564 papers:
- HT-2015-BurelMHA #behaviour #community #online #predict
- Predicting Answering Behaviour in Online Question Answering Communities (GB, PM, YH, HA), pp. 201–210.
- HT-2015-KayesKQIB #community
- Cultures in Community Question Answering (IK, NK, DQ, AI, FB), pp. 175–184.
- PODS-2015-KoutrisW #complexity #consistency #constraints #query #self
- The Data Complexity of Consistent Query Answering for Self-Join-Free Conjunctive Queries Under Primary Key Constraints (PK, JW), pp. 17–29.
- SIGMOD-2015-GuoCC #algorithm #keyword #performance #query
- Efficient Algorithms for Answering the m-Closest Keywords Query (TG, XC, GC), pp. 405–418.
- SIGMOD-2015-HungTWA #validation
- Minimizing Efforts in Validating Crowd Answers (NQVH, DCT, MW, KA), pp. 999–1014.
- SIGMOD-2015-RazniewskiKNS #database #identification #query
- Identifying the Extent of Completeness of Query Answers over Partially Complete Databases (SR, FK, WN, DS), pp. 561–576.
- SIGMOD-2015-ZhengZLYSZ #approach #graph #how #nondeterminism #rdf #similarity
- How to Build Templates for RDF Question/Answering: An Uncertain Graph Similarity Join Approach (WZ, LZ, XL, JXY, SS, DZ), pp. 1809–1824.
- VLDB-2015-BidoitHT #named
- EFQ: Why-Not Answer Polynomials in Action (NB, MH, KT), pp. 1980–1991.
- VLDB-2015-BursztynGM #performance #query #rdf
- Reformulation-based query answering in RDF: alternatives and performance (DB, FG, IM), pp. 1888–1899.
- VLDB-2015-GaoL0ZZ #query
- Answering Why-not Questions on Reverse Top-k Queries (YG, QL, GC, BZ, LZ), pp. 738–749.
- VLDB-2015-KrishnanWFGK
- Stale View Cleaning: Getting Fresh Answers from Stale Materialized Views (SK, JW, MJF, KG, TK), pp. 1370–1381.
- MSR-2015-CalefatoLMN #mining #stack overflow
- Mining Successful Answers in Stack Overflow (FC, FL, MCM, NN), pp. 430–433.
- MSR-2015-DiamantopoulosS #source code #stack overflow
- Employing Source Code Information to Improve Question-Answering in Stack Overflow (TGD, ALS), pp. 454–457.
- MSR-2015-ErcanSB #automation #predict #stack overflow
- Automatic Assessments of Code Explanations: Predicting Answering Times on Stack Overflow (SE, QS, AB), pp. 442–445.
- MSR-2015-GantayatDPMS #stack overflow
- The Synergy between Voting and Acceptance of Answers on StackOverflow — Or the Lack Thereof (NG, PD, RP, SM, VSS), pp. 406–409.
- MSR-2015-GoderieGGB #named #predict #stack overflow
- ETA: Estimated Time of Answer Predicting Response Time in Stack Overflow (JG, BMG, BvG, AB), pp. 414–417.
- CIAA-J-2013-DebarbieuxGNSZ15 #automaton #query #word #xml #xpath
- Early nested word automata for XPath query answering on XML streams (DD, OG, JN, TS, MZ), pp. 100–125.
- CHI-2015-HongGAA #crowdsourcing
- In-group Questions and Out-group Answers: Crowdsourcing Daily Living Advice for Individuals with Autism (HH, EG, GDA, RIA), pp. 777–786.
- ECIR-2015-NicosiaBM #learning #rank
- Learning to Rank Aggregated Answers for Crossword Puzzles (MN, GB, AM), pp. 556–561.
- RecSys-2015-DalyBS #recommendation
- Crowd Sourcing, with a Few Answers: Recommending Commuters for Traffic Updates (ED, MB, FS), pp. 253–256.
- SIGIR-2015-Bagdouri
- Cross-Platform Question Routing for Better Question Answering (MB), p. 1053.
- SIGIR-2015-DijkTR #community #detection #topic
- Early Detection of Topical Expertise in Community Question Answering (DvD, MT, MdR), pp. 995–998.
- SIGIR-2015-HungTWA #named #validation
- ERICA: Expert Guidance in Validating Crowd Answers (NQVH, DCT, MW, KA), pp. 1037–1038.
- SIGIR-2015-Yulianti #web
- Finding Answers in Web Search (EY), p. 1069.
- PPDP-2015-CaballeroGS #constraints #datalog #debugging #source code
- Debugging of wrong and missing answers for datalog programs with constraint handling rules (RC, YGR, FSP), pp. 55–66.
- ICLP-2015-BrocheninM #reasoning #set
- Abstract Answer Set Solvers for Cautious Reasoning (RB, MM).
- ICLP-2015-DamasioMA #debugging #source code
- Unifying Justifications and Debugging for Answer-Set Programs (CVD, JM, AA).
- ICLP-2015-Harrison #formal method #programming #set
- Formal Methods for Answer Set Programming (AH).
- ICLP-2015-KieslST #analysis #on the #source code
- On Structural Analysis of Non-Ground Answer-Set Programs (BK, PS, HT).
- ICLP-2015-LeeWZ #automation #programming #reasoning #set #using
- Automated Reasoning about XACML 3.0 Delegation Using Answer Set Programming (JL, YW, YZ).
- ICLP-2015-SchullerW #case study #programming #set
- Answer Set Application Programming: a Case Study on Tetris (PS, AW).
- ICLP-2015-Wang #consistency #nondeterminism #probability #programming #set
- Handling Probability and Inconsistency in Answer Set Programming (YW).
- ICLP-J-2015-AlvianoFG #programming #recursion #set
- Rewriting recursive aggregates in answer set programming: back to monotonicity (MA, WF, MG), pp. 559–573.
- ICLP-J-2015-AlvianoL #compilation #complexity #programming #set
- Complexity and compilation of GZ-aggregates in answer set programming (MA, NL), pp. 574–587.
- ICLP-J-2015-AlvianoP #fuzzy #modulo theories #satisfiability #set
- Fuzzy answer set computation via satisfiability modulo theories (MA, RP), pp. 588–603.
- ICLP-J-2015-GagglMRWW #encoding #programming
- Improved answer-set programming encodings for abstract argumentation (SAG, NM, AR, JPW, SW), pp. 434–448.
- ICLP-J-2015-KoponenOJS #optimisation #programming #set #using
- Optimizing phylogenetic supertrees using answer set programming (LK, EO, TJ, LS), pp. 604–619.
- ICLP-J-2015-LawRB #constraints #learning #programming #set
- Learning weak constraints in answer set programming (ML, AR, KB), pp. 511–525.
- LICS-2015-AmarilliB #finite #query #strict
- Finite Open-World Query Answering with Number Restrictions (AA, MB), pp. 305–316.
- PODS-2014-AmelootKNZ #declarative #fine-grained #network
- Weaker forms of monotonicity for declarative networking: a more fine-grained answer to the calm-conjecture (TJA, BK, FN, DZ), pp. 64–75.
- PODS-2014-DurandSS #database #first-order #query
- Enumerating answers to first-order queries over databases of low degree (AD, NS, LS), pp. 121–131.
- SIGMOD-2014-KhanYDK #query #towards
- Towards indexing functions: answering scalar product queries (AK, PY, BD, DK), pp. 241–252.
- SIGMOD-2014-MottinMRDPV #interactive #named #problem #query
- IQR: an interactive query relaxation system for the empty-answer problem (DM, AM, SBR, GD, TP, YV), pp. 1095–1098.
- SIGMOD-2014-RanuHS #database #graph #query
- Answering top-k representative queries on graph databases (SR, MXH, AKS), pp. 1163–1174.
- SIGMOD-2014-ZouHWYHZ #approach #data-driven #graph #natural language #rdf
- Natural language question answering over RDF: a graph data driven approach (LZ, RH, HW, JXY, WH, DZ), pp. 313–324.
- VLDB-2014-BenediktLT #named #query
- PDQ: Proof-driven Query Answering over Web-based Data (MB, JL, ET), pp. 1553–1556.
- VLDB-2014-GrecoPW #consistency #database #query
- Certain Query Answering in Partially Consistent Databases (SG, FP, JW), pp. 353–364.
- VLDB-2014-LiHMW #algorithm #difference #privacy #query
- A Data- and Workload-Aware Query Answering Algorithm for Range Queries Under Differential Privacy (CL, MH, GM, YW), pp. 341–352.
- VLDB-2014-YangDCC #keyword #knowledge base #using
- Finding Patterns in a Knowledge Base using Keywords to Compose Table Answers (MY, BD, SC, KC), pp. 1809–1820.
- CHI-2014-TewariC #game studies #what
- What did spot hide?: a question-answering game for preschool children (AT, JC), pp. 1807–1816.
- ICEIS-v2-2014-ProcaciSA #analysis #community #metric #online #people #reduction #reliability
- Finding Reliable People in Online Communities of Questions and Answers — Analysis of Metrics and Scope Reduction (TBP, SWMS, LCVdA), pp. 526–535.
- CIKM-2014-CarmelMPS #analysis #community #using
- Improving Term Weighting for Community Question Answering Search Using Syntactic Analysis (DC, AM, YP, IS), pp. 351–360.
- CIKM-2014-HasanainEM #identification #microblog
- Identification of Answer-Seeking Questions in Arabic Microblogs (MH, TE, WM), pp. 1839–1842.
- CIKM-2014-SondhiZ #community #knowledge base #mining #natural language #online
- Mining Semi-Structured Online Knowledge Bases to Answer Natural Language Questions on Community QA Websites (PS, CZ), pp. 341–350.
- CIKM-2014-SongG #difference #named #privacy #query
- Aroma: A New Data Protection Method with Differential Privacy and Accurate Query Answering (CS, TG), pp. 1569–1578.
- CIKM-2014-Zhang0T #collaboration #framework #named #probability #query
- MaC: A Probabilistic Framework for Query Answering with Machine-Crowd Collaboration (CJZ, LC, YT), pp. 11–20.
- CIKM-2014-ZhangKLCY #approach #named #scalability
- NCR: A Scalable Network-Based Approach to Co-Ranking in Question-and-Answer Sites (JZ, XK, RJL, YC, PSY), pp. 709–718.
- CIKM-2014-ZhangWWLZ #community #quality #retrieval
- Question Retrieval with High Quality Answers in Community Question Answering (KZ, WW, HW, ZL, MZ), pp. 371–380.
- KDD-2014-FaderZE #knowledge base
- Open question answering over curated and extracted knowledge bases (AF, LZ, OE), pp. 1156–1165.
- KEOD-2014-AkamaN #problem
- Solving Query-answering Problems with If-and-Only-If Formulas (KA, EN), pp. 333–344.
- KEOD-2014-DogmusPE #natural language #ontology #query
- Answering Natural Language Queries about Rehabilitation Robotics Ontology on the Cloud (ZD, VP, EE), pp. 75–83.
- KR-2014-ClercqBSCN #game studies #programming #set #using
- Using Answer Set Programming for Solving Boolean Games (SDC, KB, SS, MDC, AN).
- KR-2014-EckePT #concept #query #similarity
- Answering Instance Queries Relaxed by Concept Similarity (AE, RP, AYT).
- KR-2014-GottlobLP #datalog
- Datalog+/-: Questions and Answers (GG, TL, AP).
- KR-2014-Libkin
- Certain Answers as Objects and Knowledge (LL).
- RecSys-2014-PedroK #collaboration #recommendation
- Question recommendation for collaborative question answering systems with RankSLDA (JSP, AK), pp. 193–200.
- SIGIR-2014-KeikhaPC #metric #summary #using
- Evaluating answer passages using summarization measures (MK, JHP, WBC), pp. 963–966.
