Travelled to:
1 × Romania
1 × Russia
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
B.Li S.Ji Z.Su D.Wang J.Cai Y.Jiang L.Yang X.Gong
Talks about:
test (4) servic (3) composit (2) generat (2) case (2) base (2) behavior (1) regress (1) databas (1) conform (1)
Person: Dong Qiu
DBLP: Qiu:Dong
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- ESEC-FSE-2013-QiuLS #analysis #co-evolution #database #empirical
- An empirical analysis of the co-evolution of schema and code in database applications (DQ, BL, ZS), pp. 125–135.
- ICSM-2010-LiQJW #automation #generative #graph #testing
- Automatic test case selection and generation for regression testing of composite service based on extensible BPEL flow graph (BL, DQ, SJ, DW), pp. 1–10.
- SEKE-2009-LiCQJJ #generative #testing
- Generating Test Cases of Composite Services Based on OWL-S and EH-CPN (BL, JC, DQ, SJ, YJ), pp. 350–355.
- SEKE-2009-LiYJQG #behaviour #consistency #named #testing #web #web service
- WSTester: Testing Web Service for Behavior Conformance (BL, LY, SJ, DQ, XG), pp. 456–459.