-Subrahmanyam #data type- Nondeterminism in Abstract Data Types (PAS), pp. 148–164.
ICALP-1980-Back #bound #semantics- Semantics of Unbounded Nondeterminism (RJB), pp. 51–63.
ICALP-1980-HennessyM #concurrent #on the- On Observing Nondeterminism and Concurrency (MH, RM), pp. 299–309.
ICALP-1980-KennawayH #formal method- A Theory of Nondeterminism (RK, CARH), pp. 338–350.
DAC-1980-LeinwandL #algebra #analysis #behaviour- Algebraic analysis of nondeterministic behavior (SML, TL), pp. 483–493.
STOC-1980-Mirkowska #algorithm #axiom #bound- Complete Axiomatization of Algorithmic Properties of Program Schemes with Bounded Nondeterministic Interpretations (GM), pp. 14–21.
ICALP-1979-AstesianoC - Sharing in Nondeterminism (EA, GC), pp. 1–15.
ICALP-1979-MonienS #on the #turing machine- On Eliminating Nondeterminism From Turing Machines Which Use Less Than Logarithmic Worktape Space (BM, IHS), pp. 431–445.
ICALP-1978-Gallier #correctness #recursion #semantics #source code- Semantics and Correctness of Nondeterministic Flowchart Programs with Recursive Procedures (JHG), pp. 251–267.
ICALP-1978-Savitch #complexity #parallel- Parallel and Nondeterministic Time Complexity Classes (WJS), pp. 411–424.
POPL-1978-HarelP #logic #source code- Nondeterminism in Logics of Programs (DH, VRP), pp. 203–213.
STOC-1978-SakodaS #automaton #finite- Nondeterminism and the Size of Two Way Finite Automata (WJS, MS), pp. 275–286.
VLDB-1977-GardarinL #algorithm #consistency #database #scalability #scheduling- Scheduling Algorithms for Avoiding Inconsistency in Large Databases (GG, PL), pp. 501–506.
ICALP-1977-PazM #approximate #optimisation #polynomial #problem- Non-Deterministic Polynomial Optimization Problems and Their Approximation (AP, SM), pp. 370–379.
DAC-1977-Dudnik #design #optimisation- Uncertainty and optimization in the design of building subsystems (EED), pp. 239–243.
STOC-1977-HennessyA - Parameter-Passing Mechanisms and Nondeterminism (MH, EAA), pp. 306–311.
STOC-1977-KintalaF #strict- Computations with a Restricted Number of Nondeterministic Steps (CMRK, PCF), pp. 178–185.
ICALP-1976-Bakker #recursion #semantics #source code #termination- Semantics and Termination of Nondeterministic Recursive Programs (JWdB), pp. 435–477.
ICALP-1976-HennessyA #semantics- The Semantics of Nondeterminism (MH, EAA), pp. 478–493.
ICALP-1974-Hayes - Simple and Structural Redundancy in Non-Deterministic Computation (PJH), pp. 601–611.
ICALP-1974-Lang #parsing #performance- Deterministic Techniques for Efficient Non-Deterministic Parsers (BL), pp. 255–269.
STOC-1974-Seiferas #array #multi- Observations on Nondeterministic Multidimensional Iterative Arrays (JIS), pp. 276–289.
DAC-1972-Dudnik #architecture #optimisation- Optimization of planning and architectural decisions under conditions of uncertain demand (EED), pp. 213–219.
STOC-1972-Cook #complexity- A Hierarchy for Nondeterministic Time Complexity (SAC), pp. 187–192.
STOC-1969-Savitch #simulation #turing machine- Deterministic Simulation of Non-Deterministic Turing Machines (WJS), pp. 247–248.