938 papers:
- DAC-2015-LeeNL #optimisation #performance
- Optimizing stream program performance on CGRA-based systems (HL, DN, JL), p. 6.
- DATE-2015-KanounS #big data #concept #data type #detection #learning #online #scheduling #streaming
- Big-data streaming applications scheduling with online learning and concept drift detection (KK, MvdS), pp. 1547–1550.
- PODS-2015-GuhaMT #graph
- Vertex and Hyperedge Connectivity in Dynamic Graph Streams (SG, AM, DT), pp. 241–247.
- PODS-2015-HuQT #memory management
- External Memory Stream Sampling (XH, MQ, YT), pp. 229–239.
- SIGMOD-2015-ChenC
- Diversity-Aware Top-k Publish/Subscribe for Text Stream (LC, GC), pp. 347–362.
- SIGMOD-2015-GuoZLTB #query
- Location-Aware Pub/Sub System: When Continuous Moving Queries Meet Dynamic Event Streams (LG, DZ, GL, KLT, ZB), pp. 843–857.
- SIGMOD-2015-HuangCZJX #named #realtime #recommendation
- TencentRec: Real-time Stream Recommendation in Practice (YH, BC, WZ, JJ, YX), pp. 227–238.
- SIGMOD-2015-JiZJNHF #data type #execution #quality #query
- Quality-Driven Continuous Query Execution over Out-of-Order Data Streams (YJ, HZ, ZJ, AN, GH, CF), pp. 889–894.
- SIGMOD-2015-KatsipoulakisTG #data type #named
- CE-Storm: Confidential Elastic Processing of Data Streams (NRK, CT, EAG, AL, AJL, PKC), pp. 859–864.
- SIGMOD-2015-KulkarniBFKKMPR #scalability #twitter
- Twitter Heron: Stream Processing at Scale (SK, NB, MF, VK, CK, SM, JMP, KR, ST), pp. 239–250.
- SIGMOD-2015-LinOWY #distributed #scalability
- Scalable Distributed Stream Join Processing (QL, BCO, ZW, CY), pp. 811–825.
- SIGMOD-2015-SongZWY #constraints #named
- SCREEN: Stream Data Cleaning under Speed Constraints (SS, AZ, JW, PSY), pp. 827–841.
- VLDB-2015-LazersonSKSGS #distributed #monitoring #using
- Monitoring Distributed Streams using Convex Decompositions (AL, IS, DK, AS, MNG, VS), pp. 545–556.
- VLDB-2015-MahmoodAQRDMAHA #distributed #named
- Tornado: A Distributed Spatio-Textual Stream Processing System (ARM, AMA, TQ, EKR, AD, AM, ASA, MSH, WGA, SB), pp. 2020–2031.
- VLDB-2015-MeehanTZACDKMMP #named #streaming #transaction
- S-Store: Streaming Meets Transaction Processing (JM, NT, SZ, CA, UÇ, JD, TK, SM, DM, AP, MS, KT, HW), pp. 2134–2145.
- PLDI-2015-KoBS #named
- LaminarIR: compile-time queues for structured streams (YK, BB, BS), pp. 121–130.
- STOC-2015-BhattacharyaHNT #algorithm #maintenance
- Space- and Time-Efficient Algorithm for Maintaining Dense Subgraphs on One-Pass Dynamic Streams (SB, MH, DN, CET), pp. 173–182.
- STOC-2015-LarsenNN #adaptation #algorithm #bound #streaming
- Time Lower Bounds for Nonadaptive Turnstile Streaming Algorithms (KGL, JN, HLN), pp. 803–812.
- CIAA-J-2013-DebarbieuxGNSZ15 #automaton #query #word #xml #xpath
- Early nested word automata for XPath query answering on XML streams (DD, OG, JN, TS, MZ), pp. 100–125.
- ICALP-v1-2015-ChekuriGQ #algorithm #streaming
- Streaming Algorithms for Submodular Function Maximization (CC, SG, KQ), pp. 318–330.
- ICALP-v1-2015-WeinsteinW #communication #data type
- The Simultaneous Communication of Disjointness with Applications to Data Streams (OW, DPW), pp. 1082–1093.
- CHI-2015-ChangM #spreadsheet #streaming
- A Spreadsheet Model for Handling Streaming Data (KSPC, BAM), pp. 3399–3402.
- CHI-2015-McMillanLB #speech
- Repurposing Conversation: Experiments with the Continuous Speech Stream (DM, AL, BATB), pp. 3953–3962.
- DUXU-DD-2015-JacksonAFGM #case study #streaming
- A User Study of Netflix Streaming (FJ, RA, YF, JEG, JM), pp. 481–489.
- LCT-2015-SmithS #evolution #game studies #video
- Let’s Play, Video Streams, and the Evolution of New Digital Literacy (PAS, AS), pp. 520–527.
- ICEIS-v1-2015-SarmentoCG #network #streaming #using
- Streaming Networks Sampling using top-K Networks (RS, MC, JG), pp. 228–234.
- ECIR-2015-GebremeskelV #documentation #ranking
- Entity-Centric Stream Filtering and Ranking: Filtering and Unfilterable Documents (GGG, APdV), pp. 303–314.
- ICML-2015-AhnCGMW #clustering #correlation #data type
- Correlation Clustering in Data Streams (KJA, GC, SG, AM, AW), pp. 2237–2246.
- ICML-2015-TheisH #probability #streaming
- A trust-region method for stochastic variational inference with applications to streaming data (LT, MDH), pp. 2503–2511.
- ICML-2015-YangX15a #analysis #component #streaming
- Streaming Sparse Principal Component Analysis (WY, HX), pp. 494–503.
- ICML-2015-YuCL #learning #multi #online #rank
- Accelerated Online Low Rank Tensor Learning for Multivariate Spatiotemporal Streams (RY, DC, YL), pp. 238–247.
- KDD-2015-BifetMRHP #big data #classification #data type #evaluation #online #performance
- Efficient Online Evaluation of Big Data Stream Classifiers (AB, GDFM, JR, GH, BP), pp. 59–68.
- KDD-2015-Cohen #statistics
- Stream Sampling for Frequency Cap Statistics (EC), pp. 159–168.
- KDD-2015-DuFASS #clustering #documentation #process
- Dirichlet-Hawkes Processes with Applications to Clustering Continuous-Time Document Streams (ND, MF, AA, AJS, LS), pp. 219–228.
- KDD-2015-GabelKS #distributed #modelling #monitoring
- Monitoring Least Squares Models of Distributed Streams (MG, DK, AS), pp. 319–328.
- KDD-2015-KimS #scalability
- Discovering Collective Narratives of Theme Parks from Large Collections of Visitors’ Photo Streams (GK, LS), pp. 1899–1908.
- KDD-2015-LalmasLSST #experience
- Promoting Positive Post-Click Experience for In-Stream Yahoo Gemini Users (ML, JL, GS, FS, GT), pp. 1929–1938.
- KDD-2015-LimK #graph #named
- MASCOT: Memory-efficient and Accurate Sampling for Counting Local Triangles in Graph Streams (YL, UK), pp. 685–694.
- KDD-2015-QahtanAWZ #data type #detection #framework #multi
- A PCA-Based Change Detection Framework for Multidimensional Data Streams: Change Detection in Multidimensional Data Streams (AAQ, BA, SW, XZ), pp. 935–944.
- MLDM-2015-AkbariniaM #probability #streaming
- Aggregation-Aware Compression of Probabilistic Streaming Time Series (RA, FM), pp. 232–247.
- MLDM-2015-TreechalongRW #clustering #using
- Semi-Supervised Stream Clustering Using Labeled Data Points (KT, TR, KW), pp. 281–295.
- RecSys-2015-HopfgartnerKHT #realtime #recommendation
- Real-time Recommendation of Streamed Data (FH, BK, TH, RT), pp. 361–362.
- RecSys-2015-Ludmann #data type #online #recommendation
- Online Recommender Systems based on Data Stream Management Systems (CAL), pp. 391–394.
- SEKE-2015-HughesDH #detection #streaming
- Detecting Reporting Anomalies in Streaming Sensing Systems (SH, YD, JOH), pp. 427–432.
- SIGIR-2015-AlbakourMO #data type #identification #metadata #topic #using
- Using Sensor Metadata Streams to Identify Topics of Local Events in the City (MDA, CM, IO), pp. 711–714.
- SIGIR-2015-AzarbonyadDMK
- Time-Aware Authorship Attribution for Short Text Streams (HA, MD, MM, JK), pp. 727–730.
- SIGIR-2015-BaruahSC #evolution
- Evaluating Streams of Evolving News Events (GB, MDS, CLAC), pp. 675–684.
- SIGIR-2015-GuyLDB #case study #enterprise #recommendation #social
- Islands in the Stream: A Study of Item Recommendation within an Enterprise Social Stream (IG, RL, TD, EB), pp. 665–674.
- SIGIR-2015-SpinaPR #learning #microblog
- Active Learning for Entity Filtering in Microblog Streams (DS, MHP, MdR), pp. 975–978.
- MoDELS-2015-HartmannMFNKT #distributed #modelling #peer-to-peer #runtime
- Stream my models: Reactive peer-to-peer distributed models@run.time (TH, AM, FF, GN, JK, YLT), pp. 80–89.
- ECOOP-2015-BiboudisPFS #algebra #pipes and filters
- Streams a la carte: Extensible Pipelines with Object Algebras (AB, NP, GF, YS), pp. 591–613.
- Onward-2015-ProkopecO #composition #distributed #programming
- Isolates, channels, and event streams for composable distributed programming (AP, MO), pp. 171–182.
- SAC-2015-BarddalGE #algorithm #clustering #data type #named #social
- SNCStream: a social network-based data stream clustering algorithm (JPB, HMG, FE), pp. 935–940.
- SAC-2015-CanoA #feedback #multi #scalability #streaming
- Feedback management for scaling clients in streaming multicast (JC, LA), pp. 669–671.
- SAC-2015-CorcoglionitiRM #rdf #sorting #streaming #using
- Processing billions of RDF triples on a single machine using streaming and sorting (FC, MR, MM, MA), pp. 368–375.
- SAC-2015-GomesBE #classification #data type #learning
- Pairwise combination of classifiers for ensemble learning on data streams (HMG, JPB, FE), pp. 941–946.
- SAC-2015-Homm0G #concurrent #markov #modelling #statistics #testing
- Concurrent streams in Markov chain usage models for statistical testing of complex systems (DH, JE, RG), pp. 1803–1807.
- SAC-2015-LommatzschA #realtime #recommendation
- Real-time recommendations for user-item streams (AL, SA), pp. 1039–1046.
- SAC-2015-ReadPB #data type #learning
- Deep learning in partially-labeled data streams (JR, FPC, AB), pp. 954–959.
- HPDC-2015-HeintzCS #optimisation #streaming
- Optimizing Grouped Aggregation in Geo-Distributed Streaming Analytics (BH, AC, RKS), pp. 133–144.
- LCTES-2015-BarijoughHKG #analysis #streaming #trade-off
- Implementation-Aware Model Analysis: The Case of Buffer-Throughput Tradeoff in Streaming Applications (KMB, MH, VK, SG), p. 10.
- PPoPP-2015-SeoKK #graph #named #scalability #streaming
- GStream: a graph streaming processing method for large-scale graphs on GPUs (HS, JK, MSK), pp. 253–254.
- WICSA-2014-BabazadehP #design #distributed #framework
- The Stream Software Connector Design Space: Frameworks and Languages for Distributed Stream Processing (MB, CP), pp. 1–10.
- DAC-2014-LeeL #embedded #runtime
- Area-Efficient Event Stream Ordering for Runtime Observability of Embedded Systems (JCL, RL), p. 6.
- DAC-2014-RoyKCBC #streaming #using
- Demand-Driven Mixture Preparation and Droplet Streaming using Digital Microfluidic Biochips (SR, SK, PPC, BBB, KC), p. 6.
- DAC-2014-RudraDNH #case study #design #logic
- Designing Stealthy Trojans with Sequential Logic: A Stream Cipher Case Study (MRR, NAD, VN, DHKH), p. 4.
- DATE-2014-CannellaBS #approach #realtime #scheduling #streaming #using
- System-level scheduling of real-time streaming applications using a semi-partitioned approach (EC, MB, TS), pp. 1–6.
- DATE-2014-LiuSZSC #constraints #latency #optimisation #streaming
- Resource optimization for CSDF-modeled streaming applications with latency constraints (DL, JS, JTZ, TS, GC), pp. 1–6.
- SIGMOD-2014-QiCRR #online #sequence
- Complex event analytics: online aggregation of stream sequence patterns (YQ, LC, MR, EAR), pp. 229–240.
- SIGMOD-2014-YamamotoIF #approximate #data type #mining
- Resource-oriented approximation for frequent itemset mining from bursty data streams (YY, KI, SF), pp. 205–216.
- VLDB-2014-CaoWR #big data #data type #interactive
- Interactive Outlier Exploration in Big Data Streams (LC, QW, EAR), pp. 1621–1624.
- VLDB-2014-CetintemelDKMMMPSSTTWZ #named #streaming
- S-Store: A Streaming NewSQL System for Big Velocity Applications (UÇ, JD, TK, SM, DM, JM, AP, MS, ES, NT, KT, HW, SBZ), pp. 1633–1636.
- VLDB-2014-KellarisPXP #infinity #sequence
- Differentially Private Event Sequences over Infinite Streams (GK, SP, XX, DP), pp. 1155–1166.
- VLDB-2014-SuSGOS #big data #java
- Changing Engines in Midstream: A Java Stream Computational Model for Big Data Processing (XS, GS, BG, BO, PS), pp. 1343–1354.
- VLDB-2015-BegumK14 #bound
- Rare Time Series Motif Discovery from Unbounded Streams (NB, EJK), pp. 149–160.
- VLDB-2015-SongGCW14 #graph #pattern matching
- Event Pattern Matching over Graph Streams (CS, TG, CXC, JW), pp. 413–424.
- VLDB-2015-WangZZLW14 #correlation #estimation #streaming #using
- Selectivity Estimation on Streaming Spatio-Textual Data Using Local Correlations (XW, YZ, WZ, XL, WW), pp. 101–112.
- VLDB-2015-YangZTCM14 #distributed #named #navigation
- CANDS: Continuous Optimal Navigation via Distributed Stream Processing (DY, DZ, KLT, JC, FLM), pp. 137–148.
- PEPM-2014-FarmerSG
- The HERMIT in the stream: fusing stream fusion’s concatMap (AF, CHzS, AG), pp. 97–108.
- STOC-2014-LiNW #algorithm #linear #sketching #streaming
- Turnstile streaming algorithms might as well be linear sketches (YL, HLN, DPW), pp. 174–183.
- ICALP-v1-2014-EmekR #set
- Semi-Streaming Set Cover — (Extended Abstract) (YE, AR), pp. 453–464.
- ICALP-v1-2014-KlauckP #algorithm #interactive #problem #streaming
- An Improved Interactive Streaming Algorithm for the Distinct Elements Problem (HK, VP), pp. 919–930.
- IFL-2014-AronssonAS #domain-specific language #embedded
- Stream Processing for Embedded Domain Specific Languages (MA, EA, MS), p. 8.
- CHI-2014-FreemanSCBS #authoring #editing #named #streaming #video
- LACES: live authoring through compositing and editing of streaming video (DERF, SS, FC, RB, KS), pp. 1207–1216.
- CHI-2014-HamiltonGK #community #game studies #streaming
- Streaming on twitch: fostering participatory communities of play within live mixed media (WAH, OG, AK), pp. 1315–1324.
- CHI-2014-MillerM #health #named #pervasive #social
- StepStream: a school-based pervasive social fitness system for everyday adolescent health (ADM, EDM), pp. 2823–2832.
- CHI-2014-ProcykNPTJ #chat #distance #mobile #streaming #using #video
- Exploring video streaming in public settings: shared geocaching over distance using mobile video chat (JP, CN, CP, AT, TKJ), pp. 2163–2172.
- SCSM-2014-Ahangama #detection #realtime #social #social media #twitter
- Use of Twitter Stream Data for Trend Detection of Various Social Media Sites in Real Time (SA), pp. 151–159.
- CAiSE-2014-KalamatianosK #independence #reduction #streaming
- Schema Independent Reduction of Streaming Log Data (TK, KK), pp. 394–408.
- CAiSE-2014-SubeljBKB #mining #process
- Automatization of the Stream Mining Process (LS, ZB, MK, MB), pp. 409–423.
- EDOC-2014-HalleV #formal method
- A Formalization of Complex Event Stream Processing (SH, SV), pp. 2–11.
- ICEIS-v3-2014-RocherGSP #video
- Video Stream Transmodality (POR, CG, JS, MP), pp. 28–37.
- CIKM-2014-ChatzistergiouV #clustering #data type #heuristic #performance
- Fast Heuristics for Near-Optimal Task Allocation in Data Stream Processing over Clusters (AC, SDV), pp. 1579–1588.
- CIKM-2014-ChenC #data type #incremental #matrix #named
- GI-NMF: Group Incremental Non-Negative Matrix Factorization on Data Streams (XC, KSC), pp. 1119–1128.
- CIKM-2014-LeeLM #named #social #streaming
- CAST: A Context-Aware Story-Teller for Streaming Social Content (PL, LVSL, EEM), pp. 789–798.
- CIKM-2014-LimCK #data type #performance
- Fast, Accurate, and Space-efficient Tracking of Time-weighted Frequent Items from Data Streams (YL, JC, UK), pp. 1109–1118.
- CIKM-2014-YamaguchiAKI #correlation #online #social
- Online User Location Inference Exploiting Spatiotemporal Correlations in Social Streams (YY, TA, HK, YI), pp. 1139–1148.
- CIKM-2014-YangTZ #learning #streaming
- Active Learning for Streaming Networked Data (ZY, JT, YZ), pp. 1129–1138.
- CIKM-2014-ZhaoCN #approach #data type #probability
- Truth Discovery in Data Streams: A Single-Pass Probabilistic Approach (ZZ, JC, WN), pp. 1589–1598.
- ECIR-2014-GrausTBR #concept #generative #predict #pseudo #social
- Generating Pseudo-ground Truth for Predicting New Concepts in Social Streams (DG, MT, LB, MdR), pp. 286–298.
- ECIR-2014-VoskaridesOTWR #streaming
- Query-Dependent Contextualization of Streaming Data (NV, DO, MT, WW, MdR), pp. 706–712.
- ICPR-2014-BargiXP #adaptation #classification #infinity #learning #online #segmentation #streaming
- An Infinite Adaptive Online Learning Model for Segmentation and Classification of Streaming Data (AB, RYDX, MP), pp. 3440–3445.
- ICPR-2014-BougueliaBB #classification #data type #detection #novel #performance
- Efficient Active Novel Class Detection for Data Stream Classification (MRB, YB, AB), pp. 2826–2831.
- ICPR-2014-ChandrasekharTMLLL #clustering #graph #incremental #performance #retrieval #streaming #video
- Incremental Graph Clustering for Efficient Retrieval from Streaming Egocentric Video Data (VC, CT, WM, LL, XL, JHL), pp. 2631–2636.
- ICPR-2014-DaherBBD #documentation #multi #segmentation
- Multipage Administrative Document Stream Segmentation (HD, MRB, AB, VPD), pp. 966–971.
- ICPR-2014-KhoshrouCT #learning #multi #video
- Active Learning from Video Streams in a Multi-camera Scenario (SK, JSC, LFT), pp. 1248–1253.
- ICPR-2014-LyonBKS #distance
- Hellinger Distance Trees for Imbalanced Streams (RJL, JMB, JDK, BWS), pp. 1969–1974.
- ICPR-2014-RothermelHWB #generative #modelling #performance #robust #semantics #video
- Fast and Robust Generation of Semantic Urban Terrain Models from UAV Video Streams (MR, NH, KW, DB), pp. 592–597.
- KDD-2014-Aggarwal #classification #problem
- The setwise stream classification problem (CCA), pp. 432–441.
- KDD-2014-BadanidiyuruMKK #on the fly #streaming #summary
- Streaming submodular maximization: massive data summarization on the fly (AB, BM, AK, AK), pp. 671–680.
- KDD-2014-SchubertWK #detection #named #scalability #topic
- SigniTrend: scalable detection of emerging topics in textual streams by hashed significance thresholds (ES, MW, HPK), pp. 871–880.
- KDD-2014-ShaoAK #concept #data type #learning #prototype
- Prototype-based learning on concept-drifting data streams (JS, ZA, SK), pp. 412–421.
