Collaborated with:
Sushil J. Louis Ryan E. Leigh Juan C. Quiroz
Talks about:
strategi (3) game (3) algorithm (2) influenc (2) player (2) tree (2) time (2) base (2) map (2) pathfind (1)
Person: Chris Miles
DBLP: Miles:Chris
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- CIG-2005-MilesL #game studies #injection #realtime
- Case-Injection Improves Response Time for a Real-Time Strategy Game (CM, SJL).
- CIG-2006-MilesL #co-evolution #game studies #towards
- Towards the Co-Evolution of Influence Map Tree Based Strategy Game Players (CM, SJL), pp. 75–82.
- CIG-2007-LeighLM #algorithm #search-based #using
- Using a Genetic Algorithm to Explore A*-like Pathfinding Algorithms (REL, SJL, CM), pp. 72–79.
- CIG-2007-MilesQLL #co-evolution #game studies
- Co-Evolving Influence Map Tree Based Strategy Game Players (CM, JCQ, REL, SJL), pp. 88–95.