1075 papers:
QoSA-2015-FeitosaAAN #embedded #open source #quality #trade-off- Investigating Quality Trade-offs in Open Source Critical Embedded Systems (DF, AA, PA, EYN), pp. 113–122.
CASE-2015-TorresP #multi #using- Cooperative control of multiple untethered magnetic microrobots using a single magnetic field source (NAT, DOP), pp. 1608–1613.
DATE-2015-GerumBR #gpu #performance #simulation- Source level performance simulation of GPU cores (CG, OB, WR), pp. 217–222.
VLDB-2015-DongGMDHLSZ #knowledge-based #trust #web- Knowledge-Based Trust: Estimating the Trustworthiness of Web Sources (XLD, EG, KM, VD, WH, CL, SS, WZ), pp. 938–949.
ITiCSE-2015-BergesH #evaluation #source code- Evaluation of Source Code with Item Response Theory (MB, PH), pp. 51–56.
TACAS-2015-ChenHTWW #contest #named #program transformation #recursion #source code #text-to-text #verification- CPArec: Verifying Recursive Programs via Source-to-Source Program Transformation — (Competition Contribution) (YFC, CH, MHT, BYW, FW), pp. 426–428.
ICPC-2015-JordanRHBB #feature model #industrial #source code- Manually locating features in industrial source code: the search actions of software nomads (HRJ, JR, SH, GB, JB), pp. 174–177.
ICPC-2015-MartinCAA #analysis #empirical #open source- Make it simple: an empirical analysis of GNU make feature use in open source projects (DHM, JRC, BA, GA), pp. 207–217.
ICPC-2015-SaeidiHKJ #analysis #interactive #modelling #named #source code #topic- ITMViz: interactive topic modeling for source code analysis (AS, JH, RK, SJ), pp. 295–298.
ICPC-2015-SaiedABS #api #library #question #source code #using- Could we infer unordered API usage patterns only using the library source code? (MAS, HA, OB, HAS), pp. 71–81.
ICSME-2015-PlatePS #assessment #library #open source- Impact assessment for vulnerabilities in open-source software libraries (HP, SEP, AS), pp. 411–420.
ICSME-2015-SantosAEDV #program transformation #source code- System specific, source code transformations (GS, NA, AE, SD, MTV), pp. 221–230.
ICSME-2015-StanciulescuSW #open source- Forked and integrated variants in an open-source firmware project (SS, SS, AW), pp. 151–160.
ICSME-2015-YamashitaZFW #analysis #comparative #industrial #open source #replication #smell- Inter-smell relations in industrial and open source systems: A replication and comparative analysis (AY, MZ, FAF, BW), pp. 121–130.
MSR-2015-DiamantopoulosS #source code #stack overflow- Employing Source Code Information to Improve Question-Answering in Stack Overflow (TGD, ALS), pp. 454–457.
MSR-2015-JiangA #co-evolution #empirical #framework #source code- Co-evolution of Infrastructure and Source Code — An Empirical Study (YJ, BA), pp. 45–55.
MSR-2015-KrutzMMRPFS #android #dataset #open source- A Dataset of Open-Source Android Applications (DEK, MM, SAM, AR, JP, AF, JS), pp. 522–525.
MSR-2015-LeBGLSM #architecture #empirical #open source- An Empirical Study of Architectural Change in Open-Source Software Systems (DML, PB, JG, DL, AS, NM), pp. 235–245.
MSR-2015-SinhaSDPM #detection #repository #source code- Detecting and Mitigating Secret-Key Leaks in Source Code Repositories (VSS, DS, PD, RP, SM), pp. 396–400.
MSR-2015-WuMKGI #consistency #detection #nondeterminism #open source #scalability- A Method to Detect License Inconsistencies in Large-Scale Open Source Projects (YW, YM, TK, DMG, KI), pp. 324–333.
MSR-2015-Zacchiroli #dataset #metadata #source code- The Debsources Dataset: Two Decades of Debian Source Code Metadata (SZ), pp. 466–469.
SANER-2015-CabotICR #open source- Exploring the use of labels to categorize issues in Open-Source Software projects (JC, JLCI, VC, BR), pp. 550–554.
SANER-2015-Cordy #txl- TXL source transformation in practice (JRC), pp. 590–591.
SANER-2015-HashimotoMI #fine-grained #scalability #source code- A comprehensive and scalable method for analyzing fine-grained source code change patterns (MH, AM, TI), pp. 351–360.
SANER-2015-WongLT #automation #generative #mining #named #source code- CloCom: Mining existing source code for automatic comment generation (EW, TL, LT), pp. 380–389.
SCAM-2015-BaloghSB #eclipse #named #source code- CodeMetropolis: Eclipse over the city of source code (GB, AS, ÁB), pp. 271–276.
SCAM-2015-BrandtnerLG #dependence #integration #source code #testing- Intent, tests, and release dependencies: Pragmatic recipes for source code integration (MB, PL, HCG), pp. 11–20.
SCAM-2015-ChochlovEB #data flow #feature model #using- Using changeset descriptions as a data source to assist feature location (MC, ME, JB), pp. 51–60.
SCAM-2015-LawrieB #navigation #source code #word- Navigating source code with words (DL, DB), pp. 71–80.
SCAM-2015-RahmanRK #crowdsourcing #recommendation #source code #using- Recommending insightful comments for source code using crowdsourced knowledge (MMR, CKR, IK), pp. 81–90.
SCAM-2015-SantosEADV #game studies #program transformation #source code- Recording and replaying system specific, source code transformations (GS, AE, NA, SD, MTV), pp. 221–230.
PEPM-2015-VinayakaraoPN #source code- Structurally Heterogeneous Source Code Examples from Unstructured Knowledge Sources (VV, RP, AVN), pp. 21–26.
ICALP-v1-2015-BeigiEG #distributed- Deterministic Randomness Extraction from Generalized and Distributed Santha-Vazirani Sources (SB, OE, AG), pp. 143–154.
ICALP-v1-2015-HenzingerKN #algorithm #graph #reachability- Improved Algorithms for Decremental Single-Source Reachability on Directed Graphs (MH, SK, DN), pp. 725–736.
CHI-2015-KuznetsovDWMHP #biology #hybrid #open source #tool support- DIYbio Things: Open Source Biology Tools as Platforms for Hybrid Knowledge Production and Scientific Participation (SK, CD, NW, SM, SEH, EP), pp. 4065–4068.
CHI-2015-RajanenI #open source #usability- Power, Empowerment and Open Source Usability (MR, NI), pp. 3413–3422.
CSCW-2015-FilippovaC #open source- Mudslinging and Manners: Unpacking Conflict in Free and Open Source Software (AF, HC), pp. 1393–1403.
CSCW-2015-HindsRC- In the Flow, Being Heard, and Having Opportunities: Sources of Power and Power Dynamics in Global Teams (PJH, DR, CDC), pp. 864–875.
CSCW-2015-QuattroneCM #bias #dataset- There’s No Such Thing as the Perfect Map: Quantifying Bias in Spatial Crowd-sourcing Datasets (GQ, LC, PDM), pp. 1021–1032.
CSCW-2015-SteinmacherCGR #open source #social- Social Barriers Faced by Newcomers Placing Their First Contribution in Open Source Software Projects (IS, TC, MAG, DFR), pp. 1379–1392.
HCI-DE-2015-SantosST #interactive #open source #using #visualisation- Interactive Clinical Pedigree Visualization Using an Open Source Pedigree Drawing Engine (JMS, BSS, LT), pp. 405–414.
HCI-UC-2015-SandersCDJ #data flow- GT Journey: The Importance of Accessible Rich Data Sources to Enable Innovation (MS, RJC, BD, SJ), pp. 82–91.
HIMI-IKC-2015-WatanabeTA #abstraction #development #learning #source code- Development of a Learning Support System for Reading Source Code by Stepwise Abstraction (KW, TT, TA), pp. 387–394.
AdaEurope-2015-DiazG #distributed #maintenance #middleware #open source #reliability #years after- Maintenance of Reliable Distributed Applications with Open-Source Middleware: Fifteen Years Later (MD, DG), pp. 116–128.
ICEIS-v1-2015-YakhyaevaY #algorithm- An Algorithm to Compare Computer-security Knowledge from Different Sources (GY, OY), pp. 565–572.
ICEIS-v2-2015-MendesAASNM #evolution #monitoring #named #open source #technical debt #using #visualisation- VisMinerTD — An Open Source Tool to Support the Monitoring of the Technical Debt Evolution using Software Visualization (TSM, DAA, NSRA, ROS, RLN, MGM), pp. 457–462.
ICEIS-v2-2015-MikhaylovFSZFT #locality #network #process- System of Localisation of the Network Activity Source in APCS Data Lines (DM, SDF, YYS, AZ, ASF, AT), pp. 245–251.
ECIR-2015-DehghaniAMK #automation- Sources of Evidence for Automatic Indexing of Political Texts (MD, HA, MM, JK), pp. 568–573.
ICML-2015-AllamanisTGW #modelling #natural language #source code- Bimodal Modelling of Source Code and Natural Language (MA, DT, ADG, YW), pp. 2123–2132.
KDD-2015-Ojjeh #open source #realtime #using- Powering Real-time Decision Engines in Finance and Healthcare using Open Source Software (BO), p. 1633.
KDD-2015-YangSTML- Entity Matching across Heterogeneous Sources (YY, YS, JT, BM, JZL), pp. 1395–1404.
RecSys-2015-DalyBS #recommendation- Crowd Sourcing, with a Few Answers: Recommending Commuters for Traffic Updates (ED, MB, FS), pp. 253–256.
SEKE-2015-AlshaikhMWH #empirical #locality #open source- A Empirical Study on the Status of Software Localization in Open Source Projects (ZA, SM, XW, SH), pp. 692–695.
SEKE-2015-SchreiberMRM #comprehension #named #object-oriented #source code- TAGGINGSENSE: Method Based On Sensemaking For Object-Oriented Source Code Comprehension (DS, ALAM, SSR, AM), pp. 278–283.
SIGIR-2015-SunXZLGX #multi #personalisation #recommendation- Multi-source Information Fusion for Personalized Restaurant Recommendation (JS, YX, YZ, JL, CG, HX), pp. 983–986.
AMT-2015-GholizadehDKM #analysis #model transformation- Analysis of Source-to-Target Model Transformations in QueST (HG, ZD, SK, TSEM), pp. 46–55.
ECMFA-2015-OgunyomiRK #incremental #model-to-text- Property Access Traces for Source Incremental Model-to-Text Transformation (BO, LMR, DSK), pp. 187–202.
POPL-2015-CochranDLMV #synthesis- Program Boosting: Program Synthesis via Crowd-Sourcing (RAC, LD, BL, DM, MV), pp. 677–688.
SAC-2015-HuangSZSXD #privacy #pseudo- A source-location privacy protection strategy via pseudo normal distribution-based phantom routing in WSNs (JH, MS, SZ, YS, CCX, QD), pp. 688–694.
SAC-2015-JuniorSM #approach #semantics- An approach for building lexical-semantic resources based on heterogeneous information sources (JGdAJ, US, LBM), pp. 402–408.
SAC-2015-SoaresJMP #open source- Acceptance factors of pull requests in open-source projects (DMS, MLdLJ, LM, AP), pp. 1541–1546.
ESEC-FSE-2015-FoucaultPBMF #developer #open source #quality- Impact of developer turnover on quality in open-source software (MF, MP, XB, GCM, JRF), pp. 829–841.
ESEC-FSE-2015-RuscioKKMV #automation #framework #metric #named #open source- OSSMETER: a software measurement platform for automatically analysing open source software projects (DDR, DSK, IK, NDM, JJV), pp. 970–973.
ICSE-v1-2015-KalliamvakouDBS #collaboration #development #git #open source #using- Open Source-Style Collaborative Development Practices in Commercial Projects Using GitHub (EK, DED, KB, LS, DMG), pp. 574–585.
ICSE-v2-2015-IzquierdoC #open source- Enabling the Definition and Enforcement of Governance Rules in Open Source Systems (JLCI, JC), pp. 505–514.
ICSE-v2-2015-MaleticC #analysis #semiparsing #source code #using- Exploration, Analysis, and Manipulation of Source Code Using srcML (JIM, MLC), pp. 951–952.
ICSE-v2-2015-McBurney #automation #documentation #generative #source code #summary- Automatic Documentation Generation via Source Code Summarization (PWM), pp. 903–906.
ICSE-v2-2015-SanchezW #source code #stack overflow- Source Code Curation on StackOverflow: The Vesperin System (HS, JW), pp. 661–664.
SPLC-2015-FilhoABAB #empirical #java #product line #source code- Assessing product line derivation operators applied to Java source code: an empirical study (JBFF, SA, OB, MA, BB), pp. 36–45.
HPCA-2015-XiJBWB #architecture #fault- Quantifying sources of error in McPAT and potential impacts on architectural studies (SLX, HMJ, PB, GYW, DMB), pp. 577–589.
CAV-2015-IsbernerHS #automaton #framework #learning #open source- The Open-Source LearnLib — A Framework for Active Automata Learning (MI, FH, BS), pp. 487–495.
SAT-2015-CorziliusKJSA #c++ #named #open source #parallel #smt- SMT-RAT: An Open Source C++ Toolbox for Strategic and Parallel SMT Solving (FC, GK, SJ, SS, EÁ), pp. 360–368.
ASE-2014-FalleriMBMM #difference #fine-grained #source code- Fine-grained and accurate source code differencing (JRF, FM, XB, MM, MM), pp. 313–324.
ASE-2014-HigoK #consistency #named #nondeterminism #source code- MPAnalyzer: a tool for finding unintended inconsistencies in program source code (YH, SK), pp. 843–846.
CASE-2014-ChuKS #dependence #energy #grid #integration- Optimal integration of alternative energy sources in production systems for minimum grid dependency and outage risk (KCC, KK, KS), pp. 640–645.
DAC-2014-AthavaleMHV #analysis #source code #test coverage #using- Code Coverage of Assertions Using RTL Source Code Analysis (VA, SM, SH, SV), p. 6.
DAC-2014-EldibWTS #named #source code- QMS: Evaluating the Side-Channel Resistance of Masked Software from Source Code (HE, CW, MMIT, PS), p. 6.
DATE-2014-WangLXCP #energy #hybrid- Minimizing state-of-health degradation in hybrid electrical energy storage systems with arbitrary source and load profiles (YW, XL, QX, NC, MP), pp. 1–4.
DocEng-2014-WilliamsCG #ranking- Classifying and ranking search engine results as potential sources of plagiarism (KW, HHC, CLG), pp. 97–106.
HT-2014-Santos-NetoPAR #data flow #on the #optimisation- On the choice of data sources to improve content discoverability via textual feature optimization (ESN, TP, JMA, MR), pp. 273–278.
SIGMOD-2014-LiLGZFH #estimation #reliability #semistructured data- Resolving conflicts in heterogeneous data by truth discovery and source reliability estimation (QL, YL, JG, BZ, WF, JH), pp. 1187–1198.
SIGMOD-2014-RekatsinasDS #data flow- Characterizing and selecting fresh data sources (TR, XLD, DS), pp. 919–930.
VLDB-2014-AlsubaieeAABBBCCCFGGHKLLOOPTVWW #named #open source #scalability- AsterixDB: A Scalable, Open Source BDMS (SA, YA, HA, AB, VRB, YB, MJC, IC, MC, KF, EG, RG, ZH, YSK, CL, GL, JMO, NO, PP, VJT, RV, JW, TW), pp. 1905–1916.
VLDB-2014-GeertsMPS #exclamation #open source- That’s All Folks! LLUNATIC Goes Open Source (FG, GM, PP, DS), pp. 1565–1568.
VLDB-2015-MozafariSFJM14 #dataset #learning #scalability- Scaling Up Crowd-Sourcing to Very Large Datasets: A Case for Active Learning (BM, PS, MJF, MIJ, SM), pp. 125–136.
VLDB-2015-ThenKCHPK0V14 #graph #multi #performance #traversal- The More the Merrier: Efficient Multi-Source Graph Traversal (MT, MK, FC, TAHV, KP, AK, TN, HTV), pp. 449–460.
ITiCSE-2014-EllisH #learning #open source #re-engineering- Structuring software engineering learning within open source software participation (HJCE, GWH), p. 326.
ITiCSE-2014-LobodaGHB #education #open source #social #visualisation- Mastery grids: an open-source social educational progress visualization (TDL, JG, RH, PB), p. 357.
ITiCSE-2014-PorterTW #concept #development #flexibility #open source- Leveraging open source principles for flexible concept inventory development (LP, CT, KCW), pp. 243–248.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-BakotaHSLF #quality- Qualitygate SourceAudit: A tool for assessing the technical quality of software (TB, PH, IS, GL, RF), pp. 440–445.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-BavotaCCNPGGGKLTPPRV #open source- The market for open source: An intelligent virtual open source marketplace (GB, AC, IC, ADN, MDP, DG, RG, TFG, PK, IL, FT, RP, JP, YR, SGV), pp. 399–402.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-Goeminne #aspect-oriented #comprehension #ecosystem #evolution #open source- Understanding the evolution of socio-technical aspects in open source ecosystems (MG), pp. 473–476.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-MensCG #ecosystem #named #open source- ECOS: Ecological studies of open source software ecosystems (TM, MC, PG), pp. 403–406.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-OliveiraVL #metric #source code- Extracting relative thresholds for source code metrics (PO, MTV, FPL), pp. 254–263.
ICPC-2014-BinkleyHLO #analysis #comprehension #source code- Understanding LDA in source code analysis (DB, DH, DJL, JO), pp. 26–36.
ICPC-2014-HossenKP #maintenance #source code- Amalgamating source code authors, maintainers, and change proneness to triage change requests (KH, HHK, DP), pp. 130–141.
ICPC-2014-McBurneyLMW #source code #summary #topic- Improving topic model source code summarization (PWM, CL, CM, TW), pp. 291–294.
ICPC-2014-McBurneyM #automation #documentation #generative #source code #summary- Automatic documentation generation via source code summarization of method context (PWM, CM), pp. 279–290.
ICPC-2014-ShobeKZK #commit #on the #open source- On mapping releases to commits in open source systems (JFS, MYK, MBZ, HHK), pp. 68–71.
ICPC-2014-VassalloPPC #developer #mining #named #source code- CODES: mining source code descriptions from developers discussions (CV, SP, MDP, GC), pp. 106–109.
ICPC-2014-ZapalowskiNN #architecture #source code- Revealing the relationship between architectural elements and source code characteristics (VZ, IN, DJN), pp. 14–25.
ICSME-2014-EddyK #code search #query #source code #using- Using Structured Queries for Source Code Search (BPE, NAK), pp. 431–435.
ICSME-2014-HallKWM #automation #source code #tool support- Establishing the Source Code Disruption Caused by Automated Remodularisation Tools (MH, MAK, NW, PM), pp. 466–470.
ICSME-2014-OliveiraLVS #metric #named #source code- RTTool: A Tool for Extracting Relative Thresholds for Source Code Metrics (PO, FPL, MTV, AS), pp. 629–632.
ICSME-2014-PanichellaBPCA #developer #how- How Developers’ Collaborations Identified from Different Sources Tell Us about Code Changes (SP, GB, MDP, GC, GA), pp. 251–260.
ICSME-2014-TaoHK #empirical #open source- Writing Acceptable Patches: An Empirical Study of Open Source Project Patches (YT, DH, SK), pp. 271–280.
MSR-2014-BellerBZJ #code review #open source #problem #question- Modern code reviews in open-source projects: which problems do they fix? (MB, AB, AZ, EJ), pp. 202–211.
MSR-2014-BloemenAKO #analysis #database #dependence #open source- Innovation diffusion in open source software: preliminary analysis of dependency changes in the gentoo portage package database (RB, CA, SK, GOM), pp. 316–319.
MSR-2014-GarciaS #debugging #open source #predict- Characterizing and predicting blocking bugs in open source projects (HVG, ES), pp. 72–81.
MSR-2014-KevicF #source code #taxonomy- A dictionary to translate change tasks to source code (KK, TF), pp. 320–323.
MSR-2014-MatragkasWKP #ecosystem #git #open source- Analysing the “biodiversity” of open source ecosystems: the GitHub case (NDM, JRW, DSK, RFP), pp. 356–359.
MSR-2014-PadhyeMS #case study #community #git #open source- A study of external community contribution to open-source projects on GitHub (RP, SM, VSS), pp. 332–335.
MSR-2014-RoblesGCCI #case study #development #mining #open source #repository- Estimating development effort in Free/Open source software projects by mining software repositories: a case study of OpenStack (GR, JMGB, CC, AC, DIC), pp. 222–231.
MSR-2014-SteidlHJ #analysis #incremental #source code- Incremental origin analysis of source code files (DS, BH, EJ), pp. 42–51.
MSR-2014-TymchukML #collaboration #open source #question- Collaboration in open-source projects: myth or reality? (YT, AM, ML), pp. 304–307.
MSR-2014-ZanjaniSK #commit #impact analysis #interactive #source code- Impact analysis of change requests on source code based on interaction and commit histories (MBZ, GS, HHK), pp. 162–171.
SCAM-2014-Cortes-CoyVAP #automation #commit #generative #on the #source code #summary- On Automatically Generating Commit Messages via Summarization of Source Code Changes (LFCC, MLV, JA, DP), pp. 275–284.
SCAM-2014-FerencLSGB #plugin- Source Meter Sonar Qube Plug-in (RF, LL, IS, TG, TB), pp. 77–82.
SCAM-2014-KawamitsuIKKRI #identification #repository #reuse #similarity #source code #using- Identifying Source Code Reuse across Repositories Using LCS-Based Source Code Similarity (NK, TI, TK, RGK, CDR, KI), pp. 305–314.
STOC-2014-HenzingerKN #algorithm #graph #reachability- Sublinear-time decremental algorithms for single-source reachability and shortest paths on directed graphs (MH, SK, DN), pp. 674–683.
CHI-2014-BryanMW #editing #interactive #named- ISSE: an interactive source separation editor (NJB, GJM, GW), pp. 257–266.
CHI-2014-LiaoF- Expert voices in echo chambers: effects of source expertise indicators on exposure to diverse opinions (QVL, WTF), pp. 2745–2754.
CHI-2014-MikkonenGORK #induction #named #open source- OJAS: open source bi-directional inductive power link (JM, RG, MO, HR, AK), pp. 1049–1058.
CHI-2014-MullerGDS #interactive- The boomRoom: mid-air direct interaction with virtual sound sources (JM, MG, CD, SS), pp. 247–256.
CSCW-2014-LiaoF- Can you hear me now?: mitigating the echo chamber effect by source position indicators (QVL, WTF), pp. 184–196.
CSCW-2014-VasilescuSDF #community #how #open source #social- How social Q&A sites are changing knowledge sharing in open source software communities (BV, AS, PTD, VF), pp. 342–354.
DUXU-DI-2014-EschrichKKHG #mobile #using- Controlling Light Environments Using Segmented Light Sources and Mobile Devices (BE, DK, KK, JH, RG), pp. 533–540.
HIMI-AS-2014-AraiKTKA #comprehension #development #learning #source code- Development of a Learning Support System for Source Code Reading Comprehension (TA, HK, TT, YK, TA), pp. 12–19.
LCT-NLE-2014-LaugassonK #open source #security- File Formats Security — Proprietary vs. Open-Source (EL, KK), pp. 63–72.