- KDD-2014-Ting #approximate
- Streamed approximate counting of distinct elements: beating optimal batch methods (DT), pp. 442–451.
- KDD-2014-YuCRW #detection
- Detecting moving object outliers in massive-scale trajectory streams (YY, LC, EAR, QW), pp. 422–431.
- KMIS-2014-CabitzaCLS #community #information management
- The Knowledge-stream Model — A Comprehensive Model for Knowledge Circulation in Communities of Knowledgeable Practitioners (FC, AC, AL, CS), pp. 367–374.
- MLDM-2014-BaroutiKKM #clustering #data type #distributed #monitoring
- Monitoring Distributed Data Streams through Node Clustering (MB, DK, JK, YM), pp. 149–162.
- MLDM-2014-HassaniSS #adaptation #clustering #multi
- Adaptive Multiple-Resolution Stream Clustering (MH, PS, TS), pp. 134–148.
- MLDM-2014-WaiyamaiKSR #classification #concept #data type #named
- ACCD: Associative Classification over Concept-Drifting Data Streams (KW, TK, BS, TR), pp. 78–90.
- SIGIR-2014-LourencoVPMFP #analysis #sentiment
- Economically-efficient sentiment stream analysis (RLdOJ, AV, AMP, WMJ, RF, SP), pp. 637–646.
- SIGIR-2014-RenPLDR #classification #multi #social
- Hierarchical multi-label classification of social text streams (ZR, MHP, SL, WvD, MdR), pp. 213–222.
- SIGIR-2014-WangZZL #identification #keyword #twitter
- Efficiently identify local frequent keyword co-occurrence patterns in geo-tagged Twitter stream (XW, YZ, WZ, XL), pp. 1215–1218.
- SIGIR-2014-ZerrSPHZ #exclamation
- NicePic!: a system for extracting attractive photos from flickr streams (SZ, SS, JSP, JSH, XZ), pp. 1259–1260.
- MoDELS-2014-DavidRV #model transformation #streaming
- Streaming Model Transformations By Complex Event Processing (ID, IR, DV), pp. 68–83.
- MoDELS-2014-DavidRV #model transformation #streaming
- Streaming Model Transformations By Complex Event Processing (ID, IR, DV), pp. 68–83.
- ECOOP-2014-VaziriTRSH #spreadsheet
- Stream Processing with a Spreadsheet (MV, OT, RR, PS, MH), pp. 360–384.
- OOPSLA-2014-BartensteinL #source code
- Rate types for stream programs (TB, YDL), pp. 213–232.
- OOPSLA-2014-BosboomRWA #compilation #named #programming
- StreamJIT: a commensal compiler for high-performance stream programming (JB, SR, WFW, SPA), pp. 177–195.
- SAC-2014-GomesE #adaptation #classification #data type #named #social
- SAE2: advances on the social adaptive ensemble classifier for data streams (HMG, FE), pp. 798–804.
- SAC-2014-HuWZ #documentation #internet #topic
- The discovery of user related rare sequential patterns of topics in the internet document stream (ZH, HW, JZ), pp. 137–138.
- SAC-2014-IencoBPP #category theory #data type #detection #evolution
- Change detection in categorical evolving data streams (DI, AB, BP, PP), pp. 792–797.
- FSE-2014-ManiSSD #maintenance
- Panning requirement nuggets in stream of software maintenance tickets (SM, KS, VSS, PTD), pp. 678–688.
- HPDC-2014-FaltBKYZ #named #parallel #streaming
- Bobolang: a language for parallel streaming applications (ZF, DB, MK, JY, FZ), pp. 311–314.
- DAC-2013-SinghDK #energy #execution #multi #optimisation #streaming
- Energy optimization by exploiting execution slacks in streaming applications on multiprocessor systems (AKS, AD, AK), p. 7.
- DAC-2013-ZhaiBS #parallel #realtime #streaming
- Exploiting just-enough parallelism when mapping streaming applications in hard real-time systems (JTZ, MB, TS), p. 8.
- DATE-2013-HeLLHY #streaming #synthesis
- Utilizing voltage-frequency islands in C-to-RTL synthesis for streaming applications (XH, SL, YL, XSH, HY), pp. 992–995.
- DATE-2013-ShenQ #energy #performance #smarttech #streaming #video
- User-aware energy efficient streaming strategy for smartphone based video playback applications (HS, QQ), pp. 258–261.
- DATE-2013-YetimMM #streaming
- Extracting useful computation from error-prone processors for streaming applications (YY, MM, SM), pp. 202–207.
- DRR-2013-MedjkouneMPV #approach #online #recognition #using
- Using online handwriting and audio streams for mathematical expressions recognition: a bimodal approach (SM, HM, SP, CVG).
- ICDAR-2013-BougueliaBB #approach #classification #documentation #learning
- A Stream-Based Semi-supervised Active Learning Approach for Document Classification (MRB, YB, AB), pp. 611–615.
- ICDAR-2013-GordoRKB #classification #documentation #segmentation
- Document Classification and Page Stream Segmentation for Digital Mailroom Applications (AG, MR, DK, ADB), pp. 621–625.
- SIGMOD-2013-AnanthanarayananBDGJQRRSV #data type #fault tolerance #named #scalability
- Photon: fault-tolerant and scalable joining of continuous data streams (RA, VB, SD, AG, HJ, TQ, AR, DR, MS, SV), pp. 577–588.
- SIGMOD-2013-ChoudhuryHCRBF #graph #named
- StreamWorks: a system for dynamic graph search (SC, LBH, GCJ, AR, SB, JF), pp. 1101–1104.
- SIGMOD-2013-FernandezMKP #fault tolerance #using
- Integrating scale out and fault tolerance in stream processing using operator state management (RCF, MM, EK, PP), pp. 725–736.
- SIGMOD-2013-GeorgiadisKGPTM #algorithm #data type #detection #framework #state of the art
- Continuous outlier detection in data streams: an extensible framework and state-of-the-art algorithms (DG, MK, AG, ANP, KT, YM), pp. 1061–1064.
- SIGMOD-2013-GolabJ #data type
- Data stream warehousing (LG, TJ), pp. 949–952.
- SIGMOD-2013-PapadopoulosCDG #algebra #authentication #data type #lightweight #linear #query
- Lightweight authentication of linear algebraic queries on data streams (SP, GC, AD, MNG), pp. 881–892.
- SIGMOD-2013-TanMWYYZ #in the cloud #named #realtime #streaming
- Resa: realtime elastic streaming analytics in the cloud (TT, RTBM, MW, YY, YY, ZZ), pp. 1287–1288.
- SIGMOD-2013-WangHRN
- Utility-maximizing event stream suppression (DW, YH, EAR, JFN), pp. 589–600.
- SIGMOD-2013-WangLYC #case study #data type
- Quantiles over data streams: an experimental study (LW, GL, KY, GC), pp. 737–748.
- VLDB-2013-AkidauBBCHLMMNW #fault tolerance #internet #named
- MillWheel: Fault-Tolerant Stream Processing at Internet Scale (TA, AB, KB, SC, JH, RL, SM, DM, PN, SW), pp. 1033–1044.
- VLDB-2013-ChenYYC #named #recommendation #twitter
- TeRec: A Temporal Recommender System Over Tweet Stream (CC, HY, JY, BC), pp. 1254–1257.
- VLDB-2013-DuttaNB #approach #approximate #data type #detection #streaming
- Streaming Quotient Filter: A Near Optimal Approximate Duplicate Detection Approach for Data Streams (SD, AN, SKB), pp. 589–600.
- VLDB-2013-GarofalakisKS #distributed #geometry #monitoring #query #sketching
- Sketch-based Geometric Monitoring of Distributed Stream Queries (MNG, DK, VS), pp. 937–948.
- VLDB-2013-LiWC #automation #framework #monitoring #social #topic #towards #twitter
- Towards Social Data Platform: Automatic Topic-focused Monitor for Twitter Stream (RL, SW, KCCC), pp. 1966–1977.
- VLDB-2013-NagendraC #framework #named
- SkySuite: A Framework of Skyline-Join Operators for Static and Stream Environments (MN, KSC), pp. 1266–1269.
- VLDB-2013-PavanTTW #graph
- Counting and Sampling Triangles from a Graph Stream (AP, KT, ST, KLW), pp. 1870–1881.
- VLDB-2013-SantosTCG #distributed #named #streaming
- DiAl: Distributed Streaming Analytics Anywhere, Anytime (IS, MT, BC, JG), pp. 1386–1389.
- VLDB-2013-SariyuceGJWC #algorithm #composition #streaming
- Streaming Algorithms for k-core Decomposition (AES, BG, GJS, KLW, ÜVÇ), pp. 433–444.
- VLDB-2013-SundaramTSMIMD #parallel #similarity #streaming #twitter #using
- Streaming Similarity Search over one Billion Tweets using Parallel Locality-Sensitive Hashing (NS, AT, NS, TM, PI, SM, PD), pp. 1930–1941.
- VLDB-2013-YangZHLRW #data type #mining
- Mining and Linking Patterns across Live Data Streams and Stream Archives (DY, KZ, MH, HL, EAR, MOW), pp. 1346–1349.
- VLDB-2014-CaoR13 #clustering #performance #query
- High Performance Stream Query Processing With Correlation-Aware Partitioning (LC, EAR), pp. 265–276.
- CIAA-2013-DebarbieuxGNSZ #automaton #query #word #xml #xpath
- Early Nested Word Automata for XPath Query Answering on XML Streams (DD, OG, JN, TS, MZ), pp. 292–305.
- ICALP-v1-2013-BravermanOV #how #question #streaming
- How Hard Is Counting Triangles in the Streaming Model? (VB, RO, DV), pp. 244–254.
- ICALP-v1-2013-GurR #complexity #streaming
- Arthur-Merlin Streaming Complexity (TG, RR), pp. 528–539.
- ICALP-v1-2013-KonradR #approximate #communication #streaming
- Approximating Semi-matchings in Streaming and in Two-Party Communication (CK, AR), pp. 637–649.
- ICFP-2013-MainlandLJ
- Exploiting vector instructions with generalized stream fusio (GM, RL, SLPJ), pp. 37–48.
- CHI-2013-WangESM #chat #comparative #evaluation #interface #multi
- A comparative evaluation of multiple chat stream interfaces for information-intensive environments (YW, AE, MS, GM), pp. 2717–2720.
- EDOC-2013-BerryM #data type #health #legacy #monitoring #quality #realtime
- Real-Time Analytics for Legacy Data Streams in Health: Monitoring Health Data Quality (AB, ZM), pp. 91–100.
- ICEIS-v1-2013-CazzolatoRYS #algorithm #classification #data type #statistics
- A Statistical Decision Tree Algorithm for Data Stream Classification (MTC, MXR, CAY, MTPS), pp. 217–223.
- CIKM-2013-ChengCLWAC #data type #learning #multi
- Feedback-driven multiclass active learning for data streams (YC, ZC, LL, JW, AA, ANC), pp. 1311–1320.
- CIKM-2013-DerakhshanSS #data type #performance #streaming
- A new operator for efficient stream-relation join processing in data streaming engines (RD, AS, BS), pp. 793–798.
- CIKM-2013-NaeemWDL
- A generic front-stage for semi-stream processing (MAN, GW, GD, CL), pp. 769–774.
- CIKM-2013-QianSYZL #mining #query
- Dynamic query intent mining from a search log stream (YnQ, TS, JY, QZ, CL), pp. 1205–1208.
- CIKM-2013-SubbianAS #analysis #mining #social
- Content-centric flow mining for influence analysis in social streams (KS, CCA, JS), pp. 841–846.
- CIKM-2013-TangwongsanPT #graph #parallel #streaming
- Parallel triangle counting in massive streaming graphs (KT, AP, ST), pp. 781–786.
- CIKM-2013-XieSYPZ #correlation #detection #streaming
- Local correlation detection with linearity enhancement in streaming data (QX, SS, BY, CP, XZ), pp. 309–318.
- CIKM-2013-YuanWJL #clustering #graph #performance #streaming
- Efficient processing of streaming graphs for evolution-aware clustering (MY, KLW, GJS, YL), pp. 319–328.
- CIKM-2013-ZhangLL #performance #privacy #robust #streaming
- An efficient and robust privacy protection technique for massive streaming choice-based information (JZ, XL, YL), pp. 1169–1172.
- ECIR-2013-WaltherK #detection #twitter
- Geo-spatial Event Detection in the Twitter Stream (MW, MK), pp. 356–367.
- KDD-2013-HaoCZ0RK #learning #towards
- Towards never-ending learning from time series streams (YH, YC, JZ, BH, TR, EJK), pp. 874–882.
- KDD-2013-JhaSP #algorithm #performance #streaming #using
- A space efficient streaming algorithm for triangle counting using the birthday paradox (MJ, CS, AP), pp. 589–597.
- KDD-2013-KutzkovBBG #learning #named
- STRIP: stream learning of influence probabilities (KK, AB, FB, AG), pp. 275–283.
- KDD-2013-LeeLM #evolution #keyword #named #social
- KeySee: supporting keyword search on evolving events in social streams (PL, LVSL, EEM), pp. 1478–1481.
- KDD-2013-WangLSG #mining #multi
- Mining evolutionary multi-branch trees from text streams (XW, SL, YS, BG), pp. 722–730.
- KEOD-2013-AlirezaieL #abduction #automation #data type #reasoning #using
- Automatic Annotation of Sensor Data Streams using Abductive Reasoning (MA, AL), pp. 345–354.
- SIGIR-2013-BonnefoyBB #detection #documentation
- A weakly-supervised detection of entity central documents in a stream (LB, VB, PB), pp. 769–772.
- SIGIR-2013-RooijOR #named #visualisation
- ThemeStreams: visualizing the stream of themes discussed in politics (OdR, DO, MdR), pp. 1077–1078.
- SIGIR-2013-ShouW00 #evolution #named #summary #twitter
- Sumblr: continuous summarization of evolving tweet streams (LS, ZW, KC, GC), pp. 533–542.
- ICMT-2013-CuadradoL #challenge #model transformation #streaming
- Streaming Model Transformations: Scenarios, Challenges and Initial Solutions (JSC, JdL), pp. 1–16.
- ECOOP-2013-AuerbachBCFR #compilation #configuration management #graph #hardware
- The Shape of Things to Run — Compiling Complex Stream Graphs to Reconfigurable Hardware in Lime (JSA, DFB, PC, SF, RMR), pp. 679–706.
- ER-BR-2013-SoaresPSCV #automation #modelling #process
- Automatic Models Transformation for the STREAM process (MS, JP, CTLLS, JC, JV).
- SAC-2013-AlmeidaKG #data type #random
- Random rules from data streams (EA, PK, JG), pp. 813–814.
- SAC-2013-BifetPRH #adaptation #classification #data type #performance #probability
- Efficient data stream classification via probabilistic adaptive windows (AB, BP, JR, GH), pp. 801–806.
- SAC-2013-Callau-ZoriJGPFP #framework #named
- STONE: a stream-based DDoS defense framework (MCZ, RJP, VG, MP, ZF, MPM), pp. 807–812.
- SAC-2013-CameronCL #memory management #mining #set
- Stream mining of frequent sets with limited memory (JJC, AC, CKSL), pp. 173–175.
- SAC-2013-FariaGC #algorithm #data type #detection #multi #problem
- Novelty detection algorithm for data streams multi-class problems (ERF, JG, ACPLFC), pp. 795–800.
- SAC-2013-FurtadoC #hybrid #middleware #network
- Sensor streams middleware for easy configuration and processing in hybrid sensor network (PF, JC), pp. 1499–1504.
- SAC-2013-GholipourHB #adaptation #data type
- An adaptive regression tree for non-stationary data streams (AG, MJH, HB), pp. 815–817.
- SAC-2013-KawakamiIYT #communication #data type
- A delivery method considering communication loads for sensor data stream with different collection cycles (TK, YI, TY, YT), pp. 611–618.
- SAC-2013-KumarR #algorithm #data type #identification #online
- Online identification of frequently executed acyclic paths by leveraging data stream algorithms (GK, SR), pp. 1694–1695.
- SAC-2013-ProvensiEVR #adaptation #fuzzy #policy #streaming #using #video
- Improving context interpretation by using fuzzy policies: the case of adaptive video streaming (LP, FE, RV, RR), pp. 415–422.
- SAC-2013-ZhangHMZMM #data type #mining
- Mining frequent itemsets over tuple-evolving data streams (CZ, YH, MM, CZ, HM, FM), pp. 267–274.
- ICSE-2013-BartensteinL #data-driven
- Green streams for data-intensive software (TB, YDL), pp. 532–541.
- LCTES-2013-GeunsHB #automation #data flow #realtime
- Automatic dataflow model extraction from modal real-time stream processing applications (SJG, JPHMH, MJGB), pp. 143–152.
- PLOS-2013-BurtsevMER #analysis #named #performance #streaming
- Weir: a streaming language for performance analysis (AB, NM, EE, RR), p. 6.
- PPoPP-2013-PadmanabhanCC #composition #streaming
- Decomposition techniques for optimal design-space exploration of streaming applications (SP, YC, RDC), pp. 285–286.
- PPoPP-2013-YanLZ #algorithm #named #performance
- StreamScan: fast scan algorithms for GPUs without global barrier synchronization (SY, GL, YZ), pp. 229–238.
- SOSP-2013-RoyMZ #graph #named #streaming #using
- X-Stream: edge-centric graph processing using streaming partitions (AR, IM, WZ), pp. 472–488.
- SOSP-2013-ZahariaDLHSS #fault tolerance #scalability #streaming
- Discretized streams: fault-tolerant streaming computation at scale (MZ, TD, HL, TH, SS, IS), pp. 423–438.
- LICS-2013-Sacchini #calculus #type system
- Type-Based Productivity of Stream Definitions in the Calculus of Constructions (JLS), pp. 233–242.
- CASE-2012-DotoliFIR #agile #modelling #simulation #using
- A lean manufacturing strategy using Value Stream Mapping, the Unified Modeling Language, and discrete event simulation (MD, MPF, GI, GR), pp. 668–673.
- DAC-2012-CheC #embedded #manycore
- Unrolling and retiming of stream applications onto embedded multicore processors (WC, KSC), pp. 1272–1277.
- DAC-2012-ChenZCZX #mobile #scalability #streaming #video
- Quality-retaining OLED dynamic voltage scaling for video streaming applications on mobile devices (XC, JZ, YC, MZ, CJX), pp. 1000–1005.
- DAC-2012-LearyCC #architecture #memory management #synthesis
- System-level synthesis of memory architecture for stream processing sub-systems of a MPSoC (GL, WC, KSC), pp. 672–677.
- DAC-2012-MiddendorfBH #hardware #recursion #synthesis
- Hardware synthesis of recursive functions through partial stream rewriting (LM, CB, CH), pp. 1207–1215.
- DAC-2012-ZuluagaMP #generative #network #sorting #streaming
- Computer generation of streaming sorting networks (MZ, PAM, MP), pp. 1245–1253.
- DATE-2012-BamakhramaZNS #automation #design #embedded #realtime #streaming
- A methodology for automated design of hard-real-time embedded streaming systems (MB, JTZ, HN, TS), pp. 941–946.
- DATE-2012-CongHLZZ #replication #source code #streaming
- Combining module selection and replication for throughput-driven streaming programs (JC, MH, BL, PZ, YZ), pp. 1018–1023.
- DATE-2012-Gamatie #design #streaming #using
- Design of streaming applications on MPSoCs using abstract clocks (AG), pp. 763–768.
- DATE-2012-KatzRZ #csp #generative #using
- Generating instruction streams using abstract CSP (YK, MR, AZ), pp. 15–20.
- DATE-2012-SabryAC #approach #embedded #fault #hybrid
- A hybrid HW-SW approach for intermittent error mitigation in streaming-based embedded systems (MMS, DA, FC), pp. 1110–1113.
- DocEng-2012-MancillaBP #multi
- Typesetting multiple interacting streams (BM, JPB, JP), pp. 149–152.
- HT-2012-AbelHHST #semantics #social #web
- Semantics + filtering + search = twitcident. exploring information in social web streams (FA, CH, GJH, RS, KT), pp. 285–294.
- HT-2012-ZubiagaSAG #realtime #summary #towards #twitter
- Towards real-time summarization of scheduled events from twitter streams (AZ, DS, EA, JG), pp. 319–320.
- PODS-2012-LiuRV #distributed
- Continuous distributed counting for non-monotonic streams (ZL, BR, MV), pp. 307–318.
