Tag #cost analysis
195 papers:
- ICFP-2019-QuG0 #relational #source code
- Relational cost analysis for functional-imperative programs (WQ, MG, DG0), p. 29.
PLDI-2019-Wang0GCQS #nondeterminism #probability #source code- Cost analysis of nondeterministic probabilistic programs (PW, HF0, AKG, KC, XQ, WS), pp. 204–220.
ECIR-2018-MackenzieMSC #on the- On the Cost of Negation for Dynamic Pruning (JM, CM, FS, JSC), pp. 544–549.
OOPSLA-2018-OuD #comprehension #towards- Towards understanding the costs of avoiding out-of-thin-air results (PO, BD), p. 29.
PEPM-2018-GreenmanM #on the- On the cost of type-tag soundness (BG, ZM), pp. 30–39.
POPL-2018-RadicekBG0Z #monad #relational- Monadic refinements for relational cost analysis (IR, GB, MG, DG0, FZ), p. 32.
KDD-2017-Corbett-DaviesP #algorithm- Algorithmic Decision Making and the Cost of Fairness (SCD, EP, AF, SG, AH), pp. 797–806.
POPL-2017-CicekBG0H #relational- Relational cost analysis (EÇ, GB, MG, DG0, JH0), pp. 316–329.
ESEC-FSE-2017-LabuschagneIH #case study #integration #java #testing #using- Measuring the cost of regression testing in practice: a study of Java projects using continuous integration (AL, LI, RH), pp. 821–830.
CGO-2017-OgilvieP0L #compilation #learning- Minimizing the cost of iterative compilation with active learning (WFO, PP, ZW0, HL), pp. 245–256.
- ICFP-2016-OConnorCRALMNSK #refinement #verification
- Refinement through restraint: bringing down the cost of verification (LO, ZC, CR, SA, JL, TCM, YN, TS, GK), pp. 89–102.
ECIR-2016-AzzopardiZ - Two Scrolls or One Click: A Cost Model for Browsing Search Results (LA, GZ), pp. 696–702.
ASE-2016-HiltonTHMD #integration #open source- Usage, costs, and benefits of continuous integration in open-source projects (MH, TT, KH, DM, DD), pp. 426–437.
WICSA-2015-PoortV #architecture #case study #experience- Architecting in a Solution Costing Context: Early Experiences with Solution-Based Estimating (EP, EvdV), pp. 127–130.
SIGMOD-2015-SalamaBKZ #fault tolerance #parallel- Cost-based Fault-tolerance for Parallel Data Processing (AS, CB, TK, EZ), pp. 285–297.
TPDL-2015-OlveraCR - Evaluating Auction Mechanisms for the Preservation of Cost-Aware Digital Objects Under Constrained Digital Preservation Budgets (JAO, PNC, JLdlR), pp. 334–337.
DHM-EH-2015-CheffiRBBS #approach #feedback #optimisation- A Bi-level Optimization Approach to Get an Optimal Combination of Cost Functions for Pilot’s Arm Movement: The Case of Helicopter’s Flying Aid Functions with Haptic Feedback (SC, TR, LB, PB, JCS), pp. 248–257.
ICEIS-v3-2015-MachadoMSA #as a service- Costing as a Service (AM, CM, MMdS, JA), pp. 173–181.
CIKM-2015-LuMC #modelling #on the #proximity- On the Cost of Extracting Proximity Features for Term-Dependency Models (XL0, AM, JSC), pp. 293–302.
CIKM-2015-YuLF - A Cost-based Method for Location-Aware Publish/Subscribe Services (MY, GL0, JF), pp. 693–702.
SIGIR-2015-BakkalAT - Cost-Aware Result Caching for Meta-Search Engines (EB, ISA, IHT), pp. 739–742.
SIGIR-2015-PetriM #on the #ranking- On the Cost of Phrase-Based Ranking (MP, AM), pp. 931–934.
SAS-2015-AlbertCJR #distributed #parallel- Parallel Cost Analysis of Distributed Systems (EA, JC, EBJ, GRD), pp. 275–292.
HPDC-2015-HeSSI #online #using- Cutting the Cost of Hosting Online Services Using Cloud Spot Markets (XH, PJS, RKS, DEI), pp. 207–218.
