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Travelled to:
1 × Czech Republic
1 × Spain
1 × Sweden
1 × USA
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Canada
Collaborated with:
M.Hirzel G.Morrisett D.Cunningham V.A.Saraswat J.Siméon J.G.Malecha R.Wisnesky B.Herta O.Tardieu M.Vaziri T.L.Harris M.Plesko D.Tarditi S.Crafa A.Chlipala A.Nanevski P.Govereau L.Birkedal L.Mandel Guillaume Baudart J.Dolby E.Duesterwald D.Grove P.Kambadur M.Takeuchi
Talks about:
program (2) memori (2) imper (2) transact (1) petascal (1) interact (1) calculus (1) protect (1) perform (1) pattern (1)

Person: Avraham Shinnar

DBLP DBLP: Shinnar:Avraham

Contributed to:

ECOOP 20152015
ECOOP 20142014
PPoPP 20142014
VLDB 20122012
POPL 20102010
ICFP 20092009
ICFP 20082008
PLDI 20062006
Onward! 20172017
Onward! 20182018

Wrote 10 papers:

ECOOP-2015-ShinnarSH #calculus #compilation
A Pattern Calculus for Rule Languages: Expressiveness, Compilation, and Mechanization (AS, JS, MH), pp. 542–567.
ECOOP-2014-CrafaCSST #semantics
Semantics of (Resilient) X10 (SC, DC, VAS, AS, OT), pp. 670–696.
X10 and APGAS at Petascale (OT, BH, DC, DG, PK, VAS, AS, MT, MV), pp. 53–66.
VLDB-2012-ShinnarCHS #in memory #named #performance
M3R: Increased performance for in-memory Hadoop jobs (AS, DC, BH, VAS), pp. 1736–1747.
POPL-2010-MalechaMSW #database #relational #towards
Toward a verified relational database management system (JGM, GM, AS, RW), pp. 237–248.
ICFP-2009-ChlipalaMMSW #effectiveness #higher-order #imperative #interactive #proving #source code
Effective interactive proofs for higher-order imperative programs (AC, JGM, GM, AS, RW), pp. 79–90.
ICFP-2008-NanevskiMSGB #dependent type #imperative #named #source code
Ynot: dependent types for imperative programs (AN, GM, AS, PG, LB), pp. 229–240.
PLDI-2006-HarrisPST #memory management #optimisation #transaction
Optimizing memory transactions (TLH, MP, AS, DT), pp. 14–25.
Onward-2017-VaziriMSSH #api #chat #generative #specification #web
Generating chat bots from web API specifications (MV, LM, AS, JS, MH), pp. 44–57.
Protecting chatbots from toxic content (GB, JD, ED, MH, AS), pp. 99–110.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.