- PODS-2012-McGregorPTW #estimation #statistics
- Space-efficient estimation of statistics over sub-sampled streams (AM, AP, ST, DPW), pp. 273–282.
- PODS-2012-TirthapuraW #data type
- Rectangle-efficient aggregation in spatial data streams (ST, DPW), pp. 283–294.
- SIGMOD-2012-GiatrakosDGSS #data type #distributed #geometry #monitoring #predict
- Prediction-based geometric monitoring over distributed data streams (NG, AD, MNG, IS, AS), pp. 265–276.
- SIGMOD-2012-GotzNG #mobile #named #personalisation
- MaskIt: privately releasing user context streams for personalized mobile applications (MG, SN, JG), pp. 289–300.
- SIGMOD-2012-MozafariZZ #xml
- High-performance complex event processing over XML streams (BM, KZ, CZ), pp. 253–264.
- SIGMOD-2012-XueYC
- Temporal provenance discovery in micro-blog message streams (abstract only) (ZX, JY, BC), p. 864.
- VLDB-2012-AngelKSS #identification #maintenance #realtime #streaming
- Dense Subgraph Maintenance under Streaming Edge Weight Updates for Real-time Story Identification (AA, NK, NS, DS), pp. 574–585.
- VLDB-2012-BahmaniKV #pipes and filters #streaming
- Densest Subgraph in Streaming and MapReduce (BB, RK, SV), pp. 454–465.
- VLDB-2012-GuhaM #bibliography #graph #sketching
- Graph Synopses, Sketches, and Streams: A Survey (SG, AM), pp. 2030–2031.
- VLDB-2012-Jacques-SilvaGWWK #adaptation #runtime
- Building User-defined Runtime Adaptation Routines for Stream Processing Applications (GJS, BG, RW, KLW, VK), pp. 1826–1837.
- VLDB-2012-LiarouIMK #named #online #streaming
- MonetDB/DataCell: Online Analytics in a Streaming Column-Store (EL, SI, SM, MLK), pp. 1910–1913.
- VLDB-2012-MankuM #approximate #data type
- Approximate Frequency Counts over Data Streams (GSM, RM), p. 1699.
- VLDB-2012-PapapetrouGD #data type #distributed #query #sketching
- Sketch-based Querying of Distributed Sliding-Window Data Streams (OP, MNG, AD), pp. 992–1003.
- PEPM-2012-HirzelG #metaprogramming #using
- Streams that compose using macros that oblige (MH, BG), pp. 141–150.
- ICALP-v1-2012-HalldorssonSSW #approximate #clique #communication #complexity #streaming
- Streaming and Communication Complexity of Clique Approximation (MMH, XS, MS, CW), pp. 449–460.
- ICALP-v2-2012-AlurD #streaming #transducer
- Streaming Tree Transducers (RA, LD), pp. 42–53.
- ICALP-v2-2012-KaneMSS #data type
- Counting Arbitrary Subgraphs in Data Streams (DMK, KM, TS, HS), pp. 598–609.
- ICFP-2012-SeveriV #finite #normalisation #recursion #type system
- Pure type systems with corecursion on streams: from finite to infinitary normalisation (PS, FJdV), pp. 141–152.
- CHI-2012-HasanYBI #coordination #interactive
- A-coord input: coordinating auxiliary input streams for augmenting contextual pen-based interactions (KH, XDY, AB, PI), pp. 805–814.
- CHI-2012-SoloveySSSFJ #interactive #named #streaming
- Brainput: enhancing interactive systems with streaming fnirs brain input (ETS, PWS, MS, AS, SF, RJKJ), pp. 2193–2202.
- ICEIS-v3-2012-SantanaB #summary #user interface #visualisation
- Visualizing User Interface Events — Event Stream Summarization through Signs (VFdS, MCCB), pp. 78–85.
- CIKM-2012-GaoLD #modelling #social #social media #summary #topic
- Joint topic modeling for event summarization across news and social media streams (WG, PL, KD), pp. 1173–1182.
- CIKM-2012-GuySBRD #enterprise #process
- Swimming against the streamz: search and analytics over the enterprise activity stream (IG, TS, MB, IR, TD), pp. 1587–1591.
- CIKM-2012-PanZ #correlation #data type #graph #named #query
- CGStream: continuous correlated graph query for data streams (SP, XZ), pp. 1183–1192.
- CIKM-2012-PanZ12a #graph #query
- Continuous top-k query for graph streams (SP, XZ), pp. 2659–2662.
- CIKM-2012-XieZSzP #data type #linear #multi #performance #representation
- Efficient buffer management for piecewise linear representation of multiple data streams (QX, JZ, MAS, XZ, CP), pp. 2114–2118.
- CIKM-2012-YanWLZCL #image #summary #timeline #visualisation
- Visualizing timelines: evolutionary summarization via iterative reinforcement between text and image streams (RY, XW, ML, WXZ, PJC, XL), pp. 275–284.
- CIKM-2012-ZhaoN #approach #data type #modelling
- A model-based approach for RFID data stream cleansing (ZZ, WN), pp. 862–871.
- ECIR-2012-MaxwellRAJO #monitoring #named #realtime #social #social media
- Crisees: Real-Time Monitoring of Social Media Streams to Support Crisis Management (DM, SR, LA, CWJ, SO), pp. 573–575.
- ICPR-2012-BarnachonBBG #recognition
- Human actions recognition from streamed Motion Capture (MB, SB, BB, EG), pp. 3807–3810.
- ICPR-2012-Havens #approximate #kernel #streaming
- Approximation of kernel k-means for streaming data (TCH), pp. 509–512.
- ICPR-2012-KunchevaF #detection #feature model #multi #streaming
- PCA feature extraction for change detection in multidimensional unlabelled streaming data (LIK, WJF), pp. 1140–1143.
- ICPR-2012-PanZF #correlation #data type #query
- Top-k correlated subgraph query for data streams (SP, XZ, MF), pp. 2906–2909.
- KDD-2012-StantonK #clustering #distributed #graph #scalability #streaming
- Streaming graph partitioning for large distributed graphs (IS, GK), pp. 1222–1230.
- KDD-2012-YuDSW #feature model #mining #streaming
- Mining emerging patterns by streaming feature selection (KY, WD, DAS, XW), pp. 60–68.
- KEOD-2012-FukumotoST #detection #multi #summary #topic
- Topic and Subject Detection in News Streams for Multi-document Summarization (FF, YS, AT), pp. 166–171.
- KR-2012-GebserGKOSS #programming #reasoning #set
- Stream Reasoning with Answer Set Programming: Preliminary Report (MG, TG, RK, PO, OS, TS).
- MLDM-2012-IsakssonDH #clustering #data type #named
- SOStream: Self Organizing Density-Based Clustering over Data Stream (CI, MHD, MH), pp. 264–278.
- MLDM-2012-TaTB #approach #clustering #data type #using
- Clustering Data Stream by a Sub-window Approach Using DCA (MTT, LTHA, LBA), pp. 279–292.
- RecSys-2012-Diaz-AvilesDSN #realtime #recommendation #social
- Real-time top-n recommendation in social streams (EDA, LD, LST, WN), pp. 59–66.
- SIGIR-2012-HongBAD #learning #rank #social
- Learning to rank social update streams (LH, RB, JA, BDD), pp. 651–660.
- SIGIR-2012-LiebermanS #adaptation #streaming
- Adaptive context features for toponym resolution in streaming news (MDL, HS), pp. 731–740.
- SIGIR-2012-LiWHYDSL #named #recognition #twitter
- TwiNER: named entity recognition in targeted twitter stream (CL, JW, QH, YY, AD, AS, BSL), pp. 721–730.
- SIGIR-2012-NishidaHF #classification #detection #probability #twitter #word
- Improving tweet stream classification by detecting changes in word probability (KN, TH, KF), pp. 971–980.
- OOPSLA-2012-BocqD #monad #named #network #process #streaming #using #virtual machine
- Molecule: using monadic and streaming I/O to compose process networks on the JVM (SB, KD), pp. 315–334.
- SAC-2012-FariaBGC #algorithm #clustering #data type
- Improving the offline clustering stage of data stream algorithms in scenarios with variable number of clusters (ERF, RCB, JG, ACPLFC), pp. 829–830.
- SAC-2012-FischerMK #data type #realtime #visual notation
- Real-time visual analytics for event data streams (FF, FM, DAK), pp. 801–806.
- SAC-2012-FlorezD #interactive #process #video
- Discovering activity interactions in a single pass over a video stream (OUF, CED), pp. 819–826.
- SAC-2012-NunesARTCS #analysis #data type
- To be or not to be real: fractal analysis of data streams from a regional climate change model (SAN, AMHdÁ, LASR, AJMT, PPC, EPMdS), pp. 831–832.
- SAC-2012-PetitLR #data type #query
- Revisiting formal ordering in data stream querying (LP, CL, CR), pp. 813–818.
- SAC-2012-ZimmermannNSSK
- Discovering global and local bursts in a stream of news (MZ, IN, ZFS, MS, HPK), pp. 807–812.
- HPDC-2012-LohrmannWK #constraints
- Massively-parallel stream processing under QoS constraints with Nephele (BL, DW, OK), pp. 271–282.
- LCTES-2012-FarhadKBS #deployment #multi #source code
- Profile-guided deployment of stream programs on multicores (SMF, YK, BB, BS), pp. 79–88.
- LCTES-2012-HashemiFGE #embedded #named #scalability #streaming
- FORMLESS: scalable utilization of embedded manycores in streaming applications (MH, MHF, SG, CE), pp. 71–78.
- PPoPP-2012-BuhlerALC #concurrent #performance #streaming
- Efficient deadlock avoidance for streaming computation with filtering (JDB, KA, PL, RDC), pp. 235–246.
- PPoPP-2012-HuynhHWG #framework #multi #scalability #streaming
- Scalable framework for mapping streaming applications onto multi-GPU systems (HPH, AH, WFW, RSMG), pp. 1–10.
- ICST-2012-CalvarTH #framework #monitoring #runtime
- A Runtime Monitoring Framework for Event Streams with Non-primitive Arguments (JC, RTL, SH), pp. 499–508.
- RTA-2012-SattlerB #equation #polymorphism
- Turing-Completeness of Polymorphic Stream Equation Systems (CS, FB), pp. 256–271.
- DAC-2011-CheC #compilation #embedded #manycore #memory management #source code
- Compilation of stream programs onto scratchpad memory based embedded multicore processors through retiming (WC, KSC), pp. 122–127.
- DAC-2011-ZhaiNS #adaptation #modelling #network #process #streaming
- Modeling adaptive streaming applications with parameterized polyhedral process networks (JTZ, HN, TS), pp. 116–121.
- DATE-2011-ChiuSH #constraints #pipes and filters #precedence #realtime #streaming #synthesis
- Pipeline schedule synthesis for real-time streaming tasks with inter/intra-instance precedence constraints (YSC, CSS, SHH), pp. 1321–1326.
- DATE-2011-KesturDN #named #streaming
- SHARC: A streaming model for FPGA accelerators and its application to Saliency (SK, DD, VN), pp. 1237–1242.
- DATE-2011-KhatibA #design #streaming
- Buffering implications for the design space of streaming MEMS storage (MGK, LA), pp. 253–256.
- ICDAR-2011-KessentiniPG #algorithm #multi #recognition #word
- An Optimized Multi-stream Decoding Algorithm for Handwritten Word Recognition (YK, TP, AG), pp. 192–196.
- PODS-2011-JowhariST #bound #problem
- Tight bounds for Lp samplers, finding duplicates in streams, and related problems (HJ, MS, GT), pp. 49–58.
- PODS-2011-Muthukrishnan #data type
- Theory of data stream computing: where to go (SM), pp. 317–319.
- SIGMOD-2011-AlvanakiMRW #detection #named #topic #web
- EnBlogue: emergent topic detection in web 2.0 streams (FA, SM, KR, GW), pp. 1271–1274.
- SIGMOD-2011-ChandramouliLEM #named #realtime #recommendation
- StreamRec: a real-time recommender system (BC, JJL, AE, MFM), pp. 1243–1246.
- SIGMOD-2011-TeubnerM #how
- How soccer players would do stream joins (JT, RM), pp. 625–636.
- VLDB-2011-AliCFWDR #online #using #visualisation
- Online Visualization of Geospatial Stream Data using the WorldWide Telescope (MHA, BC, JF, CW, SMD, BSR), pp. 1379–1382.
- VLDB-2011-MogaT #named #realtime
- UpStream: A Storage-centric Load Management System for Real-time Update Streams (AM, NT), pp. 1442–1445.
- VLDB-2011-WangRE
- Active Complex Event Processing over Event Streams (DW, EAR, RTE), pp. 634–645.
- VLDB-2012-CormodeTY11 #interactive #proving #streaming #verification
- Verifying Computations with Streaming Interactive Proofs (GC, JT, KY), pp. 25–36.
- VLDB-2012-YangRW11 #clustering #streaming #summary
- Summarization and Matching of Density-Based Clusters in Streaming Environments (DY, EAR, MOW), pp. 121–132.
- VLDB-2012-ZhaoAW11 #estimation #graph #named #query #sketching
- gSketch: On Query Estimation in Graph Streams (PZ, CCA, MW), pp. 193–204.
- STOC-2011-KaneNPW #data type #estimation #performance
- Fast moment estimation in data streams in optimal space (DMK, JN, EP, DPW), pp. 745–754.
- ICALP-v2-2011-AhnG #linear #problem #programming
- Linear Programming in the Semi-streaming Model with Application to the Maximum Matching Problem (KJA, SG), pp. 526–538.
- ICALP-v2-2011-AlurD #nondeterminism #streaming #string #transducer
- Nondeterministic Streaming String Transducers (RA, JVD), pp. 1–20.
- CHI-2011-ChenNC #online #recommendation #social
- Speak little and well: recommending conversations in online social streams (JC, RN, EHhC), pp. 217–226.
- CHI-2011-JetterGZRM #collaboration #hybrid #query
- Materializing the query with facet-streams: a hybrid surface for collaborative search on tabletops (HCJ, JG, MZ, HR, NMF), pp. 3013–3022.
- CSCW-2011-Kivran-SwaineN #network #social
- Network properties and social sharing of emotions in social awareness streams (FKS, MN), pp. 379–382.
- ICEIS-J-2011-ChaoC11a #clustering #data type #resource management #ubiquitous
- Ubiquitous Resource-Aware Clustering of Data Streams (CMC, GLC), pp. 81–97.
- ICEIS-J-2011-Li11f #analysis #approach #case study #machine learning #type system #using
- A Study on Noisy Typing Stream Analysis Using Machine Learning Approach (JL0), pp. 149–161.
- ICEIS-v1-2011-ChaoC #clustering #data type #quality #resource management #ubiquitous
- Resource-aware High Quality Clustering in Ubiquitous Data Streams (CMC, GLC), pp. 64–73.
- CIKM-2011-ChenWDZ #correlation #monitoring
- Continuously monitoring the correlations of massive discrete streams (YC, WW, XD, XZ), pp. 1571–1576.
- CIKM-2011-GuoZTG #data type #mining #multi
- Mining frequent patterns across multiple data streams (JG, PZ, JT, LG), pp. 2325–2328.
- CIKM-2011-HummelSML #keyword #multi #query #xml
- Multiple keyword-based queries over XML streams (FdCH, ASdS, MMM, AHFL), pp. 1577–1582.
- CIKM-2011-KamathC
- Discovering trending phrases on information streams (KYK, JC), pp. 2245–2248.
- CIKM-2011-KrishnaswamyGG #data type #mining #mobile #roadmap #ubiquitous
- Advances in data stream mining for mobile and ubiquitous environments (SK, JG, MMG), pp. 2607–2608.
- CIKM-2011-LiaoLCW #named #performance
- KLEAP: an efficient cleaning method to remove cross-reads in RFID streams (GL, JL, LC, CW), pp. 2209–2212.
- CIKM-2011-LiZTLG #data type #in the cloud #query
- Continuous data stream query in the cloud (JL, PZ, JT, PL, LG), pp. 2389–2392.
- CIKM-2011-ParkL #data type #detection #evaluation #query
- A continuous query evaluation scheme for a detection-only query over data streams (HKP, WSL), pp. 2405–2408.
- CIKM-2011-RenP #maintenance #ontology #optimisation #reasoning
- Optimising ontology stream reasoning with truth maintenance system (YR, JZP), pp. 831–836.
- CIKM-2011-WattanakitrungrojL #clustering #data type #streaming
- Memory-less unsupervised clustering for data streaming by versatile ellipsoidal function (NW, CL), pp. 967–972.
- CIKM-2011-YangGRW #clustering #framework #interactive #named
- CLUES: a unified framework supporting interactive exploration of density-based clusters in streams (DY, ZG, EAR, MOW), pp. 815–824.
- ECIR-2011-TakamuraYO #documentation
- Summarizing a Document Stream (HT, HY, MO), pp. 177–188.
- KDD-2011-AggarwalXY #data-driven #on the
- On dynamic data-driven selection of sensor streams (CCA, YX, PSY), pp. 1226–1234.
- KDD-2011-BifetHPG #data type #evolution #graph #mining
- Mining frequent closed graphs on evolving data streams (AB, GH, BP, RG), pp. 591–599.
- KDD-2011-ChuZLTT #data type #learning #online
- Unbiased online active learning in data streams (WC, MZ, LL, AT, BLT), pp. 195–203.
- KDD-2011-HongDGT #multi #topic
- A time-dependent topic model for multiple text streams (LH, BD, SG, KT), pp. 832–840.
- KDD-2011-JiangFH #data type #graph #locality #network
- Anomaly localization for network data streams with graph joint sparse PCA (RJ, HF, JH), pp. 886–894.
- KDD-2011-KremerKJSBHP #clustering #data type #effectiveness #evaluation #evolution
- An effective evaluation measure for clustering on evolving data streams (HK, PK, TJ, TS, AB, GH, BP), pp. 868–876.
- KDD-2011-LinSM #adaptation #modelling #online #topic #twitter
- Smoothing techniques for adaptive online language models: topic tracking in tweet streams (JL, RS, WM), pp. 422–429.
- KDD-2011-LiuZCYX #data type #interactive
- Discovering spatio-temporal causal interactions in traffic data streams (WL, YZ, SC, JY, XX), pp. 1010–1018.
- KDD-2011-ZhangLWGZG #data type #modelling #performance #predict
- Enabling fast prediction for ensemble models on data streams (PZ, JL, PW, BJG, XZ, LG), pp. 177–185.
- KEOD-2011-BaumgartnerGMRS #data type #reasoning
- Reasoning on Data Streams for Situation Awareness (NB, WG, SM, WR, WS), pp. 407–412.
- RecSys-2011-GuyRR #personalisation #process
- Personalized activity streams: sifting through the “river of news” (IG, IR, AR), pp. 181–188.
- RecSys-2011-IsaacmanICM #distributed #predict #rating
- Distributed rating prediction in user generated content streams (SI, SI, AC, MM), pp. 69–76.
- SIGIR-2011-LiebermanS #multi #recognition #streaming
- Multifaceted toponym recognition for streaming news (MDL, HS), pp. 843–852.
- SIGIR-2011-MinackSN #approach #incremental #scalability #set
- Incremental diversification for very large sets: a streaming-based approach (EM, WS, WN), pp. 585–594.
- SIGIR-2011-SilvaGVMF #analysis #effectiveness #self #sentiment
- Effective sentiment stream analysis with self-augmenting training and demand-driven projection (ISS, JG, AV, WMJ, RF), pp. 475–484.
- POPL-2011-AlurC #algorithm #source code #streaming #transducer #verification
- Streaming transducers for algorithmic verification of single-pass list-processing programs (RA, PC), pp. 599–610.
- SAC-2011-GomesRS #concept #data type #learning
- Learning recurring concepts from data streams with a context-aware ensemble (JBG, EMR, PACS), pp. 994–999.
- SAC-2011-IkonomovskaGD #data type #incremental #multi
- Incremental multi-target model trees for data streams (EI, JG, SD), pp. 988–993.
- SAC-2011-LeungJ #data type #mining #nondeterminism #using
- Frequent itemset mining of uncertain data streams using the damped window model (CKSL, FJ), pp. 950–955.
- SAC-2011-LiuM #adaptation #named #towards
- AdaptStream: towards achieving fluidity in adaptive stream-based systems (YL, RM), pp. 217–223.