- SIGIR-2014-YangLCN #named
- QUADS: question answering for decision support (ZY, YL, JC, EN), pp. 375–384.
- PLATEAU-2014-KubelkaBR #programming #smalltalk
- Asking and Answering Questions during a Programming Change Task in Pharo Language (JK, AB, RR), pp. 1–11.
- REFSQ-2014-LiBHT #programming #requirements
- Answer-Set Programming in Requirements Engineering (WL, DB, JHH, MT), pp. 168–183.
- SAC-2014-ChenCWD #recommendation #scalability
- Instant expert hunting: building an answerer recommender system for a large scale Q&A website (TC, JC, HW, YD), pp. 260–265.
- ICLP-J-2014-AlvianoDR #programming #set
- Anytime Computation of Cautious Consequences in Answer Set Programming (MA, CD, FR), pp. 755–770.
- ICLP-J-2014-Antic #on the #set #source code
- On Cascade Products of Answer Set Programs (CA), pp. 711–723.
- ICLP-J-2014-HoosLS #algorithm #programming #set
- claspfolio 2: Advances in Algorithm Selection for Answer Set Programming (HH, MTL, TS), pp. 569–585.
- ICLP-J-2014-MarpleG #consistency #programming #set
- Dynamic Consistency Checking in Goal-Directed Answer Set Programming (KM, GG), pp. 415–427.
- LICS-CSL-2014-LosemannM #query
- MSO queries on trees: enumerating answers under updates (KL, WM), p. 10.
- SMT-2014-KostaSD
- Better Answers to Real Questions (MK, TS, AD), p. 69.
- ASE-2013-WongYT #automation #generative #mining #named
- AutoComment: Mining question and answer sites for automatic comment generation (EW, JY, LT), pp. 562–567.
- PODS-2013-Wijsen #query
- Charting the tractability frontier of certain conjunctive query answering (JW), pp. 189–200.
- SIGMOD-2013-BykauRV #evolution #query
- A query answering system for data with evolution relationships (SB, FR, YV), pp. 989–992.
- SIGMOD-2013-HuangZ #natural language #rdf
- Natural language question answering over RDF data (RH, LZ), pp. 1289–1290.
- VLDB-2013-KaplanLMN #query
- Answering Planning Queries with the Crowd (HK, IL, TM, SN), pp. 697–708.
- VLDB-2013-MottinMRDPV #framework #optimisation #probability #problem
- A Probabilistic Optimization Framework for the Empty-Answer Problem (DM, AM, SBR, GD, TP, YV), pp. 1762–1773.
- VLDB-2013-WuYSIY #graph #keyword #query
- Summarizing Answer Graphs Induced by Keyword Queries (YW, SY, MS, AI, XY), pp. 1774–1785.
- VLDB-2013-YanZITY #feedback #integration #keyword #query #search-based
- Actively Soliciting Feedback for Query Answers in Keyword Search-Based Data Integration (ZY, NZ, ZGI, PPT, CY), pp. 205–216.
- ICPC-2013-Myers #comprehension
- Improving program comprehension by answering questions (keynote) (BAM), pp. 1–2.
- MSR-2013-AsaduzzamanMRS #stack overflow
- Answering questions about unanswered questions of stack overflow (MA, ASM, CKR, KAS), pp. 97–100.
- STOC-2013-Ullman #difference #privacy #query
- Answering n{2+o(1)} counting queries with differential privacy is hard (JU), pp. 361–370.
- CIAA-2013-DebarbieuxGNSZ #automaton #query #word #xml #xpath
- Early Nested Word Automata for XPath Query Answering on XML Streams (DD, OG, JN, TS, MZ), pp. 292–305.
- CHI-2013-LeeKYSG #mobile
- Analyzing crowd workers in mobile pay-for-answer q&a (UL, JK, EY, JS, MG), pp. 533–542.
- CSCW-2013-GrayEVL #facebook
- Who wants to know?: question-asking and answering practices among facebook users (RG, NBE, JV, CL), pp. 1213–1224.
- CSCW-2013-LiuJ #behaviour #social
- Factors influencing the response rate in social question and answering behavior (ZL, BJJ), pp. 1263–1274.
- CSCW-2013-PanLCL #process #social #what
- To answer or not: what non-qa social activities can tell (YP, LL, CYC, QL), pp. 1253–1263.
- CIKM-2013-LiuN #ranking
- A phased ranking model for question answering (RL, EN), pp. 79–88.
- CIKM-2013-PalBP #named #query
- RCached-tree: an index structure for efficiently answering popular queries (MP, AB, DP), pp. 1173–1176.
- CIKM-2013-YahyaBEW #linked data #open data #robust #web
- Robust question answering over the web of linked data (MY, KB, SE, GW), pp. 1107–1116.
- CIKM-2013-YangQGZJSC #community #named #topic
- CQArank: jointly model topics and expertise in community question answering (LY, MQ, SG, FZ, JJ, HS, ZC), pp. 99–108.
- ECIR-2013-BeloborodovKB #community
- Characterizing Health-Related Community Question Answering (AB, AK, PB), pp. 680–683.
- KEOD-2013-AkamaN #problem #proving
- Embedding Proof Problems into Query-answering Problems and Problem Solving by Equivalent Transformation (KA, EN), pp. 253–260.
- KEOD-2013-NogueiraG #multi #nondeterminism #programming #set
- Supply Chain Tracing of Multiple Products under Uncertainty and Incomplete Information — An Application of Answer Set Programming (MLN, NPG), pp. 399–406.
- KEOD-2013-SoumanaCG #design #ontology
- A Lexicon Design for Ontology-based Question Answering (IS, SC, PG), pp. 170–175.
- SIGIR-2013-DalipGCC #case study #feedback #rank #stack overflow
- Exploiting user feedback to learn to rank answers in q&a forums: a case study with stack overflow (DHD, MAG, MC, PC), pp. 543–552.
- SIGIR-2013-FreitasFOC #approach #graph #linked data #natural language #open data #query #semantics
- Answering natural language queries over linked data graphs: a distributional semantics approach (AF, FFdF, SO, EC), pp. 1107–1108.
- SIGIR-2013-Molino #modelling #ranking #semantics
- Semantic models for answer re-ranking in question answering (PM), p. 1146.
- SAC-2013-MaiaB #modelling #network #performance #predict #query
- Sensor-field modeling based on in-network data prediction: an efficient strategy for answering complex queries in wireless sensor networks (JEBM, AB), pp. 554–559.
- ICLP-J-2013-AlvianoP #approximate #fuzzy #set
- Fuzzy answer sets approximations (MA, RP), pp. 753–767.
- ICLP-J-2013-BanbaraSTIS #modelling #programming #set
- Answer set programming as a modeling language for course timetabling (MB, TS, NT, KI, TS), pp. 783–798.
- ICLP-J-2013-BusoniuOPST #debugging #ide #named #programming
- SeaLion: An eclipse-based IDE for answer-set programming with advanced debugging support (PAB, JO, JP, PS, HT), pp. 657–673.
- ICLP-J-2013-GiordanoMSD #constraints #process #programming #set #verification
- Business process verification with constraint temporal answer set programming (LG, AM, MS, DTD), pp. 641–655.
- LICS-2013-Fontaine #consistency #query #question #why
- Why is it Hard to Obtain a Dichotomy for Consistent Query Answering? (GF), pp. 550–559.
- DAC-2012-SeversonYD #performance #question #reduction
- Not so fast my friend: is near-threshold computing the answer for power reduction of wireless devices? (MS, KY, YD), pp. 1164–1166.
- SIGMOD-2012-JinRXL #approach #distance #graph #query #scalability
- A highway-centric labeling approach for answering distance queries on large sparse graphs (RJ, NR, YX, VEL), pp. 445–456.
- VLDB-2012-CautisK #complexity #probability #query #using #xml
- Answering Queries using Views over Probabilistic XML: Complexity and Tractability (BC, EK), pp. 1148–1159.
- VLDB-2012-LiM #adaptation #difference #privacy #query
- An Adaptive Mechanism for Accurate Query Answering under Differential Privacy (CL, GM), pp. 514–525.
- VLDB-2012-PimplikarS #keyword #query #using #web
- Answering Table Queries on the Web using Column Keywords (RP, SS), pp. 908–919.
- FLOPS-2012-CaballeroGS #debugging #declarative #sql
- Declarative Debugging of Wrong and Missing Answers for SQL Views (RC, YGR, FSP), pp. 73–87.
- CHI-2012-BernsteinTDLH #query
- Direct answers for search queries in the long tail (MSB, JT, STD, DJL, EH), pp. 237–246.
- CSCW-2012-PanovichMK #network #social
- Tie strength in question & answer on social network sites (KP, RM, DRK), pp. 1057–1066.
- CIKM-2012-AgarwalRSMLGF #learning #rank #robust
- Learning to rank for robust question answering (AA, HR, KS, PM, RDL, DG, JF), pp. 833–842.
- CIKM-2012-ChaliHI #learning #performance
- Improving the performance of the reinforcement learning model for answering complex questions (YC, SAH, KI), pp. 2499–2502.
- CIKM-2012-JiXWH #community #retrieval #topic
- Question-answer topic model for question retrieval in community question answering (ZJ, FX, BW, BH), pp. 2471–2474.
- CIKM-2012-KrikonCK #performance #predict #retrieval
- Predicting the performance of passage retrieval for question answering (EK, DC, OK), pp. 2451–2454.
- CIKM-2012-LiSG #exclamation #network #online #social
- Collective intelligence in the online social network of yahoo!answers and its implications (ZL, HS, JEG), pp. 455–464.
- CIKM-2012-LiuQCH #logic
- Discovering logical knowledge for deep question answering (ZL, XQ, LC, XH), pp. 1920–1924.
- CIKM-2012-NguyenCH
- A math-aware search engine for math question answering system (TTN, KC, SCH), pp. 724–733.
- CIKM-2012-WongCTP #using #web
- Mixed-initiative conversational system using question-answer pairs mined from the web (WW, LC, JT, LP), pp. 2707–2709.
- CIKM-2012-ZhouLLZ #community #probability #topic
- Topic-sensitive probabilistic model for expert finding in question answer communities (GZ, SL, KL, JZ), pp. 1662–1666.
- CIKM-2012-ZhouLZ #community #learning #quality
- Joint relevance and answer quality learning for question routing in community QA (GZ, KL, JZ), pp. 1492–1496.
- ECIR-2012-YanZ #approach #community #recommendation
- A New Approach to Answerer Recommendation in Community Question Answering Services (ZY, JZ), pp. 121–132.
- ICML-2012-BachrachGMG #adaptation #crowdsourcing #how #testing #visual notation
- How To Grade a Test Without Knowing the Answers — A Bayesian Graphical Model for Adaptive Crowdsourcing and Aptitude Testing (YB, TG, TM, JG), p. 108.
- KDD-2012-AndersonHKL #case study #community #process #stack overflow
- Discovering value from community activity on focused question answering sites: a case study of stack overflow (AA, DPH, JMK, JL), pp. 850–858.
- KEOD-2012-MatskanisAMMR #approach #linked data #open data #query #research
- A Linked Data Approach for Querying Heterogeneous Sources — Assisting Researchers in Finding Answers to Complex Clinical Questions (NM, VA, PM, KM, JR), pp. 411–414.
- KEOD-2012-NogueiraG #programming #set #using
- Recall-driven Product Tracing and Supply Chain Tracking using Answer Set Programming (MLN, NPG), pp. 125–133.
- KR-2012-BahmaniBKL #declarative #dependence #set #source code
- Declarative Entity Resolution via Matching Dependencies and Answer Set Programs (ZB, LEB, SK, LVSL).
