66 papers:
ICALP-v1-2015-GargMVY #multi #nash #symmetry- ETR-Completeness for Decision Versions of Multi-player (Symmetric) Nash Equilibria (JG, RM, VVV, SY), pp. 554–566.
CHI-2015-DenisovaC #game studies #question- First Person vs. Third Person Perspective in Digital Games: Do Player Preferences Affect Immersion? (AD, PC), pp. 145–148.
CHI-2015-JohnsonNW #all about #case study #experience #game studies #video- All about that Base: Differing Player Experiences in Video Game Genres and the Unique Case of MOBA Games (DJ, LEN, PW), pp. 2265–2274.
CHI-2015-Vicencio-Moreira #game studies- Now You Can Compete With Anyone: Balancing Players of Different Skill Levels in a First-Person Shooter Game (RVM, RLM, CG), pp. 2255–2264.
ICML-2015-PerolatSPP #approximate #game studies #markov #programming- Approximate Dynamic Programming for Two-Player Zero-Sum Markov Games (JP, BS, BP, OP), pp. 1321–1329.
CHI-2014-GerlingMBMO #game studies #people #persuasion #towards #using- The effects of embodied persuasive games on player attitudes toward people using wheelchairs (KMG, RLM, MVB, MM, RO), pp. 3413–3422.
CHI-2014-GerlingMMBS #experience #game studies #performance #physics #self- Effects of balancing for physical abilities on player performance, experience and self-esteem in exergames (KMG, MM, RLM, MVB, JDS), pp. 2201–2210.
CSCW-2014-LivingstonGMB #how- How players value their characters in world of warcraft (IJL, CG, RLM, MB), pp. 1333–1343.
CSCW-2014-SaveryGGB #consistency #experience #game studies #maintenance #performance- The effects of consistency maintenance methods on player experience and performance in networked games (CS, TCNG, CG, MB), pp. 1344–1355.
DUXU-DI-2014-PaulinBA #case study #experience #user interface- The Study of the Relations between the BrainHex Player Profiles, MBTI Psychological Types and Emotions as Means to Enhance User Experience (REP, ALB, MMA), pp. 732–741.
HCI-AS-2014-MoserF #branch #experience #feedback #game studies- Narrative Control and Player Experience in Role Playing Games: Decision Points and Branching Narrative Feedback (CM, XF), pp. 622–633.
ICPR-2014-TouaziMB #feature model #game studies- Feature Selection Scheme Based on Zero-Sum Two-Player Game (AT, FM, DB), pp. 1342–1347.
SAC-2014-UnoI #music #named #recommendation- MALL: a life log based music recommendation system and portable music player (AU, TI), pp. 939–944.
TACAS-2013-ChenFKPS #game studies #model checking #multi #named #probability- PRISM-games: A Model Checker for Stochastic Multi-Player Games (TC, VF, MZK, DP, AS), pp. 185–191.
HCI-IMT-2013-SakamotoTT #music #using- A Method for Discussing Musical Expression between Music Ensemble Players Using a Web-Based System (TS, ST, JT), pp. 730–739.
HIMI-D-2013-SakataYO #game studies #modelling- Factor Models for Promoting Flow by Game Players’ Skill Level (MS, TY, MO), pp. 534–544.
OCSC-2013-Butler #game studies #ranking- The Effect of Leaderboard Ranking on Players’ Perception of Gaming Fun (CB), pp. 129–136.
CHI-2012-TeradaYI #adaptation #game studies- Experimental investigation of human adaptation to change in agent’s strategy through a competitive two-player game (KT, SY, AI), pp. 2807–2810.
CSCW-2012-EiriksdottirKCMMXP #comprehension #game studies #health #multi #pervasive- This is not a one-horse race: understanding player types in multiplayer pervasive health games for youth (EE, DK, RC, EDM, ADM, YX, ESP), pp. 843–852.
ICPR-2012-ItohTA #3d #graph #image #sequence #using- 3D tracking of soccer players using time-situation graph in monocular image sequence (HI, TT, YA), pp. 2532–2536.
