Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × China
Collaborated with:
M.A.Gonçalves E.F.Martins J.M.d.Almeida G.L.Pappa S.M.R.Ricci D.A.Guimarães J.M.Almeida R.O.Prates
Talks about:
recommend (2) qualiti (2) applic (2) web (2) tag (2) exploit (1) occurr (1) metric (1) inform (1) assess (1)
Person: Fabiano Muniz Belém
DBLP: Bel=eacute=m:Fabiano_Muniz
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- SIGIR-2011-RicciGBAGP #named #quality #recommendation #web
- GreenMeter: a tool for assessing the quality and recommending tags for web 2.0 applications (SMRR, DAG, FMB, JMA, MAG, ROP), pp. 1279–1280.
- CIKM-2010-BelemMAGP #metric #quality #recommendation #web
- Exploiting co-occurrence and information quality metrics to recommend tags in web 2.0 applications (FMB, EFM, JMdA, MAG, GLP), pp. 1793–1796.