Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × France
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
R.Just G.M.Kapfhammer H.Mohammadzadeh T.Gottron G.Nakhaeizadeh
Talks about:
analysi (2) effici (2) mutat (2) document (1) extract (1) content (1) smooth (1) redund (1) mutant (1) method (1)
Person: Franz Schweiggert
DBLP: Schweiggert:Franz
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- ICST-2012-JustKS #analysis #effectiveness #mutation testing #performance #question
- Do Redundant Mutants Affect the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Mutation Analysis? (RJ, GMK, FS), pp. 720–725.
- ASE-2011-JustSK #analysis #compilation #java #mutation testing #named #performance
- MAJOR: An efficient and extensible tool for mutation analysis in a Java compiler (RJ, FS, GMK), pp. 612–615.
- KDIR-2011-MohammadzadehGSN #documentation #web
- Extracting the Main Content of Web Documents based on a Naive Smoothing Method (HM, TG, FS, GN), pp. 470–475.