Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Spain
1 × USA
2 × Japan
Collaborated with:
∅ G.Dowek H.Geuvers B.Grégoire L.Théry M.Abadi G.Gonthier
Talks about:
theori (3) type (3) pocklington (1) metatheoret (1) strength (1) properti (1) arithmet (1) approach (1) irrelev (1) express (1)
Person: Benjamin Werner
DBLP: Werner:Benjamin
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- FLOPS-2006-GregoireTW #approach #type system
- A Computational Approach to Pocklington Certificates in Type Theory (BG, LT, BW), pp. 97–113.
- IJCAR-2006-Werner #on the
- On the Strength of Proof-Irrelevant Type Theories (BW), pp. 604–618.
- RTA-2005-DowekW #modulo theories
- Arithmetic as a Theory Modulo (GD, BW), pp. 423–437.
- FoSSaCS-2004-AbadiGW
- Choice in Dynamic Linking (MA, GG, BW), pp. 12–26.
- LICS-1994-GeuversW #on the #type system
- On the Church-Rosser Property for Expressive Type Systems and its Consequences for their Metatheoretic Study (HG, BW), pp. 320–329.