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Travelled to:
1 × China
1 × Japan
1 × Sweden
1 × USA
2 × Spain
Collaborated with:
K.Ikeuchi R.Furukawa M.Sakauchi S.Ono S.Ono Y.Nakamura Y.Kawakami S.Fujita Y.Kawai S.Tazawa R.Sato T.Mikami T.Takahashi Y.Horita Y.Matugano H.Morinaga M.Kimura Y.Takane
Talks about:
imag (5) system (3) virtual (2) analysi (2) robust (2) camera (2) view (2) time (2) base (2) use (2)

Person: Hiroshi Kawasaki

DBLP DBLP: Kawasaki:Hiroshi

Contributed to:

ICPR 20142014
ICPR 20122012
ICPR 20082008
ICPR v1 20062006
ICPR v1 20002000
ICPR v4 20002000

Wrote 8 papers:

ICPR-2014-OnoKKF #2d #automation #recognition #robust
A Two-Dimensional Barcode with Robust Decoding against Distortion and Occlusion for Automatic Recognition of Garbage Bags (SO, YK, HK, SF), pp. 2879–2884.
ICPR-2012-HoritaMMKOKT #3d #metric #robust
Coded aperture for projector and camera for robust 3D measurement (YH, YM, HM, HK, SO, MK, YT), pp. 1487–1491.
ICPR-2008-KawaiTFK #3d #performance #representation #web
Efficient meta-information annotation and view-dependent representation system for 3D objects on the Web (YK, ST, RF, HK), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-SatoOKI #image #realtime
Real-time image-based rendering system for virtual city based on image compression technique and eigen texture method (RS, SO, HK, KI), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-v1-2006-KawasakiFN #3d #using
3D acquisition system using uncalibrated line-laser projec (HK, RF, YN), pp. 1071–1075.
ICPR-v1-2006-OnoMKI #analysis #image
Space-time Analysis of Spherical Projection Image (SO, TM, HK, KI), pp. 975–979.
ICPR-v1-2000-KawasakiIS #analysis #image
EPI Analysis of Omni-Camera Image (HK, KI, MS), pp. 1379–1383.
ICPR-v4-2000-TakahashiKIS #image #using
Expanding Possible View Points of Virtual Environment Using Panoramic Images (TT, HK, KI, MS), pp. 4468–4472.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.