SCSM-2014-LeonardoFGPSSUWC #identification #social #social media #trust- Identifying Locations of Social Significance: Aggregating Social Media Content to Create a New Trust Model for Exploring Crowd Sourced Data and Information (ADL, SF, AG, FP, WS, TS, AU, DW, JBC), pp. 170–177.
SCSM-2014-Scheiner #dependence #identification #social #social media- The Importance of Social Media as Source of Information in the Technology Identification in Dependence of External and Internal Factors (CWS), pp. 103–112.
VISSOFT-2014-EnsRSHYI #co-evolution #comprehension #named #visual notation- ChronoTwigger: A Visual Analytics Tool for Understanding Source and Test Co-evolution (BE, DJR, RS, HH, JEY, PI), pp. 117–126.
CAiSE-2014-MoyanoBG #trust- Trust-Aware Decision-Making Methodology for Cloud Sourcing (FM, KB, MCFG), pp. 136–149.
CAiSE-2014-SkoulisVZ #database #evolution #open source #question- Open-Source Databases: Within, Outside, or Beyond Lehman’s Laws of Software Evolution? (IS, PV, AZ), pp. 379–393.
CAiSE-2014-VergneS #community #markov #network #open source #using- Expert Finding Using Markov Networks in Open Source Communities (MV, AS), pp. 196–210.
ICEIS-v2-2014-MurianaMG #approach #development #information management #open source- Development of Open Source Software, a Qualitative View in a Knowledge Management Approach (LMM, CM, ACBG), pp. 391–399.
ICEIS-v3-2014-WissotzkiTWK #bibliography #perspective #state of the art- Investigation of IT Sourcing, Relationship Management and Contractual Governance Approaches — State of the Art Literature Review (MW, FT, JW, HK), pp. 280–287.
CIKM-2014-JonesTMSS #comprehension #consistency #evaluation #matter #nondeterminism- Size and Source Matter: Understanding Inconsistencies in Test Collection-Based Evaluation (TJ, AT, SM, FS, MS), pp. 1843–1846.
ICML-c2-2014-MaddisonT #generative #modelling #source code- Structured Generative Models of Natural Source Code (CJM, DT), pp. 649–657.
ICPR-2014-DengZS #learning #recognition #speech- Linked Source and Target Domain Subspace Feature Transfer Learning — Exemplified by Speech Emotion Recognition (JD, ZZ, BWS), pp. 761–766.
ICPR-2014-PatriciaTC #adaptation #learning #multi #performance- Multi-source Adaptive Learning for Fast Control of Prosthetics Hand (NP, TT, BC), pp. 2769–2774.
KDD-2014-LiLH #profiling- Entity profiling with varying source reliabilities (FL, MLL, WH), pp. 1146–1155.
KDD-2014-RamakrishnanBMSKSWCVKKMZHCLHSTGKDAZFSFAGM #open source #using- “Beating the news” with EMBERS: forecasting civil unrest using open source indicators (NR, PB, SM, NS, RPK, PS, WW, JC, AV, GK, CJK, AM, LZ, TH, FC, CTL, BH, AS, KT, LG, GK, AD, CA, IZ, JF, KMS, YF, JA, DG, DM), pp. 1799–1808.
MLDM-2014-AnandWA #information management #scalability- A Method of Crowd-Sourced Information Extraction From Large Data Files (IMA, AW, PA), pp. 431–436.
MLDM-2014-KhasnabishSDS #detection #learning #programming language #source code #using- Detecting Programming Language from Source Code Using Bayesian Learning Techniques (JNK, MS, JD, GS), pp. 513–522.
SEKE-2014-Al-MsiedeenSHUV #implementation #object-oriented #source code- Documenting the Mined Feature Implementations from the Object-oriented Source Code of a Collection of Software Product Variants (RAM, AS, MH, CU, SV), pp. 138–143.
SEKE-2014-SantosBSC #game studies #learning #programming #semantics #source code- A Semantic Analyzer for Simple Games Source Codes to Programming Learning (ECOdS, GBB, VHVdS, EC), pp. 522–527.
SIGIR-2014-KoopmanZ14a #assessment #exclamation #information retrieval #open source- Relevation!: an open source system for information retrieval relevance assessment} (BK, GZ), pp. 1243–1244.
MoDELS-2014-OgunyomiRK #incremental #model-to-text #on the- On the Use of Signatures for Source Incremental Model-to-text Transformation (BO, LMR, DSK), pp. 84–98.
MoDELS-2014-OgunyomiRK #incremental #model-to-text #on the- On the Use of Signatures for Source Incremental Model-to-text Transformation (BO, LMR, DSK), pp. 84–98.
OOPSLA-2014-PavlinovicKW #fault- Finding minimum type error sources (ZP, TK, TW), pp. 525–542.
LOPSTR-2014-ElsawyZA #execution #text-to-text- Exhaustive Execution of CHR Through Source-to-Source Transformation (AE, AZ, SA), pp. 59–73.
RE-2014-Bhowmik #interactive #open source #requirements #social- Stakeholders’ social interaction in requirements engineering of open source software (TB), pp. 467–472.
SAC-2014-BelbachirBM #modelling #probability- Probabilistic opinion models based on subjective sources (FB, MB, MMSM), pp. 925–926.
SAC-2014-MaWX #behaviour #commit #developer #empirical #open source- Dynamics of open-source software developer’s commit behavior: an empirical investigation of subversion (YM, YW, YX), pp. 1171–1173.
FSE-2014-AllamanisS #mining #source code- Mining idioms from source code (MA, CAS), pp. 472–483.
FSE-2014-BaltesSD #diagrams #sketching #source code- Linking sketches and diagrams to source code artifacts (SB, PS, SD), pp. 743–746.
FSE-2014-HigoK #case study #functional #how #java #source code- How should we measure functional sameness from program source code? an exploratory study on Java methods (YH, SK), pp. 294–305.
FSE-2014-Yang #analysis #bibliography #network #open source #perspective #social- Social network analysis in open source software peer review (XY), pp. 820–822.
ICSE-2014-RodegheroMMBD #automation #source code #summary- Improving automated source code summarization via an eye-tracking study of programmers (PR, CM, PWM, NB, SKD), pp. 390–401.
ICSE-2014-SiegmundKAPBLSB #comprehension #functional #source code- Understanding understanding source code with functional magnetic resonance imaging (JS, CK, SA, CP, AB, TL, GS, AB), pp. 378–389.
CAV-2014-RakamaricE #implementation #named #verification- SMACK: Decoupling Source Language Details from Verifier Implementations (ZR, ME), pp. 106–113.
ISSTA-2014-BaudryAM #program transformation #source code- Tailored source code transformations to synthesize computationally diverse program variants (BB, SA, MM), pp. 149–159.
CBSE-2013-SchwittekE #case study #component #enterprise #java #open source #reuse- A study on third party component reuse in Java enterprise open source software (WS, SE), pp. 75–80.
ASE-2013-MoritzVPGMG #api #detection #named #repository #scalability #source code #visualisation- ExPort: Detecting and visualizing API usages in large source code repositories (EM, MLV, DP, MG, CM, MG), pp. 646–651.
ASE-2013-PalombaBPOLP #detection #smell #source code #using- Detecting bad smells in source code using change history information (FP, GB, MDP, RO, ADL, DP), pp. 268–278.
DATE-2013-MandalKM- Exploring topologies for source-synchronous ring-based network-on-chip (AM, SPK, RNM), pp. 1026–1031.
DATE-2013-WangH #embedded #modelling #performance #simulation- Fast and accurate cache modeling in source-level simulation of embedded software (ZW, JH), pp. 587–592.
DATE-2013-WeddellMMBAB #bibliography #energy #multi- A survey of multi-source energy harvesting systems (ASW, MM, GVM, DB, BMAH, LB), pp. 905–908.
DATE-2013-YuWAEB #modelling #statistics- Statistical modeling with the virtual source MOSFET model (LY, LW, DAA, IME, DSB), pp. 1454–1457.
HT-2013-CanoVRCH #classification #social #social media #topic- Harnessing linked knowledge sources for topic classification in social media (AEC, AV, MR, FC, YH), pp. 41–50.
HT-2013-WolffMC #data flow #named #using- Storyscope: using theme and setting to guide story enrichment from external data sources (AW, PM, TDC), pp. 79–88.
SIGMOD-2013-GuilleFHZ #analysis #framework #mining #named #open source #social- SONDY: an open source platform for social dynamics mining and analysis (AG, CF, HH, DAZ), pp. 1005–1008.
SIGMOD-2013-SongYYHS #data flow #retrieval #scalability #semistructured data- Inter-media hashing for large-scale retrieval from heterogeneous data sources (JS, YY, YY, ZH, HTS), pp. 785–796.
VLDB-2013-BronziCMP #integration #web- Extraction and Integration of Partially Overlapping Web Sources (MB, VC, PM, PP), pp. 805–816.
VLDB-2013-EftekharK #clustering #data flow #ranking- Partitioning and Ranking Tagged Data Sources (ME, NK), pp. 229–240.
VLDB-2013-Franceschini #approach #big data #how #open source- How to maximize the value of big data with the open source SpagoBI suite through a comprehensive approach (MF), pp. 1170–1171.
VLDB-2013-GuptaRM #data flow #distributed #query- Ratio Threshold Queries over Distributed Data Sources (RG, KR, MKM), pp. 565–576.
VLDB-2014-SalloumDST13 #data flow #online- Online Ordering of Overlapping Data Sources (MS, XLD, DS, VJT), pp. 133–144.
ITiCSE-WGR-2013-KorhonenNBCKMMM #design #interactive #open source #requirements- Requirements and design strategies for open source interactive computer science eBooks (AK, TLN, CB, PC, VK, LM, BM, BM, SHR, RR, CAS), pp. 53–72.
CSMR-2013-AnicheOG #case study #industrial #open source #quality #testing #what- What Do the Asserts in a Unit Test Tell Us about Code Quality? A Study on Open Source and Industrial Projects (MFA, GAO, MAG), pp. 111–120.
CSMR-2013-BhattacharyaUNK #analysis #android #debugging #empirical #open source- An Empirical Analysis of Bug Reports and Bug Fixing in Open Source Android Apps (PB, LU, IN, SCK), pp. 133–143.
CSMR-2013-KazatoHKOOMHS #feature model #identification #incremental #source code- Incremental Feature Location and Identification in Source Code (HK, SH, TK, TO, SO, SM, TH, MS), pp. 371–374.
CSMR-2013-KochharBLJ #case study #open source #testing- Adoption of Software Testing in Open Source Projects — A Preliminary Study on 50,000 Projects (PSK, TFB, DL, LJ), pp. 353–356.
CSMR-2013-MazzeoTBS #source code- Linking E-Mails and Source Code with LASCO (LM, AT, RB, GS), pp. 421–424.
CSMR-2013-Molitorisz #process #refactoring #source code- Pattern-Based Refactoring Process of Sequential Source Code (KM), pp. 357–360.
CSMR-2013-Pichler #documentation #experience #fortran #industrial #source code- Extraction of Documentation from Fortran 90 Source Code: An Industrial Experience (JP), pp. 399–402.
CSMR-2013-ScannielloGT #comprehension #diagrams #sequence chart #source code- An Early Investigation on the Contribution of Class and Sequence Diagrams in Source Code Comprehension (GS, CG, GT), pp. 367–370.
CSMR-2013-TothNFS #source code #using #version control- Using Version Control History to Follow the Changes of Source Code Elements (ZT, GN, RF, IS), pp. 319–322.
ICPC-2013-EddyRKC #replication #source code #summary- Evaluating source code summarization techniques: Replication and expansion (BPE, JAR, NAK, JCC), pp. 13–22.
ICPC-2013-MurakamiHHIK #analysis #clone detection #detection #lightweight #source code- Gapped code clone detection with lightweight source code analysis (HM, KH, YH, HI, SK), pp. 93–102.
ICPC-2013-SteidlHJ #analysis #quality #source code- Quality analysis of source code comments (DS, BH, EJ), pp. 83–92.
ICSM-2013-AlhindawiDCM #feature model #source code- Improving Feature Location by Enhancing Source Code with Stereotypes (NA, ND, MLC, JIM), pp. 300–309.
ICSM-2013-AsaduzzamanRSP #approach #hybrid #independence #named #source code- LHDiff: A Language-Independent Hybrid Approach for Tracking Source Code Lines (MA, CKR, KAS, MDP), pp. 230–239.
ICSM-2013-AsaduzzamanRSP13a #maintenance #named #process #source code- LHDiff: Tracking Source Code Lines to Support Software Maintenance Activities (MA, CKR, KAS, MDP), pp. 484–487.
ICSM-2013-CollardDM #analysis #framework #named #semiparsing #source code #tool support- srcML: An Infrastructure for the Exploration, Analysis, and Manipulation of Source Code: A Tool Demonstration (MLC, MJD, JIM), pp. 516–519.
ICSM-2013-MorenoBHM #debugging #on the #source code- On the Relationship between the Vocabulary of Bug Reports and Source Code (LM, WB, SH, AM), pp. 452–455.
ICSM-2013-NovaisNGM #comprehension #evolution- SourceMiner Evolution: A Tool for Supporting Feature Evolution Comprehension (RLN, CN, AG, MGM), pp. 508–511.
ICSM-2013-ScannielloR #fault #identifier #source code- Dealing with Faults in Source Code: Abbreviated vs. Full-Word Identifier Names (GS, MR), pp. 190–199.
MSR-2013-AllamanisS13a #mining #modelling #repository #source code #using- Mining source code repositories at massive scale using language modeling (MA, CAS), pp. 207–216.
MSR-2013-Gala-PerezRGH #case study #evolution #metric #open source- Intensive metrics for the study of the evolution of open source projects: case studies from apache software foundation projects (SGP, GR, JMGB, IH), pp. 159–168.
MSR-2013-GuzziBLPD #communication #development #open source- Communication in open source software development mailing lists (AG, AB, ML, MP, AvD), pp. 277–286.
MSR-2013-JanjicHSA #dataset #research #reuse #source code- An unabridged source code dataset for research in software reuse (WJ, OH, MS, CA), pp. 339–342.
MSR-2013-WangDZCXZ #api #mining #source code- Mining succinct and high-coverage API usage patterns from source code (JW, YD, HZ, KC, TX, DZ), pp. 319–328.
SCAM-2013-FabryRJ #analysis #source code- Aspectual source code analysis with GASR (JF, CDR, VJ), pp. 53–62.
STOC-2013-EisenstatK #algorithm #graph #linear #multi- Linear-time algorithms for max flow and multiple-source shortest paths in unit-weight planar graphs (DE, PNK), pp. 735–744.
STOC-2013-Li #exponential #independence- New independent source extractors with exponential improvement (XL), pp. 783–792.
CEFP-2013-DevaiLT- The EDSL’s Struggle for Their Sources (GD, DL, MT), pp. 300–335.
CHI-2013-KatoSI #named #representation #source code- Picode: inline photos representing posture data in source code (JK, DS, TI), pp. 3097–3100.
CSCW-2013-FugelliLM #development #distributed #open source- Shared prolepsis and intersubjectivity in open source development: expansive grounding in distributed work (PF, LCL, AIM), pp. 129–144.
CSCW-2013-MashhadiQC #ubiquitous- Putting ubiquitous crowd-sourcing into context (AJM, GQ, LC), pp. 611–622.
HCI-AS-2013-MbathaM #experience #learning #named- E-learning: The Power Source of Transforming the Learning Experience in an ODL Landscape (BM, MM), pp. 454–463.
HCI-AS-2013-PlischkeSPK #specification #standard- Human Adequate Lighting in Optimal Healing Environments — Measuring Non-visual Light Effects of a LED Light Source According to German Draft Pre-standard DIN SPEC 5031-100: 2012 (HP, CS, PP, NK), pp. 163–172.
HCI-III-2013-NovotnyPSP- The Solid Angle of Light Sources and Its Impact on the Suppression of Melatonin in Humans (PN, PP, MJS, HP), pp. 454–463.
VISSOFT-2013-AnslowMNB #collaboration #named #visualisation- SourceVis: Collaborative software visualization for co-located environments (CA, SM, JN, RB), pp. 1–10.
VISSOFT-2013-BeckHDW #embedded #monitoring #source code #visual notation- Visual monitoring of numeric variables embedded in source code (FB, FH, SD, DW), pp. 1–4.
VISSOFT-2013-ServantJ #named #slicing #source code #visualisation- Chronos: Visualizing slices of source-code history (FS, JAJ), pp. 1–4.
VISSOFT-2013-ShresthaZM #open source #visualisation- Visualizing time and geography of open source software with storygraph (AS, YZ, BM), pp. 1–4.
ICEIS-J-2013-CarneiroN13a #multi #named #towards #visualisation- SourceMiner: Towards an Extensible Multi-perspective Software Visualization Environment (GdFC, MGdMN), pp. 242–263.
ICEIS-v1-2013-RodriguesAGSCS #case study #data flow #data transformation #semistructured data- Integrated Data Management — A Case Study in Heterogeneous Data Sources in Brazilian Government (SAR, MA, AFG, RTdS, MC, JMdS), pp. 316–321.
ICEIS-v2-2013-CarneiroN #multi #named #visualisation- SourceMiner — A Multi-perspective Software Visualization Environment (GdFC, MGdMN), pp. 25–36.
ICML-c3-2013-BryanM #interactive #performance- An Efficient Posterior Regularized Latent Variable Model for Interactive Sound Source Separation (NJB, GJM), pp. 208–216.
ICML-c3-2013-GerasS #multi- Multiple-source cross-validation (KG, CAS), pp. 1292–1300.
ICML-c3-2013-YoshiiTMG #infinity- Infinite Positive Semidefinite Tensor Factorization for Source Separation of Mixture Signals (KY, RT, DM, MG), pp. 576–584.
KDD-2013-BouadjenekHB #framework #named #open source #personalisation #social #web- LAICOS: an open source platform for personalized social web search (MRB, HH, MB), pp. 1446–1449.
KDD-2013-GeGLZ #estimation #learning #multi- Multi-source deep learning for information trustworthiness estimation (LG, JG, XL, AZ), pp. 766–774.
KDD-2013-XiangYFWTY #learning #multi #predict- Multi-source learning with block-wise missing data for Alzheimer’s disease prediction (SX, LY, WF, YW, PMT, JY), pp. 185–193.
KDD-2013-ZhuXWL #distance #graph #performance #query #scalability- Efficient single-source shortest path and distance queries on large graphs (ADZ, XX, SW, WL), pp. 998–1006.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-Dasarathy #information management #multi #robust- Information Fusion — An Appealing Avenue for Robust Knowledge Discovery in Multi-Source Environments (BVD), pp. 1–9.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-PapulaVH #analysis #enterprise #network #process- Knowledge Networks as a Source of Knowledge Initiatives and Innovation Activity in Small and Medium Enterprises — Regression Analysis for EU 27 Countries (JP, JV, JH), pp. 389–396.
RecSys-2013-GuoZTY #e-commerce #recommendation- Prior ratings: a new information source for recommender systems in e-commerce (GG, JZ, DT, NYS), pp. 383–386.
SEKE-2013-AbdouGK #open source #process #testing- Managing Corrective Actions to Closure in Open Source Software Test Process (TA, PG, PK), pp. 306–311.
SEKE-2013-Al-MsiedeenSHUVS #concept analysis #mining #object-oriented #semantics #source code #using- Mining Features from the Object-Oriented Source Code of a Collection of Software Variants Using Formal Concept Analysis and Latent Semantic Indexing (RAM, ADS, MH, CU, SV, HES), pp. 244–249.
SEKE-2013-LinMC #commit #developer #empirical #open source #process- Empirical Evidence on Developer’s Commit Activity for Open-Source Software Projects (SL, YM, JC), pp. 455–460.
SEKE-2013-TerraBMVSCB #similarity #source code- Measuring the Structural Similarity between Source Code Entities (S) (RT, JB, LFM, MTV, DS, DC, RdSB), pp. 753–758.
SEKE-2013-YuanYL #debugging #fine-grained #predict #source code- Bug Prediction for Fine-Grained Source Code Changes (ZY, LY, CL), pp. 381–387.
SIGIR-2013-ZhuMZC #multi #topic- Topic hierarchy construction for the organization of multi-source user generated contents (XZ, ZM, XZ, TSC), pp. 233–242.
MoDELS-2013-PiresPWD #behaviour #embedded #source code #verification- Behavioural Verification in Embedded Software, from Model to Source Code (AFP, TP, VW, SD), pp. 320–335.
MoDELS-2013-PiresPWD #behaviour #embedded #source code #verification- Behavioural Verification in Embedded Software, from Model to Source Code (AFP, TP, VW, SD), pp. 320–335.
TOOLS-EUROPE-J-2012-LilisS13 #approach #debugging #fault #metaprogramming- An Integrated Approach to Source Level Debugging and Compile Error Reporting in Metaprograms (YL, AS), pp. 1–26.
GPCE-2013-0001RN #abstract syntax tree #declarative #fine-grained #mining #source code- Declarative visitors to ease fine-grained source code mining with full history on billions of AST nodes (RD, HR, TNN), pp. 23–32.
LOPSTR-2013-FakhrySA #implementation #semantics #text-to-text #towards- Towards the Implementation of a Source-to-Source Transformation Tool for CHR Operational Semantics (GF, NS, SA), pp. 145–163.
REFSQ-2013-DelaterP #development #perspective #requirements #research #source code- Analyzing the Tracing of Requirements and Source Code during Software Development — A Research Preview (AD, BP), pp. 308–314.
SAC-2013-CampioloSBG #security #twitter- Evaluating the utilization of Twitter messages as a source of security alerts (RC, LAFS, DMB, MAG), pp. 942–943.
ESEC-FSE-2013-NguyenNNN #semantics #source code #statistics- A statistical semantic language model for source code (TTN, ATN, HAN, TNN), pp. 532–542.
ICSE-2013-Guerrouj #comprehension #normalisation #quality #source code- Normalizing source code vocabulary to support program comprehension and software quality (LG), pp. 1385–1388.
ICSE-2013-HaiducRBOLM #code search #predict #quality #query #source code- Query quality prediction and reformulation for source code search: the refoqus tool (SH, GDR, GB, RO, ADL, AM), pp. 1307–1310.
ICSE-2013-Nadi #case study #open source #variability- A study of variability spaces in open source software (SN), pp. 1353–1356.
ICSE-2013-ZanettiSTS #case study #categorisation #community #debugging #network #open source #social- Categorizing bugs with social networks: a case study on four open source software communities (MSZ, IS, CJT, FS), pp. 1032–1041.
LDTA-J-2009-ChilowiczDR #sequence #source code- Viewing functions as token sequences to highlight similarities in source code (MC, ÉD, GR), pp. 1871–1891.
SPLC-2013-KandaII #evolution #source code- Extraction of product evolution tree from source code of product variants (TK, TI, KI), pp. 141–150.
SPLC-2013-TsuchiyaKWKFY #requirements #source code #traceability- Recovering traceability links between requirements and source code in the same series of software products (RT, TK, HW, MK, YF, KY), pp. 121–130.
ISSTA-2013-LiHHG #android #energy- Calculating source line level energy information for Android applications (DL, SH, WGJH, RG), pp. 78–89.
DAC-2012-KumarBKV #analysis #predict #source code #using- Early prediction of NBTI effects using RTL source code analysis (JAK, KMB, HK, SV), pp. 808–813.