- KR-2012-BaralD #automation #how #learning #programming #set
- Solving Puzzles Described in English by Automated Translation to Answer Set Programming and Learning How to Do that Translation (CB, JD).
- KR-2012-CalvaneseOSS #complexity #query
- The Complexity of Explaining Negative Query Answers in DL-Lite (DC, MO, MS, GS).
- KR-2012-ChaudhriS #knowledge base #programming #reasoning #set #specification #using
- Specifying and Reasoning with Underspecified Knowledge Bases Using Answer Set Programming (VKC, TCS).
- KR-2012-FebbraroLGR #framework #java #named #programming #set
- JASP: A Framework for Integrating Answer Set Programming with Java (OF, NL, GG, FR).
- KR-2012-GebserGKOSS #programming #reasoning #set
- Stream Reasoning with Answer Set Programming: Preliminary Report (MG, TG, RK, PO, OS, TS).
- KR-2012-GrauHKKMMW #logic #query
- Acyclicity Conditions and their Application to Query Answering in Description Logics (BCG, IH, MK, CK, DM, BM, ZW).
- KR-2012-KikotKZ #owl #query
- Conjunctive Query Answering with OWL 2 QL (SK, RK, MZ).
- KR-2012-LiuJN #integer #programming #set
- Answer Set Programming via Mixed Integer Programming (GL, TJ, IN).
- KR-2012-LutzW #complexity #logic #query
- Non-Uniform Data Complexity of Query Answering in Description Logics (CL, FW).
- KR-2012-OetschPPST #on the #source code #testing
- On the Small-Scope Hypothesis for Testing Answer-Set Programs (JO, MP, JP, MS, HT).
- KR-2012-Rodriguez-MuroC #ontology #performance #query
- High Performance Query Answering over DL-Lite Ontologies (MRM, DC).
- KR-2012-SlotaL #equivalence #modelling #robust #semantics #source code
- Robust Equivalence Models for Semantic Updates of Answer-Set Programs (MS, JL).
- SIGIR-2012-ChenDWY #community
- Vote calibration in community question-answering systems (BCC, AD, XW, JY), pp. 781–790.
- SIGIR-2012-SeverynM #learning #ranking #scalability
- Structural relationships for large-scale learning of answer re-ranking (AS, AM), pp. 741–750.
- SIGIR-2012-XuJW #community #recommendation
- Dual role model for question recommendation in community question answering (FX, ZJ, BW), pp. 771–780.
- LOPSTR-2012-MarpleG #named #set
- Galliwasp: A Goal-Directed Answer Set Solver (KM, GG), pp. 122–136.
- LOPSTR-2012-RamliNN #programming #set
- XACML 3.0 in Answer Set Programming (CDPKR, HRN, FN), pp. 89–105.
- PPDP-2012-MarpleBMG #execution #set #source code
- Goal-directed execution of answer set programs (KM, AB, RM, GG), pp. 35–44.
- REFSQ-2012-PaechHZJT #challenge
- Answering a Request for Proposal — Challenges and Proposed Solutions (BP, RH, GZP, AJ, ST), pp. 16–29.
- ICSE-2012-Duala-EkokoR #api #case study
- Asking and answering questions about unfamiliar APIs: An exploratory study (EDE, MPR), pp. 266–276.
- ICLP-2012-Balduccini #set #source code
- An Answer Set Solver for non-Herbrand Programs: Progress Report (MB), pp. 49–60.
- ICLP-2012-BanbaraTI #generative #matrix #programming #testing
- Generating Event-Sequence Test Cases by Answer Set Programming with the Incidence Matrix (MB, NT, KI), pp. 86–97.
- ICLP-2012-BaralVL #how #knowledge base #why
- Answering Why and How questions with respect to a frame-based knowledge base: a preliminary report (CB, NHV, SL), pp. 26–36.
- ICLP-2012-DeneckerLTV #programming #semantics #set
- A Tarskian Informal Semantics for Answer Set Programming (MD, YL, MT, JV), pp. 277–289.
- ICLP-2012-Dieguez #programming #set
- Temporal Answer Set Programming (MD), pp. 445–450.
- ICLP-2012-DrescherW #generative #lazy evaluation #set
- Answer Set Solving with Lazy Nogood Generation (CD, TW), pp. 188–200.
- ICLP-2012-MorakW #preprocessor #programming #set
- Preprocessing of Complex Non-Ground Rules in Answer Set Programming (MM, SW), pp. 247–258.
- ICLP-2012-OetschPT #constraints #semantics #source code
- An FLP-Style Answer-Set Semantics for Abstract-Constraint Programs with Disjunctions (JO, JP, HT), pp. 222–234.
- ICLP-2012-Redl #programming #set
- Answer Set Programming with External Sources (CR), pp. 469–475.
- ICLP-2012-SchandaB #development #programming #set #using
- Using Answer Set Programming in the Development of Verified Software (FS, MB), pp. 72–85.
- ICLP-J-2012-BaralDGG #algorithm #correctness #programming #set #λ-calculus
- Typed answer set programming λ calculus theories and correctness of inverse λ algorithms with respect to them (CB, JD, MAG, AG), pp. 775–791.
- ICLP-J-2012-BliemMW #declarative #named #problem #programming #using
- D-FLAT: Declarative problem solving using tree decompositions and answer-set programming (BB, MM, SW), pp. 445–464.
- ICLP-J-2012-VosKOPT #source code
- Annotating answer-set programs in Lana (MDV, DGK, JO, JP, HT), pp. 619–637.
- ASE-2011-GottipatiLJ
- Finding relevant answers in software forums (SG, DL, JJ), pp. 323–332.
- HT-2011-PeraN #community #refinement
- A community question-answering refinement system (MSP, YKN), pp. 251–260.
- PODS-2011-Libkin #modelling
- Incomplete information and certain answers in general data models (LL), pp. 59–70.
- SIGMOD-2011-FranklinKKRX #crowdsourcing #named #query
- CrowdDB: answering queries with crowdsourcing (MJF, DK, TK, SR, RX), pp. 61–72.
- SIGMOD-2011-LianC #graph #performance #probability #query #rdf
- Efficient query answering in probabilistic RDF graphs (XL, LC), pp. 157–168.
- VLDB-2011-BenouaretBHB #composition #fuzzy #named #query #web #web service
- FuDoCS: A Web Service Composition System Based on Fuzzy Dominance for Preference Query Answering (KB, DB, AH, MB), pp. 1430–1433.
- VLDB-2011-OrsiP #constraints #ontology #optimisation #query
- Optimizing Query Answering under Ontological Constraints (GO, AP), pp. 1004–1015.
- VLDB-2011-ZouMCOZ #named #query
- gStore: Answering SPARQL Queries via Subgraph Matching (LZ, JM, LC, MTÖ, DZ), pp. 482–493.
- VLDB-2012-QumsiyehPN11 #generative
- Generating Exact- and Ranked Partially-Matched Answers to Questions in Advertisements (RQ, MSP, YKN), pp. 217–228.
- VLDB-2012-RanuS11 #query
- Answering Top-k Queries Over a Mixture of Attractive and Repulsive Dimensions (SR, AKS), pp. 169–180.
- CHI-2011-RosnerT #design
- Antiquarian answers: book restoration as a resource for design (DKR, AST), pp. 2665–2668.
- CIKM-2011-ChuiKLC #algorithm #query #sequence
- I/O-efficient algorithms for answering pattern-based aggregate queries in a sequence OLAP system (CKC, BK, EL, RC), pp. 1619–1628.
- CIKM-2011-KalyanpurPBLC #composition #ranking
- Fact-based question decomposition for candidate answer re-ranking (AK, SP, BB, AL, JCC), pp. 2045–2048.
- CIKM-2011-LiKL #community
- Question routing in community question answering: putting category in its place (BL, IK, MRL), pp. 2041–2044.
- CIKM-2011-MohtaramiALT #nondeterminism #predict #sentiment
- Predicting the uncertainty of sentiment adjectives in indirect answers (MM, HA, ML, CLT), pp. 2485–2488.
- CIKM-2011-SchlaeferCNFZF #statistics
- Statistical source expansion for question answering (NS, JCC, EN, JF, WZ, DAF), pp. 345–354.
- CIKM-2011-WongTP #health
- Health conversational system based on contextual matching of community-driven question-answer pairs (WW, JT, LP), pp. 2577–2580.
- CIKM-2011-XuZYCXZ #constraints #graph #reachability #scalability
- Answering label-constraint reachability in large graphs (KX, LZ, JXY, LC, YX, DZ), pp. 1595–1600.
- ECIR-2011-AktolgaAS #ranking #using
- Passage Reranking for Question Answering Using Syntactic Structures and Answer Types (EA, JA, DAS), pp. 617–628.
- ECIR-2011-LiuA #behaviour #collaboration #modelling
- Modeling Answerer Behavior in Collaborative Question Answering Systems (QL, EA), pp. 67–79.
- KDD-2011-DrorKMS #exclamation #recommendation
- I want to answer; who has a question?: Yahoo! answers recommender system (GD, YK, YM, IS), pp. 1109–1117.
- KMIS-2011-MeloRN #semantics #web
- Cooperative Question Answering for the Semantic Web (DM, IPR, VBN), pp. 258–263.
- SIGIR-2011-LiuADGMPS #predict #web
- Predicting web searcher satisfaction with existing community-based answers (QL, EA, GD, EG, YM, DP, IS), pp. 415–424.
- SIGIR-2011-NieWZLC #multi
- Multimedia answering: enriching text QA with media information (LN, MW, ZJZ, GL, TSC), pp. 695–704.
- SIGIR-2011-SuzukiNJ #effectiveness
- Formulating effective questions for community-based question answering (SS, SiN, HJ), pp. 1261–1262.
- ICSE-2011-TreudeBS #how #question #web
- How do programmers ask and answer questions on the web? (CT, OB, MADS), pp. 804–807.
- ICLP-2011-Brik #programming #set
- Extensions of Answer Set Programming (AB), pp. 261–267.
- ICLP-2011-CasolaryL #programming #representation #set
- Representing the Language of the Causal Calculator in Answer Set Programming (MC, JL), pp. 51–61.
- ICLP-2011-DrescherW #constraints #modelling #programming #set
- Modelling Grammar Constraints with Answer Set Programming (CD, TW), pp. 28–39.
- ICLP-2011-GebserKKS #multi #optimisation #programming #set
- Multi-Criteria Optimization in Answer Set Programming (MG, RK, BK, TS), pp. 1–10.
- ICLP-J-2011-GebserKS #optimisation #programming #set
- Complex optimization in answer set programming (MG, RK, TS), pp. 821–839.
- ICLP-J-2011-GuzmanCCH #backtracking #independence #parallel
- Parallel backtracking with answer memoing for independent and-parallelism (PCdG, AC, MC, MVH), pp. 555–574.
- ICLP-J-2011-RiguzziS #nondeterminism #reasoning
- The PITA system: Tabling and answer subsumption for reasoning under uncertainty (FR, TS), pp. 433–449.
- PODS-2010-DavidLM #query #xml
- Certain answers for XML queries (CD, LL, FM), pp. 191–202.
- PODS-2010-Wijsen #database #first-order #nondeterminism #on the #query
- On the first-order expressibility of computing certain answers to conjunctive queries over uncertain databases (JW), pp. 179–190.
- SIGMOD-2010-LianCS #consistency #database #probability #query
- Consistent query answers in inconsistent probabilistic databases (XL, LC, SS), pp. 303–314.
- SIGMOD-2010-Wei #graph #named #performance #query
- TEDI: efficient shortest path query answering on graphs (FW0), pp. 99–110.
- VLDB-2010-HerschelH #query
- Explaining Missing Answers to SPJUA Queries (MH, MAH), pp. 185–196.