ESOP-2015-0002S #automation #parallel #source code- Automatic Static Cost Analysis for Parallel Programs (JH, ZS), pp. 132–157.
TACAS-2015-SebastianiT #modulo theories #optimisation- Pushing the Envelope of Optimization Modulo Theories with Linear-Arithmetic Cost Functions (RS, PT), pp. 335–349.
ICTSS-2015-HentzVM #grammarware #testing #using- Reducing the Cost of Grammar-Based Testing Using Pattern Coverage (CH, JJV, AMM), pp. 71–85.
ECSA-2014-XiongFPM #architecture #as a service #performance #platform #scalability- Scalable Architectures for Platform-as-a-Service Clouds: Performance and Cost Analysis (HX, FF, CP, NM), pp. 226–233.
SIGMOD-2014-LiuH #online #optimisation- Online optimization and fair costing for dynamic data sharing in a cloud data market (ZL, HH), pp. 1359–1370.
ICALP-v1-2014-HohnMW #how #scheduling- How Unsplittable-Flow-Covering Helps Scheduling with Job-Dependent Cost Functions (WH, JM, AW), pp. 625–636.
SAS-2014-AlbertFR #distributed- Peak Cost Analysis of Distributed Systems (EA, JCF, GRD), pp. 18–33.
SAS-2014-SamantaOE #automation #program repair- Cost-Aware Automatic Program Repair (RS, OO, EAE), pp. 268–284.
CGO-2014-CoppaDFM #empirical- Estimating the Empirical Cost Function of Routines with Dynamic Workloads (EC, CD, IF, RM), p. 230.
DATE-2014-ChienPWWLWW - Mask-cost-aware ECO routing∗ (HAC, ZYP, YRW, THW, HCL, CFW, TCW), pp. 1–4.
HPCA-2014-KannanGS #persistent- Reducing the cost of persistence for nonvolatile heaps in end user devices (SK, AG, KS), pp. 512–523.
FASE-2014-FerraraSB #named- TouchCost: Cost Analysis of TouchDevelop Scripts (PF, DS, LB), pp. 109–124.
QoSA-2013-ZhouPS #towards- Towards cost-aware service recovery (TGZ, IDP, HWS), pp. 53–62.
SIGMOD-2013-KonstantinouKTK #in the cloud #named #query #self- COCCUS: self-configured cost-based query services in the cloud (IK, VK, DT, NK), pp. 1041–1044.
VLDB-2013-AfratiSSU #bound- Upper and Lower Bounds on the Cost of a Map-Reduce Computation (FNA, ADS, SS, JDU), pp. 277–288.
CSEET-2013-RibaudS #information management #learning #problem- The cost of problem-based learning: An example in information systems engineering (VR, PS), pp. 259–263.
CSMR-2013-SabanePAG #case study #testing- A Study on the Relation between Antipatterns and the Cost of Class Unit Testing (AS, MDP, GA, YGG), pp. 167–176.
CHI-2013-KitturPDTB #information management- Costs and benefits of structured information foraging (AK, AMP, AD, TT, MRB), pp. 2989–2998.
CSCW-2013-HillM #collaboration #community- The cost of collaboration for code and art: evidence from a remixing community (BMH, AMH), pp. 1035–1046.
KEOD-2013-AredeMS - Demo-based Cost Model (MA, CM, MMdS), pp. 431–441.
ICSE-2013-PotaninDN #alias- Are your incoming aliases really necessary? counting the cost of object ownership (AP, MD, JN), pp. 742–751.
DATE-2013-WangLPKC #architecture #configuration management #design #optimisation- Capital cost-aware design and partial shading-aware architecture optimization of a reconfigurable photovoltaic system (YW, XL, MP, JK, NC), pp. 909–912.
LICS-2013-AspertiL #λ-calculus- The Cost of Usage in the λ-Calculus (AA, JJL), pp. 293–300.
ICSM-2012-BakotaHLKFG #maintenance #modelling- A cost model based on software maintainability (TB, PH, GL, PK, RF, TG), pp. 316–325.
RTA-2012-AccattoliL #on the #reduction- On the Invariance of the Unitary Cost Model for Head Reduction (BA, UDL), pp. 22–37.
CAiSE-2012-DumasRMMRS #comprehension #modelling #process- Understanding Business Process Models: The Costs and Benefits of Structuredness (MD, MLR, JM, RM, HAR, NS), pp. 31–46.