DATE-2012-CherkaouiFAF #comparison #self- Comparison of Self-Timed Ring and Inverter Ring Oscillators as entropy sources in FPGAs (AC, VF, AA, LF), pp. 1325–1330.
DATE-2012-KimA #interface- On-chip source synchronous interface timing test scheme with calibration (HK, JAA), pp. 1146–1149.
DATE-2012-KnothJS #analysis #modelling- Current source modeling for power and timing analysis at different supply voltages (CK, HJ, US), pp. 923–928.
DATE-2012-MandalKM #design #performance- A fast, source-synchronous ring-based network-on-chip design (AM, SPK, RNM), pp. 1489–1494.
DATE-2012-StattelmannGCBR #hybrid #modelling #simulation #using- Hybrid source-level simulation of data caches using abstract cache models (SS, GG, CC, OB, WR), pp. 376–381.
DATE-2012-WangH #compilation #embedded #optimisation #simulation- Accurate source-level simulation of embedded software with respect to compiler optimizations (ZW, JH), pp. 382–387.
DATE-2012-WangXPKCP #energy #hybrid #migration #multi- Multiple-source and multiple-destination charge migration in hybrid electrical energy storage systems (YW, QX, MP, YK, NC, MP), pp. 169–174.
DATE-2012-ZhaoYZCL #architecture #array #memory management- Architecting a common-source-line array for bipolar non-volatile memory devices (BZ, JY, YZ, YC, HL), pp. 1451–1454.
SIGMOD-2012-DeutchM- Mob data sourcing (DD, TM), pp. 581–584.
VLDB-2012-AlsubaieeAABBBCGHKLOPVW #analysis #big data #data transformation #named #open source- ASTERIX: An Open Source System for “Big Data” Management and Analysis (SA, YA, HA, AB, VRB, YB, MJC, RG, ZH, YSK, CL, NO, PP, RV, JW), pp. 1898–1901.
VLDB-2012-ZhaoRGH #approach #integration- A Bayesian Approach to Discovering Truth from Conflicting Sources for Data Integration (BZ, BIPR, JG, JH), pp. 550–561.
VLDB-2013-DongSS12 #integration #less is more- Less is More: Selecting Sources Wisely for Integration (XLD, BS, DS), pp. 37–48.
ITiCSE-2012-PoonSTK #corpus #detection #source code- Instructor-centric source code plagiarism detection and plagiarism corpus (JYHP, KS, YFT, MYK), pp. 122–127.
ITiCSE-2012-SanchezCGTCL #interactive #multi #named #open source- OpenIRS-UCM: an open-source multi-platform for interactive response systems (CGS, FC, JIG, CT, DC, JALO), pp. 232–237.
TACAS-2012-YehWH #design #framework #named #open source #synthesis #towards #verification- QuteRTL: Towards an Open Source Framework for RTL Design Synthesis and Verification (HHY, CYW, CY(H), pp. 377–391.
CSMR-2012-BettenburgTH #code search #fuzzy #source code #using- Using Fuzzy Code Search to Link Code Fragments in Discussions to Source Code (NB, SWT, AEH), pp. 319–328.
CSMR-2012-YoshidaKI #approach #functional #maintenance #metric #source code- A Cohesion Metric Approach to Dividing Source Code into Functional Segments to Improve Maintainability (NY, MK, HI), pp. 365–370.
CSMR-2012-ZiadiFSZ #identification #source code- Feature Identification from the Source Code of Product Variants (TZ, LF, MAAdS, MZ), pp. 417–422.
ICPC-2012-CorleyKK #modelling #source code #topic- Modeling the ownership of source code topics (CSC, EAK, NAK), pp. 173–182.
ICPC-2012-IshioEI #data flow #interprocedural #lightweight #source code #visualisation- A lightweight visualization of interprocedural data-flow paths for source code reading (TI, SE, KI), pp. 37–46.
ICPC-2012-Keivanloo #clone detection #code search #detection #source code- Leveraging clone detection for Internet-scale source code search (IK), pp. 277–280.
ICPC-2012-LuciaPOPP #information retrieval #question #source code #using- Using IR methods for labeling source code artifacts: Is it worthwhile? (ADL, MDP, RO, AP, SP), pp. 193–202.
ICPC-2012-PanichellaAPMC #developer #mining #source code- Mining source code descriptions from developer communications (SP, JA, MDP, AM, GC), pp. 63–72.
ICPC-2012-SharafiSGA #identifier #source code #women- Women and men — Different but equal: On the impact of identifier style on source code reading (ZS, ZS, YGG, GA), pp. 27–36.
ICSM-2012-HamiltonD #community #dependence #source code- Dependence communities in source code (JH, SD), pp. 579–582.
ICSM-2012-HayashiOZMS #refactoring #source code- Refactoring edit history of source code (SH, TO, TZ, KM, MS), pp. 617–620.
ICSM-2012-HmoodEKR #open source #predict- Applying technical stock market indicators to analyze and predict the evolvability of open source projects (AH, ME, IK, JR), pp. 613–616.
ICSM-2012-KuangMHGHJE #comprehension #dependence #question #requirements #source code #traceability- Do data dependencies in source code complement call dependencies for understanding requirements traceability? (HK, PM, HH, AG, LH, JL, AE), pp. 181–190.
ICSM-2012-RamaKVP #detection #source code #version control- Version history based source code plagiarism detection in proprietary systems (GMR, DK, SAV, SP), pp. 609–612.
MSR-2012-BirdN #development #distributed #open source #scalability #what- Who? Where? What? Examining distributed development in two large open source projects (CB, NN), pp. 237–246.
MSR-2012-Rodriguez-BustosA #distributed #how #open source #version control- How Distributed Version Control Systems impact open source software projects (CRB, JA), pp. 36–39.
MSR-2012-SouzaC #debugging #ide #open source #verification- Characterizing verification of bug fixes in two open source IDEs (RS, CC), pp. 70–73.
WCRE-2012-AlnaeliAM #empirical #open source- Empirically Examining the Parallelizability of Open Source Software System (SMA, AA, JIM), pp. 377–386.
WCRE-2012-AngiusW #automation #named #open source #traceability- OpenTrace: An Open Source Workbench for Automatic Software Traceability Link Recovery (EA, RW), pp. 507–508.
WCRE-2012-FavreLLSV #documentation #source code- Linking Documentation and Source Code in a Software Chrestomathy (JMF, RL, ML, TS, AV), pp. 335–344.
WCRE-2012-HemelK #case study #clone detection #detection #linux #reverse engineering #source code #using #variability- Reverse Engineering Variability in Source Code Using Clone Detection: A Case Study for Linux Variants of Consumer Electronic Devices (AH, RK), pp. 357–366.
WCRE-2012-IchiiMNCO #approach #automation #modelling #rule-based #source code- A Rule-based Automated Approach for Extracting Models from Source Code (MI, TM, YN, MC, HO), pp. 308–317.
WCRE-2012-RomanoRPK #fine-grained #source code #using- Analyzing the Impact of Antipatterns on Change-Proneness Using Fine-Grained Source Code Changes (DR, PR, MP, FK), pp. 437–446.
IFL-2012-Clerc #java #ml #named- OCaml-Java: From OCaml Sources to Java Bytecodes (XC), pp. 71–85.
ICGT-2012-GolasLEG #flexibility #formal method #graph grammar #towards- Toward Bridging the Gap between Formal Foundations and Current Practice for Triple Graph Grammars — Flexible Relations between Source and Target Elements (UG, LL, HE, HG), pp. 141–155.
CHI-2012-DiakopoulosCN #social #social media- Finding and assessing social media information sources in the context of journalism (ND, MDC, MN), pp. 2451–2460.
CHI-2012-HeimerlGCPH #named #physics- CommunitySourcing: engaging local crowds to perform expert work via physical kiosks (KH, BG, KC, TSP, BH), pp. 1539–1548.
CHI-2012-LampeVGE #facebook- Perceptions of facebook’s value as an information source (CL, JV, RG, NBE), pp. 3195–3204.
CHI-2012-MoghaddamBF #design #open source #user interface- Consensus building in open source user interface design discussions (RZM, BPB, WTF), pp. 1491–1500.
CHI-2012-TangB #video- #EpicPlay: crowd-sourcing sports video highlights (AT, SB), pp. 1569–1572.
CSCW-2012-MellisB #arduino #collaboration #hardware #open source- Collaboration in open-source hardware: third-party variations on the arduino duemilanove (DM, LB), pp. 1175–1178.
AdaEurope-2012-RuizCM #ada #development #source code- Source Code as the Key Artifact in Requirement-Based Development: The Case of Ada 2012 (JFR, CC, YM), pp. 49–59.
ICEIS-v1-2012-Ali #data flow #integration #optimisation #query #web- Optimizing Data Integration Queries over Web Data Sources (OPTIQ) (MIA), pp. 163–168.
CIKM-2012-DongFSZY #framework #mining- A general framework to encode heterogeneous information sources for contextual pattern mining (WD, WF, LS, CZ, XY), pp. 65–74.
CIKM-2012-NegahbanRG #learning #multi #performance #scalability #statistics #using- Scaling multiple-source entity resolution using statistically efficient transfer learning (SN, BIPR, JG), pp. 2224–2228.
ICML-2012-MysoreS #markov #modelling #performance- Variational Inference in Non-negative Factorial Hidden Markov Models for Efficient Audio Source Separation (GJM, MS), p. 194.
ICPR-2012-AotoTSMY #estimation #using- Position estimation of near point light sources using a clear hollow sphere (TA, TT, TS, YM, NY), pp. 3721–3724.
ICPR-2012-Kan #re-engineering- MEG source reconstruction with basis functions source model (JK), pp. 1791–1794.
ICPR-2012-KatoHT #estimation #multi- Estimation of multiple light sources from specular highlights (YK, TH, ST), pp. 2033–2086.
ICPR-2012-KirbizG #matrix #music- Perceptually weighted Non-negative Matrix Factorization for blind single-channel music source separation (SK, BG), pp. 226–229.
ICPR-2012-MorimuraK #generative #multi #statistics- Statistical Origin-destination generation with multiple sources (TM, SK), pp. 3443–3446.
KDD-2012-LiuA #clustering #data flow #web- Stratified k-means clustering over a deep web data source (TL, GA), pp. 1113–1121.
KDD-2012-YuanWTNY #analysis #learning #multi- Multi-source learning for joint analysis of incomplete multi-modality neuroimaging data (LY, YW, PMT, VAN, JY), pp. 1149–1157.
KDIR-2012-BallEC #named #open source #social #using- Undermining — Social Engineering using Open Source Intelligence Gathering (LB, GE, NC), pp. 275–280.
KDIR-2012-SantosGSK #behaviour #detection #finite- Finite Belief Fusion Model for Hidden Source Behavior Change Detection (ESJ, QG, EES, JK), pp. 17–24.
KEOD-2012-MatskanisAMMR #approach #linked data #open data #query #research- A Linked Data Approach for Querying Heterogeneous Sources — Assisting Researchers in Finding Answers to Complex Clinical Questions (NM, VA, PM, KM, JR), pp. 411–414.
KEOD-2012-WohlgenanntWSS #learning #ontology #web- Confidence Management for Learning Ontologies from Dynamic Web Sources (GW, AW, AS, MS), pp. 172–177.
KMIS-2012-RakthinCC #effectiveness- More Effective Transfer of Competitor and Customer Intelligence — Mediating Roles of Common Knowledge Sharing and Source Credibility (SR, RJC, SC), pp. 251–256.
RecSys-2012-Heitmann #framework #graph #multi #personalisation #semantics- An open framework for multi-source, cross-domain personalisation with semantic interest graphs (BH), pp. 313–316.
SEKE-2012-FoukarakisKT #open source- Choosing Licenses In Free Open Source Software (IEF, GMK, NDT), pp. 200–204.
SEKE-2012-GokhaleSM #education #open source #re-engineering #reverse engineering #tool support- Evaluating Open Source Reverse Engineering Tools for Teaching Software Engineering (SSG, TS, RM), pp. 162–167.
SEKE-2012-HumairaSOWF #framework #metric #multi #programming language #source code #towards- Towards a Unified Source Code Measurement Framework Supporting Multiple Programming Languages (RH, KS, AO, HW, YF), pp. 480–485.
SIGIR-2012-ZhangFQDSY #classification #online- Emotion tagging for comments of online news by meta classification with heterogeneous information sources (YZ, YF, XQ, LD, LS, XY), pp. 1059–1060.
MoDELS-2012-GravinoRST #comprehension #design pattern #developer #documentation #replication #source code- Do Professional Developers Benefit from Design Pattern Documentation? A Replication in the Context of Source Code Comprehension (CG, MR, GS, GT), pp. 185–201.
MoDELS-2012-GravinoRST #comprehension #design pattern #developer #documentation #replication #source code- Do Professional Developers Benefit from Design Pattern Documentation? A Replication in the Context of Source Code Comprehension (CG, MR, GS, GT), pp. 185–201.
ECOOP-2012-NegaraVCJD #evolution #question #source code #version control- Is It Dangerous to Use Version Control Histories to Study Source Code Evolution? (SN, MV, NC, REJ, DD), pp. 79–103.
PLATEAU-2012-BosuC #bibliography #code review #open source- Peer code review in open source communitiesusing reviewboard (AB, JCC), pp. 17–24.
PLATEAU-2012-UrmaM #evolution #programming language #query #source code- Programming language evolution via source code query languages (RGU, AM), pp. 35–38.
GPCE-2012-AxelsenK #java #performance #semantics #text-to-text- Package templates: a definition by semantics-preserving source-to-source transformations to efficient Java code (EWA, SK), pp. 50–59.
RE-2012-CharradaKG #identification #requirements #source code- Identifying outdated requirements based on source code changes (EBC, AK, MG), pp. 61–70.
REFSQ-2012-AnhCCHFA #collaboration #component #open source #requirements- Collaborative Resolution of Requirements Mismatches When Adopting Open Source Components (NDA, DSC, RC, MH, XF, CPA), pp. 77–93.
SAC-2012-AhnC #algorithm #locality #multi- A sensor network-based multiple acoustic source localization algorithm (JA, HC), pp. 544–549.
SAC-2012-GuidaraCF #approach #semantics- Intention based semantic approach for service sourcing (IG, TC, KF), pp. 401–402.
SAC-2012-LavazzaMTT #empirical #java #open source #reliability #source code- An empirical investigation of perceived reliability of open source Java programs (LL, SM, DT, DT), pp. 1109–1114.
SAC-2012-SousaC #framework #modelling #named #open source #symbolic computation- SageRobotics: open source framework for symbolic computation of robot models (CDS, RC), pp. 262–267.
SAC-2012-YinC #interactive #mobile #named #open source- MobiSpatial: open source for mobile spatial interaction (JY, JDC), pp. 572–573.
FSE-2012-CanforaPOP #open source #question- Who is going to mentor newcomers in open source projects? (GC, MDP, RO, SP), p. 44.
ICSE-2012-ForbesKR #challenge #navigation #open source #research- When open source turns cold on innovation — The challenges of navigating licensing complexities in new research domains (CF, IK, JR), pp. 1447–1448.
ICSE-2012-InoueSXM #open source- Where does this code come from and where does it go? — Integrated code history tracker for open source systems (KI, YS, PX, YM), pp. 331–341.
ICSE-2012-McMillanHPCM #agile #prototype #recommendation #source code- Recommending source code for use in rapid software prototypes (CM, NH, DP, JCH, BM), pp. 848–858.
ICSE-2012-NguyenNNTNAN #code completion #graph #source code- Graph-based pattern-oriented, context-sensitive source code completion (ATN, TTN, HAN, AT, HVN, JMAK, TNN), pp. 69–79.
ICSE-2012-RuscioPP #evolution #named #open source- EVOSS: A tool for managing the evolution of free and open source software systems (DDR, PP, AP), pp. 1415–1418.
ICSE-2012-YuanPZ #open source- Characterizing logging practices in open-source software (DY, SP, YZ), pp. 102–112.
ICSE-2012-Zanetti #co-evolution #community #development #lessons learnt #open source- The co-evolution of socio-technical structures in sustainable software development: Lessons from the open source software communities (MSZ), pp. 1587–1590.
PLEASE-2012-Duszynski0 #source code #variability- Recovering variability information from the source code of similar software products (SD, MB), pp. 37–40.
ISMM-2012-InoueN #hardware #identification #java #source code- Identifying the sources of cache misses in Java programs without relying on hardware counters (HI, TN), pp. 133–142.
ICLP-2012-AbdennadherS #text-to-text #visualisation- Visualization of CHR through Source-to-Source Transformation (SA, NS), pp. 109–118.
ICLP-2012-Redl #programming #set- Answer Set Programming with External Sources (CR), pp. 469–475.
ICLP-J-2012-EiterFKR- Conflict-driven ASP solving with external sources (TE, MF, TK, CR), pp. 659–679.
ICST-2012-ChittimalliS #framework #modelling #named #source code- GEMS: A Generic Model Based Source Code Instrumentation Framework (PKC, VS), pp. 909–914.
CBSE-2011-MeloP #component #framework #open source #recommendation- A component-based open-source framework for general-purpose recommender systems (FMM, ÁRPJ), pp. 67–72.
ECSA-2011-StolAB #design pattern #evaluation #identification #open source #process- Design and Evaluation of a Process for Identifying Architecture Patterns in Open Source Software (KJS, PA, MAB), pp. 147–163.
ASE-2011-GethersKDP #adaptation #approach #impact analysis #source code- An adaptive approach to impact analysis from change requests to source code (MG, HHK, BD, DP), pp. 540–543.
ASE-2011-HillPV #code search #natural language #source code- Improving source code search with natural language phrasal representations of method signatures (EH, LLP, KVS), pp. 524–527.
ASE-2011-KimmigMM #natural language #query #source code- Querying source code with natural language (MK, MM, MM), pp. 376–379.
ASE-2011-LozanoKM #named #recommendation #search-based #source code- Mendel: Source code recommendation based on a genetic metaphor (AL, AK, KM), pp. 384–387.
ASE-2011-MaderE #empirical #navigation #source code #traceability- Do software engineers benefit from source code navigation with traceability? — An experiment in software change management (PM, AE), pp. 444–447.
DAC-2011-StattelmannBR #optimisation #performance #simulation- Fast and accurate source-level simulation of software timing considering complex code optimizations (SS, OB, WR), pp. 486–491.
DAC-2011-XuLY #design #power management- Decoupling for power gating: sources of power noise and design strategies (TX, PL, BY), pp. 1002–1007.
DATE-2011-CarliBBR #effectiveness #energy #multi #power management- An effective multi-source energy harvester for low power applications (DC, DB, LB, MR), pp. 836–841.
DATE-2011-LiuV #analysis #generative #performance #source code #validation- Efficient validation input generation in RTL by hybridized source code analysis (LL, SV), pp. 1596–1601.
DATE-2011-WangLH #approach #embedded- An approach to improve accuracy of source-level TLMs of embedded software (ZW, KL, AH), pp. 216–221.
DATE-2011-YanC #multi- Obstacle-aware multiple-source rectilinear Steiner tree with electromigration and IR-drop avoidance (JTY, ZWC), pp. 449–454.
HT-2011-AshmanACST- Implicit association via crowd-sourced coselection (HA, MA, SC, GS, MT), pp. 7–16.
SIGMOD-2011-DingWHL #consistency #optimisation- Differentially private data cubes: optimizing noise sources and consistency (BD, MW, JH, ZL), pp. 217–228.
VLDB-2011-MarnetteMPRS- ++Spicy: an OpenSource Tool for Second-Generation Schema Mapping and Data Exchange (BM, GM, PP, SR, DS), pp. 1438–1441.
ITiCSE-2011-Marmorstein #effectiveness #open source #re-engineering- Open source contribution as an effective software engineering class project (RMM), pp. 268–272.
ITiCSE-2011-PullenC #education #open source- Moodle-integrated open source synchronous teaching (JMP, NKC), p. 353.
CSMR-2011-HayaseKMI #source code- Building Domain Specific Dictionaries of Verb-Object Relation from Source Code (YH, YK, YM, KI), pp. 93–100.
CSMR-2011-StojanovicOCD #coordination #development #named #open source #realtime- ALERT: Active Support and Real-Time Coordination Based on Event Processing in Open Source Software Development (LS, FO, LC, SD), pp. 359–362.
ICPC-2011-CordyR #named #open source #performance #source code- DebCheck: Efficient Checking for Open Source Code Clones in Software Systems (JRC, CKR), pp. 217–218.
ICPC-2011-PanchenkoKPZ #database #precise #query #scalability #source code #using- Precise and Scalable Querying of Syntactical Source Code Patterns Using Sample Code Snippets and a Database (OP, JK, HP, AZ), pp. 41–50.
ICPC-2011-RothlisbergerND #ide #named- SmartGroups: Focusing on Task-Relevant Source Artifacts in IDEs (DR, ON, SD), pp. 61–70.
ICPC-2011-ScannielloM #clustering #concept #source code- Clustering Support for Static Concept Location in Source Code (GS, AM), pp. 1–10.
ICSM-2011-BiggersEKE #metric #source code #towards- Toward a metrics suite for source code lexicons (LRB, BPE, NAK, LHE), pp. 492–495.
ICSM-2011-Bird #collaboration #coordination #open source- Sociotechnical coordination and collaboration in open source software (CB), pp. 568–573.
ICSM-2011-LawrieB #identifier #source code- Expanding identifiers to normalize source code vocabulary (DL, DB), pp. 113–122.
ICSM-2011-NishizonoMVM #comprehension #empirical #evolution #industrial #maintenance #metric #predict #source code- Source code comprehension strategies and metrics to predict comprehension effort in software maintenance and evolution tasks — an empirical study with industry practitioners (KN, SM, RV, KiM), pp. 473–481.
ICSM-2011-OssherSL #java #open source- File cloning in open source Java projects: The good, the bad, and the ugly (JO, HS, CVL), pp. 283–292.
ICSM-2011-RastkarMB #generative #natural language #source code #summary- Generating natural language summaries for crosscutting source code concerns (SR, GCM, AWJB), pp. 103–112.
ICSM-2011-RomanoP #interface #java #metric #predict #source code #using- Using source code metrics to predict change-prone Java interfaces (DR, MP), pp. 303–312.
ICSM-2011-RomanoSRG #clustering #design pattern #source code- Clustering and lexical information support for the recovery of design pattern in source code (SR, GS, MR, CG), pp. 500–503.
ICSM-2011-Scanniello #source code- Source code survival with the Kaplan Meier (GS), pp. 524–527.
ICSM-2011-WieseHH #comparison #identifier #source code- A comparison of stemmers on source code identifiers for software search (AW, VH, EH), pp. 496–499.
MSR-2011-GermanD #challenge #source code- Apples vs. oranges?: an exploration of the challenges of comparing the source code of two software systems (DMG, JD), pp. 246–249.
MSR-2011-GigerPG #debugging #fine-grained #predict #source code- Comparing fine-grained source code changes and code churn for bug prediction (EG, MP, HCG), pp. 83–92.
MSR-2011-HellerMRH #collaboration #community #open source #visualisation- Visualizing collaboration and influence in the open-source software community (BH, EM, ER, JH), pp. 223–226.
MSR-2011-KarusG #case study #evolution #open source- A study of language usage evolution in open source software (SK, HCG), pp. 13–22.
MSR-2011-SinhaMS #developer #open source #trust- Entering the circle of trust: developer initiation as committers in open-source projects (VSS, SM, SS), pp. 133–142.