- VLDB-2011-MeliouGMS #complexity #query
- The Complexity of Causality and Responsibility for Query Answers and non-Answers (AM, WG, KFM, DS), pp. 34–45.
- ITiCSE-2010-MainFH #quantum #student #what
- What did qubits ever do for me: an answer for CS2 students (MM, RF, YH), pp. 209–213.
- CHI-2010-DearmanT #exclamation #why
- Why users of yahoo!: answers do not answer questions (DD, KNT), pp. 329–332.
- CHI-2010-HsiehKH #how #why
- Why pay?: exploring how financial incentives are used for question & answer (GH, REK, SEH), pp. 305–314.
- CHI-2010-JeonKC #online #predict #quality
- Re-examining price as a predictor of answer quality in an online q&a site (GYJ, YMK, YC), pp. 325–328.
- ICEIS-AIDSS-2010-DiasioA
- Replanting the Answer Garden — Cultivating Expertise through Decision Support Technology (SD, NA), pp. 373–378.
- CIKM-2010-BilottiECN #constraints #learning #rank #semantics
- Rank learning for factoid question answering with linguistic and semantic constraints (MWB, JLE, JGC, EN), pp. 459–468.
- CIKM-2010-DeyJ #approach #database #graph #query #reachability #scalability
- A hierarchical approach to reachability query answering in very large graph databases (SKD, HMJ), pp. 1377–1380.
- CIKM-2010-LiK #community
- Routing questions to appropriate answerers in community question answering services (BL, IK), pp. 1585–1588.
- CIKM-2010-LiLY #named #query #semantics #using
- EntityEngine: answering entity-relationship queries using shallow semantics (XL, CL, CY), pp. 1925–1926.
- CIKM-2010-MiaoLTZ #approach #category theory #community #identification #modelling #topic
- Identifying new categories in community question answering archives: a topic modeling approach (YM, CL, JT, LZ), pp. 1673–1676.
- CIKM-2010-PalK #bias #community #identification
- Expert identification in community question answering: exploring question selection bias (AP, JAK), pp. 1505–1508.
- CIKM-2010-ShalemK
- Computing the top-k maximal answers in a join of ranked lists (MS, YK), pp. 1381–1384.
- KDIR-2010-KKD #graph #keyword #rdf
- Answer Graph Construction for Keyword Search on Graph Structured(RDF) Data (PK, SPK, DD), pp. 162–167.
- KEOD-2010-AbouenourBR #on the
- On the Extension of Arabic Wordnet Named Entities and Its Impact on Question / Answering (LA, KB, PR), pp. 424–429.
- KEOD-2010-ZakraouiZ #interactive #programming #set #using #web
- Integrating Context Knowledge in user Interaction using Answer Set Programming for Enhancing Web Accessibility (JZ, WLZ), pp. 459–466.
- KR-2010-BalducciniG #formal method #programming #set
- Formalizing Psychological Knowledge in Answer Set Programming (MB, SG).
- KR-2010-EiterFM #programming #set
- Paracoherent Answer Set Programming (TE, MF, JM).
- KR-2010-GebserGISSTV #biology #consistency #network #nondeterminism #predict #programming #scalability #set
- Repair and Prediction (under Inconsistency) in Large Biological Networks with Answer Set Programming (MG, CG, MI, TS, AS, ST, PV).
- KR-2010-KontchakovLTWZ #approach #query
- The Combined Approach to Query Answering in DL-Lite (RK, CL, DT, FW, MZ).
- KR-2010-PichlerRSW #bound #constraints #programming
- Tractable Answer-Set Programming with Weight Constraints: Bounded Treewidth Is not Enough (RP, SR, SS, SW).
- KR-2010-RosatiA #ontology #query
- Improving Query Answering over DL-Lite Ontologies (RR, AA).
- KR-2010-ZhangZ #bound #on the #semantics #set #source code
- On the Progression Semantics and Boundedness of Answer Set Programs (YZ, YZ).
- SIGIR-2010-ShahP #community #predict #quality
- Evaluating and predicting answer quality in community QA (CS, JP), pp. 411–418.
- PADL-2010-GomesAS #hybrid #implementation #knowledge base #query
- Implementing Query Answering for Hybrid MKNF Knowledge Bases (ASG, JJA, TS), pp. 25–39.
- PADL-2010-LeoneRRT #integration #performance #programming #set
- Efficient Application of Answer Set Programming for Advanced Data Integration (NL, FR, LAR, GT), pp. 10–24.
- PADL-2010-Pontelli #perspective #programming #set
- Answer Set Programming in 2010: A Personal Perspective (EP), pp. 1–3.
- RE-2010-Berenbach #industrial #requirements
- Requirements Engineering for Industrial Systems: No Easy Answers (BB), pp. 373–374.
- SAC-2010-KaoLW #approach #hybrid #novel
- Expert finding in question-answering websites: a novel hybrid approach (WCK, DRL, SWW), pp. 867–871.
- ICSE-2010-FritzM #developer #using
- Using information fragments to answer the questions developers ask (TF, GCM), pp. 175–184.
- ICLP-2010-Balduccini10 #heuristic #learning #set
- Learning Domain-Specific Heuristics for Answer Set Solvers (MB), pp. 14–23.
- ICLP-2010-BautersJSVC10 #communication #set #source code
- Communicating Answer Set Programs (KB, JJ, SS, DV, MDC), pp. 34–43.
- ICLP-2010-Drescher10 #constraints #programming #set
- Constraint Answer Set Programming Systems (CD), pp. 255–264.
- ICLP-2010-FayruzovJVCC10 #performance #set #source code
- Efficient Solving of Time-dependent Answer Set Programs (TF, JJ, DV, CC, MDC), pp. 64–73.
- ICLP-2010-Gaggl10 #programming #towards
- Towards a General Argumentation System based on Answer-Set Programming (SAG), pp. 265–269.
- ICLP-2010-OetschPT10 #source code
- Methods and Methodologies for Developing Answer-Set Programs — Project Description (JO, JP, HT), pp. 154–161.
- ICLP-2010-RiguzziS10 #logic programming #reasoning #source code
- Tabling and Answer Subsumption for Reasoning on Logic Programs with Annotated Disjunctions (FR, TS), pp. 162–171.
- ICLP-J-2010-BalducciniG #formal method #programming #set
- Formalization of psychological knowledge in answer set programming and its application (MB, SG), pp. 725–740.
- ICLP-J-2010-BrummayerJ #debugging #development #testing
- Testing and debugging techniques for answer set solver development (RB, MJ), pp. 741–758.
- ICLP-J-2010-Delgrande #approach #logic programming #semantics #set #source code
- A program-level approach to revising logic programs under the answer set semantics (JPD), pp. 565–580.
- ICLP-J-2010-DrescherW #approach #constraints #set
- A translational approach to constraint answer set solving (CD, TW), pp. 465–480.
- ICLP-J-2010-GuzmanCW #evaluation #on-demand
- Swapping evaluation: A memory-scalable solution for answer-on-demand tabling (PCdG, MC, DSW), pp. 401–416.
- ICLP-J-2010-OetschPST #detection #source code
- The system Kato: Detecting cases of plagiarism for answer-set programs (JO, JP, MS, HT), pp. 759–775.
- ICLP-J-2010-OetschPT #debugging #source code
- Catching the Ouroboros: On debugging non-ground answer-set programs (JO, JP, HT), pp. 513–529.
- RTA-2010-RiescoVM #debugging #declarative #maude
- Declarative Debugging of Missing Answers for Maude (AR, AV, NMO), pp. 277–294.
- PODS-2009-BarceloLPS #modelling #query #xml
- XML with incomplete information: models, properties, and query answering (PB, LL, AP, CS), pp. 237–246.
- PODS-2009-CaliGL #framework #ontology #query
- A general datalog-based framework for tractable query answering over ontologies (AC, GG, TL), pp. 77–86.
- PODS-2009-LiD #database #probability #query
- Consensus answers for queries over probabilistic databases (JL, AD), pp. 259–268.
- SIGMOD-2009-GeZM #nondeterminism #query
- Top-k queries on uncertain data: on score distribution and typical answers (TG, SBZ, SM), pp. 375–388.
- SIGMOD-2009-PaparizosNSA #data flow #query #using #web
- Answering web queries using structured data sources (SP, AN, JCS, RA), pp. 1127–1130.
- VLDB-2009-GuptaS #query #web
- Answering Table Augmentation Queries from Unstructured Lists on the Web (RG, SS), pp. 289–300.
- VLDB-2009-HerschelHT #named
- Artemis: A System for Analyzing Missing Answers (MH, MAH, WCT), pp. 1550–1553.
- VLDB-2009-PereiraRSTWH #question #using #web
- Answering Web Questions Using Structured Data — Dream or Reality? (FP, AR, SS, WTP, GW, AYH), p. 1646.
- CIAA-2009-InabaH #query #representation #set
- Compact Representation for Answer Sets of n-ary Regular Queries (KI, HH), pp. 94–104.
- LATA-2009-Blanchet-SadriMRW #algorithm #using #word
- An Answer to a Conjecture on Overlaps in Partial Words Using Periodicity Algorithms (FBS, RM, AR, EW), pp. 188–199.
- LATA-2009-GauwinNT #bound #concurrent #query
- Bounded Delay and Concurrency for Earliest Query Answering (OG, JN, ST), pp. 350–361.
- CHI-2009-HsiehC #named #realtime
- mimir: a market-based real-time question and answer service (GH, SC), pp. 769–778.
- CHI-2009-NamAA #case study #community
- Questions in, knowledge in?: a study of naver’s question answering community (KKN, MSA, LAA), pp. 779–788.
- HCD-2009-PohlmeyerBWM #approach #experience #user interface
- The Value of Answers without Question[s]: A Qualitative Approach to User Experience and Aging (AEP, LTMB, HW, JM), pp. 894–903.
- CIKM-2009-AchananuparpYC #using
- Using negative voting to diversify answers in non-factoid question answering (PA, CCY, XC), pp. 1681–1684.
- CIKM-2009-MomtaziK #approach #clustering #modelling #retrieval #word
- A word clustering approach for language model-based sentence retrieval in question answering systems (SM, DK), pp. 1911–1914.
- CIKM-2009-PinchakRL #information retrieval #type system
- Answer typing for information retrieval (CP, DR, DL), pp. 1955–1958.
- CIKM-2009-RodriguesM #community #social
- Socializing or knowledge sharing?: characterizing social intent in community question answering (EMR, NMF), pp. 1127–1136.
- CIKM-2009-WuTW #query #revisited #using #xml
- Answering XML queries using materialized views revisited (XW, DT, WHW), pp. 475–484.
- ECIR-2009-AyariG #evaluation #framework
- A Framework of Evaluation for Question-Answering Systems (SEA, BG), pp. 744–748.
- SIGIR-2009-HongD #approach #classification
- A classification-based approach to question answering in discussion boards (LH, BDD), pp. 171–178.
- SIGIR-2009-LiuNVA #collaboration #information management
- Is this urgent?: exploring time-sensitive information needs in collaborative question answering (YL, NN, VV, EA), pp. 712–713.
- SIGIR-2009-WangTFZ #community #modelling #ranking #reasoning
- Ranking community answers by modeling question-answer relationships via analogical reasoning (XJW, XT, DF, LZ), pp. 179–186.
- SAC-2009-AthenikosHB #framework
- A framework of a logic-based question-answering system for the medical domain (LOQAS-Med) (SJA, HH, ADB), pp. 847–851.
- SAC-2009-TartirMA #named #semantics
- SemanticQA: web-based ontology-driven question answering (ST, BM, IBA), pp. 1275–1276.
- ICLP-2009-BroechelerSS #logic programming #probability #query #source code #using
- Using Histograms to Better Answer Queries to Probabilistic Logic Programs (MB, GIS, VSS), pp. 40–54.