SIGMOD-2011-TeubnerM #how- How soccer players would do stream joins (JT, RM), pp. 625–636.
ICALP-v1-2011-HirtZ- Player-Centric Byzantine Agreement (MH, VZ), pp. 281–292.
CHI-2011-ParuthiT #internet #low cost- Utilizing DVD players as low-cost offline internet browsers (GP, WT), pp. 955–958.
HCI-UA-2011-OhkawaM #development- A Development of Web-Based Player for Instructions Recorded with the Electronic Blackboard System IMPRESSION (YO, TM), pp. 500–509.
ICEIS-v4-2011-Jung #comprehension #game studies #video- Understanding Media Violence from a Role-play Perspective — Effects of Various Types of Violent Video Games on Players’ Cognitive Aggression (YJ), pp. 261–266.
QAPL-2011-Rutkowski #automaton #game studies- Two-Player Reachability-Price Games on Single-Clock Timed Automata (MR), pp. 31–46.
VLDB-2010-SchreiberBGMR #sql- Thirteen New Players in the Team: A Ferry-based LINQ to SQL Provider (TS, SB, TG, MM, JR), pp. 1549–1552.
FoSSaCS-2010-AsarinCV #game studies- Fair Adversaries and Randomization in Two-Player Games (EA, RCYF, DV), pp. 64–78.
ICML-2010-GaudelS #feature model #game studies- Feature Selection as a One-Player Game (RG, MS), pp. 359–366.
CHI-2009-ChengLCC #named #video- SmartPlayer: user-centric video fast-forwarding (KYC, SJL, BYC, HHC), pp. 789–798.
CHI-2009-FischerB #experience #pervasive- Inferring player engagement in a pervasive experience (JEF, SB), pp. 1903–1906.
HCD-2009-Eraslan #approach #evaluation #multi #usability- Usability Evaluation of Mp3/CD Players: A Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach (EE), pp. 55–64.
HCD-2009-SanchezZG #development #game studies #process #usability #video- From Usability to Playability: Introduction to Player-Centred Video Game Development Process (JLGS, NPZ, FLG), pp. 65–74.
HCI-VAD-2009-LeeC #game studies #information management #online- The Effects of Quest Types and Gaming Motivations on Players’ Knowledge Acquisitions in an Online Role-Playing Game Environment (JL, CYC), pp. 353–358.
IDGD-2009-ZhaoF #game studies #online- Factors Affecting Online Game Players’ Loyalty (FZ, XF), pp. 197–206.
OCSC-2009-TaylorT #analysis #game studies #multi #online- A Content Analysis of Interviews with Players of Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Play Games (MMORPGs): Motivating Factors and the Impact on Relationships (JT, JT), pp. 613–621.
ICLP-2009-Thielscher #game studies #programming #set- Answer Set Programming for Single-Player Games in General Game Playing (MT), pp. 327–341.
WICSA-2008-GoossenH- Media Player Software in a System of Subsystems (JAG, TH), pp. 61–70.
CSCW-2008-CaoMB #ad hoc #case study #game studies #multi- Flashlight jigsaw: an exploratory study of an ad-hoc multi-player game on public displays (XC, MM, RB), pp. 77–86.
ICPR-2008-KasuyaKKO #estimation #robust #using- Robust trajectory estimation of soccer players by using two cameras (NK, IK, YK, YO), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-ZhangLX #video- Collaborate ball and player trajectory extraction in broadcast soccer video (YZ, HL, CX), pp. 1–4.
CHI-2007-SalvucciMZB #performance- iPod distraction: effects of portable music-player use on driver performance (DDS, DM, MZ, DPB), pp. 243–250.
DHM-2007-LiuLC #framework #named #simulation- AIPlayer: A Platform of Intelligent Simulation of Virtual Human in Virtual Environment (JL, YL, JC), pp. 434–442.
HCI-AS-2007-LiuLS #behaviour #comprehension #design #game studies #online #what- What Makes Game Players Want to Play More? A Mathematical and Behavioral Understanding of Online Game Design (DL, XL, RS), pp. 284–293.