ICPR-2012-BaillyMPB #learning- Learning global cost function for face alignment (KB, MM, PP, EB), pp. 1112–1115.
ICPR-2012-IwashitaPFLOAT - Speeding up optimum-path forest training by path-cost propagation (ASI, JPP, AXF, RdAL, VMdAO, VHCdA, JMRST), pp. 1233–1236.
SAS-2012-Alonso-BlasG #approach #on the- On the Limits of the Classical Approach to Cost Analysis (DEAB, SG), pp. 405–421.
ICST-2012-LiLO #algorithm- Better Algorithms to Minimize the Cost of Test Paths (NL, FL, JO), pp. 280–289.
ICST-2012-SunSPR #learning #named #reliability- CARIAL: Cost-Aware Software Reliability Improvement with Active Learning (BS, GS, AP, SR), pp. 360–369.
IJCAR-2012-SebastianiT #optimisation #smt- Optimization in SMT with ℒ𝒜(ℚ) Cost Functions (RS, ST), pp. 484–498.
VLDB-2011-HerodotouB #optimisation #pipes and filters #profiling #source code- Profiling, What-if Analysis, and Cost-based Optimization of MapReduce Programs (HH, SB), pp. 1111–1122.
VLDB-2011-HerodotouDB #optimisation #pipes and filters #programming- MapReduce Programming and Cost-based Optimization? Crossing this Chasm with Starfish (HH, FD, SB), pp. 1446–1449.
ICALP-v2-2011-BenediktPR - The Cost of Traveling between Languages (MB, GP, CR), pp. 234–245.
CHI-2011-IqbalGH - Peripheral computing during presentations: perspectives on costs and preferences (STI, JG, EH), pp. 891–894.
CHI-2011-QuinnCRD #multi #on the- On the costs of multiple trajectory pointing methods (PQ, AC, KJR, JD), pp. 859–862.
HCI-MIIE-2011-AiharaKT #behaviour #recommendation- Behavioral Cost-Based Recommendation Model for Wanderers in Town (KA, HK, HT), pp. 271–279.
EDOC-2011-AdriansyahDA #consistency #using- Conformance Checking Using Cost-Based Fitness Analysis (AA, BFvD, WMPvdA), pp. 55–64.
ICEIS-v1-2011-PreisslerHL #deployment #process- Cost-based Business Process Deployment Advisor (SP, DH, WL), pp. 211–216.
ICEIS-v3-2011-PapatheocharousTYA #agile #development #diagrams #estimation #modelling #using- Cost Modeling and Estimation in Agile Software Development Environments using Influence Diagrams (EP, DT, PSY, ASA), pp. 117–127.
ICML-2011-Hernandez-OralloFR #classification #performance #visualisation- Brier Curves: a New Cost-Based Visualisation of Classifier Performance (JHO, PAF, CFR), pp. 585–592.
KDD-2011-GeLXTC #recommendation- Cost-aware travel tour recommendation (YG, QL, HX, AT, JC), pp. 983–991.
SPLC-2011-NolanACMC #integration #product line #quality #towards- Towards the Integration of Quality Attributes into a Software Product Line Cost Model (AJN, SA, PCC, JDM, SC), pp. 203–212.
DATE-2011-MeyerGCLS #execution #safety #using- Reducing the cost of redundant execution in safety-critical systems using relaxed dedication (BHM, NJG, BHC, JL, KS), pp. 1249–1254.
VMCAI-2011-AlbertGM #precise- More Precise Yet Widely Applicable Cost Analysis (EA, SG, ANM), pp. 38–53.
VLDB-2010-AbhiramaBDSH #on the- On the Stability of Plan Costs and the Costs of Plan Stability (MA, SB, AD, HS, JRH), pp. 1137–1148.
VLDB-2010-AraiDGHK #approach #multi #retrieval- An Access Cost-Aware Approach for Object Retrieval over Multiple Sources (BA, GD, DG, VH, NK), pp. 1125–1136.
ICALP-v2-2010-AlistarhGGZ #how #performance- How Efficient Can Gossip Be? (On the Cost of Resilient Information Exchange) (DA, SG, RG, MZ), pp. 115–126.
ICALP-v2-2010-ColcombetKL - Regular Temporal Cost Functions (TC, DK, SL), pp. 563–574.