- SAC-2011-LucenaCSAS #architecture #modelling #named #requirements
- Stream: a strategy for transition between requirements models and architectural models (ML, JC, CTLLS, FMRA, ES), pp. 699–704.
- SAC-2011-RodriguesGAL #clustering #named
- L2GClust: local-to-global clustering of stream sources (PPR, JG, JA, LMBL), pp. 1006–1011.
- SAC-2011-TianXLC #optimisation #order
- Loop fusion and reordering for register file optimization on stream processors (WT, CJX, ML, EC), pp. 560–565.
- ASPLOS-2011-FarhadKBS #approximate #architecture #distributed #manycore #source code
- Orchestration by approximation: mapping stream programs onto multicore architectures (SMF, YK, BB, BS), pp. 357–368.
- ASPLOS-2011-HormatiSWMM #named #programming
- Sponge: portable stream programming on graphics engines (AH, MS, MW, TNM, SAM), pp. 381–392.
- HPCA-2011-HouZHWFGC #challenge #data type #performance #streaming
- Efficient data streaming with on-chip accelerators: Opportunities and challenges (RH, LZ, MCH, KW, HF, YG, XC), pp. 312–320.
- HPCA-2011-QureshiSLF #detection #online
- Practical and secure PCM systems by online detection of malicious write streams (MKQ, AS, LL, MF), pp. 478–489.
- LCTES-2011-VirletZGKGP #realtime #scheduling
- Scheduling of stream-based real-time applications for heterogeneous systems (BV, XZ, JPG, BK, MJG, DAP), pp. 1–10.
- CSL-2011-JeffreyR #streaming
- The Lax Braided Structure of Streaming I/O (AJ, JR), pp. 292–306.
- RTA-2011-ZantemaE #automation #proving #similarity
- Proving Equality of Streams Automatically (HZ, JE), pp. 393–408.
- CASE-2010-SchirruPN10a #multi #process #statistics
- Multilevel statistical process control of asynchronous multi-stream processes in semiconductor manufacturing (AS, SP, GDN), pp. 57–62.
- DAC-2010-NadakuditiM #cost analysis #on the
- On the costs and benefits of stochasticity in stream processing (RRN, ILM), pp. 320–325.
- DATE-2010-ChePC #compilation #manycore #source code
- Compilation of stream programs for multicore processors that incorporate scratchpad memories (WC, AP, KSC), pp. 1118–1123.
- DATE-2010-LiuLKJ #adaptation #correlation #multi
- FPGA-based adaptive computing for correlated multi-stream processing (ML, ZL, WK, AJ), pp. 973–976.
- DATE-2010-RoxE #correlation
- Exploiting inter-event stream correlations between output event streams of non-preemptively scheduled tasks (JR, RE), pp. 226–231.
- DATE-2010-WangXY #scheduling
- Reuse-aware modulo scheduling for stream processors (LW, JX, XY), pp. 1112–1117.
- DATE-2010-ZhuSJ #configuration management #cpu #design #performance #streaming
- Pareto efficient design for reconfigurable streaming applications on CPU/FPGAs (JZ, IS, AJ), pp. 1035–1040.
- PODS-2010-CormodeMYZ #distributed
- Optimal sampling from distributed streams (GC, SM, KY, QZ), pp. 77–86.
- PODS-2010-NelsonW #data type #performance #sketching
- Fast Manhattan sketches in data streams (JN, DPW), pp. 99–110.
- SIGMOD-2010-BiemBFRRVKM #realtime #scalability
- IBM infosphere streams for scalable, real-time, intelligent transportation services (AB, EB, HF, AR, AR, OV, HNK, CM), pp. 1093–1104.
- SIGMOD-2010-CastellanosWDG #framework #information management #named #streaming
- SIE-OBI: a streaming information extraction platform for operational business intelligence (MC, SW, UD, CG), pp. 1105–1110.
- SIGMOD-2010-KrishnamurthyFDFGLT
- Continuous analytics over discontinuous streams (SK, MJF, JD, DF, PG, AL, NT), pp. 1081–1092.
- SIGMOD-2010-MathioudakisK #detection #named #twitter
- TwitterMonitor: trend detection over the twitter stream (MM, NK), pp. 1155–1158.
- SIGMOD-2010-TranPLDL #algorithm #data type #named #nondeterminism
- PODS: a new model and processing algorithms for uncertain data streams (TTLT, LP, BL, YD, AL), pp. 159–170.
- SIGMOD-2010-YangGXRW #data type #interactive #visual notation
- Interactive visual exploration of neighbor-based patterns in data streams (DY, ZG, ZX, EAR, MOW), pp. 1151–1154.
- VLDB-2010-AggarwalLYJ #graph #mining #on the
- On Dense Pattern Mining in Graph Streams (CCA, YL, PSY, RJ), pp. 975–984.
- VLDB-2010-AkdereCU #predict #query #streaming
- Database-support for Continuous Prediction Queries over Streaming Data (MA, UÇ, EU), pp. 1291–1301.
- VLDB-2010-BotanDDHMT #analysis #execution #named #semantics
- SECRET: A Model for Analysis of the Execution Semantics of Stream Processing Systems (IB, RD, ND, LMH, RJM, NT), pp. 232–243.
- VLDB-2010-ChandramouliGM #pattern matching
- High-Performance Dynamic Pattern Matching over Disordered Streams (BC, JG, DM), pp. 220–231.
- VLDB-2010-FuscoSV #named #network #on the fly #streaming
- Net-Fli: On-the-fly Compression, Archiving and Indexing of Streaming Network Traffic (FF, MPS, MV), pp. 1382–1393.
- VLDB-2010-KazemitabarDAAS #query #sql #using
- Geospatial Stream Query Processing using Microsoft SQL Server StreamInsight (SJK, UD, MHA, AA, CS), pp. 1537–1540.
- VLDB-2010-McConnellPH #approach #named #performance #reliability #replication
- iFlow: An Approach for Fast and Reliable Internet-Scale Stream Processing Utilizing Detouring and Replication (CM, FP, JHH), pp. 1557–1560.
- VLDB-2010-TranMDPL #data type #nondeterminism
- Conditioning and Aggregating Uncertain Data Streams: Going Beyond Expectations (TTLT, AM, YD, LP, AL), pp. 1302–1313.
- VLDB-2010-WeiRM #quality #xml
- Achieving High Output Quality under Limited Resources through Structure-based Spilling in XML Streams (MW, EAR, MM), pp. 1267–1278.
- VLDB-2010-ZhangDI
- Recognizing Patterns in Streams with Imprecise Timestamps (HZ, YD, NI), pp. 244–255.
- VLDB-2010-ZouWSHAGW #distributed #query #relational
- From a Stream of Relational Queries to Distributed Stream Processing (QZ, HW, RS, MH, HA, BG, KLW), pp. 1394–1405.
- ESOP-2010-SouleHGGAKW #calculus
- A Universal Calculus for Stream Processing Languages (RS, MH, RG, BG, HA, VK, KLW), pp. 507–528.
- STOC-2010-MagniezMN #streaming
- Recognizing well-parenthesized expressions in the streaming model (FM, CM, AN), pp. 261–270.
- ICALP-v1-2010-HalldorssonHLS #algorithm #independence #set #streaming
- Streaming Algorithms for Independent Sets (BVH, MMH, EL, MS), pp. 641–652.
- ICALP-v1-2010-RudraU #algorithm #data type #testing
- Data Stream Algorithms for Codeword Testing (AR, SU), pp. 629–640.
- LATA-2010-GagieG #grammarware #streaming
- Grammar-Based Compression in a Streaming Model (TG, PG), pp. 273–284.
- CHI-2010-ChenNNBC #recommendation #twitter
- Short and tweet: experiments on recommending content from information streams (JC, RN, LN, MSB, EHC), pp. 1185–1194.
- CHI-2010-HongCSCK #named
- FeedWinnower: layering structures over collections of information streams (LH, GC, BS, EHC, SK), pp. 947–950.
- CHI-2010-KuznetsovP #low cost #named #persuasion
- UpStream: motivating water conservation with low-cost water flow sensing and persuasive displays (SK, EP), pp. 1851–1860.
- CSCW-2010-NaamanBL #social
- Is it really about me?: message content in social awareness streams (MN, JB, CHL), pp. 189–192.
- AdaEurope-2010-HongHBB #ada #named #programming #type system
- AdaStreams: A Type-Based Programming Extension for Stream-Parallelism with Ada 2005 (GH, KH, BB, JB), pp. 208–221.
- ICEIS-DISI-2010-PreisslerHL #data type #streaming
- Process-based Data Streaming in Service-oriented Environments — Application and Technique (SP, DH, WL), pp. 40–49.
- ICEIS-J-2010-PreisslerHL10a #concept #execution #process #streaming #xml
- An XML-Based Streaming Concept for Business Process Execution (SP, DH, WL), pp. 60–75.
- CIKM-2010-BamisFS #component
- A method for discovering components of human rituals from streams of sensor data (AB, JF, AS), pp. 779–788.
- CIKM-2010-ChongQSBNZ #evaluation #query #rdf #streaming
- Open user schema guided evaluation of streaming RDF queries (ZC, GQ, HS, JB, WN, AZ), pp. 1281–1284.
- CIKM-2010-HaghaniMA #personalisation #web
- The gist of everything new: personalized top-k processing over web 2.0 streams (PH, SM, KA), pp. 489–498.
- CIKM-2010-PuHDM #online
- Online annotation of text streams with structured entities (KQP, OH, RD, RJM), pp. 29–38.
- CIKM-2010-ShinPWL #data type #execution #named #online
- i-SEE: integrated stream execution environment over on-line data streams (SJS, HKP, HJW, WSL), pp. 1959–1960.
- CIKM-2010-ZhangZTG #concept #data type #framework #named
- SKIF: a data imputation framework for concept drifting data streams (PZ, XZ, JT, LG), pp. 1869–1872.
- CIKM-2010-ZhaoJHSYL #modelling #ranking
- Context modeling for ranking and tagging bursty features in text streams (WXZ, JJ, JH, DS, HY, XL), pp. 1769–1772.
- ICML-2010-GomesK #data type #learning #parametricity
- Budgeted Nonparametric Learning from Data Streams (RG, AK), pp. 391–398.
- ICML-2010-WuYWD #feature model #online #streaming
- Online Streaming Feature Selection (XW, KY, HW, WD), pp. 1159–1166.
- ICPR-2010-HuoF #online #recognition #video
- Online Boosting OC for Face Recognition in Continuous Video Stream (HH, JF), pp. 1233–1236.
- ICPR-2010-RoyM #using #video
- Crossmodal Matching of Speakers Using Lip and Voice Features in Temporally Non-overlapping Audio and Video Streams (AR, SM), pp. 4504–4507.
- KDD-2010-HeP #topic
- Topic dynamics: an alternative model of bursts in streams of topics (DH, DSPJ), pp. 443–452.
- KDD-2010-LamC #data type #flexibility #mining
- Mining top-k frequent items in a data stream with flexible sliding windows (HTL, TC), pp. 283–292.
- SAC-2010-GaberS #classification #data type #distributed #network
- Distributed data stream classification for wireless sensor networks (MMG, AMS), pp. 1629–1630.
- SAC-2010-LenzLS #named #network #streaming #video
- SeRViSO: a selective retransmission scheme for video streaming in overlay networks (CEL, LCL, FAS), pp. 694–698.
- SAC-2010-MahrsiPHR
- Spatiotemporal sampling for trajectory streams (MKEM, CP, GH, FR), pp. 1627–1628.
- SAC-2010-MarascuML #approximate #performance #set #streaming
- A fast approximation strategy for summarizing a set of streaming time series (AM, FM, YL), pp. 1617–1621.
- SAC-2010-ShieTY #data type #mining #online
- Online mining of temporal maximal utility itemsets from data streams (BES, VST, PSY), pp. 1622–1626.
- SAC-2010-TeixeiraM #data type #detection
- Data stream anomaly detection through principal subspace tracking (PHdST, RLM), pp. 1609–1616.
- ASPLOS-2010-HormatiCWKRMM #named #streaming
- MacroSS: macro-SIMDization of streaming applications (AH, YC, MW, MK, RMR, TNM, SAM), pp. 285–296.
- CGO-2010-WeiYYG #communication #pipes and filters #source code
- Minimizing communication in rate-optimal software pipelining for stream programs (HW, JY, HY, GRG), pp. 210–217.
- HPDC-2010-LiewAHH #data type #distributed #graph #optimisation #parallel #streaming #towards #using
- Towards optimising distributed data streaming graphs using parallel streams (CSL, MPA, JIvH, LH), pp. 725–736.
- HPDC-2010-McConnellPH #performance #reliability #replication
- Detouring and replication for fast and reliable internet-scale stream processing (CM, FP, JHH), pp. 737–745.
- LCTES-2010-ForoozannejadHHG #analysis #streaming
- Look into details: the benefits of fine-grain streaming buffer analysis (MHF, MH, TLH, SG), pp. 27–36.
- LCTES-2010-PerathonerRTLR #analysis #modelling #performance
- Modeling structured event streams in system level performance analysis (SP, TR, LT, KL, JR), pp. 37–46.
- PPoPP-2010-AleenSP #execution #predict #streaming
- Input-driven dynamic execution prediction of streaming applications (FA, MS, SP), pp. 315–324.
- LICS-2010-Milius #calculus #finite
- A Sound and Complete Calculus for Finite Stream Circuits (SM), pp. 421–430.
- DAC-2009-HagiescuWBR
- A computing origami: folding streams in FPGAs (AH, WFW, DFB, RMR), pp. 282–287.
- DATE-2009-Dubrova #how
- How to speed-up your NLFSR-based stream cipher (ED), pp. 878–881.
- DATE-2009-HaastregtK #automation #c #hardware #network #process #streaming #synthesis
- Automated synthesis of streaming C applications to process networks in hardware (SvH, BK), pp. 890–893.
- DATE-2009-HenzenCFF #evaluation #hardware
- Hardware evaluation of the stream cipher-based hash functions RadioGatún and irRUPT (LH, FC, NF, WF), pp. 646–651.
- DATE-2009-Jara-BerrocalG #architecture #communication #composition #configuration management #named #parametricity #scalability
- SCORES: A scalable and parametric streams-based communication architecture for modular reconfigurable systems (AJB, AGR), pp. 268–273.
- DATE-2009-MilderHP #automation #generative #permutation #streaming
- Automatic generation of streaming datapaths for arbitrary fixed permutations (PAM, JCH, MP), pp. 1118–1123.
- DATE-2009-ZhuSJ #architecture #cpu #hybrid #realtime #scheduling #streaming
- Buffer minimization of real-time streaming applications scheduling on hybrid CPU/FPGA architectures (JZ, IS, AJ), pp. 1506–1511.
- SIGMOD-2009-DindarGLOST #declarative #named #pattern matching
- DejaVu: declarative pattern matching over live and archived streams of events (ND, BG, PL, AÖ, MS, NT), pp. 1023–1026.
- SIGMOD-2009-GolabJSS
- Stream warehousing with DataDepot (LG, TJ, JSS, VS), pp. 847–854.
- SIGMOD-2009-MeiM #adaptation #cost analysis #detection #named #query
- ZStream: a cost-based query processor for adaptively detecting composite events (YM, SM), pp. 193–206.
- SIGMOD-2009-NehmeLBR #approach #data type #named #privacy #security #towards
- StreamShield: a stream-centric approach towards security and privacy in data stream environments (RVN, HSL, EB, EAR), pp. 1027–1030.
- VLDB-2009-ChandramouliGM #detection #on the fly #query
- On-the-fly Progress Detection in Iterative Stream Queries (BC, JG, DM), pp. 241–252.
- VLDB-2009-DasAAA #architecture #concurrent #data type #manycore #thread
- Thread Cooperation in Multicore Architectures for Frequency Counting over Multiple Data Streams (SD, SA, DA, AEA), pp. 217–228.
- VLDB-2009-ElmeleegyECAZ #approximate #linear #online #precise
- Online Piece-wise Linear Approximation of Numerical Streams with Precision Guarantees (HE, AKE, EC, WGA, WZ), pp. 145–156.
- VLDB-2009-LetchnerRBP #markov
- Lahar Demonstration: Warehousing Markovian Streams (JL, CR, MB, MP), pp. 1610–1613.
- VLDB-2009-MullerTA #compilation #query
- Streams on Wires — A Query Compiler for FPGAs (RM, JT, GA), pp. 229–240.
- VLDB-2009-NehmeRB #realtime
- Tagging Stream Data for Rich Real-Time Services (RVN, EAR, EB), pp. 73–84.
- VLDB-2009-ReevesLNZ #multi
- Managing Massive Time Series Streams with MultiScale Compressed Trickles (GR, JL, SN, FZ), pp. 97–108.
- VLDB-2009-SarmaLNX #algorithm #multi #random #streaming
- Randomized Multi-pass Streaming Skyline Algorithms (ADS, AL, DN, J(X), pp. 85–96.
- VLDB-2009-YangRW #execution #mining #multi #streaming
- A Shared Execution Strategy for Multiple Pattern Mining Requests over Streaming Data (DY, EAR, MOW), pp. 874–885.
- VLDB-2009-ZhouSA #query #scalability
- Scalable Delivery of Stream Query Results (YZ, AS, KA), pp. 49–60.
- STOC-2009-ClarksonW #algebra #linear #streaming
- Numerical linear algebra in the streaming model (KLC, DPW), pp. 205–214.
- ICALP-v1-2009-BecchettiK #analysis #streaming
- Competitive Analysis of Aggregate Max in Windowed Streaming (LB, EK), pp. 156–170.
- ICALP-v1-2009-ChakrabartiCM #data type
- Annotations in Data Streams (AC, GC, AM), pp. 222–234.
- ICALP-v1-2009-GuhaH #bound #order #random #theorem
- Revisiting the Direct Sum Theorem and Space Lower Bounds in Random Order Streams (SG, ZH), pp. 513–524.
- ICALP-v2-2009-AhnG #graph
- Graph Sparsification in the Semi-streaming Model (KJA, SG), pp. 328–338.
- SEFM-2009-AndresMN #protocol #testing
- Applying Formal Passive Testing to Study Temporal Properties of the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (CA, MGM, MN), pp. 73–82.
- SEFM-2009-HummelT #behaviour #specification #using
- Behavioral Specification of Reactive Systems Using Stream-Based I/O Tables (BH, JT), pp. 137–146.
- HIMI-DIE-2009-LeeKSC #framework #multi #protocol
- A Framework for Fairness Guaranteed Multi-streaming Transport Protocol (WL, HK, DWS, JC), pp. 553–562.
- ICEIS-ISAS-2009-EdgeSPC #compilation #policy #specification
- Specifying and Compiling High Level Financial Fraud Policies into StreamSQL (MEE, PRFS, OP, MC), pp. 194–199.
- CIKM-2009-GaoW #generative #performance
- Efficient itemset generator discovery over a stream sliding window (CG, JW), pp. 355–364.
- CIKM-2009-GedikAW #approach #code generation #data type #distributed #optimisation
- A code generation approach to optimizing high-performance distributed data stream processing (BG, HA, KLW), pp. 847–856.
- CIKM-2009-GuYGC #data type #probability #query
- Probabilistic moving range query over RFID spatio-temporal data streams (YG, GY, NG, YC), pp. 1413–1416.
- CIKM-2009-GwaderaC #mining #ranking #using
- Mining and ranking streams of news stories using cross-stream sequential patterns (RG, FC), pp. 1709–1712.
- CIKM-2009-HaghaniMA #data type #query #semistructured data
- Evaluating top-k queries over incomplete data streams (PH, SM, KA), pp. 877–886.
- CIKM-2009-HeZSC #clustering #data type #multi #query #rank
- Cluster based rank query over multidimensional data streams (DH, YZ, LS, GC), pp. 1493–1496.
- CIKM-2009-HuC #monitoring #online
- RSS watchdog: an instant event monitor on real online news streams (CLH, CKC), pp. 2097–2098.
- CIKM-2009-LianC #data type #nondeterminism #performance
- Efficient join processing on uncertain data streams (XL, LC), pp. 857–866.
- CIKM-2009-SunDML
- Matching stream patterns of various lengths and tolerances (HS, KD, FM, JL), pp. 1477–1480.
- CIKM-2009-TaoO #data type #mining
- Mining data streams with periodically changing distributions (YT, MTÖ), pp. 887–896.
- CIKM-2009-TaoO09a #data type #mining
- Mining frequent itemsets in time-varying data streams (YT, MTÖ), pp. 1521–1524.