MSR-2011-ThomasAHB #evolution #modelling #source code #topic- Modeling the evolution of topics in source code histories (SWT, BA, AEH, DB), pp. 173–182.
SCAM-2011-AbebeHTM #concept #smell #source code- The Effect of Lexicon Bad Smells on Concept Location in Source Code (SLA, SH, PT, AM), pp. 125–134.
SCAM-2011-Gold #analysis #music #programming #source code- Knitting Music and Programming: Reflections on the Frontiers of Source Code Analysis (NG), pp. 10–14.
WCRE-2011-AliGA #clustering #object-oriented #requirements #source code #traceability- Requirements Traceability for Object Oriented Systems by Partitioning Source Code (NA, YGG, GA), pp. 45–54.
WCRE-2011-DuszynskiKB #multi #reuse #source code- Analyzing the Source Code of Multiple Software Variants for Reuse Potential (SD, JK, MB), pp. 303–307.
WCRE-2011-GrantCS #analysis #concept #reverse engineering #source code #using- Reverse Engineering Co-maintenance Relationships Using Conceptual Analysis of Source Code (SG, JRC, DBS), pp. 87–91.
WCRE-2011-GravinoRST #comprehension #design pattern #documentation #source code- Does the Documentation of Design Pattern Instances Impact on Source Code Comprehension? Results from Two Controlled Experiments (CG, MR, GS, GT), pp. 67–76.
WCRE-2011-KellensRNSJ #evolution #quantifier #reasoning #source code #using- Reasoning over the Evolution of Source Code Using Quantified Regular Path Expressions (AK, CDR, CN, RS, VJ), pp. 389–393.
WCRE-2011-NonnenSI #research #source code- Locating the Meaning of Terms in Source Code Research on “Term Introduction” (JN, DS, PI), pp. 99–108.
WCRE-2011-Panchenko #code search #database #in memory #source code- In-Memory Database Support for Source Code Search and Analytics (OP), pp. 421–424.
STOC-2011-ZewiB #approximate- From affine to two-source extractors via approximate duality (NZ, EBS), pp. 177–186.
CHI-2011-HartmannDC #named #web- HyperSource: bridging the gap between source and code-related web sites (BH, MD, MKC), pp. 2207–2210.
CHI-2011-ZimmermanTGYHATHS #co-evolution #design- Field trial of Tiramisu: crowd-sourcing bus arrival times to spur co-design (JZ, AT, CG, DY, CH, RA, NRT, YH, AS), pp. 1677–1686.
CSCW-2011-SantosSCKSRRT #open source #policy- Intellectual property policy and attractiveness: a longitudinal study of free and open source software projects (CDSJ, MBC, FK, JS, VR, DR, TT), pp. 705–708.
AdaEurope-2011-CoqR #ada #analysis #modelling #quality #source code- The SQALE Quality and Analysis Models for Assessing the Quality of Ada Source Code (TC, JPR), pp. 61–74.
ICEIS-v2-2011-KisilevichKBTR #open source #tool support #using- Developing a Price Management Decision Support System for Hotel Brokers using Free and Open Source Tools (SK, DAK, RB, MT, LR), pp. 147–156.
ICEIS-v3-2011-JuniorNI #bibliography #execution #identification #legacy #source code- Survey and Proposal of a Method for Business Rules Identification in Legacy Systems Source Code and Execution Logs (WARJ, GSdN, CI), pp. 207–213.
ICEIS-v4-2011-LiuT11a #open source #research- Community-based Open Source — The Phenomenon and Research Opportunities (ML, QT), pp. 419–424.
CIKM-2011-SchlaeferCNFZF #statistics- Statistical source expansion for question answering (NS, JCC, EN, JF, WZ, DAF), pp. 345–354.
CIKM-2011-WangA #data flow #effectiveness #query #web- Effective stratification for low selectivity queries on deep web data sources (FW, GA), pp. 1455–1464.
CIKM-2011-WangYQSW #web- Harvesting facts from textual web sources by constrained label propagation (YW, BY, LQ, MS, GW), pp. 837–846.
KDD-2011-ChattopadhyayYPFD #adaptation #detection #multi- Multi-source domain adaptation and its application to early detection of fatigue (RC, JY, SP, WF, ID), pp. 717–725.
KDIR-2011-Aladjem #modelling #probability- Probabilistic Modeling, Projection Pursuit and Blind Source Separation (MA), p. 9.
KEOD-2011-TutcherRE #development #maintenance #monitoring #multi #semantics- Integrating Railway Maintenance Data — Development of a Semantic Data Model to Support Condition Monitoring Data from Multiple Sources (JT, CR, JME), pp. 442–444.
KMIS-2011-OugoutiBAB #architecture #data flow #integration #semistructured data- Architecture of Medpeer — A New P2P-based System for Integration of Heterogeneous Data Sources (NSO, HB, YA, ANB), pp. 351–354.
KMIS-2011-SchauerZM #analysis #collaboration #enterprise #open source #tool support- A Feature-based Analysis of Open Source Tools for Enterprise 2.0 — Open Source Tools for Team Collaboration in SMEs (BS, MZ, RM), pp. 57–66.
SIGIR-2011-Yom-TovD11a- Location and timeliness of information sources during news events (EYT, FD), pp. 1105–1106.
SIGIR-2011-ZhangWS #multi- Composite hashing with multiple information sources (DZ, FW, LS), pp. 225–234.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2011-TrudelOFN #automation #eiffel #java #source code- Automated Translation of Java Source Code to Eiffel (MT, MO, CAF, MN), pp. 20–35.
SAC-2011-JatowtKT #estimation #quality- Calculating content recency based on timestamped and non-timestamped sources for supporting page quality estimation (AJ, YK, KT), pp. 1151–1158.
SAC-2011-LammelPS #analysis #java #open source #scalability- Large-scale, AST-based API-usage analysis of open-source Java projects (RL, EP, JS), pp. 1317–1324.
SAC-2011-MajchrzakJK #evaluation #open source #performance #tool support- Efficiency evaluation of open source ETL tools (TAM, TJ, HK), pp. 287–294.
SAC-2011-RodriguesGAL #clustering #named- L2GClust: local-to-global clustering of stream sources (PPR, JG, JA, LMBL), pp. 1006–1011.
ESEC-FSE-2011-JergensenSW #ecosystem #migration #open source- The onion patch: migration in open source ecosystems (CJ, AS, PW), pp. 70–80.
ICSE-2011-LimDF #identification #network #requirements #social #using- StakeSource2.0: using social networks of stakeholders to identify and prioritise requirements (SLL, DD, AF), pp. 1022–1024.
ICSE-2011-McMillan #source code- Searching, selecting, and synthesizing source code (CM), pp. 1124–1125.
ICSE-2011-RigbyS #bibliography #comprehension #open source- Understanding broadcast based peer review on open source software projects (PCR, MADS), pp. 541–550.
ICSE-2011-Sethanandha #open source #process #tool support- Improving open source software patch contribution process: methods and tools (BDS), pp. 1134–1135.
SOSP-2011-YinMZZBP #empirical #fault #open source- An empirical study on configuration errors in commercial and open source systems (ZY, XM, JZ, YZ, LNB, SP), pp. 159–172.
ECSA-2010-ChardignyS #architecture #documentation #object-oriented #process #source code- Software Architecture Recovery Process Based on Object-Oriented Source Code and Documentation (SC, AS), pp. 409–416.
ASE-2010-Chen #documentation #source code #traceability #visualisation- Extraction and visualization of traceability relationships between documents and source code (XC), pp. 505–510.
ASE-2010-GermanMI #automation #identification #source code- A sentence-matching method for automatic license identification of source code files (DMG, YM, KI), pp. 437–446.
DATE-2010-TajalliL #design #framework #power management #using- Ultra-low power mixed-signal design platform using subthreshold source-coupled circuits (AT, YL), pp. 711–716.
PODS-2010-WeikumT #web- From information to knowledge: harvesting entities and relationships from web sources (GW, MT), pp. 65–76.
SIGMOD-2010-SeligmanMHSCCWMKB #integration #named #open source #tool support- OpenII: an open source information integration toolkit (LS, PM, AYH, KPS, MJC, KC, CW, JM, AK, DB), pp. 1057–1060.
SIGMOD-2010-TalukdarIP #automation #integration #keyword #search-based- Automatically incorporating new sources in keyword search-based data integration (PPT, ZGI, FCNP), pp. 387–398.
VLDB-2010-AraiDGHK #approach #cost analysis #multi #retrieval- An Access Cost-Aware Approach for Object Retrieval over Multiple Sources (BA, GD, DG, VH, NK), pp. 1125–1136.
VLDB-2010-DongBHS #detection- Global Detection of Complex Copying Relationships Between Sources (XD, LBE, YH, DS), pp. 1358–1369.
VLDB-2010-SolimanIS #nondeterminism- Building Ranked Mashups of Unstructured Sources with Uncertain Information (MAS, IFI, MS), pp. 826–837.
ITiCSE-2010-IhantolaK #open source- Open source widget for parson’s puzzles (PI, VK), p. 302.
ITiCSE-2010-NeagleMB- Skills and knowledge for hire: leeds source-it (RN, AM, RB), pp. 264–268.
CSMR-2010-GarciaDFWGI #design #development #java #named #open source #reliability #web- ROMULUS: Domain Driven Design and Mashup Oriented Development Based on Open Source Java Metaframework for Pragmatic, Reliable and Secure Web Development (BG, JCD, JIFV, AW, MG, CAI), pp. 186–189.
CSMR-2010-KellensNSRD #co-evolution #source code- Co-evolving Annotations and Source Code through Smart Annotations (AK, CN, KDS, CDR, TD), pp. 117–126.
CSMR-2010-MadaniGPGA #identifier #recognition #source code #speech #using #word- Recognizing Words from Source Code Identifiers Using Speech Recognition Techniques (NM, LG, MDP, YGG, GA), pp. 68–77.
ICPC-2010-BacchelliDL #source code- Extracting Source Code from E-Mails (AB, MD, ML), pp. 24–33.
ICPC-2010-GermanPD #comprehension #open source- Understanding and Auditing the Licensing of Open Source Software Distributions (DMG, MDP, JD), pp. 84–93.
ICPC-2010-RatanotayanonCS #data flow #empirical #repository- My Repository Runneth Over: An Empirical Study on Diversifying Data Sources to Improve Feature Search (SR, HJC, SES), pp. 206–215.
ICSM-2010-KeivanlooRSR #code search #framework #named #scalability #semantics #source code- SE-CodeSearch: A scalable Semantic Web-based source code search infrastructure (IK, LR, PS, JR), pp. 1–5.
ICSM-2010-OlbrichCS #case study #evolution #open source #smell- Are all code smells harmful? A study of God Classes and Brain Classes in the evolution of three open source systems (SMO, DC, DIKS), pp. 1–10.
ICSM-2010-ParandeK #analysis #dependence #open source- A longitudinal analysis of the dependency concentration in smaller modules for open-source software products (MAP, GK), pp. 1–5.
ICSM-2010-SavageDGP #named #source code #topic #using- TopicXP: Exploring topics in source code using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (TS, BD, MG, DP), pp. 1–6.
MSR-2010-NiaBDF #analysis #network #open source- Validity of network analyses in Open Source Projects (RN, CB, PTD, VF), pp. 201–209.
MSR-2010-OssherBL #automation #dependence #open source- Automated dependency resolution for open source software (JO, SKB, CVL), pp. 130–140.
SCAM-2010-GrantC #analysis #concept #source code- Estimating the Optimal Number of Latent Concepts in Source Code Analysis (SG, JRC), pp. 65–74.
SCAM-2010-Harman #analysis #source code #why- Why Source Code Analysis and Manipulation Will Always be Important (MH), pp. 7–19.
WCRE-2010-Arnaoudova #quality #source code- Improving Source Code Quality through the Definition of Linguistic Antipatterns (VA), pp. 285–288.
WCRE-2010-DavisG #assembly #detection #source code- From Whence It Came: Detecting Source Code Clones by Analyzing Assembler (IJD, MWG), pp. 242–246.
WCRE-2010-Eshkevari #identifier #refactoring #source code- Linguistic Driven Refactoring of Source Code Identifiers (LME), pp. 297–300.
WCRE-2010-GomezDD #integration #source code #visual notation- Visually Supporting Source Code Changes Integration: The Torch Dashboard (VUG, SD, TD), pp. 55–64.
WCRE-2010-Guerrouj #analysis #automation #concept #identifier #source code- Automatic Derivation of Concepts Based on the Analysis of Source Code Identifiers (LG), pp. 301–304.
WCRE-2010-HaiducAMM #automation #on the #source code #summary- On the Use of Automated Text Summarization Techniques for Summarizing Source Code (SH, JA, LM, AM), pp. 35–44.
WCRE-2010-KagdiGPC #concept #impact analysis #source code- Blending Conceptual and Evolutionary Couplings to Support Change Impact Analysis in Source Code (HHK, MG, DP, MLC), pp. 119–128.
WCRE-2010-LawrieBM #normalisation #source code- Normalizing Source Code Vocabulary (DJL, DB, CM), pp. 3–12.
WCRE-2010-LozanoKMA #mining #source code- Mining Source Code for Structural Regularities (AL, AK, KM, GA), pp. 22–31.
WCRE-2010-SelimFZ #clone detection #detection #representation #using- Enhancing Source-Based Clone Detection Using Intermediate Representation (GMKS, KCF, YZ), pp. 227–236.
PEPM-2010-Miljenovic- The SourceGraph program (ILM), pp. 151–154.
CHI-2010-TerryKL #community #open source #usability- Perceptions and practices of usability in the free/open source software (FoSS) community (MAT, MK, BL), pp. 999–1008.
CSCW-2010-Cataldo #collaboration #development #distributed #fault #tool support- Sources of errors in distributed development projects: implications for collaborative tools (MC), pp. 281–290.
CAiSE-2010-BlancoCMP #data flow #modelling #probability- Probabilistic Models to Reconcile Complex Data from Inaccurate Data Sources (LB, VC, PM, PP), pp. 83–97.
ICEIS-DISI-2010-AversanoPT #enterprise #open source #quality- Evaluating the Quality of Free/Open Source ERP Systems (LA, IP, MT), pp. 75–83.
ICEIS-DISI-2010-PanZH #library #open source #query #retrieval #using- An Open Source Software based Library Catalogue System using Soundexing Retrieval and Query Caching (ZP, YZ, JH), pp. 182–189.
ICEIS-J-2010-AversanoT #case study #open source #quality- Evaluating the Quality of Free/Open Source Systems: A Case Study (LA, MT), pp. 119–134.
ICEIS-J-2010-BarbagalloCFM10a #approach #web- Enhancing the Selection of Web Sources: A Reputation Based Approach (DB, CC, CF, MM), pp. 464–476.
ICEIS-SAIC-2010-BarbagalloCFM #web- Reputation-based Selection of Web Information Sources (DB, CC, CF, MM), pp. 30–37.
CIKM-2010-AzizR #data flow #multi #predict #robust #semistructured data- Robust prediction from multiple heterogeneous data sources with partial information (MSA, CKR), pp. 1857–1860.
CIKM-2010-LiQKG #automation #constraints #model merging #using- Automatic schema merging using mapping constraints among incomplete sources (XL, CQ, DK, SG), pp. 299–308.
ECIR-2010-KellyJ #independence #query #retrieval- Biometric Response as a Source of Query Independent Scoring in Lifelog Retrieval (LK, GJFJ), pp. 520–531.
ICPR-2010-ChenA- Human Shadow Removal with Unknown Light Source (CCC, JKA), pp. 2407–2410.
ICPR-2010-Gonzalez-RubioC #multi #on the #string- On the Use of Median String for Multi-source Translation (JGR, FC), pp. 4328–4331.
ICPR-2010-IwahoriIWKFK #performance- Extending Fast Marching Method under Point Light Source Illumination and Perspective Projection (YI, KI, RJW, HK, SF, KK), pp. 1650–1653.
ICPR-2010-LeECA #case study #classification- A Study of Voice Source and Vocal Tract Filter Based Features in Cognitive Load Classification (PNL, JE, EHCC, EA), pp. 4516–4519.
ICPR-2010-MaTW #analysis #random #using- Nonlinear Blind Source Separation Using Slow Feature Analysis with Random Features (KM, QT, JW), pp. 830–833.
ICPR-2010-StarkWP #representation #speech #using- Single Channel Speech Separation Using Source-Filter Representation (MS, MW, FP), pp. 826–829.
ICPR-2010-SzczotDL #estimation #recognition- Incorporating Lane Estimation as Context Source in Pedestrian Recognition Task (MS, ID, OL), pp. 2628–2631.
ICPR-2010-TorrentPLFSMP #approach #detection #using- Detecting Faint Compact Sources Using Local Features and a Boosting Approach (AT, MP, XL, JF, JRSS, JM, JMP), pp. 4613–4616.
ICPR-2010-YamashitaSS #3d- Recovering 3D Shape and Light Source Positions from Non-planar Shadows (YY, FS, JS), pp. 1775–1778.
KDIR-2010-HelouA #metric #multi #semantics #using- Semantic Measures based on Wordnet using Multiple Information Sources (MAH, AA), pp. 500–503.
KMIS-2010-BrockV #analysis #data flow #semantics #using- A Method for Interoperability between Structured Data Sources using Semantic Analysis (DLB, JV), pp. 234–239.
KMIS-2010-DotoliF #multi #optimisation- A Hierarchical Vendor Selection Optimization Technique for Multiple Sourcing (MD, MF), pp. 195–200.
RecSys-2010-EsparzaOS #on the #realtime #recommendation #web- On the real-time web as a source of recommendation knowledge (SGE, MPO, BS), pp. 305–308.
SEKE-2010-BifflSM #data flow #development #monitoring #open source- A Project Monitoring Cockpit Based On Integrating Data Sources in Open Source Software Development (SB, WDS, TM), pp. 620–627.
OOPSLA-2010-GabelYYGS #consistency #detection #nondeterminism #scalability #source code- Scalable and systematic detection of buggy inconsistencies in source code (MG, JY, YY, MG, ZS), pp. 175–190.
REFSQ-2010-GleichCK #ambiguity #detection #towards- Ambiguity Detection: Towards a Tool Explaining Ambiguity Sources (BG, OC, LK), pp. 218–232.
SAC-2010-ChartonLLB #framework #named #open source- Mistral: open source biometric platform (EC, AL, CL, JFB), pp. 1503–1504.
SAC-2010-GravinoTS #analysis #comprehension #empirical #modelling #source code- An empirical investigation on the relation between analysis models and source code comprehension (CG, GT, GS), pp. 2365–2366.
SAC-2010-Lee-KlenzSW #elicitation #framework #requirements- A requirements elicitation framework and tool for sourcing business-IT aligned e-services (SLK, PS, TWH), pp. 111–117.
SAC-2010-LesnerBBB #detection #exclamation #framework #novel #source code #student- A novel framework to detect source code plagiarism: now, students have to work for real! (BL, RB, CB, GB), pp. 57–58.
SAC-2010-TairasG #open source #refactoring- Sub-clone refactoring in open source software artifacts (RT, JGG), pp. 2373–2374.
FSE-2010-DagenaisR #comprehension #developer #documentation #evolution #open source- Creating and evolving developer documentation: understanding the decisions of open source contributors (BD, MPR), pp. 127–136.
FSE-2010-GabelS #case study #source code- A study of the uniqueness of source code (MG, ZS), pp. 147–156.
ICSE-2010-BacchelliLR #source code- Linking e-mails and source code artifacts (AB, ML, RR), pp. 375–384.
ICSE-2010-FritzOMM #source code- A degree-of-knowledge model to capture source code familiarity (TF, JO, GCM, ERMH), pp. 385–394.
ICSE-2010-HaiducAM #comprehension #source code #summary- Supporting program comprehension with source code summarization (SH, JA, AM), pp. 223–226.
ICSE-2010-LimQF10a #analysis #crowdsourcing #named #network #power of #social- StakeSource: harnessing the power of crowdsourcing and social networks in stakeholder analysis (SLL, DQ, AF), pp. 239–242.
ASPLOS-2010-EbrahimiLMP #configuration management #manycore #memory management- Fairness via source throttling: a configurable and high-performance fairness substrate for multi-core memory systems (EE, CJL, OM, YNP), pp. 335–346.
WICSA-ECSA-2009-HenttonenM #architecture #open source #reuse #tool support- Open source based tools for sharing and reuse of software architectural knowledge (KH, MM), pp. 41–50.
ASE-2009-KiS #approach #development #open source- An Open Source-Based Approach to Software Development Infrastructures (YK, MS), pp. 525–529.
CASE-2009-DayamaJ #multi- Multi-strategy supplier selection for commodity sourcing (PSD, BJ), pp. 19–24.
DAC-2009-ChakrabortyKP #framework #named #open source #quality- RegPlace: a high quality open-source placement framework for structured ASICs (AC, AK, DZP), pp. 442–447.
DAC-2009-GandikotaDTB #modelling #worst-case- Worst-case aggressor-victim alignment with current-source driver models (RG, LD, PT, DB), pp. 13–18.
DATE-2009-HatamiFAP #library #performance- Efficient compression and handling of current source model library waveforms (SH, PF, SA, MP), pp. 1178–1183.
DATE-2009-LoiAB #configuration management #interface #network #synthesis- Synthesis of low-overhead configurable source routing tables for network interfaces (IL, FA, LB), pp. 262–267.
ICDAR-2009-HasnatCK #open source- An Open Source Tesseract Based Optical Character Recognizer for Bangla Script (MAH, MRC, MK), pp. 671–675.
ICDAR-2009-SchullerSRK #analysis #bibliography #estimation #online #quote- “The Godfather” vs. “Chaos”: Comparing Linguistic Analysis Based on On-line Knowledge Sources and Bags-of-N-Grams for Movie Review Valence Estimation (BWS, JS, GR, TK), pp. 858–862.
SIGMOD-2009-PaparizosNSA #data flow #query #using #web- Answering web queries using structured data sources (SP, AN, JCS, RA), pp. 1127–1130.
VLDB-2009-DongBS #dependence- Integrating Conflicting Data: The Role of Source Dependence (XLD, LBE, DS), pp. 550–561.
VLDB-2009-KabischDYL #approach #integration #interface #query #web- A Hierarchical Approach to Model Web Query Interfaces for Web Source Integration (TK, ECD, CTY, UL), pp. 325–336.
ITiCSE-2009-SoriaP #architecture #aspect-oriented #development #education #open source #using- Teaching software architectures and aspect-oriented software development using open-source projects (CCS, JP), p. 385.
FASE-2009-AcharyaX #api #mining #source code #specification- Mining API Error-Handling Specifications from Source Code (MA, TX), pp. 370–384.
CSMR-2009-AbebeHMTA #evolution #source code- Analyzing the Evolution of the Source Code Vocabulary (SLA, SH, AM, PT, GA), pp. 189–198.
CSMR-2009-Ghazarian #case study #evolution #source code- A Case Study of Source Code Evolution (AG), pp. 159–168.
ICPC-2009-AuprasertL #representation #source code- Representing source code with Granular hierarchical structures (BA, YL), pp. 319–320.
ICPC-2009-CeccatoPNFRTT #assessment #effectiveness #obfuscation #source code- The effectiveness of source code obfuscation: An experimental assessment (MC, MDP, JN, PF, FR, MT, PT), pp. 178–187.
ICPC-2009-ChilowiczDR #detection #similarity #source code #syntax- Syntax tree fingerprinting for source code similarity detection (MC, ÉD, GR), pp. 243–247.