- ICLP-2009-DelgrandeSTW #logic programming #semantics #set #source code
- Merging Logic Programs under Answer Set Semantics (JPD, TS, HT, SW), pp. 160–174.
- ICLP-2009-DungHT #information management #multi #query
- Stabilization of Information Sharing for Queries Answering in Multiagent Systems (PMD, DDH, PMT), pp. 84–98.
- ICLP-2009-EiterEEF #programming #set
- Finding Similar or Diverse Solutions in Answer Set Programming (TE, EE, HE, MF), pp. 342–356.
- ICLP-2009-GebserOS #constraints #set
- Constraint Answer Set Solving (MG, MO, TS), pp. 235–249.
- ICLP-2009-Ji #approach #architecture #programming #research #set #summary
- A Cognitive Architecture for a Service Robot: An Answer Set Programming Approach (Research Summary) (JJ), pp. 532–533.
- ICLP-2009-PaluDPR #constraints #lazy evaluation #programming #set #using
- Answer Set Programming with Constraints Using Lazy Grounding (ADP, AD, EP, GR), pp. 115–129.
- ICLP-2009-SchaubT #network #programming #set
- Metabolic Network Expansion with Answer Set Programming (TS, ST), pp. 312–326.
- ICLP-2009-SwiftPP #incremental
- Incremental Answer Completion in the SLG-WAM (TS, AMP, LMP), pp. 519–524.
- ICLP-2009-Thielscher #game studies #programming #set
- Answer Set Programming for Single-Player Games in General Game Playing (MT), pp. 327–341.
- ICLP-2009-Todorova #natural language #prolog #using
- Answering Questions from Natural Language Using A-Prolog (YT), pp. 544–546.
- PODS-2008-AfratiK #query
- Answering aggregate queries in data exchange (FNA, PGK), pp. 129–138.
- SIGMOD-2008-JinXRW #graph #query #reachability #scalability
- Efficiently answering reachability queries on very large directed graphs (RJ, YX, NR, HW), pp. 595–608.
- SIGMOD-2008-PeiHTL #nondeterminism #probability #query #summary #tutorial
- Query answering techniques on uncertain and probabilistic data: tutorial summary (JP, MH, YT, XL), pp. 1357–1364.
- VLDB-2008-HuangCDN #on the #query
- On the provenance of non-answers to queries over extracted data (JH, TC, AD, JFN), pp. 736–747.
- ITiCSE-2008-ReppLM #automation #semantics
- Question answering from lecture videos based on an automatic semantic annotation (SR, SL, CM), pp. 17–21.
- FLOPS-2008-CaballeroRV #constraints #declarative #functional #logic programming
- Declarative Diagnosis of Missing Answers in Constraint Functional-Logic Programming (RC, MRA, RdVV), pp. 305–321.
- FLOPS-2008-MellarkodG #constraints #reasoning #set #theorem proving
- Integrating Answer Set Reasoning with Constraint Solving Techniques (VSM, MG), pp. 15–31.
- FLOPS-2008-Schaub #information management #modelling #programming #reasoning #representation #set
- Model-Based Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Via Answer Set Programming (TS), pp. 1–2.
- CHI-2008-HarperRRK #online #predict #quality
- Predictors of answer quality in online Q&A sites (FMH, DRR, SR, JAK), pp. 865–874.
- CIKM-2008-DakkaGI #query
- Answering general time sensitive queries (WD, LG, PGI), pp. 1437–1438.
- CIKM-2008-Dominguez-SalSAL
- Cache-aware load balancing for question answering (DDS, MS, JAS, JLLP), pp. 1271–1280.
- CIKM-2008-GuoXBY #community #recommendation
- Tapping on the potential of q&a community by recommending answer providers (JG, SX, SB, YY), pp. 921–930.
- CIKM-2008-Hickl
- Answering questions with authority (AH), pp. 1261–1270.
- CIKM-2008-KarnstedtSHHSS #database #query
- Estimating the number of answers with guarantees for structured queries in p2p databases (MK, KUS, MH, MH, BS, RS), pp. 1407–1408.
- ECIR-2008-KhalidJR #information retrieval #normalisation
- The Impact of Named Entity Normalization on Information Retrieval for Question Answering (MAK, VJ, MdR), pp. 705–710.
- ECIR-2008-MacKinnonV #interactive #wiki
- Improving Complex Interactive Question Answering with Wikipedia Anchor Text (IM, OV), pp. 438–445.
- ECIR-2008-OfoghiYM #identification #natural language #semantics
- The Impact of Semantic Class Identification and Semantic Role Labeling on Natural Language Answer Extraction (BO, JY, LM), pp. 430–437.
- KDD-2008-BouguessaDW #exclamation #identification
- Identifying authoritative actors in question-answering forums: the case of Yahoo! answers (MB, BD, SW), pp. 866–874.
- KR-2008-BinasM #consistency #peer-to-peer #query
- Peer-to-Peer Query Answering with Inconsistent Knowledge (AB, SAM), pp. 329–339.
- KR-2008-CaliGK #constraints #infinity #query #relational
- Taming the Infinite Chase: Query Answering under Expressive Relational Constraints (AC, GG, MK), pp. 70–80.
- KR-2008-CalvaneseGLR #logic #ontology #query
- View-Based Query Answering over Description Logic Ontologies (DC, GDG, ML, RR), pp. 242–251.
- KR-2008-Cortes-CalabuigDAB #approximate #database #fixpoint #performance #query
- Accuracy and Efficiency of Fixpoint Methods for Approximate Query Answering in Locally Complete Databases (ACC, MD, OA, MB), pp. 81–91.
- KR-2008-DelgrandeSTW #logic programming #semantics #set #source code
- Belief Revision of Logic Programs under Answer Set Semantics (JPD, TS, HT, SW), pp. 411–421.
- KR-2008-DrescherGGKKOS #set
- Conflict-Driven Disjunctive Answer Set Solving (CD, MG, TG, BK, AK, MO, TS), pp. 422–432.
- KR-2008-LinW #programming #set
- Answer Set Programming with Functions (FL, YW), pp. 454–465.
- SIGIR-2008-CongWLSS #online
- Finding question-answer pairs from online forums (GC, LW, CYL, YIS, YS), pp. 467–474.
- SIGIR-2008-LiuA #community #evolution #exclamation #on the
- On the evolution of the yahoo! answers QA community (YL, EA), pp. 737–738.
- SIGIR-2008-LiuBA #community #predict
- Predicting information seeker satisfaction in community question answering (YL, JB, EA), pp. 483–490.
- SIGIR-2008-WuST
- User preference choices for complex question answering (MW, FS, AT), pp. 717–718.
- SIGIR-2008-XueJC #modelling #retrieval
- Retrieval models for question and answer archives (XX, JJ, WBC), pp. 475–482.
- LOPSTR-2008-Seki #on the #semantics #set
- On Negative Unfolding in the Answer Set Semantics (HS), pp. 168–184.
- SAC-2008-BloomaCG #framework #predict
- A predictive framework for retrieving the best answer (MJB, AYKC, DHLG), pp. 1107–1111.
- SAC-2008-BugattiTT #integration #query #similarity
- Assessing the best integration between distance-function and image-feature to answer similarity queries (PHB, AJMT, CTJ), pp. 1225–1230.
- ICSE-2008-AlwisM #concept #query
- Answering conceptual queries with Ferret (BdA, GCM), pp. 21–30.
- ICSE-2008-KoM #behaviour #debugging #why
- Debugging reinvented: asking and answering why and why not questions about program behavior (AJK, BAM), pp. 301–310.
- ICLP-2008-Baral #information management #programming #reasoning #representation #set #using
- Using Answer Set Programming for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Future Directions (CB), pp. 69–70.
- ICLP-2008-BoennBVF #automation #composition #music #programming #set
- Automatic Composition of Melodic and Harmonic Music by Answer Set Programming (GB, MB, MDV, Jf), pp. 160–174.
- ICLP-2008-Cabalar #programming #set #similarity
- Partial Functions and Equality in Answer Set Programming (PC), pp. 392–406.
- ICLP-2008-CliffeVBP #animation #declarative #named #programming #set #using #visualisation
- ASPVIZ: Declarative Visualisation and Animation Using Answer Set Programming (OC, MDV, MB, JAP), pp. 724–728.
- ICLP-2008-EglyGW #framework #implementation #named #programming #using
- ASPARTIX: Implementing Argumentation Frameworks Using Answer-Set Programming (UE, SAG, SW), pp. 734–738.
- ICLP-2008-Fink #logic #programming
- Equivalences in Answer-Set Programming by Countermodels in the Logic of Here-and-There (MF), pp. 99–113.
- ICLP-2008-GebserSTUV #biology #consistency #detection #network #nondeterminism #programming #scalability #set
- Detecting Inconsistencies in Large Biological Networks with Answer Set Programming (MG, TS, ST, BU, PV), pp. 130–144.
- ICLP-2008-Janhunen #set #source code
- Removing Redundancy from Answer Set Programs (TJ), pp. 729–733.
- ICLP-2008-JanssenHVC #compilation #fuzzy #set #source code
- Compiling Fuzzy Answer Set Programs to Fuzzy Propositional Theories (JJ, SH, DV, MDC), pp. 362–376.
- ICLP-2008-Lierler #set
- Abstract Answer Set Solvers (YL), pp. 377–391.
- ICLP-2008-Marek #programming #question #set
- Quo Vadis Answer Set Programming? (VWM), pp. 83–87.
- ICLP-2008-Niemela #programming #set
- Answer Set Programming without Unstratified Negation (IN), pp. 88–92.
- ICLP-2008-OetschT #semantics
- Program Correspondence under the Answer-Set Semantics: The Non-ground Case (JO, HT), pp. 591–605.
- ICLP-2008-PearceV #equilibrium #logic #quantifier #set #source code
- Quantified Equilibrium Logic and Foundations for Answer Set Programs (DP, AV), pp. 546–560.
- ICLP-2008-PuhrerTW #source code
- Elimination of Disjunction and Negation in Answer-Set Programs under Hyperequivalence (JP, HT, SW), pp. 561–575.
- ICLP-2008-Schaub #exclamation #programming #set
- Here’s the Beef: Answer Set Programming ! (TS), pp. 93–98.
- IJCAR-2008-FurbachGHP #named
- LogAnswer — A Deduction-Based Question Answering System (System Description) (UF, IG, HH, BP), pp. 139–146.
- IJCAR-2008-Lutz #complexity #logic #query
- The Complexity of Conjunctive Query Answering in Expressive Description Logics (CL), pp. 179–193.
- VLDB-2007-DasGKS #ad hoc #data type #query
- Ad-hoc Top-k Query Answering for Data Streams (GD, DG, NK, NS), pp. 183–194.
- VLDB-2007-GeZ #query
- Answering Aggregation Queries in a Secure System Model (TG, SBZ), pp. 519–530.
- VLDB-2007-HuaPFLL #database #query #scalability
- Efficiently Answering Top-k Typicality Queries on Large Databases (MH, JP, AWCF, XL, HfL), pp. 890–901.
- CHI-2007-JonesBHX #mobile #novel
- Questions not answers: a novel mobile search technique (MJ, GB, RH, PLX), pp. 155–158.
- HCI-MIE-2007-KopparapuSR #concept #parsing
- Minimal Parsing Key Concept Based Question Answering System (SKK, AS, PVSR), pp. 104–113.
- HIMI-MTT-2007-ShinKS #concept
- Concept-Based Question Answering System (SES, YHK, YHS), pp. 958–967.
- ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-Andrenucci #case study
- Creating a Bilingual Psychology Lexicon for Cross Lingual Question Answering — A Pilot Study (AA), pp. 129–136.