CHI-2010-ArifS #fault #predict- Predicting the cost of error correction in character-based text entry technologies (ASA, WS), pp. 5–14.
CHI-2010-InglesantS #policy- The true cost of unusable password policies: password use in the wild (PI, MAS), pp. 383–392.
CSCW-2010-SetlockF #tool support #what- What’s it worth to you?: the costs and affordances of CMC tools to asian and american users (LDS, SRF), pp. 341–350.
ICEIS-DISI-2010-PapatheocharousIA #approach #estimation #modelling #programming #search-based- A Genetic Programming Approach to Software Cost Modeling and Estimation (EP, AI, ASA), pp. 281–287.
QAPL-2010-CacheraJ #abstract interpretation #injection #linear #modelling- Injecting Abstract Interpretations into Linear Cost Models (DC, AJ), pp. 64–81.
DAC-2010-NadakuditiM #on the- On the costs and benefits of stochasticity in stream processing (RRN, ILM), pp. 320–325.
DAC-2010-ZhaoDX #3d #design #manycore- Cost-aware three-dimensional (3D) many-core multiprocessor design (JZ, XD, YX), pp. 126–131.
DATE-2010-HaastregtHK #modelling #multi- Cost modeling and cycle-accurate co-simulation of heterogeneous multiprocessor systems (SvH, EH, BK), pp. 1297–1300.
ICST-2010-SilvaJA #execution #machine learning #symmetry #testing- Machine Learning Methods and Asymmetric Cost Function to Estimate Execution Effort of Software Testing (DGeS, MJ, BTdA), pp. 275–284.
ICTSS-2010-HemmatiAB #modelling #testing- Reducing the Cost of Model-Based Testing through Test Case Diversity (HH, AA, LCB), pp. 63–78.
LICS-2010-ColcombetL #finite- Regular Cost Functions over Finite Trees (TC, CL), pp. 70–79.
SIGMOD-2009-MeiM #adaptation #detection #named #query- ZStream: a cost-based query processor for adaptively detecting composite events (YM, SM), pp. 193–206.
SIGMOD-2009-SimitsisWCD #design- QoX-driven ETL design: reducing the cost of ETL consulting engagements (AS, KW, MC, UD), pp. 953–960.
ICALP-v1-2009-AilonL #clustering #correlation #fault #problem- Correlation Clustering Revisited: The “True” Cost of Error Minimization Problems (NA, EL), pp. 24–36.
ICALP-v2-2009-Colcombet #formal method #monad- The Theory of Stabilisation Monoids and Regular Cost Functions (TC), pp. 139–150.
CAiSE-2009-MutschlerR #enterprise #evaluation #information management- Evaluation Patterns for Analyzing the Costs of Enterprise Information Systems (BM, MR), pp. 379–394.
ECIR-2009-AltingovdeOU #query #web- A Cost-Aware Strategy for Query Result Caching in Web Search Engines (ISA, RO, ÖU), pp. 628–636.
FASE-2009-JagannathLDM #bound #testing- Reducing the Costs of Bounded-Exhaustive Testing (VJ, YYL, BD, DM), pp. 171–185.
SIGMOD-2008-YangWL #approximate #query #string- Cost-based variable-length-gram selection for string collections to support approximate queries efficiently (XY, BW, CL), pp. 353–364.
ICSM-2008-AntoniolHGP #reuse- Reuse or rewrite: Combining textual, static, and dynamic analyses to assess the cost of keeping a system up-to-date (GA, JHH, YGG, MDP), pp. 147–156.
CHI-2008-MarkGK - The cost of interrupted work: more speed and stress (GM, DG, UK), pp. 107–110.
KDD-2008-BrickellS #privacy- The cost of privacy: destruction of data-mining utility in anonymized data publishing (JB, VS), pp. 70–78.
SAS-2008-AlbertAGP #automation #bound- Automatic Inference of Upper Bounds for Recurrence Relations in Cost Analysis (EA, PA, SG, GP), pp. 221–237.
ASE-2008-DwyerDE #monitoring- Reducing the Cost of Path Property Monitoring Through Sampling (MBD, MD, SGE), pp. 228–237.
SAC-2008-AlbertAGPZ #bytecode #java- Removing useless variables in cost analysis of Java bytecode (EA, PA, SG, GP, DZ), pp. 368–375.