- CIKM-2009-WooSYL #data type #named
- DS-Cuber: an integrated OLAP environment for data streams (HJW, SJS, WSY, WSL), pp. 2067–2068.
- KDD-2009-BifetHPKG #data type #evolution
- New ensemble methods for evolving data streams (AB, GH, BP, RK, RG), pp. 139–148.
- KDD-2009-BuCFL #monitoring #performance
- Efficient anomaly monitoring over moving object trajectory streams (YB, LC, AWCF, DL), pp. 159–168.
- KDD-2009-GamaSR #algorithm #evaluation #learning
- Issues in evaluation of stream learning algorithms (JG, RS, PPR), pp. 329–338.
- KDD-2009-YaoMM #documentation #model inference #performance #streaming #topic
- Efficient methods for topic model inference on streaming document collections (LY, DMM, AM), pp. 937–946.
- KDD-2009-ZhangFPGS #streaming #towards
- Toward autonomic grids: analyzing the job flow with affinity streaming (XZ, CF, JP, CGR, MS), pp. 987–996.
- MLDM-2009-CeciALCFVM #data type #detection #mining #relational
- Relational Frequent Patterns Mining for Novelty Detection from Data Streams (MC, AA, CL, CC, FF, CV, DM), pp. 427–439.
- MLDM-2009-LiHLG #concept #detection #random #streaming
- Concept Drifting Detection on Noisy Streaming Data in Random Ensemble Decision Trees (PPL, XH, QL, YG), pp. 236–250.
- MLDM-2009-LiuSQ
- Spectrum Steganalysis of WAV Audio Streams (QL, AHS, MQ), pp. 582–593.
- SEKE-2009-ChaoS #clustering #data type #privacy
- Privacy-preserving Clustering of Data Streams (CMC, CCS), pp. 530–535.
- SIGIR-2009-GrinevGBNSL
- Sifting micro-blogging stream for events of user interest (MNG, MPG, AB, LN, AS, DL), p. 837.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-2009-BebenitaCGF #compilation #object-oriented
- Stream-Based Dynamic Compilation for Object-Oriented Languages (MB, MC, AG, MF), pp. 77–95.
- SAC-2009-ChaovalitG #clustering #data type
- A method for clustering transient data streams (PC, AG), pp. 1518–1519.
- SAC-2009-GamaRS #algorithm #data type
- Evaluating algorithms that learn from data streams (JG, PPR, RS), pp. 1496–1500.
- SAC-2009-HalleV #monitoring #runtime #streaming #using #web #web service #xml
- Runtime monitoring of web service choreographies using streaming XML (SH, RV), pp. 2118–2125.
- SAC-2009-KarnstedtKPSF #adaptation #detection
- Adaptive burst detection in a stream engine (MK, DK, CP, KUS, CF), pp. 1511–1515.
- SAC-2009-LinfordS #effectiveness #parallel
- Vector stream processing for effective application of heterogeneous parallelism (JCL, AS), pp. 976–980.
- SAC-2009-LuYLELW #correlation #data type #detection #incremental #using
- Incremental outlier detection in data streams using local correlation integral (XL, TY, ZL, ME, WL, HW), pp. 1520–1521.
- SAC-2009-MarascuM #data type #detection
- Parameterless outlier detection in data streams (AM, FM), pp. 1491–1495.
- SAC-2009-OGormanB #correlation #network
- Improving stream correlation attacks on anonymous networks (GO, SB), pp. 2024–2028.
- SAC-2009-RossTA #data type #online #predict
- Online annotation and prediction for regime switching data streams (GJR, DKT, NMA), pp. 1501–1505.
- ASPLOS-2009-CameronL #architecture #induction #parallel #principle
- Architectural support for SWAR text processing with parallel bit streams: the inductive doubling principle (RDC, DL), pp. 337–348.
- ASPLOS-2009-RamaniGD #architecture #named
- StreamRay: a stream filtering architecture for coherent ray tracing (KR, CPG, AD), pp. 325–336.
- CGO-2009-ChoiLCMM #compilation #embedded #manycore #realtime
- Stream Compilation for Real-Time Embedded Multicore Systems (YC, YL, NC, SAM, TNM), pp. 210–220.
- CGO-2009-UdupaGT #execution #pipes and filters #source code
- Software Pipelined Execution of Stream Programs on GPUs (AU, RG, MJT), pp. 200–209.
- HPCA-2009-WenischFAFM #memory management #metadata #streaming
- Practical off-chip meta-data for temporal memory streaming (TFW, MF, AA, BF, AM), pp. 79–90.
- LCTES-2009-UdupaGT #execution #multi #source code
- Synergistic execution of stream programs on multicores with accelerators (AU, RG, MJT), pp. 99–108.
- PPoPP-2009-YangWXDZ #graph #optimisation
- Comparability graph coloring for optimizing utilization of stream register files in stream processors (XY, LW, JX, YD, YZ), pp. 111–120.
- CSL-2009-GaboardiP #bound #semantics #using
- Upper Bounds on Stream I/O Using Semantic Interpretations (MG, RP), pp. 271–286.
- RTA-2009-Zantema #termination
- Well-Definedness of Streams by Termination (HZ), pp. 164–178.
- ECSA-2008-HanselOS #data type #named
- L-DSMS — A Local Data Stream Management System (CH, HJO, EPS), pp. 298–305.
- WICSA-2008-GortonWAC #data type #framework #integration #performance #streaming
- The MeDICi Integration Framework: A Platform for High Performance Data Streaming Applications (IG, AW, JA, JC), pp. 95–104.
- DATE-2008-ChoiC #testing #using
- Digital bit stream jitter testing using jitter expansion (HWC, AC), pp. 1468–1473.
- DATE-2008-HolzenspiesHKS #multi #runtime #streaming
- Run-time Spatial Mapping of Streaming Applications to a Heterogeneous Multi-Processor System-on-Chip (MPSOC) (PKFH, JH, JK, GJMS), pp. 212–217.
- DATE-2008-MoonenBBM #multi #streaming
- Cache Aware Mapping of Streaming Applications on a Multiprocessor System-on-Chip (AM, MB, RvdB, JLvM), pp. 300–305.
- DATE-2008-MuirAL #automation #pipes and filters #streaming
- Automated Dynamic Throughput-constrained Structural-level Pipelining in Streaming Applications (MM, TA, IL), pp. 1358–1361.
- DATE-2008-MulasPBCABAM #architecture #multi #policy #streaming
- Thermal Balancing Policy for Streaming Computing on Multiprocessor Architectures (FM, MP, MB, SC, AA, LB, DA, GDM), pp. 734–739.
- DATE-2008-RoxE #modelling
- Modeling Event Stream Hierarchies with Hierarchical Event Models (JR, RE), pp. 492–497.
- PODS-2008-CormodeKT
- Time-decaying aggregates in out-of-order streams (GC, FK, ST), pp. 89–98.
- PODS-2008-SarmaGP #graph #rank
- Estimating PageRank on graph streams (ADS, SG, RP), pp. 69–78.
- SIGMOD-2008-AgrawalDGI #pattern matching #performance
- Efficient pattern matching over event streams (JA, YD, DG, NI), pp. 147–160.
- SIGMOD-2008-BenediktJL #constraints #xml
- Stream firewalling of xml constraints (MB, AJ, RLW), pp. 487–498.
- SIGMOD-2008-GedikAWYD #declarative #named
- SPADE: the system s declarative stream processing engine (BG, HA, KLW, PSY, MD), pp. 1123–1134.
- SIGMOD-2008-HwangCCZ #monitoring #named
- Borealis-R: a replication-transparent stream processing system for wide-area monitoring applications (JHH, SC, UÇ, SBZ), pp. 1303–1306.
- SIGMOD-2008-JohnsonMSS #clustering #data type #monitoring #network
- Query-aware partitioning for monitoring massive network data streams (TJ, SMM, VS, OS), pp. 1135–1146.
- SIGMOD-2008-LiuPRY #algorithm #data type #evaluation
- Near-optimal algorithms for shared filter evaluation in data stream systems (ZL, SP, AR, HY), pp. 133–146.
- SIGMOD-2008-MajumderRV #data type #regular expression #scalability
- Scalable regular expression matching on data streams (AM, RR, SV), pp. 161–172.
- SIGMOD-2008-OConnell #algorithm #challenge #optimisation #streaming
- Extreme streaming: business optimization driving algorithmic challenges (WO), pp. 13–14.
- SIGMOD-2008-ReLBS #correlation #probability #query
- Event queries on correlated probabilistic streams (CR, JL, MB, DS), pp. 715–728.
- SIGMOD-2008-SarkasDKT #category theory #streaming
- Categorical skylines for streaming data (NS, GD, NK, AKHT), pp. 239–250.
- VLDB-2008-CormodeH #data type
- Finding frequent items in data streams (GC, MH), pp. 1530–1541.
- VLDB-2008-HanJHL #named #streaming #tuple #xml
- StreamTX: extracting tuples from streaming XML data (WSH, HJ, HH, QL), pp. 289–300.
- VLDB-2008-JainMSGWBCCTZ #sql #standard #streaming #towards
- Towards a streaming SQL standard (NJ, SM, AS, JG, JW, HB, UÇ, MC, RT, SBZ), pp. 1379–1390.
- VLDB-2008-JinYCYL #nondeterminism #query
- Sliding-window top-k queries on uncertain streams (CJ, KY, LC, JXY, XL), pp. 301–312.
- VLDB-2008-KwonBG #distributed #fault tolerance #file system #using
- Fault-tolerant stream processing using a distributed, replicated file system (YK, MB, AGG), pp. 574–585.
- VLDB-2008-LiTSPJM #architecture
- Out-of-order processing: a new architecture for high-performance stream systems (JL, KT, VS, VP, TJ, DM), pp. 274–288.
- VLDB-2008-Miao #monitoring #named
- GS-TMS: a global stream-based threat monitor system (JM), pp. 1644–1651.
- VLDB-2008-SharafLC #data type #query #scheduling
- Scheduling continuous queries in data stream management systems (MAS, AL, PKC), pp. 1526–1527.
- VLDB-2008-YehWYC #distributed #named #query
- LeeWave: level-wise distribution of wavelet coefficients for processing kNN queries over distributed streams (MYY, KLW, PSY, MSC), pp. 586–597.
- PLDI-2008-KudlurM #execution #manycore #source code
- Orchestrating the execution of stream programs on multicore platforms (MK, SAM), pp. 114–124.
- STOC-2008-ChakrabartiCM #bound #communication #robust
- Robust lower bounds for communication and stream computation (AC, GC, AM), pp. 641–650.
- ICALP-A-2008-GuhaM #bound #multi
- Tight Lower Bounds for Multi-pass Stream Computation Via Pass Elimination (SG, AM), pp. 760–772.
- SEFM-2008-MerayoHN
- Extending Stream X-Machines to Specify and Test Systems with Timeouts (MGM, RMH, MN), pp. 201–210.
- ICFP-2008-Hinze #fixpoint #functional
- Functional pearl: streams and unique fixed points (RH), pp. 189–200.
- SOFTVIS-2008-PauwAA #named #scalability #streaming #visualisation
- Streamsight: a visualization tool for large-scale streaming applications (WDP, HA, LA), pp. 125–134.
- CIKM-2008-BoedihardjoLC #data type #framework #probability
- A framework for estimating complex probability density structures in data streams (APB, CTL, FC), pp. 619–628.
- CIKM-2008-LeeL #clustering #data type #multi #online
- A coarse-grain grid-based subspace clustering method for online multi-dimensional data streams (JWL, WSL), pp. 1521–1522.
- CIKM-2008-LuoYY #detection #realtime #video
- Real-time new event detection for video streams (GL, RY, PSY), pp. 379–388.
- CIKM-2008-MihailaSL #incremental
- Anomaly-free incremental output in stream processing (GAM, IS, CAL), pp. 359–368.
- CIKM-2008-MukherjiRBR
- SNIF TOOL: sniffing for patterns in continuous streams (AM, EAR, DCB, VR), pp. 369–378.
- CIKM-2008-TanbeerAJL #data type #mining #performance
- Efficient frequent pattern mining over data streams (SKT, CFA, BSJ, YKL), pp. 1447–1448.
- CIKM-2008-WuT #query #xml
- Evaluating partial tree-pattern queries on XML streams (XW, DT), pp. 1409–1410.
- ICML-2008-LebanonZ #modelling
- Local likelihood modeling of temporal text streams (GL, YZ), pp. 552–559.
- ICPR-2008-MuraiF #bound #detection #using #video
- Shot boundary detection using co-occurrence of global motion in video stream (YM, HF), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-OhyamaNYN
- Reversible data hiding of full color JPEG2000 compressed bit-stream preserving bit-depth information (SO, MN, KY, HN), pp. 1–4.
- KDD-2008-BecchettiBCG #algorithm #graph #performance
- Efficient semi-streaming algorithms for local triangle counting in massive graphs (LB, PB, CC, AG), pp. 16–24.
- KDD-2008-BifetG #adaptation #data type #mining
- Mining adaptively frequent closed unlabeled rooted trees in data streams (AB, RG), pp. 34–42.
- KDD-2008-LaxmanTW #generative #modelling #predict #sequence #using
- Stream prediction using a generative model based on frequent episodes in event sequences (SL, VT, RWW), pp. 453–461.
- KDD-2008-ZhangZS #categorisation #concept #data type #mining
- Categorizing and mining concept drifting data streams (PZ, XZ, YS), pp. 812–820.
- SEKE-2008-Chao #classification #data type #privacy
- Privacy-preserving Classification of Data Streams (CMC), pp. 603–606.
- SEKE-2008-SamimiM #composition #distributed #named
- Dynamis: Dynamic Overlay Service Composition for Distributed Stream Processing (FAS, PKM), pp. 881–886.
- SAC-2008-AnagnostopoulosAH #adaptation #data type #multi #what
- Deciding what to observe next: adaptive variable selection for regression in multivariate data streams (CA, NMA, DJH), pp. 961–965.
- SAC-2008-AquinoFNFLF #clustering #network #reduction
- Sensor stream reduction for clustered wireless sensor networks (ALLdA, CMSF, EFN, ACF, AAFL, AOF), pp. 2052–2056.
- SAC-2008-KontakiPM #data type #multi
- Continuous k-dominant skyline computation on multidimensional data streams (MK, ANP, YM), pp. 956–960.
- SAC-2008-MontanaTT #algorithm #data type #mining
- Data stream mining for market-neutral algorithmic trading (GM, KT, TT), pp. 966–970.
- SAC-2008-SpinosaCG #clustering #concept #data type #detection #network #novel
- Cluster-based novel concept detection in data streams applied to intrusion detection in computer networks (EJS, ACPLFdC, JG), pp. 976–980.
- ASPLOS-2008-GummarajuCTR #manycore #named #programming #using
- Streamware: programming general-purpose multicore processors using streams (JG, JC, YT, MR), pp. 297–307.
- HPDC-2008-PasqualiBCRL #scalability
- A two-level scheduler to dynamically schedule a stream of batch jobs in large-scale grids (MP, RB, GC, LR, DL), pp. 231–232.
- LCTES-2008-NewtonGCMM #compilation #design #embedded #evaluation #source code
- Design and evaluation of a compiler for embedded stream programs (RN, LG, MBC, SM, JGM), pp. 131–140.
- LCTES-2008-WangYXDYTN #optimisation
- Optimizing scientific application loops on stream processors (LW, XY, JX, YD, XY, TT, QHN), pp. 161–170.
- PPoPP-2008-Cameron #case study #parallel
- A case study in SIMD text processing with parallel bit streams: UTF-8 to UTF-16 transcoding (RDC), pp. 91–98.
- TestCom-FATES-2008-GrossmannSW #modelling
- Modeling Property Based Stream Templates with TTCN-3 (JG, IS, HWW), pp. 70–85.
- DAC-2007-LucasHE #library #named #realtime
- FlexWAFE — A High-end Real-Time Stream Processing Library for FPGAs (AdCL, SH, RE), pp. 916–921.
- DATE-2007-HamersE #predict
- Resource prediction for media stream decoding (JH, LE), pp. 594–599.
- DATE-2007-HuangT #analysis #correlation #multi #performance #using
- Performance analysis of multimedia applications using correlated streams (KH, LT), pp. 912–917.
- ICDAR-2007-KeshariW07a
- Streaming-Archival InkML Conversion (BK, SMW), pp. 1253–1257.
- ICDAR-2007-KessentiniPB #approach #multi #recognition #word
- A Multi-stream Approach to Off-Line Handwritten Word Recognition (YK, TP, ABH), pp. 317–321.
- ICDAR-2007-SchlapbachB #identification #online
- Fusing Asynchronous Feature Streams for On-line Writer Identification (AS, HB), pp. 103–107.
- PODS-2007-CohenDKLT #data type #query #sketching
- Sketching unaggregated data streams for subpopulation-size queries (EC, NGD, HK, CL, MT), pp. 253–262.
- PODS-2007-JayramMMV #data type #probability #statistics
- Estimating statistical aggregates on probabilistic data streams (TSJ, AM, SM, EV), pp. 243–252.
- SIGMOD-2007-BandiMAA #algorithm #data type #performance #using
- Fast data stream algorithms using associative memories (NB, AM, DA, AEA), pp. 247–256.
- SIGMOD-2007-BrettleckerS #data type #framework #mobile #reliability
- The OSIRIS-SE (stream-enabled) infrastructure for reliable data stream management on mobile devices (GB, HS), pp. 1097–1099.
- SIGMOD-2007-CormodeG #data type #probability #sketching
- Sketching probabilistic data streams (GC, MNG), pp. 281–292.
- SIGMOD-2007-CormodeG07a #data type #distributed #query #streaming
- Streaming in a connected world: querying and tracking distributed data streams (GC, MNG), pp. 1178–1181.
- SIGMOD-2007-DullerTAK #data type #named
- XTream: personal data streams (MD, RT, GA, DK), pp. 1088–1090.
- SIGMOD-2007-FaloutsosKS #graph #matrix #mining #scalability #tool support #using
- Mining large graphs and streams using matrix and tensor tools (CF, TGK, JS), p. 1174.
- SIGMOD-2007-GouC #algorithm #performance #xpath
- Efficient algorithms for evaluating xpath over streams (GG, RC), pp. 269–280.
- SIGMOD-2007-Lefler #data type
- Data streams go mainstream (RML), pp. 971–972.
- SIGMOD-2007-MarkowetzYP #data type #keyword #relational
- Keyword search on relational data streams (AM, YY, DP), pp. 605–616.
- SIGMOD-2007-TangCLMYZ #effectiveness #pseudo
- Effective variation management for pseudo periodical streams (LaT, BC, HL, GM, DY, XZ), pp. 257–268.
- VLDB-2007-BansalK #analysis #named #online
- BlogScope: A System for Online Analysis of High Volume Text Streams (NB, NK), pp. 1410–1413.
- VLDB-2007-ChenCB #estimation #performance
- A Simple and Efficient Estimation Method for Stream Expression Cardinalities (AC, JC, TB), pp. 171–182.
- VLDB-2007-DasGKS #ad hoc #data type #query
- Ad-hoc Top-k Query Answering for Data Streams (GD, DG, NK, NS), pp. 183–194.
- VLDB-2007-GedikYB
- Executing Stream Joins on the Cell Processor (BG, PSY, RB), pp. 363–374.
- VLDB-2007-KochSS #evaluation #streaming #xquery
- The GCX System: Dynamic Buffer Minimization in Streaming XQuery Evaluation (CK, SS, MS), pp. 1378–1381.
- VLDB-2007-LiYHK #authentication #query
- Proof-Infused Streams: Enabling Authentication of Sliding Window Queries On Streams (FL, KY, MH, GK), pp. 147–158.
- VLDB-2007-PapadopoulosYP #authentication #data type #named
- CADS: Continuous Authentication on Data Streams (SP, YY, DP), pp. 135–146.
- VLDB-2007-TatbulCZ #distributed #performance
- Staying FIT: Efficient Load Shedding Techniques for Distributed Stream Processing (NT, UÇ, SBZ), pp. 159–170.
- VLDB-2007-VoM #linear #named
- RadixZip: Linear-Time Compression of Token Streams (BV, GSM), pp. 1162–1172.
- VLDB-2007-WuYGHABFGGLW #challenge #experience #monitoring #multi #prototype
- Challenges and Experience in Prototyping a Multi-Modal Stream Analytic and Monitoring Application on System S (KLW, PSY, BG, KH, CCA, EB, WF, DG, XG, GL, HW), pp. 1185–1196.
