Travelled to:
1 × China
2 × Italy
2 × Portugal
2 × Spain
Collaborated with:
A.S.Andreou A.Iasonos D.Trikomitou P.S.Yiasemis
Talks about:
softwar (7) cost (7) model (4) estim (4) use (4) predict (3) artifici (2) approach (2) network (2) neural (2)
Person: Efi Papatheocharous
DBLP: Papatheocharous:Efi
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- ICEIS-v3-2011-PapatheocharousTYA #agile #cost analysis #development #diagrams #estimation #modelling #using
- Cost Modeling and Estimation in Agile Software Development Environments using Influence Diagrams (EP, DT, PSY, ASA), pp. 117–127.
- ICEIS-DISI-2010-PapatheocharousIA #approach #cost analysis #estimation #modelling #programming #search-based
- A Genetic Programming Approach to Software Cost Modeling and Estimation (EP, AI, ASA), pp. 281–287.
- ICEIS-J-2009-PapatheocharousA #classification #fuzzy #predict
- Classification and Prediction of Software Cost through Fuzzy Decision Trees (EP, ASA), pp. 234–247.
- ASE-2008-AndreouP #estimation #fuzzy #using
- Software Cost Estimation using Fuzzy Decision Trees (ASA, EP), pp. 371–374.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-PapatheocharousA #modelling #predict
- Size and Effort-Based Computational Models for Software Cost Prediction (EP, ASA), pp. 57–64.
- ICEIS-J-2008-PapatheocharousA08a #algorithm #approach #hybrid #modelling #network #predict #search-based #using
- Hybrid Computational Models for Software Cost Prediction: An Approach Using Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms (EP, ASA), pp. 87–100.
- ICEIS-DISI-2007-PapatheocharousA #estimation #network #using
- Software cost estimation using artificial neural networks with inputs selection (EP, ASA), pp. 398–407.