DRR-2007-Keif - Cost-estimating for commercial digital printing (MGK).
HCI-IDU-2007-HodgettsJ - Reminders, Alerts and Pop-ups: The Cost of Computer-Initiated Interruptions (HMH, DMJ), pp. 818–826.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-KustersHJ #enterprise #implementation- Determining the costs of ERP implementation (RJK, FJH, AJ), pp. 102–112.
SEKE-2007-VasileB #multi- Cost-based Analysis of Multiple Counter-Examples (FV, SB), pp. 33–38.
SEKE-2007-ZhangHLM #deployment- Pattern-based J2EE Application Deployment with Cost Analysis (NZ, GH, LL, HM), pp. 462–466.
SPLC-2007-GanesanKKHM #case study #product line- Comparing Costs and Benefits of Different Test Strategies for a Software Product Line: A Study from Testo AG (DG, JK, RK, UH, GM), pp. 74–83.
ASE-2007-DwyerP #dynamic analysis #static analysis #type system- Residual dynamic typestate analysis exploiting static analysis: results to reformulate and reduce the cost of dynamic analysis (MBD, RP), pp. 124–133.
SAC-2007-BaiocoTT #effectiveness #metric #query #similarity- An effective cost model for similarity queries in metric spaces (GBB, AJMT, CTJ), pp. 527–528.
SAC-2007-BonenfantCHMWW #towards- Towards resource-certified software: a formal cost model for time and its application to an image-processing example (AB, ZC, KH, GM, AMW, IW), pp. 1307–1314.
SAC-2007-HidakaKY #xquery- A relative cost model for XQuery (SH, HK, MY), pp. 1332–1333.
DATE-2007-SuhonenKKHH #capacity #multi #optimisation- Cost-aware capacity optimization in dynamic multi-hop WSNs (JS, MK, MK, MH, TDH), pp. 666–671.
PDP-2007-AldinucciD #security- The cost of security in skeletal systems (MA, MD), pp. 213–220.
ESOP-2007-AlbertAGPZ #bytecode #java- Cost Analysis of Java Bytecode (EA, PA, SG, GP, DZ), pp. 157–172.
LICS-2007-BouyerMOW - The Cost of Punctuality (PB, NM, JO, JW), pp. 109–120.
VLDB-2006-AhmedLWDSZC #query- Cost-Based Query Transformation in Oracle (RA, AWL, AW, DD, HS, MZ, TC), pp. 1026–1036.
VLDB-2006-ShivamBC #learning #modelling #optimisation- Active and Accelerated Learning of Cost Models for Optimizing Scientific Applications (PS, SB, JSC), pp. 535–546.
CHI-2006-IqbalB #predict- Leveraging characteristics of task structure to predict the cost of interruption (STI, BPB), pp. 741–750.
DAC-2006-ChoCCV #embedded #energy #power management- High-level power management of embedded systems with application-specific energy cost functions (YC, NC, CC, SBKV), pp. 568–573.
DATE-2006-BernardiSSSR #effectiveness- An effective technique for minimizing the cost of processor software-based diagnosis in SoCs (PB, ES, MS, GS, MSR), pp. 412–417.
LCTES-2006-KreahlingHWT #comparison #specification #using- Reducing the cost of conditional transfers of control by using comparison specifications (WCK, SH, DBW, GST), pp. 64–71.
SIGMOD-2005-BohannonFFR #constraints #effectiveness #heuristic- A Cost-Based Model and Effective Heuristic for Repairing Constraints by Value Modification (PB, MF, WF, RR), pp. 143–154.
VLDB-2005-ZhangHJLZ #learning #query #statistics #xml- Statistical Learning Techniques for Costing XML Queries (NZ, PJH, VJ, GML, CZ), pp. 289–300.
WCRE-2005-Sneed #re-engineering- Estimating the Costs of a Reengineering Project (HMS), pp. 111–119.
ICALP-2005-EnglertW #modelling #order- Reordering Buffer Management for Non-uniform Cost Models (ME, MW), pp. 627–638.
FM-2005-Broadfoot #formal method #industrial- ASD Case Notes: Costs and Benefits of Applying Formal Methods to Industrial Control Software (GHB), pp. 548–551.