- STOC-2007-BeameJR #algorithm #bound #random
- Lower bounds for randomized read/write stream algorithms (PB, TSJ, AR), pp. 689–698.
- ICALP-2007-Elkin #algorithm #maintenance #streaming
- Streaming and Fully Dynamic Centralized Algorithms for Constructing and Maintaining Sparse Spanners (ME), pp. 716–727.
- ICALP-2007-GuhaM #bound #estimation #multi #streaming
- Lower Bounds for Quantile Estimation in Random-Order and Multi-pass Streaming (SG, AM), pp. 704–715.
- SEFM-2007-MerayoN #consistency #probability #testing
- Testing conformance on Stochastic Stream X-Machines (MGM, MN), pp. 227–236.
- ICFP-2007-CouttsLS
- Stream fusion: from lists to streams to nothing at all (DC, RL, DS), pp. 315–326.
- CHI-2007-ObendorfWHM #web
- Web page revisitation revisited: implications of a long-term click-stream study of browser usage (HO, HW, EH, MM), pp. 597–606.
- HCI-MIE-2007-YamaguchiSS #reliability #streaming #video
- Reliable Partner System Always Providing Users with Companionship Through Video Streaming (TY, KS, HS), pp. 1010–1018.
- CIKM-2007-AngiulliF07a #detection
- Detecting distance-based outliers in streams of data (FA, FF), pp. 811–820.
- CIKM-2007-ParkL #clustering #data type
- Grid-based subspace clustering over data streams (NHP, WSL), pp. 801–810.
- CIKM-2007-ShinL #data type #interactive #online
- An on-line interactive method for finding association rules data streams (SJS, WSL), pp. 963–966.
- CIKM-2007-ZhangW #algorithm #approximate #data type #performance
- An efficient algorithm for approximate biased quantile computation in data streams (QZ, WW), pp. 1023–1026.
- CIKM-2007-ZhangYGY #adaptation #analysis #correlation #representation
- Boolean representation based data-adaptive correlation analysis over time series streams (TZ, DY, YG, GY), pp. 203–212.
- ICML-2007-HaiderBS #clustering #detection #email #streaming
- Supervised clustering of streaming data for email batch detection (PH, UB, TS), pp. 345–352.
- KDD-2007-Aggarwal #classification #data type #framework #segmentation
- A framework for classification and segmentation of massive audio data streams (CCA), pp. 1013–1017.
- KDD-2007-AggarwalY #classification #data type #on the #string
- On string classification in data streams (CCA, PSY), pp. 36–45.
- KDD-2007-ChenT #clustering #realtime
- Density-based clustering for real-time stream data (YC, LT), pp. 133–142.
- KDD-2007-LaxmanSU #algorithm #performance
- A fast algorithm for finding frequent episodes in event streams (SL, PSS, KPU), pp. 410–419.
- KDD-2007-WangZHS #coordination #correlation #mining #topic
- Mining correlated bursty topic patterns from coordinated text streams (XW, CZ, XH, RS), pp. 784–793.
- MLDM-2007-AoYHH #data type #mining
- Mining Maximal Frequent Itemsets in Data Streams Based on FP-Tree (FA, YY, JH, KH), pp. 479–489.
- MLDM-2007-FullerK #data type #distributed #monitoring #named
- FIDS: Monitoring Frequent Items over Distributed Data Streams (RF, MMK), pp. 464–478.
- MLDM-2007-WangLYC #classification #data type #fuzzy #incremental #mining
- An Incremental Fuzzy Decision Tree Classification Method for Mining Data Streams (TW, ZL, YY, HC), pp. 91–103.
- SIGIR-2007-ThomasT #categorisation
- Text categorization for streams (DLT, WJT), p. 907.
- OOPSLA-2007-SpringPGV #java #named #programming
- Streamflex: high-throughput stream programming in java (JHS, JP, RG, JV), pp. 211–228.
- PADL-2007-GustafssonS #erlang #evaluation #implementation #performance #programming
- Applications, Implementation and Performance Evaluation of Bit Stream Programming in Erlang (PG, KFS), pp. 94–108.
- SAC-2007-SpinosaCG #approach #clustering #concept #data type #detection #named
- OLINDDA: a cluster-based approach for detecting novelty and concept drift in data streams (EJS, ACPdLFdC, JG), pp. 448–452.
- SAC-2007-ZhangZZMY #algorithm #random #streaming
- A priority random sampling algorithm for time-based sliding windows over weighted streaming data (LZ, ZL, YQZ, YM, ZY), pp. 453–456.
- HPDC-2007-VuGLN #metric #multi #scalability #streaming
- Measurement of a large-scale overlay for multimedia streaming (LV, IG, JL, KN), pp. 241–242.
- LCTES-2007-HuangHG #embedded #energy #execution #optimisation #pipes and filters #streaming #throughput
- Joint throughput and energy optimization for pipelined execution of embedded streaming applications (PKH, MH, SG), pp. 137–139.
- LCTES-2007-YanL #architecture #clustering #execution
- Stream execution on wide-issue clustered VLIW architectures (SY, BL), pp. 158–160.
- PPoPP-2007-ZhuCA #fault tolerance #grid #streaming
- Supporting fault-tolerance in streaming grid applications (QZ, LC, GA), pp. 156–157.
- DAC-2006-YangCTRC #design
- An up-stream design auto-fix flow for manufacturability enhancement (JY, EC, CT, NR, MC), pp. 73–76.
- DATE-2006-RuggieroGBPM #framework #multi #scheduling
- Communication-aware allocation and scheduling framework for stream-oriented multi-processor systems-on-chip (MR, AG, DB, FP, MM), pp. 3–8.
- HT-2006-QiC #analysis #development #named #segmentation
- CUTS: CUrvature-based development pattern analysis and segmentation for blogs and other Text Streams (YQ, KSC), pp. 1–10.
- PODS-2006-BuriolFLMS #data type
- Counting triangles in data streams (LSB, GF, SL, AMS, CS), pp. 253–262.
- PODS-2006-CormodeKMS #algorithm #data type
- Space- and time-efficient deterministic algorithms for biased quantiles over data streams (GC, FK, SM, DS), pp. 263–272.
- PODS-2006-GuhaM #approximate #order
- Approximate quantiles and the order of the stream (SG, AM), pp. 273–279.
- SIGMOD-2006-DengR #approximate #detection #streaming #using
- Approximately detecting duplicates for streaming data using stable bloom filters (FD, DR), pp. 25–36.
- SIGMOD-2006-JainAAKPSV #design #evaluation #implementation #linear
- Design, implementation, and evaluation of the linear road bnchmark on the stream processing core (NJ, LA, HA, RK, YP, PS, CV), pp. 431–442.
- SIGMOD-2006-KornMW #data type #modelling
- Modeling skew in data streams (FK, SM, YW), pp. 181–192.
- SIGMOD-2006-KrishnamurthyWF #on the fly
- On-the-fly sharing for streamed aggregation (SK, CW, MJF), pp. 623–634.
- SIGMOD-2006-LimLLWS #data type #query #using
- Continuous query processing in data streams using duality of data and queries (HSL, JGL, MJL, KYW, IYS), pp. 313–324.
- SIGMOD-2006-PapadimitriouY #multi
- Optimal multi-scale patterns in time series streams (SP, PSY), pp. 647–658.
- SIGMOD-2006-SharfmanSK #approach #data type #distributed #geometry #monitoring
- A geometric approach to monitoring threshold functions over distributed data streams (IS, AS, DK), pp. 301–312.
- SIGMOD-2006-WuDR
- High-performance complex event processing over streams (EW, YD, SR), pp. 407–418.
- VLDB-2006-Aggarwal #evolution #on the
- On Biased Reservoir Sampling in the Presence of Stream Evolution (CCA), pp. 607–618.
- VLDB-2006-CormodeG #streaming
- Streaming in a Connected World (GC, MNG), p. 1266.
- VLDB-2006-JefferyGF #adaptation #data type
- Adaptive Cleaning for RFID Data Streams (SRJ, MNG, MJF), pp. 163–174.
- VLDB-2006-LiCTACH #data type #query #safety
- Safety Guarantee of Continuous Join Queries over Punctuated Data Streams (HGL, SC, JT, DA, KSC, WPH), pp. 19–30.
- VLDB-2006-TatbulZ #data type #query
- Window-Aware Load Shedding for Aggregation Queries over Data Streams (NT, SBZ), pp. 799–810.
- VLDB-2006-TuLPY #approach #database
- Load Shedding in Stream Databases: A Control-Based Approach (YCT, SL, SP, BY), pp. 787–798.
- VLDB-2006-WangRGB #multi #named #optimisation #paradigm #query
- State-Slice: New Paradigm of Multi-query Optimization of Window-based Stream Queries (SW, EAR, SG, SB), pp. 619–630.
- VLDB-2006-WangSLWYDRM #named #optimisation #query #runtime #semantics #xml
- R-SOX: Runtime Semantic Query Optimization over XML Streams (SW, HS, ML, MW, SY, DD, EAR, MM), pp. 1207–1210.
- VLDB-2006-XingHCZ #distributed
- Providing Resiliency to Load Variations in Distributed Stream Processing (YX, JHH, UÇ, SBZ), pp. 775–786.
- PLDI-2006-ChilimbiS #data type
- Cache-conscious coallocation of hot data streams (TMC, RS), pp. 252–262.
- ICFP-2006-Rosu #problem #similarity
- Equality of streams is a Pi0 over 2-complete problem (GR), pp. 184–191.
- IFL-2006-Hidalgo-HerreroOR #evaluation #functional #parallel
- Comparing Alternative Evaluation Strategies for Stream-Based Parallel Functional Languages (MHH, YOM, FR), pp. 55–72.
- ICEIS-DISI-2006-LongboZMYY #algorithm #data type #random
- Random Sampling Algorithms for Landmark Windows over Data Streams (LZ, ZL, YM, WY, JY), pp. 103–107.
- ICEIS-DISI-2006-SeoCSRZKB #performance #reliability #streaming
- Reliable Performance Data Collection for Streaming Media Services (BS, MC, MS, SR, RZ, LIK, NB), pp. 124–129.
- ICEIS-J-2006-SeoCSRZKB06a #capacity #streaming
- Evaluating Server Capacity for Streaming Media Services (BS, MC, MS, SR, RZ, LIK, NB), pp. 112–131.
- CIKM-2006-BaiTWLZ #data type
- A data stream language and system designed for power and extensibility (YB, HT, HW, CL, CZ), pp. 337–346.
- CIKM-2006-HeinzS #kernel #resource management #streaming
- Resource-aware kernel density estimators over streaming data (CH, BS), pp. 870–871.
- CIKM-2006-HristidisVVY #keyword #multi
- Continuous keyword search on multiple text streams (VH, OV, MV, PSY), pp. 802–803.
- CIKM-2006-HungC #multi #performance #similarity
- Efficient range-constrained similarity search on wavelet synopses over multiple streams (HPH, MSC), pp. 327–336.
- CIKM-2006-JainZC #adaptation #clustering #data type
- Adaptive non-linear clustering in data streams (AJ, ZZ, EYC), pp. 122–131.
- CIKM-2006-KuntschkeK #data type #evaluation
- Matching and evaluation of disjunctive predicates for data stream sharing (RK, AK), pp. 832–833.
- CIKM-2006-OjewoleZH #approximate #data type #semantics
- Window join approximation over data streams with importance semantics (AO, QZ, WCH), pp. 112–121.
- CIKM-2006-XuWFSP #classification #correlation #data type
- Classification spanning correlated data streams (YX, KW, AWCF, RS, JP), pp. 132–141.
- ICPR-v2-2006-BertolamiB #classification #integration #multi #recognition
- Early feature stream integration versus decision level combination in a multiple classifier system for text line recognition (RB, HB), pp. 845–848.
- ICPR-v4-2006-WangLTX #detection #estimation #multi #realtime #video
- Real-Time Multi-View Face Detection and Pose Estimation in Video Stream (YW, YL, LT, GX), pp. 354–357.
- KDD-2006-JiangG #data type #mining #named
- CFI-Stream: mining closed frequent itemsets in data streams (NJ, LG), pp. 592–597.
- KDD-2006-SunTF #analysis #graph
- Beyond streams and graphs: dynamic tensor analysis (JS, DT, CF), pp. 374–383.
- KDD-2006-WangYPYY #concept #data type #mining
- Suppressing model overfitting in mining concept-drifting data streams (HW, JY, JP, PSY, JXY), pp. 736–741.
- SEKE-2006-LiuP #modelling #multi #optimisation #query
- Multi-model Based Optimization for Stream Query Processing (YL, BP), pp. 150–155.
- SIGIR-2006-ShenYSC #concurrent #detection #thread
- Thread detection in dynamic text message streams (DS, QY, JTS, ZC), pp. 35–42.
- QAPL-2006-ZhangH #analysis #formal method #protocol #streaming
- Formal Analysis of Streaming Downloading Protocol for System Upgrading (MZ, DVH), pp. 205–224.
- SAC-2006-Ferrer-TroyanoAS #classification #data type #incremental #learning
- Data streams classification by incremental rule learning with parameterized generalization (FJFT, JSAR, JCRS), pp. 657–661.
- SAC-2006-GaberY #approach #clustering #data type #framework #information management #resource management
- A framework for resource-aware knowledge discovery in data streams: a holistic approach with its application to clustering (MMG, PSY), pp. 649–656.
- SAC-2006-GamaP #data mining #data type #mining
- Discretization from data streams: applications to histograms and data mining (JG, CP), pp. 662–667.
- SAC-2006-KitayamaS #evaluation #video
- An evaluation system for news video streams and blogs (DK, KS), pp. 1361–1368.
- SAC-2006-SousaTTF #data type #evolution
- Evaluating the intrinsic dimension of evolving data streams (EPMdS, AJMT, CTJ, CF), pp. 643–648.
- SAC-2006-ZhaiLL #data access #mobile #statistics #streaming
- Statistical buffering for streaming media data access in a mobile environment (JZ, XL, QL), pp. 1161–1165.
- ASPLOS-2006-GordonTA #parallel #pipes and filters #source code
- Exploiting coarse-grained task, data, and pipeline parallelism in stream programs (MIG, WT, SPA), pp. 151–162.
- CGO-2006-LiaoDWL #multi #streaming
- Data and Computation Transformations for Brook Streaming Applications on Multiprocessors (SWL, ZD, GW, GYL), pp. 196–207.
- HPDC-2006-CaiKS #data type #named #network #performance #predict
- IQ-Paths: Predictably High Performance Data Streams across Dynamic Network Overlays (ZC, VK, KS), pp. 18–29.
- DATE-2005-BurchardHC #memory management #realtime #streaming
- A Real-Time Streaming Memory Controller (AB, EHN, AC), pp. 20–25.
- DATE-2005-ChakrabortyT #analysis #scheduling #streaming
- A New Task Model for Streaming Applications and Its Schedulability Analysis (SC, LT), pp. 486–491.
- DocEng-2005-GenevesR #compilation #policy #streaming #xpath
- Compiling XPath for streaming access policy (PG, KHR), pp. 52–54.
- PODS-2005-Bar-YossefFJ #evaluation #query #xml
- Buffering in query evaluation over XML streams (ZBY, MF, VJ), pp. 216–227.
- PODS-2005-CormodeM #mining #multi #performance
- Space efficient mining of multigraph streams (GC, SM), pp. 271–282.
- PODS-2005-GangulyGKR #estimation
- Join-distinct aggregate estimation over update streams (SG, MNG, AK, RR), pp. 259–270.
- PODS-2005-HershbergerSST #complexity #data type #multi
- Space complexity of hierarchical heavy hitters in multi-dimensional data streams (JH, NS, SS, CDT), pp. 338–347.
- PODS-2005-SrivastavaMW #query
- Operator placement for in-network stream query processing (US, KM, JW), pp. 250–258.
- SIGMOD-2005-AhmadBCHHJMPRTXXZ #distributed
- Distributed operation in the Borealis stream processing engine (YA, BB, UÇ, MH, JHH, AJ, AM, OP, AR, NT, WX, YX, SBZ), pp. 882–884.
- SIGMOD-2005-BalazinskaBMS #distributed #fault tolerance
- Fault-tolerance in the Borealis distributed stream processing system (MB, HB, SM, MS), pp. 13–24.
- SIGMOD-2005-GovindarajuRM #approximate #mining #performance #using
- Fast and Approximate Stream Mining of Quantiles and Frequencies Using Graphics Processors (NKG, NR, DM), pp. 611–622.
- SIGMOD-2005-JohnsonMR #algorithm
- Sampling Algorithms in a Stream Operator (TJ, SM, IR), pp. 1–12.
- SIGMOD-2005-LiMTPT #data type #evaluation #semantics
- Semantics and Evaluation Techniques for Window Aggregates in Data Streams (JL, DM, KT, VP, PAT), pp. 311–322.
- SIGMOD-2005-LuoTWZ #data type #mining #sql
- A native extension of SQL for mining data streams (CL, HT, HW, CZ), pp. 873–875.
- SIGMOD-2005-ManjhiNG #network #performance #robust
- Tributaries and Deltas: Efficient and Robust Aggregation in Sensor Network Streams (AM, SN, PBG), pp. 287–298.
- SIGMOD-2005-SakuraiPF #correlation #mining #named
- BRAID: Stream Mining through Group Lag Correlations (YS, SP, CF), pp. 599–610.
- SIGMOD-2005-SrivastavaKZO #data type #multi
- Multiple Aggregations Over Data Streams (RZ, NK, BCO, DS), pp. 299–310.
- SIGMOD-2005-TaoYPMH #named #optimisation #performance
- RPJ: Producing Fast Join Results on Streams through Rate-based Optimization (YT, MLY, DP, MH, NM), pp. 371–382.
- SIGMOD-2005-XieYC #on the #probability
- On Joining and Caching Stochastic Streams (JX, JY, YC), pp. 359–370.
- VLDB-2005-AliABEHKM #data type #detection #framework #named
- NILE-PDT: A Phenomenon Detection and Tracking Framework for Data Stream Management Systems (MHA, WGA, RB, AKE, AH, IK, MFM), pp. 1295–1298.
- VLDB-2005-ChengKPKT #adaptation #query
- Adaptive Stream Filters for Entity-based Queries with Non-Value Tolerance (RC, BK, SP, AK, YCT), pp. 37–48.
- VLDB-2005-ChiWY #data type #mining #named
- Loadstar: Load Shedding in Data Stream Mining (YC, HW, PSY), pp. 1303–1305.
- VLDB-2005-CormodeG #approximate #distributed #query #sketching
- Sketching Streams Through the Net: Distributed Approximate Query Tracking (GC, MNG), pp. 13–24.
- VLDB-2005-CormodeMR #data type #mining
- Summarizing and Mining Inverse Distributions on Data Streams via Dynamic Inverse Sampling (GC, SM, IR), pp. 25–36.
- VLDB-2005-FungYYL #detection #parametricity
- Parameter Free Bursty Events Detection in Text Streams (GPCF, JXY, PSY, HL), pp. 181–192.
- VLDB-2005-GuhaS #algorithm #data type #performance
- Offline and Data Stream Algorithms for Efficient Computation of Synopsis Structures (SG, KS), p. 1364.
- VLDB-2005-IvanovaR #execution #parallel #query
- Customizable Parallel Execution of Scientific Stream Queries (MI, TR), pp. 157–168.
- VLDB-2005-KuntschkeSKR #data type #named
- StreamGlobe: Processing and Sharing Data Streams in Grid-Based P2P Infrastructures (RK, BS, AK, AR), pp. 1259–1262.
- VLDB-2005-LiA #evaluation #performance #streaming #xquery
- Efficient Evaluation of XQuery over Streaming Data (XL, GA), pp. 265–276.
- VLDB-2005-PapadimitriouSF #multi #streaming
- Streaming Pattern Discovery in Multiple Time-Series (SP, JS, CF), pp. 697–708.
- VLDB-2005-SchmidtLSL #query #realtime #robust
- Robust Real-time Query Processing with QStream (SS, TL, SS, WL), pp. 1299–1302.
- VLDB-2005-SuRM #optimisation #query #semantics #xml #xquery
- Semantic Query Optimization for XQuery over XML Streams (HS, EAR, MM), pp. 277–288.
- ESOP-2005-TsuikiS #functional
- Streams with a Bottom in Functional Languages (HT, KS), pp. 201–216.
- PLDI-2005-Solar-LezamaRBE #programming #sketching #source code
- Programming by sketching for bit-streaming programs (ASL, RMR, RB, KE), pp. 281–294.