- CIKM-2007-JurczykA #analysis #community #using
- Discovering authorities in question answer communities by using link analysis (PJ, EA), pp. 919–922.
- CIKM-2007-Pasca #lightweight #repository
- Lightweight web-based fact repositories for textual question answering (MP), pp. 87–96.
- CIKM-2007-TamashiroTV #integration #query #towards
- Towards practically feasible answering of regular path queries in lav data integration (MT, AT, SV), pp. 381–390.
- CIKM-2007-WuHK #mining #web
- Mining redundancy in candidate-bearing snippets to improve web question answering (YW, XH, HK), pp. 999–1002.
- ECIR-2007-Monz #learning #query
- Model Tree Learning for Query Term Weighting in Question Answering (CM), pp. 589–596.
- ECIR-2007-QuarteroniMMB #classification #ranking
- Advanced Structural Representations for Question Classification and Answer Re-ranking (SQ, AM, SM, RB), pp. 234–245.
- KDD-2007-ZhangHZLC #distance
- Information distance from a question to an answer (XZ, YH, XZ, ML, DRC), pp. 874–883.
- SEKE-2007-AlencarWSF #deployment #game studies #information management #question
- Do Neural-Network Question-Answering Systems Have a Role to Play in the Deployment of Real World Information Systems? (AJA, RCW, EAS, ALF), pp. 386–391.
- SIGIR-2007-BilottiOCN #retrieval
- Structured retrieval for question answering (MWB, PO, JC, EN), pp. 351–358.
- SIGIR-2007-JurczykA #analysis #ranking
- Hits on question answer portals: exploration of link analysis for author ranking (PJ, EA), pp. 845–846.
- SIGIR-2007-KoNS #probability #ranking #visual notation
- A probabilistic graphical model for joint answer ranking in question answering (JK, EN, LS), pp. 343–350.
- SIGIR-2007-KorC
- Interesting nuggets and their impact on definitional question answering (KWK, TSC), pp. 335–342.
- SIGIR-2007-LeeHJ #fine-grained #recognition
- Fine-grained named entity recognition and relation extraction for question answering (CL, YGH, MGJ), pp. 799–800.
- SIGIR-2007-LinZ #evaluation #reliability
- Deconstructing nuggets: the stability and reliability of complex question answering evaluation (JJL, PZ), pp. 327–334.
- SIGIR-2007-RuthvenABBNSY #consistency
- Intra-assessor consistency in question answering (IR, LA, MB, RB, EN, SOS, MY), pp. 727–728.
- SIGIR-2007-Verberne #retrieval
- Paragraph retrieval for why-question answering (SV), p. 922.
- SIGIR-2007-VerberneBOC
- Evaluating discourse-based answer extraction for why-question answering (SV, LB, NO, PAC), pp. 735–736.
- SIGIR-2007-WiegandLK
- Combining term-based and event-based matching for question answering (MW, JLL, DK), pp. 715–716.
- SAC-2007-DUliziaFFGR #query #similarity
- Structural similarity in geographical queries to improve query answering (AD, FF, AF, PG, MR), pp. 19–23.
- SAC-2007-HaaseW #distributed #framework #ontology #query
- A decentralized infrastructure for query answering over distributed ontologies (PH, YW), pp. 1351–1356.
- ICLP-2007-BaralDT #information management #natural language #prolog #set #towards
- Towards Overcoming the Knowledge Acquisition Bottleneck in Answer Set Prolog Applications: Embracing Natural Language Inputs (CB, JD, LT), pp. 1–21.
- ICLP-2007-Brewka #set
- Preferences, Contexts and Answer Sets (GB), p. 22.
- ICLP-2007-CaballeroRV #constraints #debugging #declarative #functional #logic programming
- Declarative Debugging of Missing Answers in Constraint Functional-Logic Programming (RC, MRA, RdVV), pp. 425–427.
- ICLP-2007-Eiter #programming #semantics #set #web
- Answer Set Programming for the Semantic Web (TE), pp. 23–26.
- ICLP-2007-Gebser #programming #set
- Advanced Techniques for Answer Set Programming (MG), pp. 458–459.
- ICLP-2007-GebserS #programming #set
- Generic Tableaux for Answer Set Programming (MG, TS), pp. 119–133.
- ICLP-2007-NieuwenborghCV #fuzzy #set #using
- Computing Fuzzy Answer Sets Using dlvhex (DVN, MDC, DV), pp. 449–450.
- ICLP-2007-Oikarinen #composition #programming #set
- Modular Answer Set Programming (EO), pp. 462–463.
- PODS-2006-KimelfeldS #approximate #keyword #proximity
- Finding and approximating top-k answers in keyword proximity search (BK, YS), pp. 173–182.
- SIGMOD-2006-DingTS #maintenance #named #query
- OMCAT: optimal maintenance of continuous queries’ answers for trajectories (HD, GT, PS), pp. 748–750.
- SIGMOD-2006-KleinGRL #named #query
- Derby/S: a DBMS for sample-based query answering (AK, RG, PR, WL), pp. 757–759.
- VLDB-2006-DasGKT #query #using
- Answering Top-k Queries Using Views (GD, DG, NK, DT), pp. 451–462.
- VLDB-2006-LakshmananWZ #query #using
- Answering Tree Pattern Queries Using Views (LVSL, WHW, Z(Z), pp. 571–582.
- VLDB-2006-SpiegelPBP #approximate #named #query #xml
- AQAX: A System for Approximate XML Query Answers (JS, EDP, SB, NP), pp. 1159–1162.
- VLDB-2006-XinHCL #approach #multi #query #ranking
- Answering Top-k Queries with Multi-Dimensional Selections: The Ranking Cube Approach (DX, JH, HC, XL), pp. 463–475.
- CHI-2006-MyersWKC #user interface #why
- Answering why and why not questions in user interfaces (BAM, DAW, AJK, DHC), pp. 397–406.
- CAiSE-2006-SimitsisK #query
- Comprehensible Answers to Précis Queries (AS, GK), pp. 142–156.
- ECIR-2006-AwadallahR #multi
- Web-Based Multiple Choice Question Answering for English and Arabic Questions (RA, AR), pp. 515–518.
- ECIR-2006-WhittakerHYKF #agile #development
- Rapid Development of Web-Based Monolingual Question Answering Systems (EWDW, JH, DY, TK, SF), pp. 501–504.
- KDD-2006-Moore #algorithm #statistics
- New cached-sufficient statistics algorithms for quickly answering statistical questions (AM), p. 2.
- KR-2006-CalvaneseGLLR #complexity #logic #query
- Data Complexity of Query Answering in Description Logics (DC, GDG, DL, ML, RR), pp. 260–270.
- KR-2006-EiterFTTW #programming
- Replacements in Non-Ground Answer-Set Programming (TE, MF, HT, PT, SW), pp. 340–351.
- KR-2006-Straccia #logic programming #query #source code
- Query Answering under the Any-World Assumption for Normal Logic Programs (US), pp. 329–339.
- SIGIR-2006-HanSR #probability
- Probabilistic model for definitional question answering (KSH, YIS, HCR), pp. 212–219.
- SIGIR-2006-HarabagiuLH #modelling #random
- Answering complex questions with random walk models (SMH, VFL, AH), pp. 220–227.
- SIGIR-2006-JeonCLP #framework #predict #quality
- A framework to predict the quality of answers with non-textual features (JJ, WBC, JHL, SP), pp. 228–235.
- POPL-2006-Thielecke #pointer
- Frame rules from answer types for code pointers (HT), pp. 309–319.
- SAC-2006-MeoQFU #multi #query
- A multi-agent system for efficiently managing query answering in an e-government scenario (PDM, GQ, HF, DU), pp. 308–312.
- ICLP-2006-BaralDT #composition #metaprogramming #set
- Macros, Macro Calls and Use of Ensembles in Modular Answer Set Programming (CB, JD, HT), pp. 376–390.
- ICLP-2006-Brain #declarative #problem #semantics #set #using
- Declarative Problem Solving Using Answer Set Semantics (MB), pp. 459–460.
- ICLP-2006-BrainCVF #named #programming #set
- TOAST: Applying Answer Set Programming to Superoptimisation (MB, TC, MDV, JPF), pp. 270–284.
- ICLP-2006-CaballeroRV #constraints #declarative #functional #logic programming
- Declarative Diagnosis of Wrong Answers in Constraint Functional-Logic Programming (RC, MRA, RdVV), pp. 421–422.
- ICLP-2006-GebserS #calculus #programming #set
- Tableau Calculi for Answer Set Programming (MG, TS), pp. 11–25.
- ICLP-2006-GrellSS #biology #modelling #network #programming #set
- Modelling Biological Networks by Action Languages Via Answer Set Programming (SG, TS, JS), pp. 285–299.
- ICLP-2006-InoueS #programming #set
- Generality Relations in Answer Set Programming (KI, CS), pp. 211–225.
- ICLP-2006-NieuwenborghHV #programming #set
- Cooperating Answer Set Programming (DVN, SH, DV), pp. 226–241.
- ICLP-2006-PontelliS #logic programming #semantics #set #source code
- Justifications for Logic Programs Under Answer Set Semantics (EP, TCS), pp. 196–210.
- ICLP-2006-SchwaigerF #assessment #automation #compilation #programming #testing #using
- Using Answer Set Programming for the Automatic Compilation of Assessment Tests (PS, BF), pp. 300–314.
- PODS-2005-ArenasL #consistency #query #xml
- XML data exchange: consistency and query answering (MA, LL), pp. 13–24.
- SIGMOD-2005-BoulosDMMRS #named #using
- MYSTIQ: a system for finding more answers by using probabilities (JB, NND, BM, SM, CR, DS), pp. 891–893.
- SIGMOD-2005-SuciuD #probability #query
- Foundations of probabilistic answers to queries (DS, NND), p. 963.
- VLDB-2005-DalviS #probability #query #statistics
- Answering Queries from Statistics and Probabilistic Views (NND, DS), pp. 805–816.
- VLDB-2005-NambiarK #database #query #web
- Answering Imprecise Queries over Web Databases (UN, SK), pp. 1350–1353.
- CIKM-2005-AfratiLL #adaptation #query #using #web
- Answering aggregation queries on hierarchical web sites using adaptive sampling (FNA, PVL, CL), pp. 237–238.
- CIKM-2005-GrecoS #complexity #consistency #integration #on the #peer-to-peer #query
- On the complexity of computing peer agreements for consistent query answering in peer-to-peer data integration systems (GG, FS), pp. 36–43.
- CIKM-2005-GriecoLRR #algorithm #consistency #dependence #query
- Consistent query answering under key and exclusion dependencies: algorithms and experiments (LG, DL, RR, MR), pp. 792–799.
- CIKM-2005-JeonCL #scalability
- Finding similar questions in large question and answer archives (JJ, WBC, JHL), pp. 84–90.
- CIKM-2005-JijkounR #web
- Retrieving answers from frequently asked questions pages on the web (VJ, MdR), pp. 76–83.
- CIKM-2005-LiuCK
- Finding experts in community-based question-answering services (XL, WBC, MBK), pp. 315–316.
- ECIR-2005-CliftonT #framework #named #using
- Knowing-Aboutness: Question-Answering Using a Logic-Based Framework (TC, WJT), pp. 230–244.
- ECIR-2005-MishneR05a #query
- Query Formulation for Answer Projection (GM, MdR), pp. 523–526.
- SEKE-2005-HuangLF #automation #email #mining #query
- A Chinese Text Mining Application: An Automatic Answer Reply to Customers’ E-mail Queries Model (JYH, HML, CLF), pp. 504–507.
- SIGIR-2005-CuiKC #modelling
- Generic soft pattern models for definitional question answering (HC, MYK, TSC), pp. 384–391.