FM-2005-CelikuM #composition #probability #source code #specification- Compositional Specification and Analysis of Cost-Based Properties in Probabilistic Programs (OC, AM), pp. 107–122.
ASE-2005-MenziesPCH #modelling- Specialization and extrapolation of software cost models (TM, DP, ZC, JH), pp. 384–387.
HPDC-2005-VenugopalB #data-driven #scheduling- Cost-based scheduling for data-intensive applications on global grids (SV, RB), pp. 310–311.
WICSA-2004-IonitaAHOT #approach #architecture- A Scenario-Driven Approach for Value, Risk, and Cost Analysis in System Architecting for Innovation (MTI, PA, DKH, JHO, JJMT), pp. 277–280.
SIGMOD-2004-ChenHR - Cost-Based Labeling of Groups of Mass Spectra (LC, ZH, RR), pp. 167–178.
ICSM-2004-Sneed #evolution #maintenance- A Cost Model for Software Maintenance & Evolution (HMS), pp. 264–273.
CSCW-2004-HorvitzKA #modelling #named #personalisation- BusyBody: creating and fielding personalized models of the cost of interruption (EH, PK, JA), pp. 507–510.
CC-2004-OwenW - Reducing the Cost of Object Boxing (TO, DW), pp. 202–216.
DATE-v2-2004-VorgRR #metric- Measurement of IP Qualification Costs and Benefits (AV, MR, WR), pp. 996–1001.
FATES-2004-HongU #generative #model checking #testing #using- Using Model Checking for Reducing the Cost of Test Generation (HSH, HU), pp. 110–124.
VLDB-2003-HulgeriS #named #optimisation #parametricity #query- AniPQO: Almost Non-intrusive Parametric Query Optimization for Nonlinear Cost Functions (AH, SS), pp. 766–777.
VLDB-2003-KumaranH #database #multi #on the- On the Costs of Multilingualism in Database Systems (AK, JRH), pp. 105–116.
CAiSE-2003-BarilB #approach- Selection of Materialized Views: A Cost-Based Approach (XB, ZB), pp. 665–680.
ICEIS-v1-2003-ZhuHH #modelling #multi #optimisation #query- Global Query Optimization Based on Multistate Cost Models for a Dynamic Multidatabase System (QZ, JH, WCH), pp. 144–155.
ICML-2003-McMahanGB - Planning in the Presence of Cost Functions Controlled by an Adversary (HBM, GJG, AB), pp. 536–543.
DATE-2003-BurmenPT #design #optimisation #robust- Defining Cost Functions for Robust IC Design and Optimization (ÁB, JP, TT), pp. 20196–20201.
VLDB-2002-HulgeriS #linear #optimisation #parametricity #query- Parametric Query Optimization for Linear and Piecewise Linear Cost Functions (AH, SS), pp. 167–178.
VLDB-2002-ManegoldBK #database #memory management #modelling- Generic Database Cost Models for Hierarchical Memory Systems (SM, PAB, MLK), pp. 191–202.
IFL-2002-PortilloHLV #automation #using- Cost Analysis Using Automatic Size and Time Inference (ÁJRP, KH, HWL, PBV), pp. 232–248.
ICEIS-2002-MarirWO - A Case-Based Expert System for Estimating the Cost of Refurbishing Construction Buildings (FM, FW, KO), pp. 391–398.
SIGIR-2002-ManmathaFA - A critical examination of TDT’s cost function (RM, AF, JA), pp. 403–404.
DAC-2002-RaganSS #co-evolution #concurrent #design #hardware- A detailed cost model for concurrent use with hardware/software co-design (DR, PS, PS), pp. 269–274.
PLDI-2001-ArnoldR #framework- A Framework for Reducing the Cost of Instrumented Code (MA, BGR), pp. 168–179.
ICSE-2001-KazmanAK #architecture- Quantifying the Costs and Benefits of Architectural Decisions (RK, JA, MK), pp. 297–306.
PDP-2001-StockingerSSW #distributed #towards- Towards a Cost Model for Distributed and Replicated Data Stores (HS, KS, ES, IW), pp. 461–467.
SOSP-2001-YuV - The Costs and Limits of Availability for Replicated Services (HY, AV), pp. 29–42.
SIGMOD-2000-WaasG #execution #query- Counting, Enumerating, and Sampling of Execution Plans in a Cost-Based Query Optimizer (FW, CAGL), pp. 499–509.