- STOC-2005-FrahlingS #data type #geometry
- Coresets in dynamic geometric data streams (GF, CS), pp. 209–217.
- STOC-2005-IndykW #approximate #data type
- Optimal approximations of the frequency moments of data streams (PI, DPW), pp. 202–208.
- ICALP-2005-GroheKS #bound #memory management #query #streaming
- Tight Lower Bounds for Query Processing on Streaming and External Memory Data (MG, CK, NS), pp. 1076–1088.
- ICEIS-v1-2005-KostowskiC #evaluation
- Analytical and Experimental Evaluation of Stream-based Join (HK, KTC), pp. 154–161.
- ICEIS-v5-2005-CordryBB #interactive #realtime #scheduling
- Performing Real-Time Scheduling in an Interactive Audio-Streaming Application (JC, NB, SB), pp. 140–147.
- CIKM-2005-GedikWYL #adaptation
- Adaptive load shedding for windowed stream joins (BG, KLW, PSY, LL), pp. 171–178.
- CIKM-2005-HsiehCY #approximate
- Integrating DCT and DWT for approximating cube streams (MJH, MSC, PSY), pp. 179–186.
- CIKM-2005-LaurNSP #data type #estimation #on the
- On the estimation of frequent itemsets for data streams: theory and experiments (PAL, RN, JES, PP), pp. 327–328.
- CIKM-2005-ZhouYOTZ #distributed #multi #optimisation #query
- Optimizing continuous multijoin queries over distributed streams (YZ, YY, BCO, KLT, AZ), pp. 221–222.
- ICML-2005-Ho #concept #data type #detection #framework
- A martingale framework for concept change detection in time-varying data streams (SSH), pp. 321–327.
- KDD-2005-GuhaH #data type #fault
- Wavelet synopsis for data streams: minimizing non-euclidean error (SG, BH), pp. 88–97.
- KDD-2005-YangWZ #data type #predict
- Combining proactive and reactive predictions for data streams (YY, XW, XZ), pp. 710–715.
- KDD-2005-ZhouFSU #feature model #streaming #using
- Streaming feature selection using alpha-investing (JZ, DPF, RAS, LHU), pp. 384–393.
- MLDM-2005-LaurSNP #data type #statistics
- Statistical Supports for Frequent Itemsets on Data Streams (PAL, JES, RN, PP), pp. 395–404.
- LOPSTR-2005-SuenagaKY #approach #automation #generative #source code #type system
- Extension of Type-Based Approach to Generation of Stream-Processing Programs by Automatic Insertion of Buffering Primitives (KS, NK, AY), pp. 98–114.
- SAC-2005-BertholdSLH #data type #resource management
- Integrated resource management for data stream systems (HB, SS, WL, CJH), pp. 555–562.
- SAC-2005-CuiK #analysis #documentation #topic
- Topic activation analysis for document streams based on document arrival rate and relevance (CC, HK), pp. 1089–1095.
- SAC-2005-ElkhalifaAC #detection #named #specification
- InfoFilter: a system for expressive pattern specification and detection over text streams (LE, RA, SC), pp. 1084–1088.
- SAC-2005-Ferrer-TroyanoAS #data type #incremental #learning
- Incremental rule learning based on example nearness from numerical data streams (FJFT, JSAR, JCRS), pp. 568–572.
- SAC-2005-GamaMR #data type #learning
- Learning decision trees from dynamic data streams (JG, PM, PPR), pp. 573–577.
- SAC-2005-GaoWW #evaluation #quality #streaming
- Quality-driven evaluation of trigger conditions on streaming time series (LG, MW, XSW), pp. 563–567.
- SAC-2005-HeinzS #data type
- Wavelet density estimators over data streams (CH, BS), pp. 578–579.
- HPDC-2005-HackerNA #adaptation #parallel #scheduling
- Adaptive data block scheduling for parallel TCP streams (TJH, BDN, BDA), pp. 265–275.
- HPDC-2005-LiuPV #distributed #query #streaming
- Distributed streaming query planner in Calder system (YL, BP, NNV), pp. 316–317.
- HPDC-2005-LuCSG #streaming #validation
- A streaming validation model for SOAP digital signature (WL, KC, AS, DG), pp. 243–252.
- HPDC-2005-VijayakumarLP #data access #data type #grid #named
- Calder: enabling grid access to data streams (NNV, YL, BP), pp. 283–284.
- LCTES-2005-SermulinsTRA #optimisation #source code
- Cache aware optimization of stream programs (JS, WT, RMR, SPA), pp. 115–126.
- PPoPP-2005-ThiesKSRA #distributed #source code
- Teleport messaging for distributed stream programs (WT, MK, JS, RMR, SPA), pp. 224–235.
- LICS-2005-Saurin #λ-calculus #μ-calculus
- Separation with Streams in the λμ-calculus (AS), pp. 356–365.
- TLCA-2005-Bertot #induction
- Filters on CoInductive Streams, an Application to Eratosthenes’ Sieve (YB), pp. 102–115.
- DATE-v1-2004-IranliCP #approach #energy #game studies #streaming #video
- A Game Theoretic Approach to Low Energy Wireless Video Streaming (AI, KC, MP), pp. 696–697.
- PODS-2004-Bar-YossefFJ #evaluation #memory management #on the #requirements #xml #xpath
- On the Memory Requirements of XPath Evaluation over XML Streams (ZBY, MF, VJ), pp. 177–188.
- PODS-2004-HershbergerS #adaptation #data type #geometry #problem
- Adaptive Sampling for Geometric Problems over Data Streams (JH, SS), pp. 252–262.
- PODS-2004-SrivastavaW #data type #flexibility
- Flexible Time Management in Data Stream Systems (US, JW), pp. 263–274.
- SIGMOD-2004-AyadN #infinity #optimisation #query
- Static Optimization of Conjunctive Queries with Sliding Windows Over Infinite Streams (AA, JFN), pp. 419–430.
- SIGMOD-2004-BabuMMNW #adaptation #pipes and filters
- Adaptive Ordering of Pipelined Stream Filters (SB, RM, KM, IN, JW), pp. 407–418.
- SIGMOD-2004-BabuW #adaptation #named #query
- StreaMon: An Adaptive Engine for Stream Query Processing (SB, JW), pp. 931–932.
- SIGMOD-2004-BalazinskaBS #distributed
- Load Management and High Availability in the Medusa Distributed Stream Processing System (MB, HB, MS), pp. 929–930.
- SIGMOD-2004-BoseF #data type #xml
- Data Stream Management for Historical XML Data (SB, LF), pp. 239–250.
- SIGMOD-2004-BowmanS #optimisation #query #semantics #using
- Optimization of Query Streams Using Semantic Prefetching (ITB, KS), pp. 179–190.
- SIGMOD-2004-CaiCPHWA #data type #mining #named
- MAIDS: Mining Alarming Incidents from Data Streams (YDC, DC, GP, JH, MW, LA), pp. 919–920.
- SIGMOD-2004-Faloutsos #mining
- Indexing and Mining Streams (CF), p. 969.
- SIGMOD-2004-JainCW #adaptation #resource management #using
- Adaptive Stream Resource Management Using Kalman Filters (AJ, EYC, YFW), pp. 11–22.
- SIGMOD-2004-JohnsonCKMSS #streaming
- Holistic UDAFs at streaming speeds (GC, TJ, FK, SM, OS, DS), pp. 35–46.
- SIGMOD-2004-KramerS #framework #named #pipes and filters
- PIPES — A Public Infrastructure for Processing and Exploring Streams (JK, BS), pp. 925–926.
- SIGMOD-2004-WuSZ #data type #online #sequence
- Online Event-driven Subsequence Matching over Financial Data Streams (HW, BS, DZ), pp. 23–34.
- SIGMOD-2004-ZhuRH #data type #migration #query
- Dynamic Plan Migration for Continuous Queries Over Data Streams (YZ, EAR, GTH), pp. 431–442.
- VLDB-2004-AbadiLMS #data type #framework #integration #network
- An Integration Framework for Sensor Networks and Data Stream Management Systems (DJA, WL, SM, JS), pp. 1361–1364.
- VLDB-2004-AggarwalHWY #clustering #data type #framework
- A Framework for Projected Clustering of High Dimensional Data Streams (CCA, JH, JW, PSY), pp. 852–863.
- VLDB-2004-AhmadC #distributed #query
- Networked Query Processing for Distributed Stream-Based Applications (YA, UÇ), pp. 456–467.
- VLDB-2004-ArasuCGMMRST #benchmark #data transformation #linear #metric
- Linear Road: A Stream Data Management Benchmark (AA, MC, EFG, DM, AM, ER, MS, RT), pp. 480–491.
- VLDB-2004-Cha #scalability
- P*TIME: Highly Scalable OLTP DBMS for Managing Update-Intensive Stream Workload (SKC, CS), pp. 1033–1044.
- VLDB-2004-ChandrasekaranF
- Remembrance of Streams Past: Overload-Sensitive Management of Archived Streams (SC, MJF), pp. 348–359.
- VLDB-2004-Fan #classification #concept #data type #named
- StreamMiner: A Classifier Ensemble-based Engine to Mine Concept-drifting Data Streams (WF), pp. 1257–1260.
- VLDB-2004-GuhaKS #approximate #named #streaming
- XWAVE: Approximate Extended Wavelets for Streaming Data (SG, CK, KS), pp. 288–299.
- VLDB-2004-KiferBG #data type #detection
- Detecting Change in Data Streams (DK, SBD, JG), pp. 180–191.
- VLDB-2004-KochSSS #data type #query #scheduling
- Schema-based Scheduling of Event Processors and Buffer Minimization for Queries on Structured Data Streams (CK, SS, NS, BS), pp. 228–239.
- VLDB-2004-KochSSS04a #named #optimisation #streaming #xml #xquery
- FluXQuery: An Optimizing XQuery Processor for Streaming XML Data (CK, SS, NS, BS), pp. 1309–1312.
- VLDB-2004-KoudasOT0 #approximate #bound #fault #performance #query
- Approximate NN queries on Streams with Guaranteed Error/performance Bounds (NK, BCO, KLT, RZ), pp. 804–815.
- VLDB-2004-LawWZ #data type #database #modelling #query #sequence
- Query Languages and Data Models for Database Sequences and Data Streams (YNL, HW, CZ), pp. 492–503.
- VLDB-2004-MokbelXAHPH #data type #named #query #realtime
- PLACE: A Query Processor for Handling Real-time Spatio-temporal Data Streams (MFM, XX, WGA, SEH, SP, MAH), pp. 1377–1380.
- VLDB-2004-SchmidtBL #data type #named #query
- QStream: Deterministic Querying of Data Streams (SS, HB, WL), pp. 1365–1368.
- VLDB-2004-SionAP
- Resilient Rights Protection for Sensor Streams (RS, MJA, SP), pp. 732–743.
- VLDB-2004-SrivastavaW #execution
- Memory-Limited Execution of Windowed Stream Joins (US, JW), pp. 324–335.
- VLDB-2004-SuRM #algebra #optimisation #query #semantics #xml #xquery
- Semantic Query Optimization in an Automata-Algebra Combined XQuery Engine over XML Streams (HS, EAR, MM), pp. 1293–1296.
- VLDB-2004-YuCLZ #data type #mining #transaction
- False Positive or False Negative: Mining Frequent Itemsets from High Speed Transactional Data Streams (JXY, ZC, HL, AZ), pp. 204–215.
- STOC-2004-Indyk #algorithm #data type #geometry #problem
- Algorithms for dynamic geometric problems over data streams (PI), pp. 373–380.
- ICALP-2004-FeigenbaumKMSZ #graph #on the #problem
- On Graph Problems in a Semi-streaming Model (JF, SK, AM, SS, JZ), pp. 531–543.
- CHI-2004-McCarthySM #video
- Sharp or smooth?: comparing the effects of quantization vs. frame rate for streamed video (JDM, MAS, DM), pp. 535–542.
- ICEIS-v1-2004-FuZ #data type #memory management #scalability
- Memory Management for Large Scale Data Stream Recorders (KF, RZ), pp. 54–63.
- CIKM-2004-DingR
- Evaluating window joins over punctuated streams (LD, EAR), pp. 98–107.
- CIKM-2004-HuangOM #category theory #clustering #difference
- Compression schemes for differential categorical stream clustering (WH, EO, LM), pp. 232–233.
- CIKM-2004-WuCY #performance #query
- Interval query indexing for efficient stream processing (KLW, SKC, PSY), pp. 88–97.
- ECIR-2004-JijkounR #multi
- Answer Selection in a Multi-stream Open Domain Question Answering System (VJ, MdR), pp. 99–111.
- ICPR-v3-2004-HuangT #detection #estimation #realtime #robust #video
- Robust Real-Time Detection, Tracking, and Pose Estimation of Faces in Video Streams (KSH, MMT), pp. 965–968.
- KDD-2004-AggarwalHWY #classification #data type #on the
- On demand classification of data streams (CCA, JH, JW, PSY), pp. 503–508.
- KDD-2004-Fan #concept #data type
- Systematic data selection to mine concept-drifting data streams (WF), pp. 128–137.
- SAC-2004-BerfieldBC #mobile #streaming
- Profile and context filtering of streaming data for a mobile personal assistant (AB, JB, PKC), pp. 1615–1616.
- SAC-2004-CherkasovaT #performance #resource management
- Providing resource allocation and performance isolation in a shared streaming-media hosting service (LC, WT), pp. 1213–1218.
- SAC-2004-Ferrer-TroyanoAS #data type
- Discovering decision rules from numerical data streams (FJFT, JSAR, JCRS), pp. 649–653.
- SAC-2004-JiangC #data type
- Data stream management system for MavHome (QJ, SC), pp. 654–655.
- SAC-2004-OlteanuFB #data type #performance #query #xml
- An efficient single-pass query evaluator for XML data streams (DO, TF, FB), pp. 627–631.
- SAC-2004-ShinK #adaptation #effectiveness #multi #streaming
- Cost effective transcoding for QoS adaptive multimedia streaming (IS, KK), pp. 1238–1241.
- ICSE-2004-Francois #architecture #data type #distributed #hybrid #parallel
- A Hybrid Architectural Style for Distributed Parallel Processing of Generic Data Streams (ARJF), pp. 367–376.
- LDTA-2004-BegelG #ambiguity #analysis #tool support
- Language Analysis and Tools for Ambiguous Input Streams (AB, SLG), pp. 75–96.
- HPCA-2004-JayasenaEAD
- Stream Register Files with Indexed Access (NJ, ME, JHA, WJD), pp. 60–72.
- HPDC-2004-ChenRA #data type #distributed #middleware #named
- GATES: A Grid-Based Middleware for Processing Distributed Data Streams (LC, KR, GA), pp. 192–201.
- HPDC-2004-VijayakumarP #data type #evaluation #performance
- Performance Evaluation of Rate-Based Join Window Sizing for Asynchronous Data Streams (NNV, BP), pp. 260–261.
- OSDI-2004-OlshefskiNN #named
- ksniffer: Determining the Remote Client Perceived Response Time from Live Packet Streams (DPO, JN, EMN), pp. 333–346.
- DAC-2003-ChoiKP #energy #streaming
- Energy-aware MPEG-4 FGS streaming (KC, KK, MP), pp. 912–915.
- DATE-2003-KuacharoenMM #streaming
- Software Streaming via Block Streaming (PK, VJM, VKM), pp. 10912–10917.
- PODS-2003-BabcockDMO #data type #maintenance
- Maintaining variance and k-medians over data stream windows (BB, MD, RM, LO), pp. 234–243.
- PODS-2003-CohenS #maintenance
- Maintaining time-decaying stream aggregates (EC, MS), pp. 223–233.
- PODS-2003-GarofalakisK #correlation #data type #distance #edit distance #using #xml
- Correlating XML data streams using tree-edit distance embeddings (MNG, AK), pp. 143–154.
- SIGMOD-2003-AbadiCCCCEGHMRSSTXYZ #data type #named
- Aurora: A Data Stream Management System (DJA, DC, UÇ, MC, CC, CE, EFG, MH, AM, AR, AS, MS, NT, YX, RY, SBZ), p. 666.
- SIGMOD-2003-Aggarwal #data type #framework
- A Framework for Change Diagnosis of Data Streams (CCA), pp. 575–586.
- SIGMOD-2003-ArasuBBDIRW #named
- STREAM: The Stanford Stream Data Manager (AA, BB, SB, MD, KI, IN, JR, JW), p. 665.
- SIGMOD-2003-BabcockBDM #data type #memory management #scheduling
- Chain : Operator Scheduling for Memory Minimization in Data Stream Systems (BB, SB, MD, RM), pp. 253–264.
- SIGMOD-2003-CranorJSS #database #named #network
- Gigascope: A Stream Database for Network Applications (CDC, TJ, OS, VS), pp. 647–651.
- SIGMOD-2003-DasGR #approximate #data type
- Approximate Join Processing Over Data Streams (AD, JG, MR), pp. 40–51.
- SIGMOD-2003-GangulyGR #set
- Processing Set Expressions over Continuous Update Streams (SG, MNG, RR), pp. 265–276.
- SIGMOD-2003-GuptaS #query #xpath
- Stream Processing of XPath Queries with Predicates (AKG, DS), pp. 419–430.
- SIGMOD-2003-OlstonJW #adaptation #data type #distributed #query
- Adaptive Filters for Continuous Queries over Distributed Data Streams (CO, JJ, JW), pp. 563–574.
- SIGMOD-2003-PengC #query #streaming #xpath
- XPath Queries on Streaming Data (FP, SSC), pp. 431–442.
- SIGMOD-2003-Zeller #data type #sql #transaction
- NonStop SQL/MX Publish/Subscribe: Continuous Data Streams in Transaction Processing (HZ), p. 636.
- VLDB-2003-AggarwalHWY #clustering #data type #evolution #framework
- A Framework for Clustering Evolving Data Streams (CCA, JH, JW, PSY), pp. 81–92.
- VLDB-2003-CarneyCZRCS #data type #scheduling
- Operator Scheduling in a Data Stream Manager (DC, UÇ, AR, SBZ, MC, MS), pp. 838–849.
- VLDB-2003-CormodeKMS #data type
- Finding Hierarchical Heavy Hitters in Data Streams (GC, FK, SM, DS), pp. 464–475.
- VLDB-2003-FlorescuHKLRWCSA #streaming #xquery
- The BEA/XQRL Streaming XQuery Processor (DF, CH, DK, PL, FR, TW, MJC, AS, GA), pp. 997–1008.
- VLDB-2003-GolabO #data type #multi #query
- Processing Sliding Window Multi-Joins in Continuous Queries over Data Streams (LG, MTÖ), pp. 500–511.
- VLDB-2003-HammadFAE #data type #scheduling
- Scheduling for shared window joins over data streams (MAH, MJF, WGA, AKE), pp. 297–308.
- VLDB-2003-KoudasS #data type #query #tutorial
- Data Stream Query Processing: A Tutorial (NK, DS), p. 1149.
- VLDB-2003-PapadimitriouBF #adaptation #mining
- Adaptive, Hands-Off Stream Mining (SP, AB, CF), pp. 560–571.
- VLDB-2003-ShahDR #approach #performance #streaming
- An Efficient and Resilient Approach to Filtering and Disseminating Streaming Data (SS, SD, KR), pp. 57–68.
- VLDB-2003-TatbulCZCS #data type
- Load Shedding in a Data Stream Manager (NT, UÇ, SBZ, MC, MS), pp. 309–320.
- VLDB-2003-TengCY #data type #mining
- A Regression-Based Temporal Pattern Mining Scheme for Data Streams (WGT, MSC, PSY), pp. 93–104.
- VLDB-2003-ViglasNB #multi #query #streaming
- Maximizing the Output Rate of Multi-Way Join Queries over Streaming Information Sources (SV, JFN, JB), pp. 285–296.
- VLDB-2003-WangZL #data mining #data type #mining #named #sql
- ATLAS: A Small but Complete SQL Extension for Data Mining and Data Streams (HW, CZ, CL), pp. 1113–1116.
- PLDI-2003-LambTA #analysis #linear #optimisation #source code
- Linear analysis and optimization of stream programs (AAL, WT, SPA), pp. 12–25.
- STOC-2003-CharikarOP #algorithm #clustering #problem #streaming
- Better streaming algorithms for clustering problems (MC, LO, RP), pp. 30–39.
- ICEIS-v1-2003-WongL #multi #performance #recursion #streaming #video
- Recursive Patching — An Efficient Technique for Multicast Video Streaming (YWW, JYBL), pp. 306–312.