- SIGIR-2005-CuiSLKC #dependence #retrieval #using
- Question answering passage retrieval using dependency relations (HC, RS, KL, MYK, TSC), pp. 400–407.
- SIGIR-2005-JeonCL #semantics
- Finding semantically similar questions based on their answers (JJ, WBC, JHL), pp. 617–618.
- SIGIR-2005-Lin #evaluation
- Evaluation of resources for question answering evaluation (JJL), pp. 392–399.
- SIGIR-2005-SunCLKC #dependence
- Dependency relation matching for answer selection (RS, HC, KL, MYK, TSC), pp. 651–652.
- PADL-2005-BrooksEMR #programming #set
- Character-Based Cladistics and Answer Set Programming (DRB, EE, JWM, DR), pp. 37–51.
- ICLP-2005-BaseliceBG #constraints #integration #set #theorem proving #towards
- Towards an Integration of Answer Set and Constraint Solving (SB, PAB, MG), pp. 52–66.
- ICLP-2005-GiunchigliaM #on the #satisfiability #set
- On the Relation Between Answer Set and SAT Procedures (or, Between cmodels and smodels) (EG, MM), pp. 37–51.
- ICLP-2005-Ray #horn clause #logic #query
- The Need for Ancestor Resolution When Answering Queries in Horn Clause Logic (OR), pp. 410–411.
- ICLP-2005-TompitsW #equivalence #implementation #programming #towards
- Towards Implementations for Advanced Equivalence Checking in Answer-Set Programming (HT, SW), pp. 189–203.
- DAC-2004-Smith #challenge #design #framework #question
- Platform based design: does it answer the entire SoC challenge? (GS), p. 407.
- DocEng-2004-WatanabeSYO #using
- A question answer system using mails posted to a mailing list (YW, KS, KY, YO), pp. 67–73.
- PODS-2004-ArenasBLF #consistency #query
- Locally Consistent Transformations and Query Answering in Data Exchange (MA, PB, RF, LL), pp. 229–240.
- SIGMOD-2004-PolyzotisGI #approximate #query #xml
- Approximate XML Query Answers (NP, MNG, YEI), pp. 263–274.
- VLDB-2004-TajimaF #network #query #xpath
- Answering XPath Queries over Networks by Sending Minimal Views (KT, YF), pp. 48–59.
- ESOP-2004-Thielecke #call-by #continuation #morphism #polymorphism
- Answer Type Polymorphism in Call-by-Name Continuation Passing (HT), pp. 279–293.
- ICEIS-v4-2004-ChengB #query
- Federated Mediators for Query Composite Answers (DC, NB), pp. 170–175.
- CIKM-2004-ChomickiMS #consistency #query #using
- Computing consistent query answers using conflict hypergraphs (JC, JM, SS), pp. 417–426.
- CIKM-2004-ClarkeT #approximate #parallel
- Approximating the top-m passages in a parallel question answering system (CLAC, ELT), pp. 454–462.
- CIKM-2004-LitaC #corpus
- Unsupervised question answering data acquisition from local corpora (LVL, JGC), pp. 607–614.
- ECIR-2004-JijkounR #multi
- Answer Selection in a Multi-stream Open Domain Question Answering System (VJ, MdR), pp. 99–111.
- ECIR-2004-RobertsG #retrieval
- Evaluating Passage Retrieval Approaches for Question Answering (IR, RJG), pp. 72–84.
- KR-2004-BarkerCCCFIMPRTY
- A Question-Answering System for AP Chemistry: Assessing KR&R Technologies (KB, VKC, SYC, PC, JF, DJI, SM, BWP, PR, DT, PZY), pp. 488–497.
- KR-2004-Brewka #optimisation #set
- Complex Preferences for Answer Set Optimization (GB), pp. 213–223.
- KR-2004-EiterFFPW #bound #complexity #model checking #programming #set
- Complexity of Model Checking and Bounded Predicate Arities for Non-ground Answer Set Programming (TE, WF, MF, GP, SW), pp. 377–387.
- KR-2004-EiterLST #logic #programming #semantics #set #web
- Combining Answer Set Programming with Description Logics for the Semantic Web (TE, TL, RS, HT), pp. 141–151.
- SIGIR-2004-Collins-ThompsonCTC #documentation #performance #quality #retrieval
- The effect of document retrieval quality on factoid question answering performance (KCT, JC, ELT, CLAC), pp. 574–575.
- SIGIR-2004-Corrada-EmmanuelC #modelling #retrieval
- Answer models for question answering passage retrieval (ACE, WBC), pp. 516–517.
- SIGIR-2004-LiddyDY #evaluation
- Context-based question-answering evaluation (EDL, AD, OY), pp. 508–509.
- SIGIR-2004-RoussinovR #learning #web
- Learning patterns to answer open domain questions on the web (DR, JARF), pp. 500–501.
- SIGIR-2004-SakaiSIKK #evaluation
- The effect of back-formulating questions in question answering evaluation (TS, YS, YI, TK, MK), pp. 474–475.
- SIGIR-2004-XuWL #approach #evaluation
- Evaluation of an extraction-based approach to answering definitional questions (JX, RMW, AL), pp. 418–424.
- SIGIR-2004-YangC #classification #effectiveness #web
- Effectiveness of web page classification on finding list answers (HY, TSC), pp. 522–523.
- PADL-2004-Balduccini #named #quality #set
- USA-Smart: Improving the Quality of Plans in Answer Set Planning (MB), pp. 135–147.
- PADL-2004-ElkhatibPS #named #prolog #reasoning #set #source code
- ASP-PROLOG: A System for Reasoning about Answer Set Programs in Prolog (OEK, EP, TCS), pp. 148–162.
- SAC-2004-AlvezLO #bottom-up
- Constructive negation by bottom-up computation of literal answers (JÁ, PL, FO), pp. 1468–1475.
- ICLP-2004-ErdemW #programming #set #using
- Rectilinear Steiner Tree Construction Using Answer Set Programming (EE, MDFW), pp. 386–399.
- ICLP-2004-Gelfond #design #programming #set
- Answer Set Programming and the Design of Deliberative Agents (MG), pp. 19–26.
- ICLP-2004-JiaYY #set #source code
- Adding Domain Dependent Knowledge into Answer Set Programs for Planning (XJ, JHY, LYY), pp. 400–415.
- ICLP-2004-Pearce #logic programming #semantics #set #source code
- Simplifying Logic Programs Under Answer Set Semantics (DP), pp. 210–224.
- ICLP-2004-WakakiI #compilation #programming #set
- Compiling Prioritized Circumscription into Answer Set Programming (TW, KI), pp. 356–370.
- PODS-2003-CaliLR #complexity #consistency #database #decidability #on the #query #semistructured data
- On the decidability and complexity of query answering over inconsistent and incomplete databases (AC, DL, RR), pp. 260–271.
- PODS-2003-ChirkovaL #query
- Materializing views with minimal size to answer queries (RC, CL), pp. 38–48.
- ICEIS-v1-2003-GouveiaG #roadmap
- Assuming a Roadmap Strategy for E-Business: Matching the Right Solution Over a Thousand Answers (FRG, LBG), pp. 550–553.
- ICEIS-v2-2003-CanforaT #assessment #risk management
- Dealing with the “Don’t Know” Answer in Risk Assessment (GC, LT), pp. 229–237.
- ICEIS-v2-2003-MengYLCCH #corpus
- Act E-Service Question Answering Systems Based on Faq Corpus (IHM, WPY, HYL, YLC, BC, SLH), pp. 286–293.
- ICEIS-v2-2003-ShenS #design #implementation
- The Design and Implementation of Improved Intelligent Answering Model (RS, QS), pp. 148–154.
- CIKM-2003-LinK #mining #using #web
- Question answering from the web using knowledge annotation and knowledge mining techniques (JJL, BK), pp. 116–123.
- ECIR-2003-AunimoHKMPV #semistructured data
- Question Answering System for Incomplete and Noisy Data (LA, OH, RK, JM, RP, OV), pp. 193–206.
- ECIR-2003-Monz #documentation #retrieval
- Document Retrieval in the Context of Question Answering (CM), pp. 571–579.
- SIGIR-2003-ClarkeT #documentation #retrieval
- Passage retrieval vs. document retrieval for factoid question answering (CLAC, ELT), pp. 427–428.
- SIGIR-2003-Li
- Syntactic features in question answering (XL), pp. 383–384.
- SIGIR-2003-SakaiK #performance #question #retrieval #what
- Evaluating retrieval performance for Japanese question answering: what are best passages? (TS, TK), pp. 429–430.
- SIGIR-2003-TellexKLFM #algorithm #evaluation #retrieval
- Quantitative evaluation of passage retrieval algorithms for question answering (ST, BK, JJL, AF, GM), pp. 41–47.
- SIGIR-2003-YangCWK
- Structured use of external knowledge for event-based open domain question answering (HY, TSC, SW, CKK), pp. 33–40.
- PADL-2003-ErdemLNR #programming #set #using
- Reconstructing the Evolutionary History of Indo-European Languages Using Answer Set Programming (EE, VL, LN, DR), pp. 160–176.
- ICLP-2003-ErdoganL #programming #set
- Definitions in Answer Set Programming: (Extended Abstract) (STE, VL), pp. 483–484.
- ICLP-2003-LoncT #modelling #set
- Computing Minimal Models, Stable Models, and Answer Sets (ZL, MT), pp. 209–223.
- ICLP-2003-SonP #set
- Adding Preferences to Answer Set Planning (TCS, EP), pp. 513–514.
- ICLP-2003-ZhaoL #case study #programming #set #source code
- Answer Set Programming Phase Transition: A Study on Randomly Generated Programs (YZ, FL), pp. 239–253.
- PODS-2002-AfratiLM #query #using
- Answering Queries Using Views with Arithmetic Comparisons (FNA, CL, PM), pp. 209–220.
- SIGMOD-2002-WangTYGWP #effectiveness #information management #integration #named #query #towards #web
- COMMIX: towards effective web information extraction, integration and query answering (TW, ST, DY, JG, YW, JP), p. 620.
- SIGIR-2002-ClarkeCLLT #corpus #performance
- The impact of corpus size on question answering performance (CLAC, GVC, ML, TRL, ELT), pp. 369–370.
- SIGIR-2002-DumaisBBLN #question #web
- Web question answering: is more always better? (STD, MB, EB, JJL, AYN), pp. 291–298.
- SIGIR-2002-MurdockC
- Task orientation in question answering (VM, WBC), pp. 355–356.
- ICLP-2002-DimopoulosS #set #towards
- Towards Local Search for Answer Sets (YD, AS), pp. 363–377.
- VLDB-2001-Gibbons #query
- Distinct Sampling for Highly-Accurate Answers to Distinct Values Queries and Event Reports (PBG), pp. 541–550.
- VLDB-2001-ManolescuFK #data flow #query #semistructured data #xml
- Answering XML Queries on Heterogeneous Data Sources (IM, DF, DK), pp. 241–250.
- CIKM-2001-RadevQZBZFP #mining #natural language #web
- Mining the Web for Answers to Natural Language Questions (DRR, HQ, ZZ, SBG, ZZ, WF, JMP), pp. 143–150.
- CIKM-2001-Vorhees
- Question Answering in TREC (EMV), pp. 535–537.
- KDD-2001-LiY #mining
- Mining from open answers in questionnaire data (HL, KY), pp. 443–449.
- SIGIR-2001-ClarkeCL
- Exploiting Redundancy in Question Answering (CLAC, GVC, TRL), pp. 358–365.
- SIGIR-2001-PascaH #performance
- High Performance Question/Answering (MP, SMH), pp. 366–374.
- SIGIR-2001-WilkinsonWF #performance
- Searcher Performance in Question Answering (RW, MW, MF), pp. 375–383.