ICPC-2009-HanWYCZL #clustering #comprehension #design pattern #open source #source code- Design pattern directed clustering for understanding open source code (ZH, LW, LY, XC, JZ, XL), pp. 295–296.
ICPC-2009-NilssonLHN #fact extraction #natural language #parsing #source code- Natural language parsing for fact extraction from source code (JN, WL, JH, JN), pp. 223–227.
ICPC-2009-PierretP #empirical #open source- An empirical exploration of regularities in open-source software lexicons (DP, DP), pp. 228–232.
ICPC-2009-SerebrenikRB #architecture #assessment #java #open source- Dn-based architecture assessment of Java Open Source software systems (AS, SAR, MvdB), pp. 198–207.
ICPC-2009-SharifB #open source- Observation of Open Source programmers’ information seeking (KYS, JB), pp. 307–308.
ICSM-2009-Adams #co-evolution #source code- Co-evolution of source code and the build system (BA), pp. 461–464.
ICSM-2009-AnbalaganV #debugging #on the #open source #predict- On predicting the time taken to correct bug reports in open source projects (PA, MAV), pp. 523–526.
ICSM-2009-DongG #comprehension #hybrid #using- Understanding source package organization using the hybrid model (XD, MWG), pp. 575–578.
ICSM-2009-HolmesCWD #case study #source code- The end-to-end use of source code examples: An exploratory study (RH, RC, RJW, JD), pp. 555–558.
ICSM-2009-RothlisbergerHVABNM #ide #metric- Augmenting static source views in IDEs with dynamic metrics (DR, MH, AV, DA, WB, ON, PM), pp. 253–262.
ICSM-2009-RothlisbergerHVABNM09a #eclipse #metric #named- Senseo: Enriching Eclipse’s static source views with dynamic metrics (DR, MH, AV, DA, WB, ON, PM), pp. 383–384.
ICSM-2009-ShihabJH #developer #open source- Studying the use of developer IRC meetings in open source projects (ES, ZMJ, AEH), pp. 147–156.
ICSM-2009-Wang #developer #motivation #source code #what- What motivate software engineers to refactor source code? evidences from professional developers (YW), pp. 413–416.
ICSM-2009-XieCN #comprehension #empirical #evolution #open source #towards- Towards a better understanding of software evolution: An empirical study on open source software (GX, JC, IN), pp. 51–60.
ICSM-2009-YoshikawaHS #natural language #ontology #source code #traceability #using- Recovering traceability links between a simple natural language sentence and source code using domain ontologies (TY, SH, MS), pp. 551–554.
MSR-2009-EnslenHPV #analysis #automation #identifier #mining #source code- Mining source code to automatically split identifiers for software analysis (EE, EH, LLP, KVS), pp. 71–80.
MSR-2009-Kuhn #automation #component #evolution #source code #using #word- Automatic labeling of software components and their evolution using log-likelihood ratio of word frequencies in source code (AK), pp. 175–178.
MSR-2009-Mockus #scalability #source code #towards #version control- Amassing and indexing a large sample of version control systems: Towards the census of public source code history (AM), pp. 11–20.
MSR-2009-OssherBLBL #java #named #open source #repository- SourcererDB: An aggregated repository of statically analyzed and cross-linked open source Java projects (JO, SKB, EL, PB, CVL), pp. 183–186.
SCAM-2009-KlintSV #analysis #domain-specific language #named #rascal #source code- RASCAL: A Domain Specific Language for Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (PK, TvdS, JJV), pp. 168–177.
WCRE-1999-AnquetilRAAHPPP99a #architecture #java #named #source code- JavaCompExt: Extracting Architectural Elements from Java Source Code (NA, JCR, PA, GA, PH, TP, DP, VP), pp. 317–318.
WCRE-1999-BacchelliDLR99a #benchmark #lightweight #metric #source code- Benchmarking Lightweight Techniques to Link E-Mails and Source Code (AB, MD, ML, RR), pp. 205–214.
WCRE-1999-PentaG99a #how #question #source code- Who are Source Code Contributors and How do they Change? (MDP, DMG), pp. 11–20.
WCRE-1999-Perez-CastilloGAP99a #legacy #on the #source code- On the Use of ADM to Contextualize Data on Legacy Source Code for Software Modernization (RPC, IGRdG, OAG, MP), pp. 128–132.
CHI-2009-BachDC #design #development #experience #open source #user interface- Designers wanted: participation and the user experience in open source software development (PMB, RD, JMC), pp. 985–994.
CHI-2009-EcklesWCTBF #mobile #self #social- Social responses in mobile messaging: influence strategies, self-disclosure, and source orientation (DE, DW, CC, AT, MBF, BJF), pp. 1651–1654.
CHI-2009-JakobsenH #source code #using #visualisation- Fisheyes in the field: using method triangulation to study the adoption and use of a source code visualization (MRJ, KH), pp. 1579–1588.
CHI-2009-YataniCJT #comprehension #development #diagrams #how #open source #why- Understanding how and why open source contributors use diagrams in the development of Ubuntu (KY, EC, CJ, KNT), pp. 995–1004.
HCI-NIMT-2009-AlexanderAA #framework #gesture #incremental #learning #open source #realtime #recognition- An Open Source Framework for Real-Time, Incremental, Static and Dynamic Hand Gesture Learning and Recognition (TCA, HSA, GCA), pp. 123–130.
HCI-VAD-2009-RodighieroHG #information retrieval #multi #visualisation- Mapping for Multi-source Visualization: Scientific Information Retrieval Service (SIRS) (DR, MH, MG), pp. 597–605.
VISSOFT-2009-CottrellGHWD #source code #visual notation- Compare and contrast: Visual exploration of source code examples (RC, BG, RH, RJW, JD), pp. 29–32.
VISSOFT-2009-ParkJ #open source #visualisation- Beyond pretty pictures: Examining the benefits of code visualization for Open Source newcomers (YP, CJ), pp. 3–10.
SIGAda-2009-Gardinier #ada #development #open source #safety- Open source development of a safety critical dual redundant (Ada95/C++) signal control program environment (SCOPE) (MG), pp. 23–30.
ICEIS-DISI-2009-GonzalezLLTF #named #open source- gisEIEL: An Open Source GIS for Territorial Management (PAG, ML, MRL, DT, JILF), pp. 177–182.
ICEIS-DISI-2009-KudagbaBB #query #semantics #xml- An User-centric and Semantic-driven Query Rewriting over Proteomics XML Sources (KK, OEB, HB), pp. 123–130.
ICEIS-HCI-2009-FeczakH #coordination #network #open source #social- Measuring Coordination Gaps of Open Source Groups through Social Networks (SF, LH), pp. 84–90.
ICEIS-ISAS-2009-BifflFHM #analysis #automation #evaluation #open source #process #tool support- Evaluation of Case Tool Methods and Processes — An Analysis of Eight Open-source CASE Tools (SB, CF, CH, TM), pp. 41–48.
ICEIS-J-2009-AliPTD #data flow #distributed #framework #named #semistructured data #xquery- DeXIN: An Extensible Framework for Distributed XQuery over Heterogeneous Data Sources (MIA, RP, HLT, SD), pp. 172–183.
ICEIS-SAIC-2009-Mirbel #community #development #ontology #open source- OFLOSSC, an Ontology for Supporting Open Source Development Communities (IM), pp. 47–52.
ECIR-2009-PaltoglouSS #adaptation #algorithm #data fusion- Simple Adaptations of Data Fusion Algorithms for Source Selection (GP, MS, MS), pp. 497–508.
ICML-2009-DuanTXC #adaptation #classification #multi- Domain adaptation from multiple sources via auxiliary classifiers (LD, IWT, DX, TSC), pp. 289–296.
KDD-2009-AmbekarWMMS #classification #open source- Name-ethnicity classification from open sources (AA, CBW, JM, SM, SS), pp. 49–58.
KDD-2009-DonmezCS #learning- Efficiently learning the accuracy of labeling sources for selective sampling (PD, JGC, JGS), pp. 259–268.
KDD-2009-GaoFSH #learning- Heterogeneous source consensus learning via decision propagation and negotiation (JG, WF, YS, JH), pp. 339–348.
KMIS-2009-BuchnerMN #analysis #concept #enterprise #open source #tool support- A Concept and Service based Analysis of Commercial and Open Source Enterprise 2.0 Tools (TB, FM, CN), pp. 37–45.
SEKE-2009-BrownBD #detection #named #open source- FiGD: An Open Source Intellectual Property Violation Detector (CDB, DB, DD), pp. 536–541.
SEKE-2009-SeoL #evolution #open source #process #simulation- Agent-based Simulation Model for the Evolution Process of Open Source Software (TS, HL), pp. 170–177.
SEKE-2009-UllahRG #architecture #case study #design #evaluation #open source #towards- Towards Design and Architectural Evaluation of Product Variants: A Case Study on an Open Source Software System (MIU, GR, VG), pp. 141–146.
SIGIR-2009-ArguelloDCC- Sources of evidence for vertical selection (JA, FD, JC, JFC), pp. 315–322.
SIGIR-2009-Schanda #detection- Novelty detection across different source types and languages (JS), p. 854.
SIGIR-2009-ZieglerJ #web- Leveraging sources of collective wisdom on the web for discovering technology synergies (CNZ, SJ), pp. 548–555.
OOPSLA-2009-SongT #program transformation #programming #tool support- Enhancing source-level programming tools with an awareness of transparent program transformations (MS, ET), pp. 301–320.
RE-2009-OmoronyiaSRFW #case study #developer #navigation #source code #traceability- Use Case to Source Code Traceability: The Developer Navigation View Point (IO, GS, MR, JDF, MW), pp. 237–242.
REFSQ-2009-LaurentC #lessons learnt #online #open source #process #requirements- Lessons Learned from Open Source Projects for Facilitating Online Requirements Processes (PL, JCH), pp. 240–255.
SAC-2009-Al-SharifJ #debugging- An extensible source-level debugger (ZAS, CJ), pp. 543–544.
SAC-2009-BerardNT #fault #simulation- Sources of error in a rigid body simulation of rigid parts on a vibrating rigid plate (SB, BN, JCT), pp. 1181–1185.
SAC-2009-JohanssonC #comparison #development #enterprise #open source #requirements- Management of requirements in ERP development: a comparison between proprietary and open source ERP (BJ, RAdC), pp. 1605–1609.
SAC-2009-SchryenK #open source #security #towards- Open source vs. closed source software: towards measuring security (GS, RK), pp. 2016–2023.
SAC-2009-ZhangCCW #clustering #image #visual notation- Revealing common sources of image spam by unsupervised clustering with visual features (CZ, WbC, XC, GW), pp. 891–892.
ESEC-FSE-2009-ThummalapentaXTHS #generative #mining #named #object-oriented #source code #testing- MSeqGen: object-oriented unit-test generation via mining source code (ST, TX, NT, JdH, WS), pp. 193–202.
ICSE-2009-HillPV #automation #maintenance #reuse #source code- Automatically capturing source code context of NL-queries for software maintenance and reuse (EH, LLP, KVS), pp. 232–242.
LDTA-2008-ChilowiczDR09 #source code- Finding Similarities in Source Code Through Factorization (MC, ÉD, GR), pp. 47–62.
LDTA-2008-Nilsson-NymanHME09 #analysis #declarative #java #source code- Declarative Intraprocedural Flow Analysis of Java Source Code (ENN, GH, EM, TE), pp. 155–171.
SPLC-2009-Linden #development #product line- Inner source product line development (FvdL0), p. 317.
ASE-2008-BrichauKM #source code #using- Enforcing Structural Regularities in Source Code using IntensiVE (JB, AK, KM), pp. 471–472.
ASE-2008-ThummalapentaX #detection #framework #mining #named #open source #source code #web- SpotWeb: Detecting Framework Hotspots and Coldspots via Mining Open Source Code on the Web (ST, TX), pp. 327–336.
CASE-2008-LiuWJ #protocol- A geographic source routing protocol for traffic sensing in urban environment (LL, ZW, WKJ), pp. 347–352.
DAC-2008-GoelV #analysis #modelling #standard #statistics- Statistical waveform and current source based standard cell models for accurate timing analysis (AG, SBKV), pp. 227–230.
DAC-2008-HeloueN #analysis #modelling- Parameterized timing analysis with general delay models and arbitrary variation sources (KRH, FNN), pp. 403–408.
DAC-2008-LiZY #analysis #verification- Full-chip leakage analysis in nano-scale technologies: mechanisms, variation sources, and verification (TL, WZ, ZY), pp. 594–599.
DATE-2008-AmelifardHFP #logic #multi #stack- A Current Source Model for CMOS Logic Cells Considering Multiple Input Switching and Stack Effect (BA, SH, HF, MP), pp. 568–573.
DATE-2008-GoelV #analysis #standard- Current source based standard cell model for accurate signal integrity and timing analysis (AG, SBKV), pp. 574–579.
DATE-2008-MeyerowitzSSL #multi #simulation- Source-Level Timing Annotation and Simulation for a Heterogeneous Multiprocessor (TM, ALSV, MS, DL), pp. 276–279.
DATE-2008-ZezzaM #implementation- VLSI implementation of SISO arithmetic decoders for joint source channel coding (SZ, GM), pp. 1075–1078.
DRR-2008-Breuel #open source- The OCRopus open source OCR system (TMB), p. 68150.
VLDB-2008-AkdereCT #detection #distributed- Plan-based complex event detection across distributed sources (MA, UÇ, NT), pp. 66–77.
VLDB-2008-KatsisDP #integration #interactive- Interactive source registration in community-oriented information integration (YK, AD, YP), pp. 245–259.
VLDB-2008-KatsisDPZ #integration #interactive #named- RIDE: a tool for interactive source registration in community-oriented information integration (YK, AD, YP, KKZ), pp. 1464–1467.
VLDB-2008-LiFWZ #data flow #effectiveness #keyword- An effective and versatile keyword search engine on heterogenous data sources (GL, JF, JW, LZ), pp. 1452–1455.
CSEET-2008-DeKoenigsberg #how #open source #student #why- How Successful Open Source Projects Work, and How and Why to Introduce Students to the Open Source World (GD), pp. 274–276.
ITiCSE-2008-GotelSW #assessment #assurance #education #open source #programming #quality #student- Teaching software quality assurance by encouraging student contributions to an open source web-based system for the assessment of programming assignments (OG, CS, AW), pp. 214–218.
ITiCSE-2008-JiWC #contest #detection #experience #programming #source code- An experience of detecting plagiarized source codes in competitive programming contests (JHJ, GW, HGC), p. 369.
ITiCSE-2008-MeneelyWG #named #open source #repository- ROSE: a repository of education-friendly open-source projects (AM, LW, EFG), pp. 7–11.
ITiCSE-2008-ThorntonE #data flow #data type #online- A data type to exploit online data sources (MT, SHE), pp. 114–118.
TACAS-2008-LiS- Trusted Source Translation of a Total Function Language (GL, KS), pp. 471–485.
CSMR-2008-KanellopoulosTHV #clustering #maintenance #source code- Interpretation of Source Code Clusters in Terms of the ISO/IEC-9126 Maintainability Characteristics (YK, CT, IH, JV), pp. 63–72.
CSMR-2008-KenmeiAP #analysis #open source #predict #scalability- Trend Analysis and Issue Prediction in Large-Scale Open Source Systems (BK, GA, MDP), pp. 73–82.
CSMR-2008-PantosBGG #adaptation #assessment #case study #experience #quality #source code- Experiences in Adapting a Source Code-Based Quality Assessment Technology (JP, ÁB, PG, TG), pp. 311–313.
ICPC-2008-AlaliKM #commit #open source #repository #what- What’s a Typical Commit? A Characterization of Open Source Software Repositories (AA, HHK, JIM), pp. 182–191.
ICPC-2008-EaddyAAG #dynamic analysis #information retrieval #named #program analysis #requirements #source code #using- CERBERUS: Tracing Requirements to Source Code Using Information Retrieval, Dynamic Analysis, and Program Analysis (ME, AVA, GA, YGG), pp. 53–62.
ICPC-2008-HaiducM #on the #source code- On the Use of Domain Terms in Source Code (SH, AM), pp. 113–122.
ICPC-2008-PinzgerGKG #comprehension #dependence #source code #visual notation- A Tool for Visual Understanding of Source Code Dependencies (MP, KG, PK, HCG), pp. 254–259.
ICSM-2008-AnvikS #issue tracking #maintenance #source code- Task articulation in software maintenance: Integrating source code annotations with an issue tracking system (JA, MADS), pp. 460–461.
ICSM-2008-KagdiHM #question #source code- Who can help me with this source code change? (HHK, MH, JIM), pp. 157–166.
ICSM-2008-Lozano #source code- A methodology to assess the impact of source code flaws in changeability, and its application to clones (AL), pp. 424–427.
MSR-2008-ChangM #detection #evaluation #source code- Evaluation of source code copy detection methods on freebsd (HFC, AM), pp. 61–66.
MSR-2008-OmoriM #development #editing #source code- A change-aware development environment by recording editing operations of source code (TO, KM), pp. 31–34.
MSR-2008-ThummalapentaX #detection #framework #mining #named #open source #repository #web- SpotWeb: detecting framework hotspots via mining open source repositories on the web (ST, TX), pp. 109–112.
SCAM-2008-PentaCA #detection #evolution #source code- The Evolution and Decay of Statically Detected Source Code Vulnerabilities (MDP, LC, LA), pp. 101–110.
WCRE-2008-Devanbu #collaboration #communication #development #open source #reverse engineering- Reverse Engineering the Bazaar: Collaboration and Communication in Open Source Development (PTD), p. 4.
WCRE-2008-LukinsKE #debugging #locality #retrieval #source code #using- Source Code Retrieval for Bug Localization Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (SKL, NAK, LHE), pp. 155–164.
WCRE-2008-RoyC #empirical #open source- An Empirical Study of Function Clones in Open Source Software (CKR, JRC), pp. 81–90.
WCRE-2008-Zhang #source code- Exploring Regularity in Source Code: Software Science and Zipf’s Law (HZ), pp. 101–110.
CHI-2008-TerryKVSP #named #open source- Ingimp: introducing instrumentation to an end-user open source application (MAT, MK, BVV, BS, TP), pp. 607–616.
CAiSE-2008-WohedRHAA #open source #question #workflow- Open Source Workflow: A Viable Direction for BPM? (PW, NR, AHMtH, BA, WMPvdA), pp. 583–586.
ICEIS-DISI-2008-Savnik #algebra #data flow #implementation #query #web- Implementation of Algebra for Querying Web Data Sources (IS), pp. 91–96.
CIKM-2008-Lu #data flow #estimation #performance #web- Efficient estimation of the size of text deep web data source (JL), pp. 1485–1486.
CIKM-2008-LuoZHXH #learning #multi- Transfer learning from multiple source domains via consensus regularization (PL, FZ, HX, YX, QH), pp. 103–112.
KDD-2008-Christen08a #open source #user interface #visual notation- Febrl -: an open source data cleaning, deduplication and record linkage system with a graphical user interface (PC), pp. 1065–1068.
KDD-2008-Sindhgatta #developer #identification #source code- Identifying domain expertise of developers from source code (RS), pp. 981–989.
KDD-2008-ZhaoWLYC #data flow #identification #multi #semistructured data- Identifying biologically relevant genes via multiple heterogeneous data sources (ZZ, JW, HL, JY, YC), pp. 839–847.
SEKE-2008-BaiL #named #source code #testing- SyncTest: a Tool to Synchronize Source Code, Model and Testing (XB, TL), pp. 723–728.
OOPSLA-2008-KatsBV #bytecode #compilation #normalisation- Mixing source and bytecode: a case for compilation by normalization (LCLK, MB, EV), pp. 91–108.
SAC-2008-DuraoVAM #code search #semantics #source code- Applying a semantic layer in a source code search tool (FAD, TAV, ESdA, SRdLM), pp. 1151–1157.
SAC-2008-Hassan #automation #classification #open source- Automated classification of change messages in open source projects (AEH), pp. 837–841.
SAC-2008-SlaymakerPRWS #data flow #legacy #research- Accessing and aggregating legacy data sources for healthcare research, delivery and training (MS, DJP, DR, GW, AS), pp. 1317–1324.
FSE-2008-BirdPDFD #open source #social- Latent social structure in open source projects (CB, DSP, RMD, VF, PTD), pp. 24–35.
FSE-2008-CottrellWD #reuse #source code- Semi-automating small-scale source code reuse via structural correspondence (RC, RJW, JD), pp. 214–225.
ICSE-2008-Bortis #case study #experience #health #integration #open source- Experiences with Mirth: an open source health care integration engine (GB), pp. 649–652.
ICSE-2008-Krogstie #community #open source #re-engineering #student- Power through brokering: open source community participation in software engineering student projects (BRK), pp. 791–800.
ICSE-2008-Reiss- Tracking source locations (SPR), pp. 11–20.
ICSE-2008-RigbyGS #bibliography #case study #open source- Open source software peer review practices: a case study of the apache server (PCR, DMG, MADS), pp. 541–550.
SLE-2008-BastenK #fact extraction #named #parametricity #source code- DeFacto: Language-Parametric Fact Extraction from Source Code (BB, PK), pp. 265–284.
SPLC-2008-HubauxHB #challenge #modelling #open source #product line #re-engineering #variability- Variability Modeling Challenges from the Trenches of an Open Source Product Line Re-engineering Project (AH, PH, DB), pp. 55–64.
CC-2008-LogozzoF #analysis #bytecode #on the #source code- On the Relative Completeness of Bytecode Analysis Versus Source Code Analysis (FL, MF), pp. 197–212.
ASE-2007-Kagdi #fine-grained #mining #predict #source code- Improving change prediction with fine-grained source code mining (HHK), pp. 559–562.
ASE-2007-LemosBOMMBL #named #reuse #source code #using- CodeGenie: using test-cases to search and reuse source code (OALL, SKB, JO, RSM, PCM, PB, CVL), pp. 525–526.
ASE-2007-ThummalapentaX #named #open source #reuse #source code #web- Parseweb: a programmer assistant for reusing open source code on the web (ST, TX), pp. 204–213.
CASE-2007-LaaksoHKF #automation #identification #open source- Open-Source Demo System to Support Automated Identification and Tracking Workshops (ML, JH, RK, KF), pp. 1008–1013.
DAC-2007-ChengXH #analysis #statistics- Non-Linear Statistical Static Timing Analysis for Non-Gaussian Variation Sources (LC, JX, LH), pp. 250–255.
DAC-2007-ZhuoCLC #hybrid #power management- Dynamic Power Management with Hybrid Power Sources (JZ, CC, KL, NC), pp. 871–876.
DATE-2007-AycinenaBLMGW #open source #question #towards- Towards total open source in aeronautics and space? (PA, EB, GL, RM, FG, AW), p. 1556.
DATE-2007-KraemerLAM #interactive #parallel #program transformation #source code #using- Interactive presentation: SoftSIMD — exploiting subword parallelism using source code transformations (SK, RL, GA, HM), pp. 1349–1354.
DATE-2007-NahapetianLABS #configuration management #energy #network- Dynamic reconfiguration in sensor networks with regenerative energy sources (AN, PL, AA, LB, MS), pp. 1054–1059.
SIGMOD-2007-HuangN #data flow #named #query- K-relevance: a spectrum of relevance for data sources impacting a query (JH, JFN), pp. 163–174.
