Collaborated with:
F.Wolf M.Gerndt M.Pantano P.Gschwandtner M.Knobloch D.Pleiter T.Fahringer
Talks about:
perform (2) analysi (2) applic (2) consumpt (1) automat (1) hybrid (1) energi (1) power (1) model (1) open (1)
Person: Bernd Mohr
DBLP: Mohr:Bernd
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- PDP-2014-GschwandtnerKMPF #cpu #energy #modelling
- Modeling CPU Energy Consumption of HPC Applications on the IBM POWER7 (PG, MK, BM, DP, TF), pp. 536–543.
- PDP-2003-WolfM #analysis #automation #hybrid #performance
- Automatic Performance Analysis of Hybrid MPI/OpenMP Applications (FW, BM), pp. 13–22.
- PDP-1999-GerndtMPW #analysis #performance
- Performance analysis on CRAY T3E (MG, BM, MP, FW), pp. 241–248.