Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Portugal
1 × Switzerland
Collaborated with:
F.Angiulli G.Greco G.Terracina G.Costa M.Guarascio G.Manco R.Ortale
Talks about:
outlier (2) distanc (2) effici (2) mine (2) data (2) base (2) discoveri (1) structur (1) stream (1) object (1)
Person: Fabio Fassetti
DBLP: Fassetti:Fabio
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- SAC-2010-CostaFGMO #learning #mining #modelling
- Mining models of exceptional objects through rule learning (GC, FF, MG, GM, RO), pp. 1078–1082.
- CIKM-2007-AngiulliF #mining #performance
- Very efficient mining of distance-based outliers (FA, FF), pp. 791–800.
- CIKM-2007-AngiulliF07a #detection
- Detecting distance-based outliers in streams of data (FA, FF), pp. 811–820.
- SAC-2006-FassettiGT #biology #performance
- Efficient discovery of loosely structured motifs in biological data (FF, GG, GT), pp. 151–155.