Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × China
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
C.Faloutsos R.Agrawal B.Golshan U.Kang A.Harpale A.Fyshe N.D.Sidiropoulos P.P.Talukdar T.M.Mitchell M.Mongiovì P.Bogdanov R.Ranca A.K.Singh
Talks about:
discoveri (2) algorithm (2) network (2) tensor (2) time (2) signific (1) challeng (1) whither (1) subject (1) analysi (1)
Person: Evangelos E. Papalexakis
DBLP: Papalexakis:Evangelos_E=
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- KDD-2015-AgrawalGP #network #question #social #web
- Whither Social Networks for Web Search? (RA, BG, EEP), pp. 1661–1670.
- KDD-2014-PapalexakisFSTMF #algorithm #challenge #multi
- Good-enough brain model: challenges, algorithms and discoveries in multi-subject experiments (EEP, AF, NDS, PPT, TMM, CF), pp. 95–104.
- KDD-2012-KangPHF #algorithm #analysis #named #scalability
- GigaTensor: scaling tensor analysis up by 100 times — algorithms and discoveries (UK, EEP, AH, CF), pp. 316–324.
- SIGMOD-2012-MongioviBRSPF #mining #named #network
- SigSpot: mining significant anomalous regions from time-evolving networks (MM, PB, RR, AKS, EEP, CF), p. 865.