Travelled to:
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
M.Ceresa P.Buiras J.Caballero M.Marron A.Nappa M.Mossberg F.Manzano E.Hennenfent A.Groce J.Feist T.Brunson A.Dinaburg
Talks about:
free (2) framework (1) manticor (1) contract (1) undangl (1) pointer (1) automat (1) vulner (1) symbol (1) random (1)
Person: Gustavo Grieco
DBLP: Grieco:Gustavo
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- ISSTA-2012-CaballeroGMN #detection #named #pointer
- Undangle: early detection of dangling pointers in use-after-free and double-free vulnerabilities (JC, GG, MM, AN), pp. 133–143.
- ASE-2019-MossbergMHGGFBD #contract #execution #framework #named #symbolic computation
- Manticore: A User-Friendly Symbolic Execution Framework for Binaries and Smart Contracts (MM, FM, EH, AG, GG, JF, TB, AD), pp. 1186–1189.
- Haskell-2016-GriecoCB #automation #fuzzing #named #random
- QuickFuzz: an automatic random fuzzer for common file formats (GG, MC, PB), pp. 13–20.