HCI-AS-2007-SongLH #case study #evaluation #framework #game studies #multi #online #usability- A New Framework of Usability Evaluation for Massively Multi-player Online Game: Case Study of “World of Warcraft” Game (SS, JL, IH), pp. 341–350.
HCI-IDU-2007-KangY #difference #performance- Age Differences in Performance, Operation Methods, and Workload While Interacting with an MP3 Player (NEK, WCY), pp. 854–861.
HIMI-IIE-2007-YoonKPLY #game studies #modelling #using- Game Player Modeling Using D-FSMs (TBY, DMK, KHP, JHL, KHY), pp. 490–499.
OCSC-2007-FaiolaV #experience #multi- Flow Experience of MUD Players: Investigating Multi-User Dimension Gamers from the USA (AF, AEV), pp. 324–333.
OCSC-2007-Jang #community #game studies #online #self- Managing Fairness: Reward Distribution in a Self-organized Online Game Player Community (CYJ), pp. 375–384.
RE-2007-LuoST #hybrid #modelling #music- Modelling a Smart Music Player with a Hybrid Agent-Oriented Methodology (YL, LS, KT), pp. 281–286.
ICALP-v1-2006-CominettiCM #game studies #network- Network Games with Atomic Players (RC, JRC, NESM), pp. 525–536.
ICALP-v1-2006-GairingMT #game studies #latency #linear- Routing (Un-) Splittable Flow in Games with Player-Specific Linear Latency Functions (MG, BM, KT), pp. 501–512.
ICPR-v1-2006-ShimawakiSMS #estimation #image #sequence #video- Estimation of Ball Route under Overlapping with Players and Lines in Soccer Video Image Sequence (TS, TS, JM, YS), pp. 359–362.
ICPR-v3-2006-YoshimuraHM #comparison- Comparison of Structural Variables with Spatio-temporal Variables Concerning the Identifiability of Okuri Class and Player in Japanese Traditional Dancing (MY, KH, YM), pp. 308–311.
SAT-2006-SabharwalAGHS #modelling #performance #symmetry- QBF Modeling: Exploiting Player Symmetry for Simplicity and Efficiency (AS, CA, CPG, JWH, BS), pp. 382–395.
ITiCSE-2005-Terada #named #student- ETV: a program trace player for students (MT), pp. 118–122.
STOC-2005-Papadimitriou #correlation #game studies #multi- Computing correlated equilibria in multi-player games (CHP), pp. 49–56.
ICPR-v4-2004-FigueroaLBCM #graph #representation #using- Tracking Soccer Players using the Graph Representation (PJF, NJL, RMLB, IC, GGM), pp. 787–790.
ICPR-v4-2004-IwaseS #detection #image #parallel- Parallel Tracking of All Soccer Players by Integrating Detected Positions in Multiple View Images (SI, HS), pp. 751–754.
CSEET-2003-Poole #development- The Softer Side of Custom Software Development: Working with the Other Players (WGPJ), pp. 14–21.
ICPR-v1-2002-MisuNZIF #data fusion #robust- Robust Tracking of Soccer Players Based on Data Fusion (TM, MN, WZ, YI, KF), pp. 556–561.
ICPR-v1-2002-YamadaSM #3d #game studies #image #parametricity #sequence #video- Tracking Players and a Ball in Video Image Sequence and Estimating Camera Parameters for 3D Interpretation of Soccer Games (AY, YS, JM), pp. 303–306.
KR-2002-Nebel- The Philosophical Soccer Player (BN), p. 631.
ICPR-v1-2000-OhnoMS #3d #estimation #game studies- Tracking Players and Estimation of the 3D Position of a Ball in Soccer Games (YO, JM, YS), pp. 1145–1148.
STOC-1994-FortnowW #bound #game studies- Optimality and domination in repeated games with bounded players (LF, DW), pp. 741–749.
DAC-1985-KosekiY #design #named- PLAYER: a PLA design system for VLSI’s (YK, TY), pp. 766–769.