Travelled to:
2 × Switzerland
Collaborated with:
I.Keivanloo J.Rilling A.Hmood M.Erfani C.Neal G.Peristerakis
Talks about:
repositori (1) research (1) platform (1) challeng (1) softwar (1) complex (1) licens (1) domain (1) sourc (1) navig (1)
Person: Christopher Forbes
DBLP: Forbes:Christopher
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- ICSE-2012-ForbesKR #challenge #navigation #open source #research
- When open source turns cold on innovation — The challenges of navigating licensing complexities in new research domains (CF, IK, JR), pp. 1447–1448.
- MSR-2012-KeivanlooFHENPR #framework #linked data #mining #open data #platform #repository
- A Linked Data platform for mining software repositories (IK, CF, AH, ME, CN, GP, JR), pp. 32–35.