26 papers:
ICSE-v1-2015-PapadakisJHT #compilation #detection #effectiveness #empirical #equivalence #performance #scalability- Trivial Compiler Equivalence: A Large Scale Empirical Study of a Simple, Fast and Effective Equivalent Mutant Detection Technique (MP, YJ, MH, YLT), pp. 936–946.
FSE-2014-JustJIEHF #fault #question #testing- Are mutants a valid substitute for real faults in software testing? (RJ, DJ, LI, MDE, RH, GF), pp. 654–665.
ICST-2014-AmmannDO #set- Establishing Theoretical Minimal Sets of Mutants (PA, MED, JO), pp. 21–30.
ICST-2014-MoonKKY #fault #locality #source code- Ask the Mutants: Mutating Faulty Programs for Fault Localization (SM, YK, MK, SY), pp. 153–162.
ASE-2013-ZhangGMK #random- Operator-based and random mutant selection: Better together (LZ, MG, DM, SK), pp. 92–102.
SAC-2013-PapadakisT #classification #mutation testing #testing #using- Mutation testing strategies using mutant classification (MP, YLT), pp. 1223–1229.
TAP-2013-AichernigLN #automaton #modelling #mutation testing #testing- Time for Mutants — Model-Based Mutation Testing with Timed Automata (BKA, FL, DN), pp. 20–38.
ICST-2012-JustKS #analysis #effectiveness #mutation testing #performance #question- Do Redundant Mutants Affect the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Mutation Analysis? (RJ, GMK, FS), pp. 720–725.
ICST-2012-KintisPM #first-order #higher-order- Isolating First Order Equivalent Mutants via Second Order Mutation (MK, MP, NM), pp. 701–710.
ICST-2012-MateoU #execution #music #reduction- Mutant Execution Cost Reduction: Through MUSIC (Mutant Schema Improved with Extra Code) (PRM, MPU), pp. 664–672.
ICST-2012-PapadakisT #fault #using- Using Mutants to Locate “Unknown” Faults (MP, YLT), pp. 691–700.
ICST-2012-PatrickOC #evaluation #named #semantics- MESSI: Mutant Evaluation by Static Semantic Interpretation (MP, MO, JAC), pp. 711–719.
ESEC-FSE-2011-GligoricBJ #mutation testing #named #testing- SMutant: a tool for type-sensitive mutation testing in a dynamic language (MG, SB, RJ), pp. 424–427.
ICSE-2011-MurtazaMGL #fault #using- Diagnosing new faults using mutants and prior faults (SSM, NHM, MG, ZL), pp. 960–963.
ICST-2011-ZhouF #database- Inferential Checking for Mutants Modifying Database States (CZ, PGF), pp. 259–268.
TAP-2011-BuchlerOP #security #testing- Security Mutants for Property-Based Testing (MB, JO, AP), pp. 69–77.
ICSE-2010-SteimannT #behaviour #constraints #generative- From behaviour preservation to behaviour modification: constraint-based mutant generation (FS, AT), pp. 425–434.
ICSE-2010-ZhangHHXM #question #random- Is operator-based mutant selection superior to random mutant selection? (LZ, SSH, JJH, TX, HM), pp. 435–444.
ICST-2010-SchulerZ- (Un-)Covering Equivalent Mutants (DS, AZ), pp. 45–54.
ICSM-2006-LiuGSLZS #approach #generative #multi #testing- An Approach to Test Data Generation for Killing Multiple Mutants (MHL, YFG, JS, JHL, LZ, JS), pp. 113–122.
FATES-2004-KapoorB #mutation testing #testing- Ordering Mutants to Minimise Test Effort in Mutation Testing (KK, JPB), pp. 195–209.
SEKE-2001-VincenziNMDR #guidelines- Bayesian-Learning Based Guidelines to determine Equivalente Mutants (AMRV, EYN, JCM, MED, RAFR), pp. 180–187.
DATE-1998-GhoshKBH #benchmark #equivalence #invariant #metric #synthesis- Synthesis of Wiring Signature-Invariant Equivalence Class Circuit Mutants and Applications to Benchmarking (DG, NK, FB, JEHI), pp. 656–663.
TOOLS-USA-1998-CalderoniM #multi #named #simulation #tool support- MUTANT: A MultiAgent Toolkit for Artificial Life Simulation (SC, PM), pp. 218–229.
ISSTA-1993-UntchOH #analysis #mutation testing #using- Mutation Analysis Using Mutant Schemata (RHU, AJO, MJH), pp. 139–148.
TAV-1989-ChoiMP #execution #named #scheduling- PMothra: Scheduling Mutants for Execution on a Hypercube (BC, AM, BP), pp. 58–65.