SIGMOD-2007-QiCS #consistency #data flow #named #nondeterminism #query- FICSR: feedback-based inconsistency resolution and query processing on misaligned data sources (YQ, KSC, MLS), pp. 151–162.
SIGMOD-2007-Resende #data flow #semistructured data- Handling heterogeneous data sources in a SOA environment with service data objects (SDO) (LR), pp. 895–897.
VLDB-2007-AbiteboulDPVVP #open source #scalability- Large Scale P2P Distribution of Open-Source Software (SA, ID, RP, GV, DV, NP), pp. 1390–1393.
CSEET-2007-EllisMLH #education #open source #re-engineering- Holistic Software Engineering Education Based on a Humanitarian Open Source Project (HJCE, RAM, TRdL, GWH), pp. 327–335.
ITiCSE-2007-JiWC #detection #source code- A source code linearization technique for detecting plagiarized programs (JHJ, GW, HGC), pp. 73–77.
ITiCSE-2007-JonesB #navigation #source code- Spatial skills and navigation of source code (SJJ, GEB), pp. 231–235.
WCRE-J-2005-KuhnDG07 #clustering #identification #semantics #source code #topic- Semantic clustering: Identifying topics in source code (AK, SD, TG), pp. 230–243.
ICPC-2007-CareyG #automation #concept #identification #source code- Recovering Concepts from Source Code with Automated Concept Identification (MMC, GCG), pp. 27–36.
ICPC-2007-PoshyvanykM #concept analysis #information retrieval #source code- Combining Formal Concept Analysis with Information Retrieval for Concept Location in Source Code (DP, AM), pp. 37–48.
ICPC-2007-ShearerC #constraints #source code- Enforcing Constraints Between Documentary Comments and Source Code (CDS, MLC), pp. 271–280.
ICPC-2007-Vivanco #algorithm #complexity #identification #metric #modelling #predict #search-based #source code- Use of a Genetic Algorithm to Identify Source Code Metrics Which Improves Cognitive Complexity Predictive Models (RAV), pp. 297–300.
ICSM-2007-CapiluppiF #anti #open source #predict- A model to predict anti-regressive effort in Open Source Software (AC, JFR), pp. 194–203.
ICSM-2007-CapraFM #analysis #empirical #maintenance #open source- The Economics of Open Source Software: An Empirical Analysis of Maintenance Costs (EC, CF, FM), pp. 395–404.
ICSM-2007-CorboGP #learning #source code- Smart Formatter: Learning Coding Style from Existing Source Code (FC, CDG, MDP), pp. 525–526.
ICSM-2007-GustavssonLLMB07a #modelling #open source #xmi- Integrating proprietary and open-source tool chains through horizontal interchange of XMI models (HG, BL, BL, AM, MB), pp. 521–522.
ICSM-2007-OezbekP #comprehension #documentation #named #source code- JTourBus: Simplifying Program Understanding by Documentation that Provides Tours Through the Source Code (CO, LP), pp. 64–73.
MSR-2007-BirdGDSH #open source- Open Borders? Immigration in Open Source Projects (CB, AG, PTD, AS, GH), p. 6.
MSR-2007-CanforaCP #identification #repository #source code- Identifying Changed Source Code Lines from Version Repositories (GC, LC, MDP), p. 14.
MSR-2007-German #open source #using- Using Software Distributions to Understand the Relationship among Free and Open Source Software Projects (DMG), p. 24.
MSR-2007-KagdiCM #mining #source code- Comparing Approaches to Mining Source Code for Call-Usage Patterns (HHK, MLC, JIM), p. 20.
MSR-2007-YuR #cvs #developer #mining #open source #repository- Mining CVS Repositories to Understand Open-Source Project Developer Roles (LY, SR), p. 8.
SCAM-2007-Johannes #composition #framework #reuse #source code- Source Code Composition with the Reuseware Composition Framework (JJ), pp. 159–160.
SCAM-2007-MolinaS #approximate #open source #performance #source code #using- Fast Approximate Matching of Programs for Protecting Libre/Open Source Software by Using Spatial Indexes (AJMM, TS), pp. 111–122.
SCAM-2007-MoorVHAEOST #analysis #source code- Keynote Address: .QL for Source Code Analysis (OdM, MV, EH, PA, TE, NO, DS, JT), pp. 3–16.
WCRE-2007-FluriWG #source code- Do Code and Comments Co-Evolve? On the Relation between Source Code and Comment Changes (BF, MW, HG), pp. 70–79.
PEPM-2007-RooverDBND #behaviour #logic #query #similarity #source code #using- Behavioral similarity matching using concrete source code templates in logic queries (CDR, TD, JB, CN, LD), pp. 92–101.
ILC-2007-ConnollyQ #comprehension #image #lisp #named #open source- FREEDIUS: an open source Lisp-based image understanding environment (CC, LQ), p. 16.
ILC-2007-Mallery #deployment #development #named #open source #web- CL-HTTP: an open-source cross-platform environment for web application development and deployment (JCM), p. 3.
HCI-IDU-2007-GokturkC #experience #open source- Out of Box Experience Issues of Free and Open Source Software (MG, GÇ), pp. 774–783.
OCSC-2007-ViorresXSVKD #challenge #development #human-computer #open source- Major HCI Challenges for Open Source Software Adoption and Development (NV, PX, MS, EV, PK, JD), pp. 455–464.
OCSC-2007-WangLS #bibliography #community #open source #perspective- Open Source Communities in China (Mainland): An Overview (YW, FL, JS), pp. 465–474.
VISSOFT-2007-BohnerGHM #analysis #source code #uml #using #visual notation #visualisation- Evolutional Insights from UML and Source Code Versions using Information Visualization and Visual Analysis (SAB, DG, TH, KM), pp. 145–148.
VISSOFT-2007-BohnetD #2d #graph #source code #visualisation- Facilitating Exploration of Unfamiliar Source Code by Providing 21/2D Visualizations of Dynamic Call Graphs (JB, JD), pp. 63–66.
VISSOFT-2007-HolmesW #dependence #source code- Task-specific source code dependency investigation (RH, RJW), pp. 100–107.
VISSOFT-2007-VoineaT #debugging #process #repository #source code #visualisation- Visualizing Debugging Activity in Source Code Repositories (LV, ACT), pp. 156–157.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-AraqueSD #data flow #monitoring #using #web- Monitoring web data sources using temporal properties as an external resources of a data warehouse (FA, AS, CD), pp. 28–35.
ECIR-2007-KongL #documentation #modelling #multi #network #xml- Combining Multiple Sources of Evidence in XML Multimedia Documents: An Inference Network Incorporating Element Language Models (ZK, ML), pp. 716–719.
MLDM-2007-TrundleNC #modelling #multi #performance- Multi-source Data Modelling: Integrating Related Data to Improve Model Performance (PRT, DN, QC), pp. 32–46.
RecSys-2007-Fu #feedback #web- Evaluating sources of implicit feedback in web searches (XF), pp. 191–194.
SEKE-2007-MonteiroOG #implementation #source code #user interface #using- A Proposal to Delegate GUI Implementation using a Source Code based Model (MM, PO, RG), pp. 29–32.
SIGIR-2007-JiangSL #privacy- Protecting source privacy in federated search (WJ, LS, JL), pp. 761–762.
ECMDA-FA-2007-AchilleosGY #development #framework #modelling #open source #tool support- An Open Source Domain-Specific Tools Framework to Support Model Driven Development of OSS (AA, NG, KY), pp. 1–16.
QAPL-2007-Smith #communication #modelling #probability #protocol #source code- Stochastic Modelling of Communication Protocols from Source Code (MJAS), pp. 129–145.
SAC-2007-AnGWC #automation #data flow #semantics #web- Semantic deep web: automatic attribute extraction from the deep web data sources (YJA, JG, YTW, SAC), pp. 1667–1672.
SAC-2007-LuHC #data flow #query #relational #xml- Querying and browsing XML and relational data sources (JJL, CHH, TRC), pp. 489–493.
ESEC-FSE-2007-AcharyaXPX #api #mining #partial order #source code #specification- Mining API patterns as partial orders from source code: from usage scenarios to specifications (MA, TX, JP, JX), pp. 25–34.
ESEC-FSE-2007-GrechanikMP #traceability #using- Recovering and using use-case-diagram-to-source-code traceability links (MG, KSM, DEP), pp. 95–104.
ESEC-FSE-2007-Scacchi #development #open source- Free/open source software development (WS), pp. 459–468.
ICSE-2007-LivieriHMI #analysis #distributed #open source #source code #using #visualisation- Very-Large Scale Code Clone Analysis and Visualization of Open Source Programs Using Distributed CCFinder: D-CCFinder (SL, YH, MM, KI), pp. 106–115.
LCTES-2007-AliasBD #array #implementation #text-to-text- Bee+Cl@k: an implementation of lattice-based array contraction in the source-to-source translator rose (CA, FB, AD), pp. 73–82.
LCTES-2007-BennettMFT #automation #embedded #set #text-to-text- Combining source-to-source transformations and processor instruction set extensions for the automated design-space exploration of embedded systems (RVB, ACM, BF, NPT), pp. 83–92.
ASE-2006-MancinelliBCVDLT #complexity #open source #scalability- Managing the Complexity of Large Free and Open Source Package-Based Software Distributions (FM, JB, RDC, JV, BD, XL, RT), pp. 199–208.
ASE-2006-ShiO #design pattern #java #reverse engineering #source code- Reverse Engineering of Design Patterns from Java Source Code (NS, RAO), pp. 123–134.
ASE-2006-WeissgerberD #identification #refactoring #source code- Identifying Refactorings from Source-Code Changes (PW, SD), pp. 231–240.
DAC-2006-AminKMKC #library #multi- A multi-port current source model for multiple-input switching effects in CMOS library cells (CSA, CVK, NM, KK, EC), pp. 247–252.
SIGMOD-2006-PetropoulosDP #interactive #query #web #web service- Interactive query formulation over web service-accessed sources (MP, AD, YP), pp. 253–264.
VLDB-2006-HuangNL #consistency #data flow #database #distributed #named #towards- TRAC: Toward Recency and Consistency Reporting in a Database with Distributed Data Sources (JH, JFN, ML), pp. 223–234.
SCAM-J-2005-AntoniolKT06 #analysis #source code- Special issue on Source code analysis and manipulation (GA, JK, PT), pp. 205–208.
SCAM-J-2005-ZhangBCD06 #using- Using source transformation to test and model check implicit-invocation systems (HZ, JSB, JRC, JD), pp. 209–227.
CSMR-2006-MensK #source code- IntensiVE, a toolsuite for documenting and checking structural source-code regularities (KM, AK), pp. 239–248.
ICPC-2006-DesmondSE #source code- Fluid Source Code Views (MD, MADS, CE), pp. 260–263.
ICPC-2006-LuciaOZP #empirical #information management #source code #traceability- Improving Comprehensibility of Source Code via Traceability Information: a Controlled Experiment (ADL, RO, FZ, MDP), pp. 317–326.
ICPC-2006-PoshyvanykMD #eclipse #named #plugin #source code- JIRiSS — an Eclipse plug-in for Source Code Exploration (DP, AM, YD), pp. 252–255.
ICSM-2006-AlsmadiM #analysis #evolution #open source- Open Source Evolution Analysis (IA, KM), pp. 276–278.
ICSM-2006-BouktifAM #assessment #case study #evolution #feedback #open source #quality- A Feedback Based Quality Assessment to Support Open Source Software Evolution: the GRASS Case Study (SB, GA, EM), pp. 155–165.
ICSM-2006-BuchtaPPR #education #evolution #open source #re-engineering- Teaching Evolution of Open-Source Projects in Software Engineering Courses (JB, MP, DP, VR), pp. 136–144.
ICSM-2006-GoldHLM #approach #bound #concept #source code #using- Allowing Overlapping Boundaries in Source Code using a Search Based Approach to Concept Binding (NG, MH, ZL, KM), pp. 310–319.
ICSM-2006-Hou #constraints #design #source code #using- Using Structural Constraints to Specify and Check Design Intent in Source Code — Ph.D. Dissertation Synopsis (DH), pp. 343–346.
ICSM-2006-HouH #c++ #semantics- Source-Level Linkage: Adding Semantic Information to C++ Fact-bases (DH, HJH), pp. 448–457.
ICSM-2006-PoshyvanykPMXL #source code- Source Code Exploration with Google (DP, MP, AM, XX, DL), pp. 334–338.
ICSM-2006-Robillard #empirical #evolution #source code- Tracking Concerns in Evolving Source Code: An Empirical Study (MPR), pp. 479–482.
ICSM-2006-Robles #empirical #open source #re-engineering #research- Empirical Software Engineering Research on Free/Libre/Open Source Software (GR), pp. 347–350.
ICSM-2006-XieM #modelling #open source #testing #user interface- Model-Based Testing of Community-Driven Open-Source GUI Applications (QX, AMM), pp. 145–154.
ICSM-2006-YaoMKB #automation #c #metaprogramming #program transformation #source code- C Macro Handling in Automated Source Code Transformation Systems (BY, WM, SK, RB), pp. 68–69.
MSR-2006-KnabPB #fault #predict #source code- Predicting defect densities in source code files with decision tree learners (PK, MP, AB), pp. 119–125.
MSR-2006-RoblesG #developer- Geographic location of developers at SourceForge (GR, JMGB), pp. 144–150.
MSR-2006-XieP #api #mining #named #open source #repository- MAPO: mining API usages from open source repositories (TX, JP), pp. 54–57.
SCAM-2006-Bruntink #analysis #tool support- Linking Analysis and Transformation Tools with Source-Based Mappings (MB), pp. 107–116.
WCRE-2006-GanesanMKY #aspect-oriented #case study #product line #source code- Discovering Organizational Aspects from the Source Code History Log during the Product Line Planning Phase — A Case Study (DG, DM, JK, KY), pp. 211–220.
WCRE-2006-KorshunovaPBM #c++ #diagrams #named #process #reverse engineering #sequence #source code #uml #xmi- CPP2XMI: Reverse Engineering of UML Class, Sequence, and Activity Diagrams from C++ Source Code (EK, MP, MvdB, MRM), pp. 297–298.
WCRE-2006-Ribic #concept #decompiler #embedded #equivalence #execution #implementation #programming language- Concept and implementation of the programming language and translator, for embedded systems, based on machine code decompilation and equivalence between source and executable code (SR), pp. 307–308.
PEPM-2006-Cordy #analysis #generative #txl- Source transformation, analysis and generation in TXL (JRC), pp. 1–11.
STOC-2006-BarakRSW #graph- 2-source dispersers for sub-polynomial entropy and Ramsey graphs beating the Frankl-Wilson construction (BB, AR, RS, AW), pp. 671–680.
STOC-2006-KampRVZ- Deterministic extractors for small-space sources (JK, AR, SPV, DZ), pp. 691–700.
STOC-2006-Rao #constant #independence- Extractors for a constant number of polynomially small min-entropy independent sources (AR), pp. 497–506.
ICALP-v1-2006-LeeLT #independence- Deterministic Extractors for Independent-Symbol Sources (CJL, CJL, SCT), pp. 84–95.
CHI-2006-JakobsenH #source code- Evaluating a fisheye view of source code (MRJ, KH), pp. 377–386.
AdaEurope-2006-BreuerP #fault #kernel #linux #source code #static analysis- One Million (LOC) and Counting: Static Analysis for Errors and Vulnerabilities in the Linux Kernel Source Code (PTB, SP), pp. 56–70.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2006-ChangHG- Source Sensitive Argumentation System (CFC, PH, AG), pp. 39–46.
ICEIS-DISI-2006-GardarinDY #semantics #web- P2P Semantic Mediation of Web Sources (GG, FD, LY), pp. 7–15.
ICEIS-J-2006-GardarinDY06a #semantics #web- P2P Semantic Mediation of Web Sources (GG, FD, LY), pp. 3–16.
ECIR-2006-SmithR #clustering #navigation #online- Clustering-Based Searching and Navigation in an Online News Source (SCS, MAR), pp. 143–154.
ICPR-v1-2006-KimC #ambiguity #clustering #permutation- ICA-Based Clustering for Resolving Permutation Ambiguity in Frequency-Domain Convolutive Source Separation (MK, SC), pp. 950–954.
ICPR-v1-2006-LaggerF #multi #using- Using Specularities to Recover Multiple Light Sources in the Presence of Texture (PL, PF), pp. 587–590.
ICPR-v2-2006-ZhangN #multi #quantifier- Style Quantification of Scanned Multi-source Digits (XZ, GN), pp. 1018–10121.
ICPR-v4-2006-TsujiYI #integration #locality #realtime- Real-time Sound Source Localization Based on Audiovisual Frequency Integration (TT, KY, II), pp. 322–325.
SEKE-2006-HoipkemierKM #3d #diagrams #open source #visualisation- 3D Visualization of Class Template Diagrams for Deployed Open Source Applications (BNH, NAK, BAM), pp. 232–235.
SEKE-2006-ScottoSS #bibliography #development #open source #perspective #process- Open Source Development Process: a Review (MS, AS, GS), pp. 176–181.
SEKE-2006-YuC06a #evolution #maintenance #open source #reuse- Two Perspectives on Open-Source Software Evolution: Maintenance and Reuse (LY, KC), pp. 737–742.
SIGIR-2006-FuK #query- Evaluating sources of query expansion terms (XF, DK), pp. 647–648.
SIGIR-2006-KellyF #elicitation #feedback- Elicitation of term relevance feedback: an investigation of term source and context (DK, XF), pp. 453–460.
SIGIR-2006-YanH #analysis #multi #probability #query #retrieval- Probabilistic latent query analysis for combining multiple retrieval sources (RY, AGH), pp. 324–331.
ECOOP-2006-HajiyevVM #datalog #named #query #scalability #source code- codeQuest: Scalable Source Code Queries with Datalog (EH, MV, OdM), pp. 2–27.
RE-2006-PaechR #open source #requirements- Open Source Requirements Engineering (BP, BR), pp. 252–259.
SAC-2006-AdvaniHC #open source #refactoring #roadmap- Extracting refactoring trends from open-source software and a possible solution to the “related refactoring” conundrum (DA, YH, SC), pp. 1713–1720.
SAC-2006-CanforaC #development #open source- Supporting change request assignment in open source development (GC, LC), pp. 1767–1772.
SAC-2006-RodriguesSBRN #named #open source- J-Ortho: an open-source orthodontic treatment simulator (MAFR, WBS, RGB, IMMPR, MEBN), pp. 245–249.
SAC-2006-SilvaTS #framework #multi #open source #web- An open source and web based framework for geographic and multidimensional processing (JdS, VCT, ACS), pp. 63–67.
ICSE-2006-FrantzeskouSGK #effectiveness #identification #source code #using- Effective identification of source code authors using byte-level information (GF, ES, SG, SKK), pp. 893–896.
ICSE-2006-GurbaniGH #case study #development #open source- A case study of a corporate open source development model (VKG, AG, JDH), pp. 472–481.
ICSE-2006-Sindhgatta #information retrieval #source code #using- Using an information retrieval system to retrieve source code samples (RS), pp. 905–908.
ICSE-2006-SohnGSLCSC #case study #experience #open source #tool support- Experiences with place lab: an open source toolkit for location-aware computing (TS, WGG, JS, AL, YC, IES, MYC), pp. 462–471.
ICSE-2006-XiePM #3d #concept #source code #visualisation- 3D visualization for concept location in source code (XX, DP, AM), pp. 839–842.
LDTA-J-2004-Cordy #model transformation #txl- The TXL source transformation language (JRC), pp. 190–210.
ASE-2005-Dolstra #deployment- Secure sharing between untrusted users in a transparent source/binary deployment model (ED), pp. 154–163.
ASE-2005-Zheng #source code #testing- In regression testing selection when source code is not available (JZ0), pp. 452–455.
DAC-2005-KaruriFKLAM #design #fine-grained #profiling #source code- Fine-grained application source code profiling for ASIP design (KK, MAAF, SK, RL, GA, HM), pp. 329–334.
DAC-2005-LiC #architecture #embedded- Application/architecture power co-optimization for embedded systems powered by renewable sources (DL, PHC), pp. 618–623.
DATE-2005-ShashidharBCJ #algebra #equivalence #functional #source code #verification- Functional Equivalence Checking for Verification of Algebraic Transformations on Array-Intensive Source Code (KCS, MB, FC, GJ), pp. 1310–1315.
DRR-2005-HopkinsA #framework #open source #recognition- A Fourier-descriptor-based character recognition engine implemented under the Gamera open-source document-processing framework (JH, TLA), pp. 111–118.
PODS-2005-DeutschKP #integration- Determining source contribution in integration systems (AD, YK, YP), pp. 304–315.
SIGMOD-2005-HeZC #named #on the fly #query #web- MetaQuerier: querying structured web sources on-the-fly (BH, ZZ, KCCC), pp. 927–929.
SIGMOD-2005-ZamanS #data flow #modelling #multi #query #relational- Modeling and querying multidimensional data sources in Siebel Analytics: a federated relational system (KAZ, DAS), pp. 822–827.
ITiCSE-2005-Penha-Lopes #open source #question #why- Why use an open source e-voting system? (JMPL), p. 412.
FASE-2005-JakobacEM #analysis #comprehension #interactive #source code- Improving System Understanding via Interactive, Tailorable, Source Code Analysis (VJ, AE, NM), pp. 253–268.
CSMR-2005-CapiluppiFR #complexity #cumulative #open source- Exploring the Relationship between Cumulative Change and Complexity in an Open Source System (AC, AEF, JFR), pp. 21–29.
CSMR-2005-DraheimLW #independence #reverse engineering #source code #web- A Source Code Independent Reverse Engineering Tool for Dynamic Web Sites (DD, CL, GW), pp. 168–177.
CSMR-2005-RousidisT #case study #clustering #java #maintenance #source code- Clustering Data Retrieved from Java Source Code to Support Software Maintenance: A Case Study (DR, CT), pp. 276–279.
ICSM-2005-MarcusR #concept #identification #source code- Identifications of Concepts, Features, and Concerns in Source Code (AM, VR), p. 718.
ICSM-2005-MensK #framework #source code #testing #towards- Towards a Framework for Testing Structural Source-Code Regularities (KM, AK), pp. 679–682.
ICSM-IT-2005-PoshyvanykMDS #named #source code- IRiSS — A Source Code Exploration Tool (DP, AM, YD, AS), pp. 69–72.
IWPC-2005-CoxC #comprehension #source code- Working Session: Textual Views of Source Code to Support Comprehension (AC, MLC), pp. 109–112.
IWPC-2005-WalkinshawRW #behaviour #comprehension #object-oriented #perspective #source code- Understanding Object-Oriented Source Code from the Behavioural Perspective (NW, MR, MW), pp. 215–224.
MSR-2005-HindleG #formal method #named #query #repository- SCQL: a formal model and a query language for source control repositories (AH, DMG), pp. 6–10.
MSR-2005-KagdiCM #mining #repository #source code #taxonomy #towards- Towards a taxonomy of approaches for mining of source code repositories (HHK, MLC, JIM), pp. 26–30.
MSR-2005-NeamtiuFH #abstract syntax tree #comprehension #evolution #source code #syntax #using- Understanding source code evolution using abstract syntax tree matching (IN, JSF, MWH), pp. 81–85.
MSR-2005-RoblesG #developer #identification- Developer identification methods for integrated data from various sources (GR, JMGB), pp. 66–70.