- ICEIS-v1-2003-ZimmermannFK #data type #design #scalability
- Design of a Large Scale Data Stream Recorder (RZ, KF, WSK), pp. 156–168.
- CIKM-2003-ChangL #adaptation #data type #monitoring #named #online
- estWin: adaptively monitoring the recent change of frequent itemsets over online data streams (JHC, WSL), pp. 536–539.
- CIKM-2003-JiangC #analysis #data type #relational
- Queueing analysis of relational operators for continuous data streams (QJ, SC), pp. 271–278.
- CIKM-2003-JinQSYZ #data type #maintenance
- Dynamically maintaining frequent items over a data stream (CJ, WQ, CS, JXY, AZ), pp. 287–294.
- CIKM-2003-Onizuka #automaton #xml #xpath
- Light-weight xPath processing of XML stream with deterministic automata (MO), pp. 342–349.
- CIKM-2003-SuJR #algebra #framework #named #xml
- Raindrop: a uniform and layered algebraic framework for XQueries on XML streams (HS, JJ, EAR), pp. 279–286.
- KDD-2003-ChangL #adaptation #data type #online
- Finding recent frequent itemsets adaptively over online data streams (JHC, WSL), pp. 487–492.
- KDD-2003-GamaRM #data type #mining #performance
- Accurate decision trees for mining high-speed data streams (JG, RR, PM), pp. 523–528.
- KDD-2003-GuhaGK #correlation #data type
- Correlating synchronous and asynchronous data streams (SG, DG, NK), pp. 529–534.
- KDD-2003-GunduzO #behaviour #modelling #predict #representation #web
- A Web page prediction model based on click-stream tree representation of user behavior (SG, MTÖ), pp. 535–540.
- KDD-2003-JinA #performance #streaming
- Efficient decision tree construction on streaming data (RJ, GA), pp. 571–576.
- KDD-2003-WangFYH #classification #concept #data type #mining #using
- Mining concept-drifting data streams using ensemble classifiers (HW, WF, PSY, JH), pp. 226–235.
- KDD-2003-ZhuS #data type #detection #performance
- Efficient elastic burst detection in data streams (YZ, DS), pp. 336–345.
- GPCE-2003-ConselHRSYP #approach #domain-specific language #named #specification #streaming
- Spidle: A DSL Approach to Specifying Streaming Applications (CC, HH, LR, LS, HY, CP), pp. 1–17.
- SAC-2003-Ferrer-TroyanoAS #data type #mining #prototype
- Prototype-based Mining of Numeric Data Streams (FJFT, JSAR, JCRS), pp. 480–484.
- SAC-2003-Zimmermann #streaming
- Streaming of DivX AVI Movies (RZ), pp. 979–982.
- HPCA-2003-KhailanyDRKOT #scalability
- Exploring the VLSI Scalability of Stream Processors (BK, WJD, SR, UJK, JDO, BT), pp. 153–164.
- HPDC-2003-AgarwalaPKSW #distributed #monitoring #resource management
- Resource-Aware Stream Management with the Customizable dproc Distributed Monitoring Mechanisms (SA, CP, JK, KS, MW), pp. 250–259.
- LCTES-2003-KarczmarekTA #scheduling #source code
- Phased scheduling of stream programs (MK, WT, SPA), pp. 103–112.
- SOSP-2003-CastroDKNRS #multi #named
- SplitStream: high-bandwidth multicast in cooperative environments (MC, PD, AMK, AN, AITR, AS), pp. 298–313.
- PODS-2002-ArasuBBMW #data type #memory management #query #requirements
- Characterizing Memory Requirements for Queries over Continuous Data Streams (AA, BB, SB, JM, JW), pp. 221–232.
- PODS-2002-BabcockBDMW #data type #modelling
- Models and Issues in Data Stream Systems (BB, SB, MD, RM, JW), pp. 1–16.
- PODS-2002-SegoufinV #documentation #streaming #validation #xml
- Validating Streaming XML Documents (LS, VV), pp. 53–64.
- SIGMOD-2002-DobraGGR #data type #query
- Processing complex aggregate queries over data streams (AD, MNG, JG, RR), pp. 61–72.
- SIGMOD-2002-GaoW #query #similarity #streaming
- Continually evaluating similarity-based pattern queries on a streaming time series (LG, XSW), pp. 370–381.
- SIGMOD-2002-GarofalakisGR #data type #mining #query #tutorial
- Querying and mining data streams: you only get one look a tutorial (MNG, JG, RR), p. 635.
- SIGMOD-2002-MaddenSHR #adaptation #query
- Continuously adaptive continuous queries over streams (SM, MAS, JMH, VR), pp. 49–60.
- SIGMOD-2002-ViglasN #optimisation #query #streaming
- Rate-based query optimization for streaming information sources (SV, JFN), pp. 37–48.
- VLDB-2002-CarneyCCCLSSTZ #data transformation #monitoring
- Monitoring Streams — A New Class of Data Management Applications (DC, UÇ, MC, CC, SL, GS, MS, NT, SBZ), pp. 215–226.
- VLDB-2002-ChandrasekaranF #query #streaming
- Streaming Queries over Streaming Data (SC, MJF), pp. 203–214.
- VLDB-2002-ChenHWW #analysis #data type #multi
- Multi-Dimensional Regression Analysis of Time-Series Data Streams (YC, GD, JH, BWW, JW), pp. 323–334.
- VLDB-2002-CormodeDIM #data type #how #using
- Comparing Data Streams Using Hamming Norms (How to Zero In) (GC, MD, PI, SM), pp. 335–345.
- VLDB-2002-GarofalakisG #data type #mining #query
- Querying and Mining Data Streams: You Only Get One Look (MNG, JG).
- VLDB-2002-KornMS #data type #nearest neighbour
- Reverse Nearest Neighbor Aggregates Over Data Streams (FK, SM, DS), pp. 814–825.
- VLDB-2002-MankuM #approximate #data type
- Approximate Frequency Counts over Data Streams (GSM, RM), pp. 346–357.
- VLDB-2002-ZhuS #data type #monitoring #named #realtime #statistics
- StatStream: Statistical Monitoring of Thousands of Data Streams in Real Time (YZ, DS), pp. 358–369.
- PLDI-2002-ChilimbiH #data type #source code
- Dynamic Hot Data Stream Prefetching for General-Purpose Programs (TMC, MH), pp. 199–209.
- STOC-2002-AjtaiJKS #approximate #data type
- Approximate counting of inversions in a data stream (MA, TSJ, RK, DS), pp. 370–379.
- STOC-2002-SaksS #approximate #bound #data type #distance
- Space lower bounds for distance approximation in the data stream model (MES, XS), pp. 360–369.
- ICALP-2002-CharikarCF #data type
- Finding Frequent Items in Data Streams (MC, KCC, MFC), pp. 693–703.
- ICALP-2002-GuhaIMS #data type #performance
- Histogramming Data Streams with Fast Per-Item Processing (SG, PI, SM, MS), pp. 681–692.
- CIKM-2002-Faloutsos #data mining #mining #network #self
- Future directions in data mining: streams, networks, self-similarity and power laws (CF), p. 93.
- CIKM-2002-FegarasLBC #query #xml
- Query processing of streamed XML data (LF, DL, SB, VC), pp. 126–133.
- CIKM-2002-GaoYW #nearest neighbour #query #streaming
- Evaluating continuous nearest neighbor queries for streaming time series via pre-fetching (LG, ZY, XSW), pp. 485–492.
- CIKM-2002-LeeCHT #evaluation #multi #performance #query #streaming #xml
- Efficient evaluation of multiple queries on streaming XML data (MLL, BCC, WH, KLT), pp. 118–125.
- CIKM-2002-QiaoAA #adaptation #data type #named #summary
- RHist: adaptive summarization over continuous data streams (LQ, DA, AEA), pp. 469–476.
- ICPR-v4-2002-HuangT02a #array #multi #recognition #streaming #using #video
- Streaming Face Recognition Using Multicamera Video Arrays (KSH, MMT), pp. 213–216.
- KDD-2002-Kleinberg
- Bursty and hierarchical structure in streams (JMK), pp. 91–101.
- SAC-2002-DingDP #classification #data type #using
- Decision tree classification of spatial data streams using Peano Count Trees (QD, QD, WP), pp. 413–417.
- SAC-2002-HuangHC #adaptation #streaming
- A proxy-based adaptive flow control scheme for media streaming (CMH, THH, CKC), pp. 750–754.
- ASPLOS-2002-GordonTKLMLLWHMA #architecture #compilation
- A stream compiler for communication-exposed architectures (MIG, WT, MK, JL, ASM, AAL, CL, JW, HH, DM, SPA), pp. 291–303.
- CC-2002-ThiesKA #named #streaming
- StreamIt: A Language for Streaming Applications (WT, MK, SPA), pp. 179–196.
- HPCA-2002-SairSC #behaviour
- Quantifying Load Stream Behavior (SS, TS, BC), pp. 197–208.
- HPDC-2002-Plale #data type #memory management #runtime
- Leveraging Run Time Knowledge about Event Rates to Improve Memory Utilization in Wide Area Data Stream Filtering (BP), pp. 171–178.
- DATE-2001-AcquavivaBR #adaptation #algorithm #multi #power management #streaming
- An adaptive algorithm for low-power streaming multimedia processing (AA, LB, BR), pp. 273–279.
- DATE-2001-MinatoI #combinator #problem #scalability #streaming
- Streaming BDD manipulation for large-scale combinatorial problems (SiM, SI), pp. 702–707.
- HT-2001-PageCR #metadata
- Its about time: link streams as continuous metadata (KRP, DC, DDR), pp. 93–102.
- ICDAR-2001-BrakensiekRWR #adaptation
- Adaptation of an Address Reading System to Local Mail Streams (AB, JR, FW, GR), pp. 872–876.
- VLDB-2001-GilbertKMS #approximate #query #summary
- Surfing Wavelets on Streams: One-Pass Summaries for Approximate Aggregate Queries (ACG, YK, SM, MS), pp. 79–88.
- ESOP-2001-CuoqP #composition
- Modular Causality in a Synchronous Stream Language (PC, MP), pp. 237–251.
- STOC-2001-GuhaKS
- Data-streams and histograms (SG, NK, KS), pp. 471–475.
- ICEIS-v2-2001-CurranP #mobile #streaming
- Active Proxies for Streaming Media to Mobile Devices (KC, GP), pp. 1133–1138.
- KDD-2001-HultenSD #data type #mining
- Mining time-changing data streams (GH, LS, PMD), pp. 97–106.
- KDD-2001-LambertP #mining #transaction
- Mining a stream of transactions for customer patterns (DL, JCP), pp. 305–310.
- KDD-2001-StreetK #algorithm #classification #scalability #streaming
- A streaming ensemble algorithm (SEA) for large-scale classification (WNS, YK), pp. 377–382.
- SAC-2001-NakanoHSN #effectiveness #hypermedia #protocol #streaming #web
- Extending hypertext streaming protocol to realize effective web page transmission via a chaching proxy (TN, KH, SS, SN), pp. 440–445.
- SAC-2001-Pressel
- Fundamental limitations on the use of prefetching and stream buffers for scientific applications (DMP), pp. 554–559.
- HPDC-2001-BustamanteES #adaptation #approach
- The Active Streams Approach to Adaptive Distrubuted Systems (FEB, GE, KS), pp. 437–438.
- DATE-2000-HarmszeTM #memory management
- Memory Arbitration and Cache Management in Stream-Based Systems (FH, AHT, JLvM), pp. 257–262.
- DATE-2000-JantschB
- Composite Signal Flow: A Computational Model Combining Events, Sampled Streams, and Vectors (AJ, PB), pp. 154–160.
- HT-2000-SmithSK #generative #orthogonal #taxonomy #using #video
- An orthogonal taxonomy for hyperlink anchor generation in video streams using OvalTine (JMS, PDS, SUK), pp. 11–18.
- VLDB-2000-PappasC #design #development
- Design and Development of a Stream Service in a Heterogenous Client Environment (NP, SC), pp. 578–589.
- PLDI-2000-Lucco #taxonomy
- Split-stream dictionary program compression (SL), pp. 27–34.
- AdaEurope-2000-KienzleR #ada #on the #persistent #reliability #streaming
- On Persistent and Reliable Streaming in Ada (JK, ABR), pp. 82–95.
- KDD-2000-CortesFPR #data type #named
- Hancock: a language for extracting signatures from data streams (CC, KF, DP, AR), pp. 9–17.
- KDD-2000-DomingosH #data type #mining #performance
- Mining high-speed data streams (PMD, GH), pp. 71–80.
- TOOLS-ASIA-2000-MinJYG #corba #implementation
- An Implementation Model of IntServ/RSVP Based CORBA A/V Stream Service (CM, XJ, WY, GG), pp. 94–99.
- TOOLS-PACIFIC-2000-LuiGAO #component #framework #semantics #streaming
- Component Based Application Framework for Systems Utilising the Streaming Data Passing Semantic (AKL, MWG, TAA, MJO), pp. 328–339.
- HCI-CCAD-1999-MinnemanH #distributed #sketching
- The DrawStream station: a tool for distributed and asynchronous chats about sketches and artifacts (SLM, SRH), pp. 221–225.
- CIKM-1999-LanquillonR #adaptation #detection #information management
- Adaptive Information Filtering: Detecting Changes in Text Streams (CL, IR), pp. 538–544.
- HPCA-1999-HongMSKAW #effectiveness #memory management #order
- Access Order and Effective Bandwidth for Streams on a Direct Rambus Memory (SIH, SAM, MHS, RHK, JHA, WAW), pp. 80–89.
- HPDC-1999-IsertKSPE #data type #distributed
- Steering Data Streams in Distributed Computational Laboratories (CI, DK, KS, BP, GE), pp. 331–332.
- DATE-1998-LeijtenMTJ #communication #multi #realtime
- Stream Communication between Real-Time Tasks in a High-Performance Multiprocessor (JAJL, JLvM, AHT, JAGJ), pp. 125–131.
- ICFP-1998-Scholz #combinator #imperative #library #monad #programming
- Imperative Streams — A Monadic Combinator Library for Synchronous Programming (ES), pp. 261–272.
- CHI-1998-MackayB #data analysis #multi #named
- DIVA: Exploratory Data Analysis with Multimedia Streams (WEM, MBL), pp. 416–423.
- LOPSTR-1998-Rosenblueth #source code #using
- An Exhaustive-Search Method Using Layered Streams Obtained Through a Meta-Interpreter for Chain Programs (DAR), pp. 322–324.
- HPCA-1998-Arpaci-DusseauACHP #architecture #clustering #comparison #streaming
- The Architectural Costs of Streaming I/O: A Comparison of Workstations, Clusters, and SMPs (RHAD, ACAD, DEC, JMH, DAP), pp. 90–101.
- TACAS-1997-SandnerM #proving #refinement #theorem proving
- Theorem Prover Support for the Refinement of Stream Processing Functions (RS, OM), pp. 351–365.
- TRI-Ada-1997-PautetW
- Transparent Filtering of Streams in GLADE (LP, TW), pp. 11–19.
- TOOLS-ASIA-1997-ChuangJKK #c++ #generative #named
- ObjectStream: Generating Stream-Based Object I/O for C++ (TRC, CCJ, WMK, YSK), pp. 70–79.
- PLILP-1997-GiavittoVM #compilation #recursion #semantics
- Semantics and Compilation of Recursive Sequential Streams in 8½ (JLG, DDV, OM), pp. 207–223.
- VLDB-1996-Sullivan #analysis #database #named #network
- Tribeca: A Stream Database Manager for Network Traffic Analysis (MS), p. 594.
- ICML-1996-OatesC #multi
- Searching for Structure in Multiple Streams of Data (TO, PRC), pp. 346–354.
- ICPR-1996-LittmannNP #data type #detection #interactive #visual notation
- Nonlinear interaction of ON and OFF data streams for the detection of visual structure (EL, HN, LP), pp. 540–544.
- HPDC-1996-LiA #multi #video
- Bandwidth Control for Replicated-Stream Multicast Video Distribution (XL, MHA), pp. 356–363.
- DAC-1995-MarculescuMP #correlation #estimation #performance
- Efficient Power Estimation for Highly Correlated Input Streams (RM, DM, MP), pp. 628–634.
- SIGMOD-1995-AdelbergGK #database #realtime
- Applying Update Streams in a Soft Real-Time Database System (BA, HGM, BK), pp. 245–256.
- SIGIR-1995-PfeiferF #approach #data type #performance #query #using
- Efficient Processing of Vague Queries using a Data Stream Approach (UP, NF), pp. 189–197.
- HPCA-1995-FarkasJC #execution #how #multi #question
- How Useful Are Non-Blocking Loads, Stream Buffers and Speculative Execution in Multiple Issue Processors? (KIF, NPJ, PC), pp. 78–89.
- HPCA-1995-GargS #architecture #communication
- Architectural Support for Inter-Stream Communication in a MSIMD System (VG, DES), pp. 348–357.
- PPoPP-1995-GotwalsSG #data type #distributed #library
- pC++/streams: a Library for I/O on Complex Distributed Data Structures (JG, SS, DG), pp. 11–18.
- HCI-SHI-1993-MouzakisH #design #multi #process #user interface
- Multi-Media Support for Up-Stream User Interface Design Activities (KM, SH), pp. 458–463.
- SAC-1993-Phillips #database #query
- Stream Driven Query Processing in a Database (NCKP), pp. 593–597.
- SOSP-1993-JonesH #distributed #video
- Handling Audio and Video Streams in a Distributed Environment (AJ, AH), pp. 231–243.
- VLDB-1992-ParkerSV #named #parallel #set
- SVP: A Model Capturing Sets, Lists, Streams, and Parallelism (DSPJ, ES, PV), pp. 115–126.
- ASPLOS-1991-BenitezD #code generation #streaming
- Code Generation for Streaming: An Access/Execute Mechanism (MEB, JWD), pp. 132–141.
- ASPLOS-1991-WolfeS #architecture
- A Variable Instruction Stream Extension to the VLIW Architecture (AW, JPS), pp. 2–14.
- FPCA-1989-Mauny #embedded #functional #parsing
- Parsers and Printers as Stream Destructors and Constructors Embedded in Functional Languages (MM), pp. 360–370.
- ECOOP-1989-MadanyCRL #file system
- A Class Hierarchy for Building Stream-Oriented File Systems (PM, RHC, VFR, DEL), pp. 311–328.
- ICSE-1988-Barstow #automation #implementation #programming
- Automatic Programming for Streams II: Transformational Implementation (DRB), pp. 439–447.
- JICSCP-1988-ParkerM88 #formal method #logic programming #source code
- A Theory of Directed Logic Programs and Streams (DSPJ, RRM), pp. 620–650.
- JICSCP-1988-SomogyiRV88 #algorithm #backtracking #execution
- A Stream AND-Parallel Execution Algorithm with Backtracking (ZS, KR, JV), pp. 1142–1159.
- POPL-1987-HallW #compilation #strict
- Compiling Strictness into Streams (CVH, DSW), pp. 132–143.
- ICLP-1987-Tamaki87 #compilation #prolog
- Stream-Based Compilation of Ground I/O PROLOG into Committed-Choice Languages (HT), pp. 376–393.
- ICLP-1987-TribbleMKBAS87 #named
- Channels: A Generalization of Streams (EDT, MSM, KMK, DGB, CA, EYS), pp. 839–857.
- SLP-1987-OkumuraM87 #parallel #programming
- Parallel Programming with Layered Streams (AO, YM), pp. 224–232.
- ICALP-1985-BakkerK #towards
- Towards a Uniform Topological Treatment of Streams and Functions on Streams (JWdB, JNK), pp. 140–148.
- ICALP-1985-BakkerMO #concurrent #finite #infinity #semantics
- Infinite Streams and Finite Observations in the Semantics of Uniform Concurrency (JWdB, JJCM, ERO), pp. 149–157.
- ICSE-1985-BarthGB #architecture #data flow #realtime
- The Stream Machine: A Data Flow Architecture for Real-Time Applications (PB, SBG, DRB), pp. 103–110.
- LFP-1984-GoldbergP
- Stream Processing (AG, RP), pp. 53–62.
- SLP-1984-LindstromP84 #execution #logic programming
- Stream-Based Execution of Logic Programming (GL, PP), pp. 168–176.
- SOSP-1983-Black #communication #symmetry
- An Asymmetric Stream Communication System (APB), pp. 4–10.