Travelled to:
1 × Cyprus
1 × France
Collaborated with:
Y.He P.Mulholland H.Alani
Talks about:
communiti (2) question (2) answer (2) onlin (2) behaviour (1) predict (1) enquiri (1) complex (1) measur (1) matur (1)
Person: Grégoire Burel
DBLP: Burel:Gr=eacute=goire
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- HT-2015-BurelMHA #behaviour #community #online #predict
- Predicting Answering Behaviour in Online Question Answering Communities (GB, PM, YH, HA), pp. 201–210.
- HT-2013-BurelH #community #complexity #maturity #online
- A question of complexity: measuring the maturity of online enquiry communities (GB, YH), pp. 1–10.