MSR-2005-YingWA #eclipse #mining #repository #source code- Source code that talks: an exploration of Eclipse task comments and their implication to repository mining (ATTY, JLW, SA), pp. 91–95.
SCAM-2005-BussEYW #analysis #pointer #text-to-text- Pointer Analysis for Source-to-Source Transformations (MB, SAE, BY, DGW), pp. 139–150.
SCAM-2005-ZhangBCD #implementation #using #verification- Implementation and Verification of Implicit-Invocation Systems Using Source Transformation (HZ, JSB, JRC, JD), pp. 87–96.
WCRE-2005-HassanJH #architecture- Source versus Object Code Extraction for Recovering Software Architecture (AEH, ZMJ, RCH), pp. 67–76.
SAS-2005-Gordon #calculus #process #security- From Typed Process Calculi to Source-Based Security (ADG), p. 2.
FM-2005-AndronickCP #embedded #security #smarttech #source code #verification- Formal Verification of Security Properties of Smart Card Embedded Source Code (JA, BC, CPM), pp. 302–317.
SEFM-2005-ColinPPRMM #development #framework #open source #xml- BRILLANT : An Open Source and XML-based platform for Rigourous Software Development (SC, DP, VP, JR, RM, GM), pp. 373–382.
SEFM-2005-HubertM #algorithm #c #case study #source code #verification- A case study of C source code verification: the Schorr-Waite algorithm (TH, CM), pp. 190–199.
VISSOFT-2005-TeleaV #evolution #interactive #source code #visual notation- Interactive Visual Mechanisms for Exploring Source Code Evolution (ACT, LV), pp. 52–57.
CAiSE-2005-KittivoravitkulM #data flow- Integrating Unnormalised Semi-structured Data Sources (SK, PM), pp. 460–474.
CAiSE-2005-Ram #biology #data flow #semantics #towards- Toward Semantic Interoperability of Heterogeneous Biological Data Sources (SR), p. 32.
ICEIS-v1-2005-ChenMG #query #semantics #web- Semantic Query Transformation for Integrating Web Information Sources (MC, RM, RG), pp. 176–181.
ICEIS-v1-2005-GarciaGL #data flow #relational #xml- An Application to Integrate Relational and XML Data Sources (AFG, RBG, MJGL), pp. 313–319.
CIKM-2005-TheodoratosDKG #data flow #query #semantics #using- Semantic querying of tree-structured data sources using partially specified tree patterns (DT, TD, AK, NHG), pp. 712–719.
CIKM-2005-ZhangCFFGCC #classification #multi- Intelligent GP fusion from multiple sources for text classification (BZ, YC, WF, EAF, MAG, MC, PC), pp. 477–484.
ICML-2005-LiaoXC #data flow- Logistic regression with an auxiliary data source (XL, YX, LC), pp. 505–512.
KDD-2005-MeruguG #data flow #distributed #framework #learning #semistructured data- A distributed learning framework for heterogeneous data sources (SM, JG), pp. 208–217.
SEKE-2005-NabliFG #adaptation #algebra #data flow #multi #using- Adapting Multidimensional Schemes to Data sources using Algebraic Operators (AN, JF, FG), pp. 713–718.
SIGIR-2005-KellyDF #independence #query- The loquacious user: a document-independent source of terms for query expansion (DK, VDD, XF), pp. 457–464.
GPCE-2005-KaminAM #generative #optimisation #runtime- Source-Level Optimization of Run-Time Program Generators (SNK, BA, PM), pp. 293–308.
SAC-2005-Nakayama #communication #mobile- Alternative source coding model for mobile text communication (TN), pp. 1139–1145.
SAC-2005-RaposoPAV #automation #maintenance #query #using #web- Automatic wrapper maintenance for semi-structured web sources using results from previous queries (JR, AP, MÁ, ÁV), pp. 654–659.
SAC-2005-WongQC #risk management #source code- Source code-based software risk assessing (WEW, YQ, KMLC), pp. 1485–1490.
ICSE-2005-Fielding #architecture #open source- Software architecture in an open source world (RTF), p. 43.
ICSE-2005-Gamma #agile #development #distributed #eclipse #open source #process- Agile, open source, distributed, and on-time: inside the eclipse development process (EG), p. 4.
ICSE-2005-HawthorneP #challenge #development #distributed #education #open source #outsourcing #re-engineering- Software engineering education in the era of outsourcing, distributed development, and open source software: challenges and opportunities (MJH, DEP), pp. 643–644.
ICSE-2005-HolmesM #recommendation #source code #using- Using structural context to recommend source code examples (RH, GCM), pp. 117–125.
ICSE-2005-Liu #approach #open source #re-engineering- Enriching software engineering courses with service-learning projects and the open-source approach (CL), pp. 613–614.
ICSE-2005-Twidale #development #open source #usability- Silver bullet or fool’s gold: supporting usability in open source software development (MT), p. 35.
LDTA-2005-CassidyCDD #analysis #concurrent- Source Transformation for Concurrency Analysis (TC, JRC, TRD, JD), pp. 57–75.
CC-2005-OlmosV #data flow #text-to-text- Composing Source-to-Source Data-Flow Transformations with Rewriting Strategies and Dependent Dynamic Rewrite Rules (KO, EV), pp. 204–220.
CC-2005-RyuR #debugging #multi #programming- Source-Level Debugging for Multiple Languages with Modest Programming Effort (SR, NR), pp. 10–26.
CC-2005-ShashidharBCJ #equivalence #program transformation #source code #verification- Verification of Source Code Transformations by Program Equivalence Checking (KCS, MB, FC, GJ), pp. 221–236.
LCTES-2005-FrankeOTF #embedded #optimisation #probability #source code- Probabilistic source-level optimisation of embedded programs (BF, MFPO, JT, GF), pp. 78–86.
ICLP-2005-Bekes #optimisation #query- Optimizing Queries for Heterogeneous Information Sources (AGB), pp. 429–430.
ASE-2004-CaiGH #automation #case study #experience #generative #open source #performance #scalability- Experiences Integrating and Scaling a Performance Test Bed Generator with an Open Source CASE Tool (YC, JCG, JGH), pp. 36–45.
DATE-DF-2004-BrandoleseFSS #analysis #energy #modelling #program transformation #source code- Analysis and Modeling of Energy Reducing Source Code Transformations (CB, WF, FS, DS), pp. 306–311.
DATE-v2-2004-BoladoPCHSSFB #framework #industrial #open source- Platform Based on Open-Source Cores for Industrial Applications (MB, HP, JC, PH, PS, CS, HF, FB), pp. 1014–1019.
HT-2004-RoyJK #automation #categorisation #web- Automatic categorization of web sites based on source types (SR, SJ, RK), pp. 38–39.
SIGMOD-2004-IvesHW #adaptation #integration #query- Adapting to Source Properties in Processing Data Integration Queries (ZGI, AYH, DSW), pp. 395–406.
SIGMOD-2004-WuYDM #approach #clustering #interactive #interface #query #web- An Interactive Clustering-based Approach to Integrating Source Query interfaces on the Deep Web (WW, CTY, AD, WM), pp. 95–106.
VLDB-2004-KementsietsidisA #query- Data Sharing Through Query Translation in Autonomous Sources (AK, MA), pp. 468–479.
VLDB-2004-PandeyDO #algorithm #monitoring #named #web- WIC: A General-Purpose Algorithm for Monitoring Web Information Sources (SP, KD, CO), pp. 360–371.
VLDB-2004-ZhuR #consistency #data flow #probability #scalability- Stochastic Consistency, and Scalable Pull-Based Caching for Erratic Data Sources (SZ, CVR), pp. 192–203.
CSMR-2004-Al-EkramK #composition #concept #slicing #source code #using- Source Code Modularization Using Lattice of Concept Slices (RAE, KK), pp. 195–203.
CSMR-2004-Martin #automation #generative #program transformation #source code- Automated Source Code Transformations on Fourth Generation Languages (JM), pp. 214–222.
CSMR-2004-Pizka #adaptation #case study #experience #open source #scalability- Adaptation of Large-Scale Open Source Software — An Experience Report (MP), pp. 147–153.
ICSM-2004-FerencBG #fact extraction- Fact Extraction and Code Auditing with Columbus and SourceAudit (RF, ÁB, TG), p. 513.
ICSM-2004-FerencSG #fact extraction #open source- Extracting Facts from Open Source Software (RF, IS, TG), pp. 60–69.
ICSM-2004-MaleticC #analysis #difference #source code- Supporting Source Code Difference Analysis (JIM, MLC), pp. 210–219.
ICSM-2004-PinzgerFJG #source code- Abstracting Module Views from Source Code (MP, MF, MJ, HG), p. 533.
ICSM-2004-TahvildariK #approach #multi #source code- Developing a Multi-Objective Decision Approach to Select Source-Code Improving Transformations (LT, KK), pp. 427–431.
IWPC-2004-CapiluppiMR #case study #evolution #open source- Structural Evolution of an Open Source System: A Case Study (AC, MM, JFR), pp. 172–182.
IWPC-2004-ClearyE #framework #named #visualisation- CHIVE — A Program Source Visualisation Framework (BC, CE), pp. 268–270.
IWPC-2004-KanellopoulosT #c++ #clustering #comprehension #data mining #mining #source code- Data Mining Source Code to Facilitate Program Comprehension: Experiments on Clustering Data Retrieved from C++ Programs (YK, CT), pp. 214–225.
IWPC-2004-MohanG #evolution #programming #source code- Programming Style Changes in Evolving Source Code (AM, NG), pp. 236–240.
SCAM-2004-MaruyamaY #automation #framework #java #representation #source code #using #xml- A CASE Tool Platform Using an XML Representation of Java Source Code (KM, SY), pp. 158–167.
SCAM-2004-RoblesG #analysis #execution #source code- Executable Source Code and Non-Executable Source Code: Analysis and Relationships (GR, JMGB), pp. 149–157.
SCAM-2004-Rothermel #analysis #source code #using- Using Source-Code Analysis to Help End-User Programmers Create Dependable Software (GR), p. 3.
SCAM-2004-WahlerSGF #clone detection #detection #source code- Clone Detection in Source Code by Frequent Itemset Techniques (VW, DS, JWvG, GF), pp. 128–135.
WCRE-2004-EmmerikW #decompiler #using- Using a Decompiler for Real-World Source Recovery (MVE, TW), pp. 27–36.
WCRE-2004-MarcusSRM #approach #concept #information retrieval #source code- An Information Retrieval Approach to Concept Location in Source Code (AM, AS, VR, JIM), pp. 214–223.
ICALP-2004-Fleischer #algorithm #bound #linear #network- Linear Tolls Suffice: New Bounds and Algorithms for Tolls in Single Source Networks (LF), pp. 544–554.
IFL-2004-Chitil- Source-Based Trace Exploration (OC), pp. 126–141.
CAiSE-2004-BoydKLMR #data flow #integration #named #semistructured data- AutoMed: A BAV Data Integration System for Heterogeneous Data Sources (MB, SK, CL, PM, NR), pp. 82–97.
ICEIS-v1-2004-Bruijn #data flow #integration #semantics- Semantic Integration of Disparate Data Sources in the Cog Project (JdB), pp. 9–14.
ICEIS-v3-2004-PotdarC #open source- Open Source vs. Closed Source (VP, EC), pp. 609–613.
CIKM-2004-HeTC #approach #clustering #query #web- Organizing structured web sources by query schemas: a clustering approach (BH, TT, KCCC), pp. 22–31.
ICML-2004-WuD #data flow- Improving SVM accuracy by training on auxiliary data sources (PW, TGD).
ICPR-v2-2004-KanbaraY #artificial reality #estimation #realtime- Real-time Estimation of Light Source Environment for Photorealistic Augmented Reality (MK, NY), pp. 911–914.
ICPR-v3-2004-ZhouK #estimation #multi- Estimation of the Size and Location of Multiple Area Light Sources (WZ, CK), pp. 214–217.
KDD-2004-TanJ #multi- Ordering patterns by combining opinions from multiple sources (PNT, RJ), pp. 695–700.
SIGIR-2004-SigurbjornssonKR #multi #retrieval #xml- Multiple sources of evidence for XML retrieval (BS, JK, MdR), pp. 554–555.
GPCE-2004-JacksonC #aspect-oriented #programming- SourceWeave.NET: Cross-Language Aspect-Oriented Programming (AJ, SC), pp. 115–135.
SAC-2004-AgostaPS #architecture #design #embedded #multi #power management #program transformation #source code- Multi-objective co-exploration of source code transformations and design space architectures for low-power embedded systems (GA, GP, CS), pp. 891–896.
SAC-2004-KehagiasSCM #data flow- Information agents cooperating with heterogenous data sources for customer-order management (DK, ALS, KCC, PAM), pp. 52–57.
SAC-PL-J-2004-Lagorio #dependence #java- Capturing ghost dependencies in Java sources (GL), pp. 77–96.
FSE-2004-ZitserLL #open source #source code #static analysis #testing #tool support #using- Testing static analysis tools using exploitable buffer overflows from open source code (MZ, RL, TL), pp. 97–106.
ICSE-2004-GiannakopoulouPC #source code #verification- Assume-Guarantee Verification of Source Code with Design-Level Assumptions (DG, CSP, JMC), pp. 211–220.
ATEM-2003-CoxC04 #modelling #source code- Three-Layered Source-Code Modelling (AC, CLAC), pp. 71–79.
ATEM-2003-KnodelC04 #delphi #fact extraction #metamodelling #source code- A Meta-Model for Fact Extraction from Delphi Source Code (JK, GCM), pp. 19–28.
OSDI-2004-GummadiMGLW #internet #reliability- Improving the Reliability of Internet Paths with One-hop Source Routing (PKG, HVM, SDG, HML, DW), pp. 183–198.
TestCom-2004-BatteramHRHRV #component #implementation #open source #testing #tool support- Implementation of an Open Source Toolset for CCM Components and Systems Testing (HJB, WH, WAR, AH, AR, AV), pp. 1–16.
ASE-2003-Collard #difference #framework #refactoring #source code- An Infrastructure to Support Meta-Differencing and Refactoring of Source Code (MLC), pp. 377–380.
ASE-2003-SmithS #automation #design pattern #flexibility #named #source code- SPQR: Flexible Automated Design Pattern Extraction From Source Code (JMS, PDS), pp. 215–224.
DAC-2003-LiYRP #generative #markov #using- A scan BIST generation method using a markov source and partial bit-fixing (WL, CY, SMR, IP), pp. 554–559.
DATE-2003-BrandoleseFSS #analysis #library- Library Functions Timing Characterization for Source-Level Analysis (CB, WF, FS, DS), pp. 11132–11133.
DATE-2003-FalkM #control flow #source code- Control Flow Driven Splitting of Loop Nests at the Source Code Level (HF, PM), pp. 10410–10415.
DATE-2003-PolianBR #markov #optimisation #pseudo #random- Evolutionary Optimization of Markov Sources for Pseudo Random Scan BIST (IP, BB, SMR), pp. 11184–11185.
VLDB-2003-GalanisWJD #data flow #distributed #scalability- Locating Data Sources in Large Distributed Systems (LG, YW, SRJ, DJD), pp. 874–885.
VLDB-2003-MadhavanH #data flow- Composing Mappings Among Data Sources (JM, AYH), pp. 572–583.
VLDB-2003-ViglasNB #multi #query #streaming- Maximizing the Output Rate of Multi-Way Join Queries over Streaming Information Sources (SV, JFN, JB), pp. 285–296.
CSMR-2003-CapiluppiLM #open source- Characteristics of Open Source Projects (AC, PL, MM), p. 317–?.
ICSM-2003-BalanyiF #c++ #design pattern #mining #source code- Mining Design Patterns from C++ Source Code (ZB, RF), pp. 305–314.
ICSM-2003-DeursenK #assessment #risk management- Source-Based Software Risk Assessment (AvD, TK), pp. 385–388.
ICSM-2003-GoldM #comprehension #concept #evolution #framework #source code- A Framework for Understanding Conceptual Changes in Evolving Source Code (NG, AM), pp. 431–439.
ICSM-2003-Klusener #analysis #source code- Source Code Based Function Point Analysis for Enhancement Projects (SK), pp. 373–376.
ICSM-2003-MensPG #maintenance #source code #using- Using Intentional Source-Code Views to Aid Software Maintenance (KM, BP, SG), pp. 169–178.
IWPC-2003-Cordy #agile #semiparsing #source code #using #xml- Generalized Selective XML Markup of Source Code Using Agile Parsing (JRC), pp. 144–153.
IWPC-2003-TjortjisSL #comprehension #mining #source code- Facilitating Program Comprehension by Mining Association Rules from Source Code (CT, LS, PJL), pp. 125–133.
SCAM-2003-BinkleyH #algorithm #analysis #graph #optimisation #performance #reachability #scalability #source code- Results from a Large-Scale Study of Performance Optimization Techniques for Source Code Analyses Based on Graph Reachability Algorithms (DB, MH), p. 203–?.
SCAM-2003-GuoCD #java #using- Unique Renaming of Java Using Source Transformation (XG, JRC, TRD), pp. 151–160.
SCAM-2003-Verhoef #analysis #multi #source code #using- Managing Multi-Billion Dollar IT Budgets using Source Code Analysis (CV), p. 77–?.
STOC-2003-Thorup #constant #integer #problem- Integer priority queues with decrease key in constant time and the single source shortest paths problem (MT), pp. 149–158.
FME-2003-DenneyF #correctness #policy #safety- Correctness of Source-Level Safety Policies (ED, BF), pp. 894–913.
ICFP-2003-NeubauerT #fault- Discriminative sum types locate the source of type errors (MN, PT), pp. 15–26.
VISSOFT-2003-MarcusFM #3d #analysis #multi #visualisation- Source Viewer 3D (sv3D): A System for Visualizing Multi Dimensional Software Analysis Data (AM, LF, JIM), pp. 62–63.
ICEIS-v1-2003-StoimenovD #data flow #framework #integration #named- GEONIS — Framework for Gis Interoperability: Integration of Gis Data Sources in Telecom Serbia (LS, SDK), pp. 401–406.
ICEIS-v1-2003-WallS- The Kinds of IT Services Most Appropriate for a Particular Sourcing Strategy (PW, LS), pp. 590–593.
ICEIS-v2-2003-HashemGH #ad hoc #algorithm #mobile #network #search-based- A Quality-Of-Service-Aware Genetic Algorithm for the Source Routing in Ad-Hoc Mobile Networks (MH, SG, MH), pp. 589–599.
ICEIS-v3-2003-SerraoNT #analysis #open source #operating system #security- Open Source Security Analysis — Evaluating Security of Open Source vs. Closed Source Operating Systems (CS, DN, PT), pp. 433–440.
SIGIR-2003-KrovetzUG #classification #source code- Classification of source code archives (RK, SU, CLG), pp. 425–426.
UML-2003-GorpSMD #automation #refactoring #towards #uml- Towards Automating Source-Consistent UML Refactorings (PVG, HS, TM, SD), pp. 144–158.
SAC-2003-RuckhausV #named #ontology #web- WebSOGO: A Global Ontology for Describing Web Sources (ER, MEV), pp. 1199–1205.
ICSE-2003-BaniassadMS #design pattern #graph- Design Pattern Rationale Graphs: Linking Design to Source (ELAB, GCM, CS), pp. 352–362.
ICSE-2003-MaleticMF #3d #framework #visualisation- Source Viewer 3D (sv3D) — A Framework for Software Visualization (JIM, AM, LF), pp. 812–813.
ICSE-2003-MarcusM #semantics #traceability #using- Recovering Documentation-to-Source-Code Traceability Links using Latent Semantic Indexing (AM, JIM), pp. 125–137.
ICSE-2003-RobillardM #source code- FEAT. A Tool for Locating, Describing, and Analyzing Concerns in Source Code (MPR, GCM), pp. 822–823.
ICSE-2003-YeK #comprehension #developer #motivation #open source #towards- Toward an Understanding of the Motivation of Open Source Software Developers (YY, KK), pp. 419–429.
CADE-2003-ChoppellaH #unification- Source-Tracking Unification (VC, CTH), pp. 458–472.
DocEng-2002-CollardMM #documentation #source code- Supporting document and data views of source code (MLC, JIM, AM), pp. 34–41.
SIGMOD-2002-Bonnet #database #open source #research- Going public: open-source databases and database research (PB), p. 633.
SIGMOD-2002-OlstonW- Best-effort cache synchronization with source cooperation (CO, JW), pp. 73–84.
SIGMOD-2002-ViglasN #optimisation #query #streaming- Rate-based query optimization for streaming information sources (SV, JFN), pp. 37–48.
SIGMOD-2002-ZadorozhnyRVUB #evaluation #performance #query- Efficient evaluation of queries in a mediator for WebSources (VZ, LR, MEV, TU, LB), pp. 85–96.
SCAM-J-2001-CordyDMS02 #re-engineering #txl #using- Source transformation in software engineering using the TXL transformation system (JRC, TRD, AJM, KAS), pp. 827–837.
SCAM-J-2001-Vanter02 #source code- The documentary structure of source code (MvdV), pp. 767–782.
IWPC-2002-MaleticCM #documentation #source code- Source Code Files as Structured Documents (JIM, MLC, AM), pp. 289–292.
SCAM-2002-Baxter #analysis #parallel #source code- Parallel Support for Source Code Analysis and Modification (IDB), p. 3–?.
SCAM-2002-BischofBLRV #matlab #source code- Combining Source Transformation and Operator Overloading Techniques to Compute Derivatives for MATLAB Programs (CHB, HMB, BL, AR, AV), pp. 65–72.
WCRE-2002-McArthurMN #representation #source code #using #xml- An Extensible Tool for Source Code Representation Using XML (GM, JM, SKKN), p. 199–?.
WCRE-2002-PentaNAM #knowledge-based #library #open source- Knowledge-Based Library Re-Factoring for an Open Source Project (MDP, MN, GA, EM), pp. 319–328.
WCRE-2002-RillingM #3d #analysis #on the #source code #visual notation- On the Use of Metaballs to Visually Map Source Code Structures and Analysis Results onto 3D Space (JR, SPM), pp. 299–308.
VISSOFT-2002-RillingSB #analysis #complexity #concept #source code #visualisation- The CONCEPT Project — Applying Source Code Analysis to Reduce Information Complexity of Static and Dynamic Visualization Techniques (JR, AS, CB), p. 90.
Ada-2002-BarrM #ada #embedded #named #open source #operating system #safety- Boss/Ada: An Open Source Ada 95 Safety Kit ( A dependable open source embedded operating system for GNAT) (VB, SM), pp. 53–66.
CAiSE-2002-DomenigD #data flow #query #semistructured data- Query Explorativeness for Integrated Search in Heterogeneous Data Sources (RD, KRD), pp. 715–718.
CAiSE-2002-PontieriUZ #approach #data flow #integration- An Approach for Synergically Carrying out Intensional and Extensional Integration of Data Sources Having Different Formats (LP, DU, EZ), pp. 752–756.
ICEIS-2002-AlarconGYG #approach #data flow #integration #semistructured data- Data Sources Server: An Approach to Heterogeneous Data Integration (PPA, JG, AY, CG), pp. 3–10.
ECIR-2002-Vakkari #query- Subject Knowledge, Source of Terms, and Term Selection in Query Expansion: An Analytical Study (PV), pp. 110–123.
ICPR-v2-2002-BaggaHZR #multi #summary #video- Multi-Source Combined-Media Video Tracking for Summarization (AB, JH, JZ, GR), pp. 818–821.