- LOPSTR-2001-OsorioNA #equivalence #programming #set
- Equivalence in Answer Set Programming (MO, JANP, JA), pp. 57–75.
- PADL-2001-PontelliE #optimisation #parallel #programming #set
- Construction and Optimization of a Parallel Engine for Answer Set Programming (EP, OEK), pp. 288–303.
- ICSE-2001-HaebererM #framework #re-engineering
- Scientific Rigour, an Answer to a Pragmatic Question: A Linguistic Framework for Software Engineering (AMH, TSEM), pp. 463–472.
- IJCAR-2001-AngerKL #logic programming #reasoning #semantics #set #source code
- NoMoRe : A System for Non-monotonic Reasoning with Logic Programs under Answer Set Semantics (CA, KK, TL), pp. 325–330.
- IJCAR-2001-DoutreM #framework #query
- Preferred Extensions of Argumentation Frameworks: Query Answering and Computation (SD, JM), pp. 272–288.
- SIGMOD-2000-AcharyaGP #approximate #query
- Congressional Samples for Approximate Answering of Group-By Queries (SA, PBG, VP), pp. 487–498.
- SIGMOD-2000-ZaharioudakisCLPU #automation #query #sql #summary #using
- Answering Complex SQL Queries Using Automatic Summary Tables (MZ, RC, GL, HP, MU), pp. 105–116.
- VLDB-2000-GantiLR #approximate #named #query #self
- ICICLES: Self-Tuning Samples for Approximate Query Answering (VG, MLL, RR), pp. 176–187.
- VLDB-2000-PottingerL #algorithm #query #scalability #using
- A Scalable Algorithm for Answering Queries Using Views (RP, AYL), pp. 484–495.
- CIKM-2000-WangWWSHS #information management #internet #query #semantics
- Semantic Search on Internet Tabular Information Extraction for Answering Queries (HLW, SHW, ICW, CLS, WLH, WKS), pp. 243–249.
- SIGIR-2000-BergerCCFM #statistics
- Bridging the lexical chasm: statistical approaches to answer-finding (ALB, RC, DC, DF, VOM), pp. 192–199.
- SIGIR-2000-PragerBCR #predict
- Question-answering by predictive annotation (JMP, EWB, AC, DRR), pp. 184–191.
- SIGIR-2000-VoorheesT
- Building a question answering test collection (EMV, DMT), pp. 200–207.
- PODS-1999-ArenasBC #consistency #database #query
- Consistent Query Answers in Inconsistent Databases (MA, LEB, JC), pp. 68–79.
- PODS-1999-KanzaNS #query #semistructured data
- Queries with Incomplete Answers over Semistructured Data (YK, WN, YS), pp. 227–236.
- SIGMOD-1999-AcharyaGPR #approximate #query
- The Aqua Approximate Query Answering System (SA, PBG, VP, SR), pp. 574–576.
- SIGMOD-1999-AcharyaGPR99a #approximate #query
- Join Synopses for Approximate Query Answering (SA, PBG, VP, SR), pp. 275–286.
- VLDB-1999-AcharyaGP #approximate #named #performance #query #using
- Aqua: A Fast Decision Support Systems Using Approximate Query Answers (SA, PBG, VP), pp. 754–757.
- VLDB-1999-IoannidisP #approximate
- Histogram-Based Approximation of Set-Valued Query-Answers (YEI, VP), pp. 174–185.
- FM-v2-1999-HabriasPL #case study #collaboration #specification
- A Study of Collaborative Work: Answers to a Test on Formal Specification in B (HH, PP, JYL), pp. 1856–1857.
- TOOLS-USA-1999-OmoriIY #design pattern #execution #named
- Answerer: A Design Pattern for Dynamical Conditional Execution (MO, NI, JiY), pp. 158–161.
- ICLP-1999-Lifschitz #set
- Answer Set Planning (VL), pp. 23–37.
- PODS-1998-AbiteboulD #complexity #query #using
- Complexity of Answering Queries Using Materialized Views (SA, OMD), pp. 254–263.
- SIGMOD-1998-GibbonsM #approximate #query #statistics #summary
- New Sampling-Based Summary Statistics for Improving Approximate Query Answers (PBG, YM), pp. 331–342.
- ESOP-1998-Ruggieri #debugging #declarative
- A Complete Declarative Debugger of Missing Answers (SR), pp. 236–251.
- KR-1998-BrewkaE #logic programming #set #source code
- Preferred Answer Sets for Extended Logic Programs (GB, TE), pp. 86–97.
- PODS-1997-DuschkaG #query #recursion #using
- Answering Recursive Queries Using Views (OMD, MRG), pp. 109–116.
- HCI-SEC-1997-Souya #elicitation #interface
- A System for Eliciting and Helping to Score Test Answers Input Through a Handwriting Interface (TS), pp. 427–430.
- TRI-Ada-1997-Lawlis #ada #question
- Is the Answer Always Ada? (PKL), pp. 297–302.
- ILPS-1997-ZhangF #logic programming #set #source code
- Answer Sets for Prioritized Logic Programs (YZ, NYF), pp. 69–83.
- DAC-1996-MurrayMBTMV
- Issues and Answers in CAD Tool Interoperability (MM, UBM, BB, YT, BM, TV), pp. 509–514.
- PODS-1996-LevyRU #query #using
- Answering Queries Using Limited External Processors (AYL, AR, JDU), pp. 227–237.
- VLDB-1996-GuptaM #problem #what
- What is the Data Warehousing Problem? (Are Materialized Views the Answer?) (AG, ISM), p. 602.
- VLDB-1996-Levy #database #semistructured data
- Obtaining Complete Answers from Incomplete Databases (AYL), pp. 402–412.
- VLDB-1996-SrivastavaDJL #query #using
- Answering Queries with Aggregation Using Views (DS, SD, HVJ, AYL), pp. 318–329.
- CSCW-1996-AckermanM #collaboration #memory management
- Answer Garden 2: Merging Organizational Memory with Collaborative Help (MSA, DWM), pp. 97–105.
- CIKM-1996-BayardoM #query
- Processing Queries for First Few Answers (RJBJ, DPM), pp. 45–52.
- PODS-1995-LevyMSS #query #using
- Answering Queries Using Views (AYL, AOM, YS, DS), pp. 95–104.
- PODS-1995-RajaramanSU #query #using
- Answering Queries Using Templates with Binding Patterns (AR, YS, JDU), pp. 105–112.
- VLDB-1994-GaasterlandL
- Qualified Answers That Reflect User Needs and Preferences (TG, JL), pp. 309–320.
- CSCW-1994-Ackerman #case study #memory management
- Augmenting the Organizational Memory: A Field Study of Answer Garden (MSA), pp. 243–252.
- CIKM-1994-YoonSP #database #deduction #object-oriented #query
- Intelligent Query Answering in Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases (SCY, IYS, EKP), pp. 244–251.
- CADE-1994-RoyerQ #on the #query
- On Intuitionistic Query Answering in Description Bases (VR, JQ), pp. 326–340.
- HCI-SHI-1993-ChoMHM #algorithm #comprehension #development #recognition
- A Pen-Based System to Input Correct Answers to Assist in the Development of Recognition and Understanding Algorithms of Ink Data (YC, TM, SH, SM), pp. 68–73.
- SIGIR-1993-FullerMSW #documentation #scalability
- Coherent Answers for a Large Structured Document Collection (MF, EM, RSD, RW), pp. 204–213.
- SIGIR-1993-Kupiec #approach #named #online #robust #using
- MURAX: A Robust Linguistic Approach for Question Answering Using an On-Line Encyclopedia (JK), pp. 181–190.
- LOPSTR-1993-TarauB #delphi
- Memoing with Abstract Answers and Delphi Lemmas (PT, KDB), pp. 196–209.
- ILPS-1993-DongL #approach #deduction #query
- A Deductive Approach to Hypothetical Query Answering (FD, LVSL), pp. 609–628.
- CHI-1992-MynattLIFR #hypermedia #question
- Hypertext or Book: Which is Better for Answering Questions? (BTM, LML, KI, JF, DSR), pp. 19–25.
- KR-1992-LifschitzW #reasoning #set
- Answer Sets in General Nonmonotonic Reasoning (Preliminary Report) (VL, TYCW), pp. 603–614.
- SEKE-1992-KimH #database #deduction #evaluation #parallel #recursion
- Network-Based Simple Recursive Answer Evaluation for Deductive Databases in Parallel Environment (KK, LJH), pp. 63–70.
- ALP-1992-GabbrielliM #fixpoint #semantics
- Fixpoint Semantics for Partial Computed Answer Substitutions and Call Patterns (MG, MCM), pp. 84–99.
- LOPSTR-1992-Giacomo #partial evaluation #query
- Intensional Query Answering: An Application of Partial Evaluation (GDG), pp. 132–150.
- LOPSTR-1992-NardiR #deduction #query #source code #synthesis
- Deductive Synthesis of Programs for Query Answering (DN, RR), pp. 15–29.
- VLDB-1991-SiegelmannB #object-oriented #query
- Integrating Implicit Answers with Object-Oriented Queries (HTS, BRB), pp. 15–24.
- ICLP-1991-GabbrielliL #constraints #logic programming #modelling #source code
- Modeling Answer Constraints in Constraint Logic Programs (MG, GL), pp. 238–252.
- SIGMOD-1989-ChomickiI #infinity #query #relational #specification
- Relational Specifications of Infinite Query Answers (JC, TI), pp. 174–183.
- VLDB-1989-Motro #constraints #query #relational #using
- Using Integrity Constraints to Provide Intensional Answers to Relational Queries (AM), pp. 237–246.
- CHI-1989-Moore
- Responding to “HUH?”: answering vaguely articulated follow-up questions (JDM), pp. 91–96.
- SIGIR-1989-RaghavanBJ #evaluation #precise #problem #retrieval #using
- Retrieval System Evaluation Using Recall and Precision: Problems and Answers (VVR, PB, GSJ), pp. 59–68.
- NACLP-1989-CasanovaGS #logic programming #source code
- Computing Answers to Logic Programs with Weak Model Elimination (MAC, RAdTG, AS), pp. 92–114.
- CADE-1988-ChiH #horn clause #query #recursion
- Recursive Query Answering with Non-Horn Clauses (SC, LJH), pp. 294–312.
- JICSCP-1988-Emden88 #polymorphism #type inference
- Conditional Answers for Polymorphic Type Inference (MHvE), pp. 590–603.
- PODS-1987-Malvestuto #database #query
- Answering Queries in Categorial Data Bases (FMM), pp. 87–96.
- VLDB-1987-Nejdl #query #recursion
- Recursive Strategies for Answering Recursive Queries — The RQA/FQI Strategy (WN), pp. 43–50.
- ICLP-1987-Kunen87 #set
- Answer Sets and Negation-as-Failure (KK), pp. 219–228.
- ICLP-1987-RamamohanaraoS87 #database #deduction #query
- Answering Queries in Deductive Database Systems (KR, JS), pp. 1014–1033.
- ICLP-1986-Vasey86
- Qualified Answers and their Application to Transformation (PV), pp. 425–432.
- PODS-1985-AtzeniC #approach #performance #query
- Efficient Query Answering in the Representative Instance Approach (PA, EPFC), pp. 181–188.
- SIGMOD-1983-DAtriMS #database #query #relational
- Answering Queries in Relational Databases (AD, MM, NS), pp. 173–177.
- STOC-1982-Yao #query #trade-off
- Space-Time Tradeoff for Answering Range Queries (Extended Abstract) (ACCY), pp. 128–136.
- VLDB-1978-Grishman #retrieval
- The Simplification of Retrieval Requests Generated by Question-Answering Systems (RG), pp. 400–406.