EDOC-2000-HasselmeyerSV - Pay As You Go — Associating Costs with Jini Leases (PH, MS, MV), pp. 48–57.
ICPR-v2-2000-SmitsA #image #interactive #set- Cost-Based Feature Subset Selection for Interactive Image Analysis (PCS, AA), pp. 2386–2389.
ICPR-v3-2000-SteinbachG #3d #estimation- An Image-Domain Cost Function for 3-D Rigid Body Motion Estimation (EGS, BG), pp. 3823–3826.
ICSE-2000-BriandLW #assessment #comparison #modelling- A replicated assessment and comparison of common software cost modeling techniques (LCB, TL, IW), pp. 377–386.
ICSE-2000-MiliCGZ #reuse- An integrated cost model for software reuse (AM, SFC, RG, LZ), pp. 157–166.
STOC-2000-FeigenbaumPS #low cost- Sharing the cost of muliticast transmissions (JF, CHP, SS), pp. 218–227.
VLDB-1999-RothOH #data flow #matter #modelling- Cost Models DO Matter: Providing Cost Information for Diverse Data Sources in a Federated System (MTR, FÖ, LMH), pp. 599–610.
ICSE-1999-BriandEW - Explaining the Cost of European Space and Military Projects (LCB, KEE, IW), pp. 303–312.
ICSE-1999-YakimovichBB #architecture #classification #integration #off the shelf- Software Architecture Classification for Estimating the Cost of COTS Integration (DY, JMB, VRB), pp. 296–302.
PODS-1998-CiacciaPZ #metric #query #similarity- A Cost Model for Similarity Queries in Metric Spaces (PC, MP, PZ), pp. 59–68.
SIGMOD-1998-SubramanianV #optimisation #query #using- Cost-Based Optimization of Decision Support Queries Using Transient Views (SNS, SV), pp. 319–330.
VLDB-1998-NipplM #multi #named- TOPAZ: a Cost-Based, Rule-Driven, Multi-Phase Parallelizer (CN, BM), pp. 251–262.
STOC-1998-BabaiHK #communication #complexity- The Cost of the Missing Bit: Communication Complexity with Help (LB, TPH, PGK), pp. 673–682.
- DL-1997-ChangG #query
- Evaluating the Cost of Boolean Query Mapping (KCCC, HGM), pp. 103–112.
ECDL-1997-BreuW #library #modelling- Charging for a Digital Library — The Business Model and the Cost Models of the MeDoc Digital Library (MB, RW), pp. 375–385.
PODS-1997-BerchtoldBKK #nearest neighbour- A Cost Model For Nearest Neighbor Search in High-Dimensional Data Space (SB, CB, DAK, HPK), pp. 78–86.
ESEC-FSE-1997-IdriGI #adaptation #metric #towards- Towards an Adaptation of the COCOMO Cost Model to the Software Measurement Theory (AI, BG, AEI), pp. 525–526.
ICSE-1997-BasiliCEHM #component #library #modelling #reuse- Characterizing and Modeling the Cost of Rework in a Library of Reusable Software Components (VRB, SEC, KEE, RBH, WLM), pp. 282–291.
PODS-1996-GangulyGS #modelling #optimisation #parallel #performance #query- Efficient and Acurate Cost Models for Parallel Query Optimization (SG, AG, AS), pp. 172–181.
SIGMOD-1996-SeshadriHPLRSSS #algebra #implementation #optimisation- Cost-Based Optimization for Magic: Algebra and Implementation (PS, JMH, HP, TYCL, RR, DS, PJS, SS), pp. 435–446.
VLDB-1996-GardarinGT #algorithm #database #object-oriented- Cost-based Selection of Path Expression Processing Algorithms in Object-Oriented Databases (GG, JRG, ZHT), pp. 390–401.
VLDB-1996-GardarinST #database #object-oriented #query- Calibrating the Query Optimizer Cost Model of IRO-DB, an Object-Oriented Federated Database System (GG, FS, ZHT), pp. 378–389.
ICSM-1996-Keller #maintenance- Change Costing in a Maintenance Environment (TK), p. 130–?.
ICFP-1996-LawallM #question #what #λ-calculus- Optimality and Inefficiency: What Isn’t a Cost Model of the λ Calculus? (JLL, HGM), pp. 92–101.
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