ICPR-v2-2002-KawashimaM #multi #recognition- Integrated Event Recognition from Multiple Sources (HK, TM), p. 785–?.
ICPR-v4-2002-MorimotoAF #detection- Detecting Eye Position and Gaze from a Single Camera and 2 Light Sources (CHM, AA, MF), pp. 314–317.
KDD-2002-Ben-DavidGS #data flow #framework #learning- A theoretical framework for learning from a pool of disparate data sources (SBD, JG, RS), pp. 443–449.
KDD-2002-UgurelKG #automation #classification #source code #what- What’s the code?: automatic classification of source code archives (SU, RK, CLG), pp. 639–644.
SEKE-2002-MensMW #maintenance #source code- Maintaining software through intentional source-code views (KM, TM, MW), pp. 289–296.
SIGIR-2002-ChoudhariDJMMPR #mining #named #ontology #web- YellowPager: a tool for ontology-based mining of service directories from web sources (PC, HD, AJ, AM, SM, SP, IVR), p. 458.
ICSE-2002-DinkelackerGMN #open source- Progressive open source (JD, PKG, RM, DN), pp. 177–184.
ICSE-2002-Michail #source code #using- Browsing and searching source code of applications written using a GUIframework (AM), pp. 327–337.
ICSE-2002-RazKS #data flow #detection #online #semantics- Semantic anomaly detection in online data sources (OR, PK, MS), pp. 302–312.
ICSE-2002-Robillard #representation #source code- A representation for describing and analyzing concerns in source code (MPR), pp. 721–722.
SPLC-2002-DeursenJK #product line #using- Feature-Based Product Line Instantiation Using Source-Level Packages (AvD, MdJ, TK), pp. 217–234.
CAV-2002-CimattiCGGPRST #model checking- NuSMV 2: An OpenSource Tool for Symbolic Model Checking (AC, EMC, EG, FG, MP, MR, RS, AT), pp. 359–364.
TestCom-2002-MannCK #testing- Testing Access to External Information Sources in a Mediator Environment (ZÁM, JC, PK), p. 111–?.
ASE-2001-MarcusM #concept #identification #source code- Identification of High-Level Concept Clones in Source Code (AM, JIM), pp. 107–114.
DATE-2001-BensoCNP #analysis #distributed #fault #injection #open source- SEU effect analysis in an open-source router via a distributed fault injection environment (AB, SDC, GDN, PP), pp. 219–225.
DATE-2001-CharestRAB #open source- A methodology for interfacing open source systemC with a third party software (LC, MR, EMA, GB), p. 16.
DATE-2001-YildizSV #bias #float #integer #linear #programming- Minimizing the number of floating bias voltage sources with integer linear programming (EY, AvS, CJMV), p. 816.
PODS-2001-MendelzonM #data flow #query- Querying Partially Sound and Complete Data Sources (AOM, GAM).
VLDB-2001-ManolescuFK #data flow #query #semistructured data #xml- Answering XML Queries on Heterogeneous Data Sources (IM, DF, DK), pp. 241–250.
ITiCSE-2001-ClaypoolFW #open source #operating system- An open source laboratory for operating systems projects (MC, DF, CEW), pp. 145–148.
ICSM-2001-ChenCWYZZM #cvs #named #source code #using- CVSSearch: Searching through Source Code Using CVS Comments (AC, EC, JW, AYY, QZ, SZ, AM), p. 364–?.
ICSM-2001-EveraarsAK #concurrent #coordination #source code #using- Using Coordination to Restructure Sequential Source Code into a Concurrent Program (CTHE, FA, BK), p. 342–?.
ICSM-2001-MichaudSM #java #source code #visualisation- Integrating Information Sources for Visualizing Java Programs (JM, MADS, HAM), p. 250–?.
IWPC-2001-CordySDM #design #named #source code- HSML: Design Directed Source Code Hot Spots (JRC, KAS, TRD, AJM), pp. 145–154.
IWPC-2001-MaltonSCDCR #automation #design- Processing Software Source Text in Automated Design Recovery and Transformation (AJM, KAS, JRC, TRD, DC, JR), pp. 127–134.
SCAM-2001-BurdR #analysis #automation #evolution #source code #using- Using Automated Source Code Analysis for Software Evolution (LB, SR), pp. 206–212.
SCAM-2001-CordyDMS #re-engineering #txl- Software Engineering by Source Transformation-Experience with TXL (JRC, TRD, AJM, KAS), pp. 170–180.
SCAM-2001-RebaudengoRVT #compilation #generative #text-to-text- A Source-to-Source Compiler for Generating Dependable Software (MR, MSR, MV, MT), pp. 35–44.
SCAM-2001-Vanter #source code #tool support- Preserving the Documentary Structure of Source Code in Language-Based Transformation Tools (MvdV), pp. 133–143.
SCAM-2001-Ward #analysis #approach #source code- The Formal Transformation Approach to Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (MPW), pp. 187–195.
WCRE-2001-GannodG #dependence #graph- An Investigation into the Connectivity Properties of Source-Header Dependency Graphs (GCG, BDG), pp. 115–126.
SAS-2001-KomondoorH #identification #slicing #source code #using- Using Slicing to Identify Duplication in Source Code (RK, SH), pp. 40–56.
ICALP-2001-Dodis #random- New Imperfect Random Source with Applications to Coin-Flipping (YD), pp. 297–309.
CAiSE-2001-McBrienP #approach #data flow #semantics #xml- A Semantic Approach to Integrating XML and Structured Data Sources (PM, AP), pp. 330–345.
ICEIS-v1-2001-DamnjanovicRSOPR #case study #data flow #integration- Integration of Different Data Sources and Message Queueing System in Postnet-Case Studies (DD, ZR, MS, PO, BP, MR), pp. 279–282.
ICML-2001-SeldinBT #markov #memory management #segmentation #sequence- Unsupervised Sequence Segmentation by a Mixture of Switching Variable Memory Markov Sources (YS, GB, NT), pp. 513–520.
SIGIR-2001-KellyB #feedback #interactive- Reading Time, Scrolling and Interaction: Exploring Implicit Sources of User Preferences for Relevant Feedback (DK, NJB), pp. 408–409.
SAC-2001-StaudtKR #data flow #execution #process #semistructured data- Access to heterogeneous data sources for supporting business process execution (MS, JUK, UR), pp. 197–206.
ICSE-2001-AokiHKNNRTY #3d #case study #evolution #library #multi #object-oriented #open source- A Case Study of the Evolution of Jun: An Object-Oriented Open-Source 3D Multimedia Library (AA, KH, KK, KN, YN, BR, AT, YY), pp. 524–533.
ICSE-2001-MurphyLWR #case study #source code- Separating Features in Source Code: An Exploratory Study (GCM, AL, RJW, MPR), pp. 275–284.
PPoPP-2001-VeldemaHBJB #distributed #memory management #optimisation- Source-level global optimizations for fine-grain distributed shared memory systems (RV, RFHH, RB, CJHJ, HEB), pp. 83–92.
DAC-2000-WangN #analysis #linear #multi #order- Extended Krylov subspace method for reduced order analysis of linear circuits with multiple sources (JMW, TVN), pp. 247–252.
PODS-2000-DavulcuYKR #aspect-oriented- Computational Aspects of Resilient Data Extraction from Semistructured Sources (HD, GY, MK, IVR), pp. 136–144.
SIGMOD-2000-RodriguezR #data flow #database #distributed #middleware #named #self- MOCHA: A Self-Extensible Database Middleware System for Distributed Data Sources (MRM, NR), pp. 213–224.
VLDB-2000-ChangG #approximate #query- Approximate Query Translation Across Heterogeneous Information Sources (KCCC, HGM), pp. 566–577.
ITiCSE-2000-NelsonN #education #network #open source #using- Teaching computer networking using open source software (DN, YMN), pp. 13–16.
ICSM-2000-GodfreyT #case study #evolution #open source- Evolution in Open Source Software: A Case Study (MWG, QT), pp. 131–142.
ICSM-2000-KimbleW #analysis #source code- An Alternative Source Code Analysis (JEKJ, LJW), pp. 64–75.
IWPC-2000-Sneed #animation #comprehension- Source Animation as a Means of Program Comprehension (HMS), pp. 179–187.
IWPC-2000-TranGLH #architecture #open source- Architectural Repair of Open Source Software (JBT, MWG, EHSL, RCH), pp. 48–59.
IWPC-2000-WohlinHO #approach #comprehension #fault- Understanding the Sources of Software Defects: A Filtering Approach (CW, MH, MCO), pp. 9–17.
WCRE-2000-MamasK #source code #towards #using #xml- Towards Portable Source Code Representations using XML (EM, KK), p. 172–?.
CSCW-2000-YamauchiYSI #agile #collaboration #how #open source- Collaboration with Lean Media: how open-source software succeeds (YY, MY, TS, TI), pp. 329–338.
ICEIS-2000-Greene #case study #open source- Case Study: A New World for the Enterprise--E-Commerce and Open Sources (TG), p. XLIII.
CIKM-2000-DomenigD #approach #data flow #query #semistructured data- A Query based Approach for Integrating Heterogeneous Data Sources (RD, KRD), pp. 453–460.
KDD-2000-CohenKM- Hardening soft information sources (WWC, HAK, DAM), pp. 255–259.
OOPSLA-2000-KiernanC #middleware #query- Middleware object query processing with deferred updates and autonomous sources (JK, MJC), pp. 118–129.
TOOLS-USA-2000-Kotula00a #documentation #source code- Source Code Documentation: An Engineering Deliverable (JK), p. 505–?.
SAC-2000-IizukaTSI #approach #information retrieval #integration #web- An Approach to Integration of Web Information Source Search and Web Information Retrieval (YI, MT, SiS, TI), pp. 289–293.
SAC-2000-OchKO #data flow #semistructured data #using- Integrating Heterogeneous Data Sources Using the COIL Mediator Definition Language (CO, RK, RO), pp. 991–1000.
SAC-2000-RiveroDL #detection #network #static analysis #strict- Static Detection of Sources of Dynamic Anomalies in a Network of Referential Integrity Restrictions (LCR, JHD, DL), pp. 333–339.
ICSE-2000-CorbettDHLPRZ #finite #java #modelling #named #source code- Bandera: extracting finite-state models from Java source code (JCC, MBD, JH, SL, CSP, R, HZ), pp. 439–448.
ICSE-2000-CorbettDHR #interface #java #model checking #named #source code- Bandera: a source-level interface for model checking Java programs (JCC, MBD, JH, R), pp. 762–765.
ICSE-2000-LopesK #aspectj #composition #design #source code #tutorial #using- Improving design and source code modularity using AspectJ (tutorial session) (CVL, GK), p. 825.
ICSE-2000-MockusFH #case study #development #open source- A case study of open source software development: the Apache server (AM, RTF, JDH), pp. 263–272.
SIGMOD-1999-ChangG #query- Mind Your Vocabulary: Query Mapping Across Heterogeneous Information Sources (KCCC, HGM), pp. 335–346.
VLDB-1999-BouganimCDDGS #data flow #data type #multi #semistructured data #web- Miro Web: Integrating Multiple Data Sources through Semistructured Data Types (LB, TCSY, TTDN, JLD, GG, FS), pp. 750–753.
VLDB-1999-RothOH #cost analysis #data flow #matter #modelling- Cost Models DO Matter: Providing Cost Information for Diverse Data Sources in a Federated System (MTR, FÖ, LMH), pp. 599–610.
VLDB-1999-SahuguetA #legacy #using #web- Building Light-Weight Wrappers for Legacy Web Data-Sources Using W4F (AS, FA), pp. 738–741.
ICSM-1999-JohnstoneSW #assembly #compilation #experience- Experience Paper: Reverse Compilation of Digital Signal Processor Assembler Source to ANSI-C (AJ, ES, TW), pp. 316–325.
CAiSE-1999-BornhovdB #integration #internet #prototype- A Prototype for Metadata-Based Integration of Internet Sources (CB, APB), pp. 439–445.
CIKM-1999-LeeC #query #semantics #web- Semantic Caching via Query Matching for Web Sources (DL, WWC), pp. 77–85.
CIKM-1999-WangOL #multi #performance- Efficient Refreshment of Materialized Views with Multiple Sources (HW, MEO, WL), pp. 375–382.
SIGIR-1999-ClarkeCS #retrieval #source code- Searching Program Source Code with a Structured Text Retrieval System (poster abstract) (CLAC, AC, SES), pp. 307–308.
GCSE-1999-KaminCC #component #generative #lightweight- Lightweight and Generative Components I: Source-Level Components (SNK, MC, LC), pp. 49–64.
SIGMOD-1998-AmbiteABKMMMPT #internet #named- ARIADNE: A System for Constructing Mediators for Internet Sources (JLA, NA, GB, CAK, SM, PJM, IM, AP, ST), pp. 561–563.
IWPC-1998-MancoridisMRCG #automation #clustering #source code #using- Using Automatic Clustering to Produce High-Level System Organizations of Source Code (SM, BSM, CR, YFC, ERG), pp. 45–52.
IWPC-1998-SimCH #bibliography #code search #developer #maintenance #source code- Archetypal Source Code Searches: A Survey of Software Developers and Maintainers (SES, CLAC, RCH), pp. 180–187.
PASTE-1998-ChaseCHY #analysis #architecture #multi #source code- Recovering Software Architecture from Multiple Source Code Analyses (MPC, SMC, DRH, ASY), pp. 43–50.
WCRE-1998-TheodorosEBW #design #named #object-oriented #reverse engineering #source code- ROMEO: Reverse Engineering from OO Source Code to OMT Design (TL, HME, AB, NW), pp. 191–200.
CIKM-1998-BarjiBMS #named- Informia: A Mediator for Integrated Access to Heterogeneous Information Sources (MLB, TB, JM, GS), pp. 234–241.
CIKM-1998-ChenR #data flow #independence #multi- Integrating Information from Multiple Independently Developed Data Sources (IMAC, DR), pp. 242–250.
ISSTA-1998-MolloyAHCV #automation #generative #testing #text-to-text- Automatic Interoperability Test Generation for Source-to-Source Translators (MM, KA, JH, DC, PDV), pp. 93–101.
JICSLP-1998-DeviennePTV #prolog #text-to-text- Source-to-source Prolog Program Compression (PD, AP, PT, SV), pp. 205–219.
DAC-1997-LillisC #multi #optimisation- Timing Optimization for Multi-Source Nets: Characterization and Optimal Repeater Insertion (JL, CKC), pp. 214–219.
VLDB-1997-GravanoG #internet- Merging Ranks from Heterogeneous Internet Sources (LG, HGM), pp. 196–205.
VLDB-1997-HaasKWY #data flow #optimisation #query- Optimizing Queries Across Diverse Data Sources (LMH, DK, ELW, JY), pp. 276–285.
VLDB-1997-RothS #architecture #data flow #exclamation #legacy- Don’t Scrap It, Wrap It! A Wrapper Architecture for Legacy Data Sources (MTR, PMS), pp. 266–275.
VLDB-1997-VassalosP #query #using- Describing and Using Query Capabilities of Heterogeneous Sources (VV, YP), pp. 256–265.
WPC-1997-MarkovicHRB #automation #generative #source code- Semi-automatic Generation of Parallelizable Patterns from Source Code Examples (DM, JRH, CSR, SB), pp. 50–59.
HCI-CC-1997-KameiMSH #integration- Creating a Source and Target Language Mixed Stage for Integration of Human Knowledge into Machine Translation (SiK, KM, KS, KH), pp. 825–828.
HCI-SEC-1997-GargRK #fault #modelling- Modeling the Sources and Consequences of Errors and Delays in Complex Systems (CG, VR, JWK), pp. 67–70.
TRI-Ada-1997-Conn #analysis #source code- The Source Code Analysis Tool Construction Project (RLC), pp. 141–148.
CIKM-1997-DolinAAD #architecture #distributed #named #scalability- Pharos: A Scalable Distributed Architecture for Locating Heterogeneous Information Sources (RD, DA, AEA, LKD), pp. 348–355.
CIKM-1997-HahnS #mining- Knowledge Mining from Textual Sources (UH, KS), pp. 83–90.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1997-PiresM #architecture #corba- A CORBA Based Architecture for Heterogeneous Information Source Interoperability (PdFP, MLQM), pp. 33–51.
TOOLS-USA-1997-GilH #debugging #generative #source code #testing #using- T++: A Test Case Generator Using a Debugging Information Based Technique for Source Code Manipulation (JYG, BH), pp. 272–281.
TOOLS-USA-1997-Mossenbock #source code #visual notation- Films as Graphical Comments in the Source Code of Programs (HM), pp. 89–98.
SAC-1997-SetoNT #generative #html #sql- Generating HTML sources with TFE enhanced SQL (TS, TN, MT), pp. 96–100.
PPoPP-1997-FrensW #multi #performance #source code- Auto-blocking Matrix-Multiplication or Tracking BLAS3 Performance with Source Code (JDF, DSW), pp. 206–216.
ILPS-1997-BressanGLMS #query- A Procedure for Mediation of Queries to Sources in Disparate Contexts (SB, CHG, TL, SEM, MS), pp. 213–227.
VLDB-1996-LevyRO #query #using- Querying Heterogeneous Information Sources Using Source Descriptions (AYL, AR, JJO), pp. 251–262.
WPC-1996-SneedE #source code- Extracting Business Rules from Source Code (HMS, KE), p. 240–?.
PLDI-1996-Adl-TabatabaiG #debugging- Source-Level Debugging of Scalar Optimized Code (ARAT, TRG), pp. 33–43.
STOC-1996-Ta-Shma #on the #random- On Extracting Randomness From Weak Random Sources (Extended Abstract) (ATS), pp. 276–285.
ICPR-1996-OkataniD #image #re-engineering- Reconstructing shape from shading with a point light source at the projection center: shape reconstruction from an endoscope image (TO, KD), pp. 830–834.
ICPR-1996-WebbG #estimation #using- Source position estimation using radial basis functions (ARW, PNG), pp. 3–7.
SIGIR-1996-JonesFJY #documentation #multi- Retrieving Spoken Documents by Combining Multiple Index Sources (GJFJ, JTF, KSJ, SJY), pp. 30–38.
HPDC-1996-KimP #distributed #framework #source code- A Source-Level Transformation Framework for RPC-Based Distributed Programs (THK, JMP), pp. 78–87.
JICSLP-1996-Neumerkel #interprocedural #text-to-text- Interprocedural Register Allocation for the WAM based on Source to Source Transformations (UN), pp. 127–141.
SIGMOD-1995-ChaudhuriDY #execution #optimisation #query- Join Queries with External Text Sources: Execution and Optimization Techniques (SC, UD, TWY), pp. 410–422.
VLDB-1995-BunemanDHOW #biology #data flow #data transformation- A Data Transformation System for Biological Data Sources (PB, SBD, KH, GCO, LW), pp. 158–169.
ICSM-1995-PearseO #industrial #maintenance #metric #process #source code- Maintainability measurements on industrial source code maintenance activities (TTP, PWO), pp. 295–303.
WCRE-1995-HarrisYR #architecture #source code- Recognizers for Extracting Architectural Features from Source Code (DRH, ASY, HBR).
LOPSTR-1995-Wunderwald #evaluation #text-to-text- Memoing Evaluation by Source-to-Source Transformation (JEW), pp. 17–32.
FSE-1995-MurphyN #lightweight- Lightweight Source Model Extraction (GCM, DN), pp. 116–127.
FSE-1995-MurphyNS #modelling- Software Reflexion Models: Bridging the Gap Between Source and High-Level Models (GCM, DN, KJS), pp. 18–28.
ICSM-1994-PaulP #algebra #query #source code #using- Querying Source Code Using an Algebraic Query Language (SP, AP), pp. 127–136.
AdaEurope-1994-Doeuff #ada #automation #generative #source code- Automatic Generation of Ada Source Code for the Rafale Mission Computer (HLD), pp. 333–348.
ICSE-1994-KroneS #on the #source code- On the Inference of Configuration Structures from Source Code (MK, GS), pp. 49–57.
SIGMOD-1993-ArensK #multi #named- SIMS: Retrieving and Integrating Information From Multiple Sources (YA, CAK), pp. 562–563.
ICML-1993-Caruana #bias #induction #knowledge-based #learning #multi- Multitask Learning: A Knowledge-Based Source of Inductive Bias (RC), pp. 41–48.
SAC-1993-Blanc #information management- Strategic Sourcing for Information Processing Functions (LALB), pp. 782–788.
AdaEurope-1992-DuellSW #ada #code generation #scalability #source code #using- Using Ada Source Code Generators in a Large Project (RD, HJS, FCAdW), pp. 47–59.
AdaEurope-1992-ThomasDB #ada #evaluation #reuse #source code- An Evaluation of Ada Source Code Reuse (WMT, AD, VRB), pp. 80–91.
SEKE-1992-HuangSM #modelling #reverse engineering #rule-based #source code #visual notation- A Rule-Based Tool for Reverse Engineering from Source Code to Graphical Models (HH, KS, IM), pp. 178–185.
ESEC-1991-RozmanGD #analysis #metric #source code- Relation Between Source Code Metrics and Structure Analysis Metrics (IR, JG, TD), pp. 332–342.
VLDB-1990-WangM #database #perspective #semistructured data- A Polygen Model for Heterogeneous Database Systems: The Source Tagging Perspective (YRW, SEM), pp. 519–538.
PLDI-1988-CoutantMR #approach #debugging #named- DOC: A Practical Approach to Source-Level Debugging of Globally Optimized Code (DSC, SM, MR), pp. 125–134.
PLILP-1988-SchreyeB #abstract interpretation #program transformation- An Application of Abstract Interpretation in Source Level Program Transformation (DDS, MB), pp. 35–57.
HT-1987-BigelowR #source code- Manipulating Source Code in DynamicDesign (JB, VAR), pp. 397–408.
HT-1987-NeuwirthKCG #hypermedia- The Notes Program: A Hypertext Application for Writing from Source Texts (CN, DK, RC, TG), pp. 121–141.
VLDB-1987-HowellsFG #query #relational #text-to-text- A Source-to-Source Meta-Translation System for Relational Query Languages (DIH, NJF, WAG), pp. 227–234.
STOC-1987-LichtensteinLS #process #random- Imperfect Random Sources and Discrete Controlled Processes (DL, NL, MES), pp. 169–177.
STOC-1987-Vazirani #performance #using- Efficiency Considerations in Using Semi-random Sources (Extended Abstract) (UVV), pp. 160–168.
SLP-1987-ChenxiYLY87 #database #implementation #prolog- Implementation of a Prolog Code Database and Source Database in Compiler-Based Systems (CZ, TY, LL, HY), pp. 398–405.
POPL-1986-Wand #fault- Finding the Source of Type Errors (MW), pp. 38–43.
STOC-1985-Vazirani #communication #complexity #generative #sequence #towards- Towards a Strong Communication Complexity Theory or Generating Quasi-Random Sequences from Two Communicating Slightly-random Sources (Extended Abstract) (UVV), pp. 366–378.
SLP-1985-OKeefe85 #on the #prolog #tool support- On the Treatment of Cuts in Prolog Source-Level Tools (RAO), pp. 68–72.
SCC-1979-Frailey #independence #optimisation- An intermediate language for source and target independent code optimization (DJF), pp. 188–200.
POPL-1976-Loveman #text-to-text- Program Improvement by Source to Source Transformation (DBL), pp. 140–152.